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オーマイガッ! ウクライナにいるジャーナリストで戦場特派員のアンヌ=ローレン・ボネルは、ウクライナ・フォロワーに衝撃を与えている。










ロイター;米政府高官:ロシアがウクライナの原子炉を攻撃した証拠はない -MSNBC






Posted at 2022/03/05(Sat) 04:49:51

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 戦車小隊長 護衛中尉ビクトル・ソコルニクは 2月25日の戦闘で 5台の戦車を破壊した。チュフリンカ付近で第163戦車連隊中隊長アレクセイ・レフキン大尉、163戦車連隊長アレクセイ・レビキンは戦車15台とBMP【対戦車車輌】6台からなる国軍と遭遇し、敵軍を攻撃した。彼はすべてのBMPと戦車5台をたやすく撃破し、損失なしに任務を達成した。



 生粋のロシア人ではないが、若いヌルマゴメドフ・ガジマゴメドフ、私たちの他の戦士のラク族のダゲスタン出身のような英雄の例を見て、ラク族であることを言いたくはありません。私はダゲスタン人、チェチェン人、イングーシ人、ロシアタタール人、ユダヤ人、モルドヴィン人、オセチア人、ロシアにおける300以上の民族グループを挙げることは不可能です。 私のことを理解してくれたと思いますが、私はこの世界の一員であることに誇りを持っています。正直なところ、ロシアの強力な多国籍の人々は、同時に私はロシア人とウクライナ人が一つであるという私の信念をあきらめることはありません。


 また、ハリコフの駅で1日以上、ウクライナに留学中の若い学生1000人を含む外国人を人質にし、インド人3,179人を拘束し、スミ市の576人を含め、そのほとんどが今も人質になっています。 そのうち2人が負傷し、数百人の外国人がこの地帯から出たいと言っていますが、許可されていません。











バンデリヴツィー(ウクライナ語:Бандерівці, Bandе́rivtsi or bandе́rovtsy, ポーランド語:banderowcy, ロシア語:Бандеровцы)は、ウクライナの右翼組織のメンバーである。

 この言葉は、1929年にウクライナ・ファシスト連合などの運動を統合して結成されたウクライナ・ナショナリスト組織のトップ、ステパン・バンデラ(1909-1959)の名前に由来する。OUN-Bとして知られていた連合は、民間人(その多くはポーランド人)の殺害など様々な残虐行為を行なっていた。これは組織の極端なポロノフォビアの結果であったが、犠牲者にはユダヤ人やロマニ人など他の少数民族も含まれていた。 バンデラ信者自身やホロコーストの間、また1943年から1944年のOUN-UPAによるボリーニャと東ガリシアでのポーランド人の虐殺の間にも「バンデライツ」という言葉が使われるようになった。これらの虐殺は8万から10万のポーランド人と1万から1万5千のウクライナ人の死という結果をもたらした。

Posted at 2022/03/04(Fri) 03:51:59

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Desk of Donald Trump;RINOs【共和党の裏切り者】、戦争屋、そしてフェイク・ニュース
第45代アメリカ合衆国大統領 ドナルド・J・トランプによる声明









BBC; プーチン氏、ウクライナ東部の独立を承認 ロシア軍派遣と「平和維持」を命令



Defend News;ウクライナ、英国、ポーランド、緊張が高まる中、安全保障協定を発表






 ロシア - ウクライナの経緯について、なぜロシアが攻撃をしかけたかわからないという方には、以下がとてもよくまとめられていて、参考になります。
Cargo; 99.999%の日本人が知らないロシア・ウクライナ情勢【閲覧注意】

Posted at 2022/03/02(Wed) 15:16:30

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技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ保健省指定受領者向け技術支援計画。2012年5月21日付登録カード#2225-04。

援助国:アメリカ合衆国国防総省(Department of Defense of the United States of America


住所 ハリコフ市ポミルキー地区
POC:Dr. Tatyana Mykhaylivna Kolpakova、Oblast Laboratory Centerのチーフドクター

請負業者チーム - 統合請負業者。ブラック・アンド・ヴィーチ ウクライナの下請け業者。テクノプロジェクト(設計者)、マクロケム(建設・設備供給)。

設計監理(Avtornadzor):Vasyl Petrovich Lysenko。

施工監理(Technadzor):Elena Aleksandrovna Sobol氏

設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は、2011年9月23日にMoH中央体制委員会によって承認されました。2012年5月8日、ハリコフ「Ukrbudderzhexpertise」によって実施設計が承認されました。

建設許可 - 2012年5月28日にハリコフ州SESの主任医師(タチアナ・ミカエリブナ・コルパコワ博士)が建設開始宣言書に署名し、2012年5月31日にGASK(ハリコフ州建築物検査局)に登録された。

国家認定-「建設準備完了宣言」は、2012年12月25日に主任医師代理(Dr. Lubov Stepanivna Makhoya)が署名し、2012年12月29日にGASK(ハリコフ州建築物検査所)にて登録されたものです。

保管場所の移管と維持管理に関する覚書 - 保管場所の移管は現在進行中です。

EDPs許可証 - 病原体を扱うための許可証は、TOCとMoUの締結後に取得する予定。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総コスト。1,638,375 ドル(設計・建設費 1,195,398 ドル、実験設備・家具 442,977 ドル)。


9a, Krasnodonnaya Str. ルハンスク

技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ獣医学国家委員会およびウクライナ国立農業科学アカデミーのプロジェクト受益者に対する技術支援に関する覚書

ドナー - アメリカ合衆国国防総省(DoD)

受益者/執行代理人 - ウクライナ国家獣医学委員会(現:ウクライナ国家獣医植物検疫局)

受取人 - 国立獣医学部地域研究所
住所 9a Krasnodonnaya Str. Luhansk.
POC: Dr. Valeriy Nikolayevich Bondar, Director.

請負チーム - 積極的な請負業者。ブラック・アンド・ヴィーチ ウクライナの下請け業者。プロジェクト

設計監理(Avtornadzor):Sergiy Vladymyrovych Mutili(セルジ・ブラディミロビッチ・ムティリ

建設監理(Technadzor)- Dmytro Vyctorovych Zyvianov

設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は、2012年3月13日にMoH中央体制委員会によって承認されました。作業設計は、2012年6月6日にルハンスク研究所のヴァレリー・ミコラヨヴィッチ・ボンダル所長によって承認されました。

建設許可 - 建設開始宣言は、ルハンスク州立地域獣医学研究所所長(Dr. Valeriy Mykolayovych Bondar)が署名し、2012年5月31日にGASK(ルハンスク州建築物検査局)に登録された。

国家承認 - 工事が完了し、すべての家具と設備が設置されました。O&M トレーニングを継続し、2013 年 2 月 14 日の最終検査に備える。

保管場所の移管と維持管理に関する覚書 - 保管場所の移管が進行中。

EDPs許可証 - 病原体を扱うための許可証はTOCとMoUに署名した後に取得する予定です。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総コスト。1,746,312ドル(設計・建設費1,267,124ドル、実験設備・家具479,188ドル)。


ドニプロペトロフスク市 診断研究所


技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ保健省の関連受信機に対する技術支援計画。



住所 26, Smidta /39/A, Filisofs'ka Str., Dnipropetrovsk.
POC: Dr. Valeriy Grygorovych Kapshuk、チーフドクター

コントラクターチーム - インテグレートコントラクター。ブラック・アンド・ヴィーチ。ウクライナの下請け業者。Dnipropetrovsk Domus-Proekt (設計) & RK-Center (建設) & Mediamax (機器供給).

設計監理(Avtornadzor):ドニプロペトロフスク・ドムスプロエクト(Dnipropetrovsk Domus-Proekt

建設監理(Technadzor)- D.V Zyrianov

設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は、2010年8月11日にMoH中央体制委員会により承認されました。作業設計は、2010年12月1日にドニプロペトロフスクの「Ukrbudderzhexpertise」によって承認されました。

建設許可 - 建設許可は、2010年12月21日にGASK(ドニプロペトロフスク州建築物検査所)に署名された。

国家承認 - 「建設承認法」は、2011年10月3日に主任医師Kapshuk Valeriy Grygorovychによって署名され、2011年10月3日にGASK(国家建築建設検査局)によって登録された。

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - TOCとS&T MoUは、2012年1月18日にチーフドクターのValeriy Grygorovych Kapshuk博士によって署名されたものである。

EDPs許可証 - 2012年2月15日、MoHの規制委員会から病原体を扱うための許可証が発行されました。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総費用。1,935,557ドル(設計・建設費1,531,479ドル、実験設備・家具費404,078ドル)。


ヴィニツィア診断研究所(Vinnytsia DL)


技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ保健省指定受領者向け技術支援計画。2012年5月21日付登録証#2225-04。



住所 11, Malinovskogo str., Vinnytsia
POC: Dr Valentina Grigoryevna Zaytseva、ラボラトリーセンター長

コントラクターチーム - 統合コントラクター。ブラック・アンド・ヴィーチ ウクライナの下請け業者。Vinnytsia Design Institute of MoH-Lviv (設計) & RK-Center (建設) & Biolabtech (機器供給).

設計監理(Avtonadzor) - 建築建設エンジニアリング会社 Vinnytsia


設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は、2009年11月06日にMoH中央体制委員会によって承認された。作業設計は、2009年11月13日にヴィニツィア「Ukrbudderzhexpertise」によって承認されました。

建設許可 - 建設許可は、2010年5月5日にGASK(ヴィニツィア州建築物検査局)によって署名されました。

国家承認 - 「建設承認法」は、2010年8月30日に主任医師(Valentina Grigoryevna Zaytseva)により署名されました。2010年8月31日、GASK(ヴィニツィア州建築物検査局)による建築物適合証明書への署名が行われました。

管理権の移譲と維持に関する覚書 - 2010年12月1日、首席国家医師ヴァレンティナ・グリゴリエヴナ・ザイツェヴァにより、TOCとS&T MoUが調印されました。

EDPs許可証 - 2010年12月22日、MoHの規制委員会から病原体を扱うための許可証が発行されました。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総費用。1,504,840米ドル(設計・建設費1,106,610米ドル、実験設備・家具費398,230米ドル)。




技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ保健省指定受領者向け技術支援計画。2012年5月21日付登録証#2225-04。



受取人 - Kherson Oblast Laboratory Center (旧Kherson Oblast SES)
住所 ケルソン市ウヴァロヴァ通り3番地
POC: Dr. Vasyl Oleksiovych Stryapochuk, Oblast Laboratory Center (オブラスト・ラボラトリーセンター) 所長

請負業者チーム - 統合請負業者。ブラック・アンド・ヴィーチ ウクライナの下請け業者。テクノプロジェクト

設計監理(Avtornadzor):Vasyl Petrovych Lysenko氏

施工監理(Technadzor):Pavel Yakovlevich Andrievskiy

設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は2011年9月23日にMoH中央体制委員会により承認された。作業設計は、2012年2月21日にケルソン「Ukrbudderzhexpertise」によって承認されました。

建設許可 - 建設開始の宣言は、ケルソン州SESのチーフディレクター(Vasyl Oleksiovych Striapochuk)によって署名され、2012年4月3日にGASK(ケルソン州建築物検査)に登録されました。

国家承認-「建設準備完了宣言」は、2012年12月25日に主任医師(Dr. Vasyl Oleksiovych Stryapochuk)が署名し、2012年12月28日にGASK(Kherson oblastの国家建築建設検査)で登録されました。

保管場所の移管と維持に関する覚書 - 保管場所の移管は現在進行中です。

EDPs許可証 - 病原体取り扱い許可証は、TOCとMoUの締結後に取得予定。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総コスト。1,728,822米ドル(設計・建設費1,285,845米ドル、実験設備・家具費442,977米ドル)。




技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ保健省指定受領者向け技術支援計画。2012年5月21日付登録証#2225-04。



受取人 - テルノピル州ラボラトリーセンター(旧テルノピル州SES)
住所 テルノピル市フェドコヴィチャ通り13番地
POC:Stepan Semenovych Dnistrian、Oblast Laboratory Center所長

請負業者チーム - 統合請負業者。ブラック・アンド・ヴィーチ ウクライナの下請け業者。テクノプロジェクト(設計者)、マクロケム(建設・設備供給)。

設計監理(Avtornadzor):Vasyl Petrovich Lysenko。

施工監理(Technadzor):Yaroslav Nikolaevich Malichenko氏

設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は2011年11月24日にMoH Regime Commissionによって承認されました。2012年4月11日、テルノピル「Ukrbudderzhexpertise」によって実施設計が承認されました。

建設許可 - 建設開始宣言は、テルノピル州SESの主任医師(Stepan Semenovych Dnistrian博士)が署名し、2012年4月20日にGASK(テルノピル州の国家建築物検査)に登録されました。

国家承認-「建設準備完了宣言」は、主任医師(Dr. Stepan Semenovych Dnistrian)が署名し、2012年12月25日にGASK(テルノピル州国家建築物検査)に登録されました。

保管場所の移管と維持に関する覚書 - 保管場所の移管は現在進行中です。

EDPs許可証 - 病原体取り扱い許可証は、TOCとMoUの締結後に取得予定。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総コスト。1,755,786米ドル(設計・建設費1,312,810米ドル、実験設備・家具費442,976米ドル)。




技術支援プロジェクト - ウクライナ保健省指定受給者向け技術支援計画。2012年5月21日付登録カード#2225-04。



住所 96, Sobranetska Str., Uzhgorod
POC:ウラジーミル・ミハイロビッチ・マルコビッチ(Oblast Laboratory Center Director, Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Markovich

請負チーム - 積極的な請負業者。ブラック&ヴィーチ。ウクライナの下請け業者。- Ekzotika LTDUzhgorod (設計) & RK-Center (建設) & Mediamax (機器供給).

設計監理(Avtonadzor):Ivan Andriyovych Mygalko

施工監理(Technadzor):Sergey Yurievich Petrovsiy

設計承認の専門家による審査 - 概念設計は、2010年8月11日にMoH中央体制委員会によって承認されました。作業設計は、2010年12月07日にザカルパツカ州「Ukrbudderzhexpertise」によって承認されました。

建設許可 - 建設許可は、2010年12月29日にGASK(ザカルパツカ州建築物検査所)により署名されました。

国家承認 - 2011年7月15日、「建設受入法」に主治医(Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Markovych)が署名しました。2011年7月23日、GASK(ザカルパツカ州国家建築物検査局)により建築物適合証明書が署名されました。

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - TOC と S&T MoU は、2012 年 2 月 16 日にチーフドクター(Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Markovych)により署名された。

EDPs許可証 - 2012年3月2日、MoHの規制委員会から病原体を扱うための許可証が発行されました。

USGの投資 - 研究所の総コスト。1,920,432ドル(設計・建設費1,516,354ドル、実験設備・家具費404,078ドル)。

【原文 Original】

Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory
Kharkiv Oblast Laboratory Center
Pomirky region, Kharkiv

Fact Sheet

Technical Assistance Project - Technical Assistance Plan for designated recipients of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.

Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America

Beneficiary/Executive Agent - the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Recipient – Kharkiv Oblast Laboratory Center (former Kharkiv Oblast SES)
Address: Pomirky region, Kharkiv
POC: Dr. Tatyana Mykhaylivna Kolpakova, Chief Doctor of Oblast Laboratory Center

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Techno Project (Designer) & Macrochem (Construction & Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtornadzor) - Vasyl Petrovich Lysenko

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) - Elena Aleksandrovna Sobol

Expert Examination of Design Approval - The Conceptual Design was approved by MoH Central Regime Commission on September 23, 2011. The Working Design was approved by Kharkiv“Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on May 08, 2012.

Construction permit - The Declaration for start of construction was signed by the Chief Doctor of Kharkiv Oblast SES (Dr. Tatyana Mykhaylivna Kolpakova) on May 28, 2012 and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Kharkiv oblast) on May 31, 2012.

State Acceptance - “Construction Ready for Operation Declaration” was signed by the Acting Chief Doctor (Dr. Lubov Stepanivna Makhoya) on December 25, 2012 and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Kharkiv oblast) on December 29, 2012.

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - Transfer of Custody is in process.

EDPs Permit - Permit for working with Pathogens will be obtained after signing TOC and MoU.

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,638,375 (USD$1,195,398 for Design & onstruction; USD$442,977 for lab equipment and furniture)

State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine
Luhansk Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (Luhansk RDVL)
9a, Krasnodonnaya Str. Luhansk

Fact Sheet
Technical Assistance Project - Memorandum on technical assistance for project recipients of the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine and National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America (DoD)

Beneficiary/Executive Agent - the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine (nowadays – the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine)

Recipient – State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine
Address: 9a Krasnodonnaya Str. Luhansk.
POC: Dr. Valeriy Nikolayevich Bondar, Director

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Project
Development Center (designer) & Mediamax (Construction & Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtornadzor) – Sergiy Vladymyrovych Mutili

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) - Dmytro Vyctorovych Zyvianov

Expert Examination of Design Approval - The Conceptual Design was approved by MoH Central Regime Commission on March 13, 2012. The Working Design was approved by Luhansk Director of the Laboratory, Dr. Valeriy Mykolayovych Bondar, on June 06, 2012.

Construction permit - The Declaration for start of construction was signed by the Director of Luhansk State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine (Dr. Valeriy Mykolayovych Bondar) and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Luhansk oblast) on May 31, 2012

State Acceptance - Construction works completed, all furniture and equipment were installed. O&M training continues and ready for final inspection on February 14, 2013.

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - Transfer of Custody is in process.

EDPs Permit - Permit for working with Pathogens will be obtained after signing TOC and MoU.

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,746,312 (USD$1,267,124 for Design & Construction; USD$479,188 for lab equipment and furniture)

Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Laboratory Center
39/A, Filosofs’ka str., Dnipropetrovsk

Fact Sheet

Technical Assistance Project - technical assistance plan for relevant recipients of Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Donor – the Department of Defense of USA

Beneficiary/Executive Agent - Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Recipient – Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Laboratory Center (former Dnipropetrovsk Oblast SES)
Address: 26, Smidta /39/A, Filisofs’ka Str., Dnipropetrovsk.
POC: Dr. Valeriy Grygorovych Kapshuk, Chief Doctor

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Dnipropetrovsk Domus-Proekt (Designer) & RK-Center (Construction) & Mediamax (Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtornadzor) – Dnipropetrovsk Domus-Proekt

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) – D.V Zyrianov

Expert Examination of Design Approval - The Conceptual Design was approved by MoH Central Regime Commission on August 11, 2010. The Working Design was approved by Dnipropetrovsk “Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on December 01, 2010.

Construction permit - The Construction Permit was signed GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Dnipropetrovsk oblast) on December 21, 2010.

State Acceptance – “Construction Acceptance Act” was signed by the Chief Doctor Kapshuk Valeriy Grygorovych on October 03, 2011 and registered by GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspectorate) on October 03, 2011

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding – The TOC and S&T MoU was signed by the Chief Doctor, Dr. Valeriy Grygorovych Kapshuk on January 18, 2012.

EDPs Permit – The permit for working with Pathogens was issued by Regime Commission of MoH on February 15, 2012.

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,935,557 (USD$1,531,479 for Design & Construction; USD$404,078 for lab equipment and furniture)

Vinnytsia Diagnostic Laboratory (Vinnytsia DL)
Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center
11, Malinovskogo str., Vinnytsia

Fact Sheet

Technical Assistance Project – Technical Assistance Plan for designated recipients of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.

Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America

Beneficiary/Executive Agent – the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Recipient – Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center (former - Vinnytsia Oblast SES)
Address: 11, Malinovskogo str., Vinnytsia
POC: Dr. Valentina Grigoryevna Zaytseva, Head of the Laboratory Center

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Vinnytsia Design Institute of MoH-Lviv (Designer) & RK-Center (Construction) & Biolabtech (Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtonadzor) – Architectural Construction Engineering Company Vinnytsia

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) – O.I.Kuprienko

Expert Examination of Design Approval - The Conceptual Design was approved by MoH Central Regime Commission on November 06, 2009. The Working Design was approved by Vinnytsia “Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on November 13, 2009.

Construction permit - The Construction Permit was signed by GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Vinnytsia oblast) on May 05, 2010.

State Acceptance – “Construction Acceptance Act” was signed by the Chief Doctor (Valentina Grigoryevna Zaytseva) on August 30, 2010. Building Certificate Compliance was signed by GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Vinnytsia oblast) on August 31, 2010.

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - The TOC and S&T MoU were signed by the Chief State Doctor Valentina Grigoryevna Zaytseva on December 01, 2010.

EDPs Permit – The permit for working with Pathogens was issued by Regime Commission of MoH on December 22, 2010.

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,504,840 (USD$1,106,610 for Design & Construction; USD$398,230 for lab equipment and furniture)

Kherson Diagnostic Laboratory
Kherson Oblast Laboratory Center
3 Uvarova Str., Kherson

Fact Sheet

Technical Assistance Project - Technical Assistance Plan for designated recipients of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.

Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America

Beneficiary/Executive Agent - the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Recipient – Kherson Oblast Laboratory Center (former Kherson Oblast SES)
Address: 3 Uvarova Str., Kherson
POC: Dr. Vasyl Oleksiovych Stryapochuk, Director of the Oblast Laboratory Center

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Techno Project
(Designer) & Macrochem (Construction & Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtornadzor) - Vasyl Petrovych Lysenko

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) - Pavel Yakovlevich Andrievskiy

Expert Examination of Design Approval - Conceptual Design was approved by the MoH Central Regime Commission on September 23, 2011. The Working Design was approved by Kherson “Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on February 21, 2012.

Construction permit - The Declaration for start of construction was signed by the Chief Docor of Kherson Oblast SES (Vasyl Oleksiovych Striapochuk ) and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Kherson oblast) on April 03, 2012.

State Acceptance - “Construction Ready for Operation Declaration” was signed by the Chief Doctor (Dr. Vasyl Oleksiovych Stryapochuk) on December 25, 2012 and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Kherson oblast) on December 28, 2012.

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - Transfer of Custody is in process.

EDPs Permit - Permit for working with Pathogens will be obtained after signing TOC and MoU

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,728,822 (USD$1,285,845 for Design & Construction; USD$442,977 for lab equipment and furniture)

Ternopil Diagnostic Laboratory
Ternopil Oblast Laboratory Center
13 Fedkovycha str., Ternopil

Fact Sheet

Technical Assistance Project - Technical Assistance Plan for designated recipients of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.

Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America

Beneficiary/Executive Agent - the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Recipient – Ternopil Oblast Laboratory Center (former Ternopil Oblast SES)
Address: 13 Fedkovycha str., Ternopil
POC: Stepan Semenovych Dnistrian, Director of Oblast Laboratory Center

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: Techno Project (Designer) & Macrochem (Construction & Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtornadzor) - Vasyl Petrovich Lysenko

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) - Yaroslav Nikolaevich Malichenko

Expert Examination of Design Approval - Conceptual Design was approved by the MoH Regime Commission on November 24, 2011. The Working Design was approved by Ternopil “Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on April 11, 2012

Construction permit - The Declaration for start of construction was signed by the Chief Doctor of Ternopil Oblast SES (Dr. Stepan Semenovych Dnistrian) and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Ternopil oblast) on April 20, 2012.

State Acceptance - “Construction Ready for Operation Declaration” was signed by the Chief Doctor (Dr. Stepan Semenovych Dnistrian) and registered at GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Ternopil oblast) on December 25, 2012.

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - Transfer of Custody is in process.

EDPs Permit - Permit for working with Pathogens will be obtained after signing TOC and MoU

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,755,786 (USD$1,312,810 for Design & Construction; USD$442,976 for lab equipment and furniture)

Zakarpartska Diagnostic Laboratory
Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center
96, Sobranetska Street., Uzhgorod

Fact Sheet

Technical Assistance Project - Technical Assistance Plan for designated recipients of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.

Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America

Beneficiary/Executive Agent - the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Recipient – Zakarpatska Oblast Laboratory Center (former Zakarpatska Oblast SES)
Address: 96, Sobranetska Str., Uzhgorod
POC: Dr.,Vladimir Mikhailovich Markovich, Director if the Oblast Laboratory Center

Contractor Team - Integrating Contractor: Black & Veatch. Ukrainian Subcontractors: - Ekzotika LTDUzhgorod (Designer) & RK-Center (Construction) & Mediamax (Equipment supply).

Design Oversight (Avtonadzor) - Ivan Andriyovych Mygalko

Construction Oversight (Technadzor) - Sergey Yurievich Petrovsiy

Expert Examination of Design Approval - Conceptual Design was approved by the MoH Central Regime Commission on August 11, 2010. The Working Design was approved by Zakarpatska Oblast “Ukrbudderzhexpertise” on December 07, 2010.

Construction permit - The Construction Permit was signed by GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Zakarpatska oblast) on December 29, 2010

State Acceptance - “Construction Acceptance Act” was signed by the Chief Doctor (Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Markovych) on July 15, 2011. Building Certificate Compliance was signed by GASK (State Architectural Construction Inspection in Zakarpatska oblast) on July 23, 2011.

Transfer of Custody and Sustainment Memorandum of Understanding - The TOC and S&T MoU were signed by the Chief Doctor (Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich Markovych) on February 16, 2012.

EDPs Permit - The permit for working with Pathogens was issued by Regime Commission of MoH on March 02, 2012.

USG Investment - Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,920,432 (USD$1,516,354 for Design & Construction; USD$404,078 for lab equipment and furniture)

Posted at 2022/02/27(Sun) 04:51:40

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出典:Rosiyskom Slidkom


詳細: ロシアは、「ドンバスでの出来事について」約400件の取り締まりを行い、「禁止されている手段や戦争方法の使用と認定された数百件の事実」を記録したとされている。

















HOLY SHIT! ウクライナについて何か掴んだかもしれません。



Posted at 2022/02/25(Fri) 01:02:56

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トランプ大統領 演説 アリゾナ州フローレンス集会 2022年1月15日 文字起こし 日本語訳



原文文字起こしはこちら。English Transcript here.


-ドナルド・J・トランプ 第45代アメリカ合衆国大統領
 すごい人出ですね。車列がどれだけ伸びているか教えましょう。25マイル(約40km)だそうです。さて、今日の報道はどうでしょうか? ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、座席が下ろされる写真を掲載しましたが、誰もいませんでした。写真は昨日撮られたものだと思いますから。


 車も、こんなの見たことないって言ってたし。ご一緒できて大変光栄です。そして、私はアリゾナが大好きです。私たちはアリゾナでとてつもない勝利を収めました、それが奪われたのです。みんなに新年のあいさつをしたい。昨年は 不正選挙が行われましたが、その証拠は至る所にあります。たくさんの証拠があり、彼らはそれが証拠であることを知っています。そこで大嘘の話がありました。大嘘の話です。


 しかし、低俗なメディアのフェイクニュースは拒否し、拒否し、拒否したのです。彼らはそれについて話すことを拒否しています 彼らはそれについて話すことを拒み続けています 彼らは、根拠がないのに、大嘘をつくと言います。大嘘つきは、大嘘つきは、デタラメが尽きた。そういうことなのです。







 開かれた国境と悪い選挙との間で。私たちは常に公正な選挙を行うね美しい国だと思われていました そして今、私たちは世界中の笑いものになっています。理由はたくさんありますが、いろいろな理由で。2022年、これまでにもかかわらず 国にとって大惨事であることは、大きな意味を持つことになります。この州が大好きです。


 偉大なるアリゾナ州、ジョー・バイデンが多用している事を覚えておいてください。素晴らしいことです、見てみよう 一体どこにいるんだ? アイオワ州? いいえ、アイダホ?いいえ。いつもそうなんです、やったことがないんです。近づいたこともない。(笑) そんなことはしたくないんです。それは取引の一つで、それをやったら終わりです。



 カリ・レイク, カリ、彼女は素晴らしい。


 彼女は不正選挙やその他もろもろ、最初から一緒にやってきた。そして彼女はここに、次の知事になるんだ。そして、ナンシー・ペロシを終わらせる。クレイジー・ナンシーの曲がった政治を明らかにするんだ。もう一度聞きますが、、カリはどこですか? カリはどこ? 出て来てください、カリ、こっちです。来てください。こっちです、彼女を誇りに思います。


 投票に行こう! 不正投票でないことを確認します! 来てくださいお願いします。



 アリゾナ州はあなたを愛しています。そして2028年の終わりには あなたが任期を終え 2期目に入る頃には 全米があなたを愛していると予測します 彼らはそれを理解するつもりです。







【群衆「カリ! カリ! カリ! カリ!……」】


【群衆「カリ! カリ! カリ! カリ!……」】

 彼女は22年間、政治家としてなんという仕事をしてきたのでしょう。彼女はあなたのキャスターでした。彼女は最も高い評価を得ていたキャスターでした ところで、人々は彼女を愛していました そして彼女は言った、「もう見るに耐えない」と。ありがとうございました。カリ、グレイト・ジョブ!


「"ゴーバック "をなくす。私はやるつもりだ……」





 バイデンは全くもって屈辱的だ。世界の舞台で我が国 プーチンはウクライナを脅かしているだけでなく 読んでいるかどうかわからないが、今度はキューバ、ベネズエラに進出すると脅しているのだ。

 それは尊敬の欠如であり、私たちはプーチン、そしてウクライナとの間に問題がなかったというその問題はなかった。台湾の習主席にも問題はなかった。中国、ロシア、イランは侵略と挑発行為を行っている。わずか1年前には、彼らは決してそんなことをする勇気はなかったでしょう。彼らはこのようなことは決してしなかったでしょう。彼らは我々をもてあそんでいる。私たちをもてあそんでいるのです。まさに、覚醒した軍事指導者たちが起きていることなのです。ロシアや中国、北朝鮮から尊敬されている人たちではありません。金正恩 ミサイルを撃ち始めています。もう一度 彼はミサイルを撃ち始めている。そして、そこにいるすべての報道陣を見てください。ところで、もっと重要なことは、彼らを忘れてしまうことです。見渡す限りの人々を見よ。国民を見るんだ!





 そして、ライト・サイド【ブロードキャスティング・ネットワーク RSBN】は素晴らしい仕事をしている。ライトサイドに感謝します どこにいてもいいのですが 彼らはとても良い仕事をしてくれました。いや、でもどう思う?つまり、とても悲しいことなんです。私が言いたいのは、私の願いを、私たちみんなの願いを、みんなに見せてください。実際に何が起こっているのか、カメラの向きを変えてみてください。カメラの100ヤード後ろを見ると、そこは人の海なんです。実際、プレスは人々を遮断しているのです。もったいない、もったいない。





 中国の習近平国家主席がアフガニスタンで何が起こったかを見て、それを理解するとき。彼らはもう我々を恐れていません。彼らはもうファーストに敬意を払っていない。そして、あなたは何を知っていますか?彼らは、我々があそこで降伏したときのように与えられた真新しい美しい装備のいくつかを奪ってしまったのです。あれは降伏だったんだ そしてもうひとつ、マスコミは決してこのことを語らない。何が起こったかについて話しているのを聞いたことがありますか?13人の兵士だけでなく、28人の偉大な兵士が足や腕にひどい怪我を負ったのです。そして250人、850億ドル相当の機材、850億ドル。それが何を意味するのか、誰か知っていますか?私は軍全体を再構築しました 850億ドル相当の装備が タリバンに引き渡されました タリバンとは18ヶ月契約を結んでいます 我々は1人の兵士も失わなかった 私はアブドゥルと話をした アブドゥルはあのアブドゥルとしてリーダーだった。君は我々に関して何でもする......君は誰でも殺すんだ。我々は一人の兵士も失わなかった18ヶ月間一人の兵士もだ そしてこの偽りの選挙がある この恐ろしい不名誉な選挙






【トランプ! トランプ! トランプ! トランプ!...】


 ありがとうございました アンクル・サムはアンクル・サムだ! みんな、ありがとう!








 ところで、私たちは理由があって裁判官を配置しているのですが、私が言いたいのは、裁判制度と、今行われている、そしてこれから行われる裁判の判決は、私の意見では、常識に対する驚くべき勝利になるだろうということです。アメリカの自由のための勝利です。私たちはこの勝利を手に入れなければなりません。もしこの勝利が得られなければ、もし正しい決断が得られなければ、しかし、私たちには偉大な、素晴らしい人々がいます。3人の裁判官について話しましたが、300人近い連邦裁判官を得たとき、それは今、かなり違ったものを見ていると思います。バイデンや過激な民主党が彼らのコースでやっていること、あなたの、彼らがコビットでやったことを見てみてください。中国ウイルスに感染した コビド・チャイナ・ウイルスでいいのか?

 それはとても過激な議題で、犯罪的な議題だ、彼らがやっていることは。彼らはそれを扱っている。とてもひどい。それから、H1N1も知っていますね。ジョーが前にN1H1と言ったのを覚えていますか? 投げ捨てろと言いましたが、H1N1は非常にひどい扱いを受けました。規模はもっと小さいですが、同じような問題ではありません。そして、彼が何をしたかはご存知の通りです。私はノーという例としてFauciに言ったのです。中国にクローズアップするつもりです。いや、彼がそれを望んだからです。覚えていますか、彼はマスクはダメだと言ったのです。そしたら過激なマスクになった。ああ、しかし、不機嫌は中国に閉じないように必死で戦って、そして、私が1月に非常に早く閉じたので、何万人もの命を救うことを認めて、それからヨーロッパに閉じるのです。問題は、私は彼に耳を傾けなかったが、バイデンは彼を大物にしたことだ。彼はファウチの王様みたいなものです。





 なぜなら、私たちの国は地獄に落ちようとしているからです。このような短期間に全てが起こった災害です フィリバスターを打ち破って 物事を承認させようとし 糸でぶら下がっている状態です。


 糸が垂れているんです。今こそ、アメリカ国民は自分たちの生活と未来を取り戻さなければならない。私たちはそれをしなければならない。私たちは強くなければならない。私たちは強くなければならない。今こそ、急進的な民主党は、私たちの家族から離れ、高齢者から離れ、強力な免疫システムを持つ子供たちから離れ、あの美しい子供たちから離れる時なのです。バロンはコビドにかかりましたが、2回目に検査したときには治っていました。私たちが子供たちと一緒にやっていることは、私たちのビジネスを放っておいて、私たち全員を解放することなのです。さて、ジョー-バイデン。アメリカ人 健康の選択は、彼のビジネスのどれもありません。私たちは自分たちで選択することができます。


 そして、それはうまくいっていません。ニューヨークを見てください。他の州を見ても、ひどいものです。カリフォルニアは大惨事で、封鎖されてしまいました。彼らは、できる限り近くにロックダウンされていました。ところで、 クオモは知事としてどうだったのでしょうか? 本当に素晴らしい仕事でした。


 彼らは言いました "いやいや、150ドルのテストと政府が欲しいんだ"

 その1。彼らは何でも言うだろう 彼らはただその机を手に入れるために何でもしたいのです。彼らは大儲けしている。想像できるかい、私はテストで1000ドル欲しいんだ、そしてバイデンの部下は言う、オーケー。あなたはそれを持っています。早く出してくれ 私たちはここで尻を蹴られている。

 ジョー・バイデンにあらゆる手段を与えた 彼はまだ可能性がある。それでも完全に失敗した ウィルスは進化し 戦略は失敗した ウィルスと一緒に進化しなかっただけだ 彼はついていけなかったんだ 彼らには無理だ 彼らは無能だ。実際、そうだろう?考えてみると?我々は今6番目の変異体にいます。次はどれだろう? オリジナルのウイルスが降りてきていて、圧倒的に感染力が強く、ありがたい。また、最も危険でなく、最も致命的でもない。

 そして、私たちの生活を取り戻さなければならない。私たちの国を取り戻さなければならないのです 私たちは私たちの生活を取り戻す必要がありますが、代わりに私たちの、私たちが再開させ、それは我々がやりたいことです、私たちの通常の生活指導、彼で人々をいじめ、威嚇しようとすると、我々はまだ怒って取得します。
「怒ったぞ!! 私たちは私の話を聞かなければならない。聞く。聞いて、私はどこ? 私はどこ? ああ...」


「どこでこんなことしてるんだ? 不名誉なことだ。不名誉なことだ」

 えっ、退役軍人? こんにちは、退役軍人さんを見てください。彼はハンサムで格好良い。私達は退役軍人を愛している。私達の退役軍人を愛しているんだ それはとても良いことです。さて、これから何人かを紹介する予定です。ありがとうございます。


 かっこいい退役軍人、ボイルドボーイだね。誰かトラブルでもあったのかと思いました。すごいな ありがとうございました でもバイデンは人をいじめて威嚇しようとしてる彼のばかばかしさで、非科学的なバンドエイドです。なぜなら彼と彼の政権全体が全く 全く分からない 一体何が起こっているのか 大医薬品は大儲けしているんだ 民主党はアメリカ国民の権利よりも企業の利益を優先している。この腐敗した権力欲の塊のような連中が我々の声をはっきりと聞く必要がある。政治家や官僚に人生を左右されるのは、もうたくさんだ。



 誰かが、ああ、彼は上院議員に立候補したいんだ、と言った。私のところに来たんです。ワシントンの私のところに来たのです。どう思うか」と言われた。私は言った、「彼は私の推薦を得ることはできないだろう」。あなたの知事は良くないと断言できます。今、1つを運ぶ。彼女は素晴らしい存在になりますよ。長い時間が過ぎるのは早い 突然のことで、あまり長くはありませんが、彼女はあなたの州のひどい、ひどい代表であったことをやって、私たちは党から科学の講義を受けることを終了し、男は女であることを教えてくれます。女性は男性であり、彼らは蜂である。これは、赤ちゃんが生まれた直後でも殺される可能性があるという事実です。


 以前は、後期高齢者の話をしなかった。今はね バージニア州の知事や前知事を調べてみてください。そして、それは、彼らには、とても良いことなのです。赤ちゃんは生まれたら殺してもいいんだ。民主党の過激派は、アメリカを共産主義国にしたいのです。選挙期間中、私は、彼らが当選すればそうなると言いましたが、当選しませんでした。しかし、それでも良いのでしょうか?




 そして、それがキャリーの理由の一つだと思います。もし彼らが当選したら、我が国は大規模なベネズエラ版になるだろうと言ったとき、私はそれが彼女がうまくいっている理由の一つだと思います。覚えていますか?そして、私は本当に、あの、「それ、ちょっと本気で言ったんだけど、どう思う?本当なんだよ" ベネズエラの大規模バージョンになりつつあります。20年前は非常に成功した国でしたが、今は食料がありません。今は食料もなく、水もなく、みんな死んでいます。恐ろしい殺人集団に支配され、恐ろしい集団がいる。質問していいですか?最も過酷な国はどこですか?そして、彼らはとても興味を持っています。私たちは、人々が政治にとても興味を持つようにしましたね?とても、とても興味があるのです。最も手ごわいのはどの国でしたか?ロシアでしょうか?中国でしょうか、それとも北朝鮮でしょうか?離れていたのでしょうか?そして、私は「いいえ、最も手ごわいのはアメリカです」と答えました。アメリカには、ロシア、ロシア、ロシアのデマを作り出すような、おかしな連中がいます。



 信憑性もない。一週間前、これが出てきたところを見たでしょう。誰も信じることすらできない。彼らはそのことを話題にすらしませんし、自分たちにはあまり効果がないことを知っているので、話題にしたがらないのです。しかし、ウォールストリート・ジャーナル紙は、この慣習を、人種に基づく、コビトの優遇、治療と表現しています。人種に基づいた治療を受けることができるのです。実際、ニューヨーク州では もしあなたが白人なら、医療サービスを受けるために列の一番後ろに行かなければならないのです。考えてみてください。もしあなたが白人なら、あなたは列の一番後ろに行くのです。この人種に基づく医療は、反アメリカ的であるだけでなく、本当の意味での政府の専制政治である。最高裁が介入して、これを停止させるべきだ。この明白な公民権侵害を直ちに停止させる。誰かがすぐに法廷に持ち込まなければならない。今までに、今日の急進的な民主党が、左翼ファシズムの卑劣で悪質な精神によって動かされていることは、誰にとっても明らかであるはずだ。これはもはや単なる社会主義ではなく、バイデンが当選したとき、彼らが今やっていることを破壊するために当選したのだ。マンデートがなかったから、彼らは負けたんだ。しかし、そうでなかったとしても、その差はとても小さかった。とても薄かったのです。とても薄かったのです 彼らは我々の国や我々が支持するものを変える権利を持っていない。彼らにはそんな権利はないのです。



 考えられない。そして、それが偽物であることが判明したのです ロシア、ロシア、ロシアの4年間を経て ウクライナ、ウクライナ、ウクライナ、これが弾劾のデマその1。



 それがニューヨークで起こっているのです。彼らは皆ワシントンの民主党から指示を受けていますが ニューヨークとその向こうで起きているんです 今、急進的な民主党は、ロシア、ロシアと変わらない、また別の魔女狩りを行っています。政治的ハッキングのアンセレクト委員会、彼らの民主党ハッキングとその悪辣さ。そして、彼らの一人一人が私を弾劾するために投票した リズ・チェイニーがいる。誰が今16%でポーリングしているか。


 そしてキンジンガーは、彼はアナザー・ビューティーです。彼は泣き虫です。泣くんです 話すたびに涙がこぼれる。ところで、彼は選挙から脱落した。立候補する勇気がないと知っていたからだ。

 そして、私たちは猫を失った。彼は今、落ちぶれた疾風怒濤で弾劾に投票したやつらのところへ行った。ナンシーを排除するんだ ペロシはアメリカ下院を スターリニストのショータイムに するつもりだ その通りだ

 民主党をくっつけてるだけ。投票するだけで 人が弾劾されるのです 恥ずべきことです。我が国の恥です どうしたんだ?という言葉の意味を奪ってしまう。非選挙委員会は制御不能に陥っています秘密裏に何ヶ月も電話記録を違法に収集しているのです そしてあなたはそのことを知りもしない まるで共産主義国のようです テキストメッセージ 電子メール 位置情報 この人々に通知することなく、彼らの権利と裁判所を守る機会を与えることなく、この上に。彼らには何の権利もありません。ところで、非選考委員会の前にいる人たちは、私に電話をかけてきて、こんな扱いを受けたのは初めてだと言いました。私の人生でこんなにひどい扱いを受けたことはない。

 何人もの人が私に電話をかけてきました。私は、何だったんですかと言いました。このひどい人たちと同じように?本当にひどいと言われました。私は人生で一度もそんな扱いを受けたことがありません。つまり、彼らのほとんどはただ良い仕事をしたいだけなんです。しかし、残念なことに、彼らはメディアのパートナーにあらゆる種類の情報をリークするよう選定しています。それが彼らなのです。彼らはパートナーなんです。あそこにいる人たちを見てください。彼らは、あなたの偉大な州にやって来たのです。彼らは、誰も集会に来なかったと言うために、あなたの偉大な州に来たんだ! 誰も来なかった。


 ニセモノの集団。まさに腐敗していますね これを止める唯一の方法は 真実を報道する正直なメディアがあれば、すべてが終わるでしょう。でも、どんな理由があるにせよ、メディアはその一部であり、大きなテックとそのグループ全体が、とにかく彼を打ち負かすつもりだ、だって、私たちにはもう誰もいないと本当に信じているから、ほら、有権者IDに対してそこに有権者IDがないときには、50:50のパートナーにはなれないんだ。

 彼らは警察に資金を提供することを望んだ。彼らはあなたの第二の修正案を奪うしたい。彼らはあなたの税金を上げたい。これらすべて あなたは50:50のパートナーじゃない 彼らはここで選挙を騙した 50:50のパートナーではない カリフォルニアの数字を見ても 大統領の時と同じだ よくぞ言ってくれました、勝てないよ、カリフォルニアは。リパブリカンとして考えてください。ニューヨークには勝てない、と言われます。カリフォルニアには勝てない。イリノイ州には勝てない。つまり、3つの州の大きなものが、なくなってしまったんです。だから、私たちのようにやるしかなかったんです。










 そういうのが多数あったんです。彼らはそれを元に当選したのです 私たちの娘のことは、悪いことです。彼女が一体誰なのかさえ知らない。今まで聞いたこともない。



 とんでもないことをやってしまった。法案を通したと言うことは 覚えていますか、彼らは彼を打ちのめすでしょう。国中の銅像や記念碑をね。そんなことをして捕まったら、10年間刑務所行き、交渉もなし、という法律を可決したんだ。すると、驚くことに、それは止まりました。あっという間に止まりました。そして、私はあることをしました。私は決断を迫られました。民主党に彼らの都市や州を任せておくか?それとも、軍隊で行って一仕事するか?そして、軍で画面を残しておきました。(笑)

 そして、民主党に任せました。率直に言って、少なくとも今は、民主党があまりにひどいことをしたので、やってはいけないことが分かっています。民主党が運営する都市は 民主党が運営する都市は、我が国の歴史上かつて見たこともないような犯罪に満ちています。


 しかし、2006年1月6日になると 党派的民主党は、非暴力犯罪で起訴された人々の ほとんどが、裁判なしで無期限拘留されることを 祝っている。この人たちは地獄に住んでいるのです。この人たちは地獄に生きているのです。彼らに戦わせよう。彼らに弁護士に会わせましょう。彼らを外に出させてください。彼らは、あなたのハウンド、最悪の動物のように、追い回されながら、そこで扱われているのです。ワシントンで起こっていることは恐ろしいことだ。そしてまた、不潔でうんざりするほど汚い監獄は、そのあまりのひどさに裁判所から引用されるほど、残忍です。ロックダウンは残忍です。彼らが持っているものを見てください。シャワーはひどいものです。バスルームは最悪で、人々はそのような生活を強いられています。彼らに弁護士を使わせてあげてください。自分たちを守るために出て行かせればいい。そして、もし彼らが無実だと思うなら、私たちは彼らの弁護を手伝うべきです。


 民主党がカマラと、一緒に仕事をする人たちのためにお金を集めて行ったが、ほとんど何も起きなかったので、問題が起きなかったことを思い出してください。だから、同じことではないのです。この人たちは迫害されているんです。ある被告は、悪質かつ残忍な暴行を受け、顔の骨が多数折れ、失明したとされています。片目は永久に失明し、制御不能の間抜け、本物の間抜けです。この男がインタビューされるのを見ると、彼を守りたかったので、彼を維持したいのだろう。彼はテレビに出られなくなった。アシュリー・バビットを 理由もなく撃った奴だ



 ところで、もしこれが逆の立場だったら、彼らは電話をかけてくるだろうね。電気椅子を復活させよう。という声が上がるだろう。彼の撃ち方は恥ずべきものです。アシュリー ナンシー・ペロシに続き アダム・シフもだ エースの座を狙ってるんだ 私は飛び出しました 彼は負けたんです 彼女はフロリダに 移住したがってる フロリダは勘弁してくれ


 彼女は引っ越したがっている、彼らはカリフォルニアを台無しにする。だから、フロリダに引っ越そう。うまくいけば、大きな、美しい敗北の11月に下っていくだろう。あなたは外に出なければならない あなたの状態はとても重要です あなたは外に出て投票しなければならない すぐに何が起こったのかについて 私たち自身の調査を開始します 本当に何が起こったのか?これは完全に白紙に戻されているからです。もし非選挙区委員会が1月6日についての事実を得ることに真剣で、次の質問に答えることに集中するならば。なぜナンシー・ペロシと国会警察は、私が許可した1万人以上の国家警備隊や兵士が大群衆を統制することを拒否したのでしょうか。来ることは分かっていたのに。私がそれを知っていた理由は、私の知り合いがみんな、1月6日にみんな行くんだと言っていたからだ。そして、彼らは決して教えませんでした。ところで 彼らはその群衆のことは決して話しません。議事堂まで歩いてきた人たちのことは話すんです。あの群衆の大きさについては語られません。私が今まで話した中で最大のグラフだったと思います。

 そして、彼らはあなたがいた選挙に抗議するためにそこにいたのです。そうでしょう?そうだろう?今までで最大の群衆だったと思うフェイクニュースはそれについて決して語らない 彼らはそれについて決して話しません

 正確に言うと 1月6日に議事堂にいた人の何人が FBIの機密情報提供者だったのか または直接間接に合衆国政府の機関と 働いていたのか?みんな聞きたがってる 一人だけ入って行ってはどうでしょうか?他のみんなも。入ってくれ 行け、行け、行け。彼には何も起こらない。彼に何が起こったのか 何も起きない

 この個人の誰かが何らかの役割を 果たしたのでしょうか? 議事堂での出来事を改善したり 助けたりしたのでしょうか?それが我々が知りたい事です そして 最も重要なのは 11月3日を調査している事です 不正で盗まれた選挙です 真相を究明せずに 公平で自由な民主主義はありえません なぜ彼らはそれを見ていないのですか?


 そして、私が話していることを正確に示す大量の証拠があります。そして、それは急速に明らかになりつつあり、アリゾナという偉大な州で非常に大きな成果を上げているのです。また、アメリカ国民もそれに値する。1月6日の集会に答えてください 不正な選挙に対する抗議でした 動揺した民主党によって実行されました 大手ハイテク企業と偽ニュースメディアは 共和党を倒すために協力しています そしてあなたの好きな大統領 私です。


 そしてそれは多くの場合、州議会議員の必要な憲法上の承認なしに行われました。これらを変更させたのは 地元の政治家たちです 言い換えれば どうやって共和党をねじ伏せるか?憲法で定められている州議会での承認が必要なのですが、多くの州議会で承認が得られなかったのです。つまり、違憲であり、その他多くの問題があります。できることはすべてやったのです。三つ目です。反乱は選挙の日に起こりました。11月3日です。




 彼らの計画は常に違法な票を持つ人の票であり、今、彼らは公然とそれを行っている。彼らはそのフィリバスターを取り除き、それを変更したいのです。彼らの法案は投票権法案ではありません。それは不正投票法案です。それはとても素敵な投票権のように聞こえるものです。私たちは投票権法案を望んでいる。という引用でもいいのでは?共和党員には 決してさせない 2度と当選させない法案 何でもいい

 全国的な票の収集と保護されないドロップボックスを求めるのは違法・不適格な票をシステム上に溢れさせたいからだ これこそが、彼らがロックボックスを求める唯一の理由なのです。私はこれをロック解除ボックスと呼んでいます。このボックスについて、多くのことが明らかになりつつあり、あなたもそれを目にすることになるでしょう。ジョージアから発信されるのはその通りです。その通りです。


 不正の証拠は圧倒的です。ここアリゾナから始まりました 共和党の上院議員は勇気を出して 完全な科学捜査を行いました これはマリコパ郡の実に良い監査でした



 でも、彼らは彼に嫌がらせをしたんです。アリゾナ州で1万票差で負けたと言うんです しかし、監査役はそれ以上のフラグを立てました。ところで、もし私が負けたとしたら、こんな群衆はいないでしょうし、また、そこで何が起こっているのかわからないでしょう。しかし、監査役は、私たちは50票、1万票の差で負けたと言ったのに、この数字を聞いて、それ以上のフラグを立てました。

284,412人有効な画像が破損または欠落していた。それ以外は 素晴らしい選挙でした、おめでとうございます。


 そして、この人たちの話を聞くと、すべてが素晴らしかったと言うのです。フェイクニュースがどうだったと言っているのを聞くと 素晴らしい、マリコパ郡委員会のRINOsは。彼らは委員会を恐れている。





 風が強いんですね。お姉さんだって。髪の毛がたくさん飛ばされるなら ご心配なく。手を貸してくれって言ってたじゃないですか。しかし、アンディ・ビッグスは素晴らしい仕事をしました。彼は議会で、彼らはナンセンスな声明を読みました。そして、彼は2、3の基本的な質問をした。彼らは本当の馬鹿な非国民、曲がった人々の一団に見える。

 パパは削除されました。彼はいくつかの暴徒を持っています 彼らは召喚の下にあったデータの多くを削除しました。それは、悪い質問ではありません。彼らは答えることができなかった なぜ、なぜ、すべてを削除したのですか?なぜそんなに削除したのか。彼らはその質問に答えられませんでした。理由は一つしかないのです。あなたは今 共和党の知事、ダグ・デュシーとあなたが持っている他のRINOsのグループ。彼らは私たちの国や私たちの状態を助けるために何もしなかった。






 そしてウィスコンシンやペンシルバニアなどの州では 同じようにいろいろなことが起きていて、しかもそれが急速に進んでおり、人々は非常に怒っています。そして、政治家の人たちのことを話しているのです。彼らはやることがあります。そして今、彼らは何が起こったのかを知りつつあります。国民は、非常に腐敗した選挙に対する答えを自由に見つけなければならない。そうでなければ、彼らは二度と我が国を信用しなくなり、絶対に衰退してしまうでしょう。




 しかし、今回の選挙は素晴らしいものでした。なぜなら、今回の選挙ではニセ票の郵送や、不正行為を行うために起こったあらゆることが利用されたからです。共和党がチャンスを得た時 我々は直ちに行動しなければならない 有権者ID、市民権、市民権の居住を通過させるために その確認が必要です。入ってくる人がいるんです。彼らが一体どこから来るのか見当もつかないし、カリフォルニアを例にとって見てみよう。無人で安全でないドロップボックスはもういらないし、違法である投票用紙の収穫ももういらない。







[USA! USA! USA! USA!...]






 医療も受けられる。住居も与えられています。教育も受けられますが、退役軍人には何も与えられません。異常だよ なぜケリーは投票した?ジョー・バイデンの残忍な攻撃 アメリカのエネルギーに対する 民主主義の社会主義者の支出 そして本当に暴走するインフレ 彼は屋根を通してそれを推進してる ところで、私はテレプロンプターを持っていて、それを天国に持っていくんだ。





 よくやった みんな この木を見てみろ あの旗を見ろ 見ろよ、これを見ろよ ある意味美しい光景だが、それは別の意味でお前が言うところの男だ。今から10ヶ月後、それは風のように祝福されています。アリゾナ州は極左のマーク・ケリーを不名誉にもワシントンから追い出し、あなたは誇り高き共和党のトップ愛国者をアメリカ上院に送り込み、再びアメリカを偉大にするのだ。





 あなたのことはもう好きじゃないけど、でも、心配することはないと思うんです。ないと思うけど カリはアリゾナの人々の 戦士になるわ 彼女は強くなる 国境に強い犯罪者だ 彼女は犯罪に強く 国境にも強いですし 常に素晴らしい退役軍人をサポートします ご存知でしょうが トランプ政権の退役軍人に関する支持率は92%でした。32ポイントも高いんですよ、ここ何年も。テレビをつけてニュースを見ていると、もしかしたらフェイクかもしれないけれど、よりリアルで、退役軍人がいかにひどい扱いを受けているかということばかりが目につく。実際に起こっていることなのです。このような光景を目にするのは、何年ぶりでしょうか。私の部下は、軍やその他のあらゆるものを再建するために、多くの点で信じられないような仕事をしました。しかし、退役軍人のケアについても、人々は素晴らしい仕事をしました。私たちが行ったことは驚くべきことで、退役軍人で良いサービスを受けられない場合は、地元の医者に行き、私たちがその費用を負担して、多くの退役軍人を救うという法案を成立させました。


 そして彼は下院議員のアンディ・ビッグス、彼は素晴らしい人です。アンディだ どこだ?アンディはどこだ? アンディはどこだ? ありがとう、ありがとう。彼は凄い男だ。ありがとうございます


 そして、ある女性女性は、私は本当に知り合いになり尊敬している女性です。弾劾のデマの第一弾と弾劾の第二弾で地獄のような戦いをした女性です デビー・レスコー! デビー ありがとうございます デビー 彼女が側にいてくれてよかった 私はあなたに言うことができました、ありがとう彼らが私の側にいることは良いことでした。感謝を込めてありがとう、ありがとう、デビー。


本当に素晴らしい人です。ブレイク・マスターズ、でもブレイクはどこですか? ありがとう。ありがとうブレイク、ありがとう。

州議会議員、こちらへ... 彼女はとても素晴らしい! ウェンディ・ロジャーズ! ありがとう、ウェンディ。ありがとう、ありがとう。

 ソニー・ボレッリ. ソニー・ボレッリ。タフで頭が良くて、イタリア語が好きなんです。だからさ、彼は間違いなくイタリア人で、素晴らしい男で、ファイターなんだ。ソニーさん、ありがとうございました。ありがとうございました。

 ソニー・ボレッリ. ソニー・ボレッリ。タフで頭が良くて、イタリア語が好きなんです。だからさ、彼は間違いなくイタリア人で、素晴らしい男で、ファイターなんだ。ソニーさん、ありがとうございました。ありがとうございました。

 そして、カレン・ファン は本当に素晴らしい存在で、私たちはカレンに感謝したいと思っています。


 食える仕事をした女性で、まだ始めたばかりだが、アリゾナ州共和党委員長ケリー・ワードの戦いに勝利している。ありがとう、ケリー ありがとう、ケリー 素晴らしい仕事だ

 ピナル郡保安官 この人は主役級です。言っておきますが、私は彼に会いました。もし映画や保安官ものをやるなら、君を主役に選ぶと言ったんだ。保安官 マーク・ラム

 人気のある保安官です。保安官、別の役職に就きたいですか? そうだな、偉そうだね。今までありがとうございました。保安官って本当ですか? これらの車は戻ってきた 20〜25マイル、こんなの見たことないでしょ? ありがとうございます。オンラインで知りました。人気者のあなたに感謝します。

 テキサスから来た彼は、これまでに見たこともないような闘志を持った司法長官で、非常に良い世論調査結果を得ています。今日は話をするだけです。ケン・パクストン。どうも ケニスは素晴らしい人です。


 そして、パム・ボンディ。パムはどこだ? パムが笑っているのを見ました。パム・ボンディ、パム・ボンディはすごいですよ。彼女は長い間フロリダ州の司法長官を務めていましたが、今までになくいい感じです。彼女は、最初からずっと僕と一緒にいてくれた素晴らしい人なんだ。

 そして、チャーリー・カークという男、ご存じ、チャーリーです。チャーリーはどこだ?彼は何てことをしたんだ あのね、ちょっと年上に見えるんだけど、この間、若いって聞いたから......信じられないよ。


 もう一人は、我々の真のファイターである弁護士で、タフで賢く、さまざまなことに取り組んでいます。Boris Epshteyn. ほとんどの人は彼のことをエプスタインと呼びますが、私はボリス・エプシュテインと呼んでいます。なぜなら、エプシュテインというのは、彼らの、言い方がそうなっているのです。オリジナルで、カントリーで、彼は信じられないほど、ファイターなんです、ボリス! ハイ、ボリス・エプシュティン!

 大使、リック・グリンネル、グレートの一人です。彼は最も偉大な人物の一人です 最も偉大な人物の一人です。ありがとう、リック。なんて素晴らしい仕事なんだ。彼はドイツ大使だったんだ そして彼を連れ出したとき、世界で最も幸せな女性はアンゲラ・メルケル【ドイツ首相】でした。



 その後、彼は素晴らしい仕事をしました。私たちは彼を呼び戻しました。彼はとてもいい人でした。私たちは彼女を呼び戻しました。次のアリゾナ州の国務長官には、タフで賢く、国を愛する人物、カリと一緒に当選させなければならないと言ったんです。You have to get them Mark Finchem. マーク、彼は素晴らしい。彼はすべてを解明してくれる。マーク、そうだと思う。 彼のために懸命に働くんだ。彼は愛国者です。アリゾナ州の多くの支持者に感謝します生命連合です想像を絶する選択です。でもアリゾナ生活協同組合の皆さん、ここにいてくれて本当にありがとうございます。そして、できれば短期間で、望む場所に戻って来てください。ありがとうございます。ありがとうございました。



 ところで、このカメラですが、当時はこれをコピーしていたんです。彼らはセクターでこのようなものを聞くのが好きではありません。赤いランプが見えるだけです。CNNの視聴率がいかに悪いかについて私が言及すると、次から次へと消えていくんです。CNNのカメラマンが欲しがっているのを見たか? でもね、知ってる? アメリカン・ニュースの1つは彼の記事で素晴らしい仕事をしました、何が起こったのか? WOKE【左翼の急進的活動の一種】の幹部。彼らが一体何をしているのかわからない。彼らは多くの負債を抱えている。AT&Tは深刻な問題を抱えている会社だ。



 もしそうすれば、彼らが共和党の会社にやっているようなことは、私たちには何の困難もないでしょう。私たちはそれをしないだけです。嫌な感じでしょう?でも、彼らはいい人じゃない。私はただヘリングに感謝したい チャールズとロバートが どこにいようと 彼らは愛国者だ 彼らは偉大な人たちだ どこにいる?どのような人々、どうもありがとうございました。ありがとうロバート ありがとうございました。だから、私はこれが何であるかわかりません。これは恐ろしいです。これは偉大なネットワークです。

 素晴らしい人々です。私はいつも見ていて、あなたは本当に真実を知っています。そして、彼らは今、ポラックスが純粋に政治的な理由のために、それらをキャンセルしたいのです、それは恥です、何が起こっているか。仕事です。あなたはやりました。本当に賞賛されるべきです。あなたもロバートも ありがとうジョーンズ ありがとう ロバート


 ボイコットという言葉は出さないでくださいと言われました。だから私はそのことに触れません ボイコットという言葉を使うつもりはありません。AT&Tのボイコットなんて言いませんよ、ロバートと約束したんですから。約束したから、ボイコットなんて言わない!!!


 希望を失わないように、希望を失わないように。私たちの国は再び偉大になり、あなたの助けを借りて、再びアメリカを第一に考えるようになるでしょう。とても近いうちに、もうアメリカを第一に考えることはないのですから。私たちがロシアのパイプラインを打ち壊したとき、そして私たちがやったことをやったとき、これはどうでしょう?私は、ヨーロッパのロシアのパイプラインを終わらせることを終了します。それから、トランプはロシアに甘いらしいですね。今までで一番大きなことだし、制裁も何もかも、そしてバイデンが入ってきて、ファーストウィーク、彼はロシアのパイプラインを承認し、私はそれを終わらせ、今度はヨーロッパ中でエネルギーを売ることになるんだ。共和党はそれを受けて、バイデンはロシアとの戦いに厳しいと言う。それはロシアに手加減しているのでしょうか?戦闘は共和党に厳しいだけでなく、それは彼ではありません。それは彼を取り囲む陰謀です。共和党が議会を支配するとき 我々の最優先事項の1つは 南部国境を越える不法滞在者の流入を止めることだ。


トム・ホーマン (Tom Homan). そして、トム・ホーマンを知っていますか? トム・ホーマン、 マーク・モーガン (Mark Morgan)とは絶対に喧嘩しないように。

 この2人は偉大な人物であり、他の人たちの助けもあったのです。私たちは国境でこのような仕事をしました 彼らは自分たちが何をしているかをよく知っていましたし、私たちはその仕事をしました。先ほど申し上げたように、私たちはアメリカ史上最も素晴らしく、最も安全な国境を手に入れたのです。バイデンがやるべきことは、ビーチに行くことです。メキシコに留まるという政策がありました。

 それが何であるかは知らなくてもいい、しかし筋は通す。私たちはキャッチ・アンド・リリースを終わらせました。亡命者詐欺を終わらせた。メキシコや中央アメリカの国々と協定を結びました。これらの国への支払いを終わらせたなぜなら彼らは全く行動していなかったからだ。彼らは囚人を送り込んできた 多くの悪人を送り込んできた。エルサルバドルやこれらの国々にどれだけの資金を提供しているのか、と。


 私たちは強制退去を迅速化し、危険で犯罪的な外国人を何千人も強制送還しました。そして、約500マイルの国境の壁を建設しました。3週間で 3週間で完成するはずのものが 2年半もかかってしまいました なぜなら11もの訴訟を抱えていたからです 我々はその一つ一つが欲しいのですが、ナンシー・ペロシが主に議会で起こした11の訴訟があったのです。


 そして、私たちは建設しました。アリゾナ州に500マイルの壁を建設しました。225マイルをここに建設しました ところで上院議員、彼は彼を倒したいと思っているはずです。この壁は頑丈です。これはまさに彼らが望んでいたものです。私はホーマンとマーク・モーガンのところに行って、「何が欲しいんだ?そのとおり、彼らは国境警備隊の人たちを全員ワシントンに連れてきて、会議を開き、財布を手に入れました。彼らは、鉄とコンクリートが欲しい、鉄筋を追加して欲しい、壁の全ての部分にワイヤーを通して欲しい、と言ってきました。ハイテクを接続できるようにね。私たちは彼にすべてを与えました。ジョー・バイデンはこの前例の無い成功を収めそれを歴史上最も偉大な国境の惨事としました。私は世界のことを考えています。これ以上悪い国境はないと思います。それが第三世界であろうが第四世界であろうが関係ありません。私たちの国境ほどひどい国境はありません。我々は1年の間に最高の国境から見たこともない最悪の国境へと変わりました








 私たちは何万人もの全く避難していない人たちを受け入れました。彼らが一体どこから来たのか、どんなイデオロギーを持っているのか、全く分からないのです。ついでに言うと、我々の幸運を祈りたい。そして、テキサスで今行われている人質事件に幸運を祈ります。おそらくご存知でしょう。テキサスで人質が発生し、良い状況とは言えません。何が起こるか、そしてそれが誰であるかは、今にわかるでしょう。これは人質です。だから危険な人質たちだ アフガニスタンの件では、まだ政権の一人もクビになっていません。普通、このようなことが起きると、将軍をクビにするか、誰かをクビにするものですが、私は今のところ、かなり良いアイデアを持っていると思います。しかし、共和党の議会の下では間違いがない。彼らは責任を問われるでしょう。そうしなければならないのです


 私たちの政権の下で、アメリカは再び尊敬されるようになりました。かつてないほど、私たちはアメリカのリーダーシップを回復させました。私たちは完全に再建しました。米軍を。75年ぶりに新しい軍隊を創設しました。それは宇宙軍です 75年ぶり

 我々はまた、エネルギーの独立という長年の目標を達成しました。誰もそれが可能だとは思っていませんでした。私たちは多くのエネルギーを持っていました。誰も話題にしませんが、私は戦略的備蓄を満タンにしました。しかし、今、バイデンは私がやったことを利用して、エネルギー価格を下げようとしていますが、これはあまりうまくいっていません。しかし、就任早々、バイデンは急進的な左派に傾倒してしまいました。彼は多くのことをやってのけた。例えば、我が国から金をむしり取るパリ協定や、キーストーンXLパイプラインの中止、一方でインパイプラインの承認など、ペロシ、バイデン、シューマーが掲げる課題はどれも前よりクレイジーで妄想的なものばかりだ。しかし、今年の11月、我々は、これらのマルクス主義者の怪物どもを急停止させるために、本当に素晴らしいことをするチャンスがあるのだ。赤い波がここアリゾナから始まり、この国を席巻する。何百、何千もの民主主義者、社会主義者を、共和党の愛国者の波で止めることなく、オフィスから追い出すのだ。そして、彼らはそれを実行するつもりです。あなたは投票に行くでしょう。これは多分、今までで最も重要な選挙です。しかし、私は2024年がもっと重要だと信じています。今年がその年です。我々は下院を取り戻し 上院を取り戻し、アメリカを取り戻すのです。これはとても重要なことです。




 共和党の議会では、アメリカの家族のために、より多くの雇用を求めて戦うことになる。アメリカの労働者のための公正な貿易と、より多くのアメリカの工場でより多くの製品を生産することです。私たちのスタンプが押された、とてもとても美しい言葉。メイド・イン・ザ・USA。我々はジョー・バイデンの国境災害を停止させる。私たちは再び、キャッチ・アンド・リリースを行います。我々は迅速に国境の壁を完成させる 非常に迅速に、非常に迅速に。私たちは、連鎖移住を終わらせます。不法に入国した人々に分け前を与える。もし彼らが滞在するならば、我々の価値観を共有しなければならない。






 水泳の選手が、30秒単位で記録を更新しているのを見たことがありますか? 9年間も記録を保持していたんですが、ある時、この男がチームのトライアウトを受けに行くことにしたんです。彼は男子チームに所属していました。その後、女子チームに移った。それで彼は記録を破ったんです。もし10分の1の差で勝ったら、10分の1秒速くなるんです。彼は32秒台にはならないでしょう。



 彼はそれを破ったんだ。悲しいことに。信じがたい話だろう? そして、それは女性にとってとても不公平です。女性にはとても不公平です








 この偉大な州は、最もタフな男性や強い女性たちによって開拓されました。ワイアット・アープドク・ホリデイが 住んでいた場所だ。彼らはタフだった。アメリカの伝説となりました 偉大なるアメリカ西部が アメリカンドリームとなった場所です アリゾナ州では何世代もの開拓者、探鉱者、鉱山労働者、牧場主、カウボーイ、牛飼いが生まれました。マーシャルやローマンがフロンティアの勇者としてやってきた。燃える太陽に照らされ、西部の勝利を全世界に示した。

 とても大きく、とても重要です。彼らはアメリカを世界の歴史上最も偉大な国にするために すべてを捧げました そして我々はいかなる社会主義や共産主義運動も 許さないのです 私たちからそれを奪うことはできません。





ありがとう、アリゾナ州! ありがとう、ありがとう、ありがとう!

[〜♪ Hold On (Sam and Dave)]

Posted at 2022/01/30(Sun) 11:28:02

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Transcript: Donald J, Trump FULL Speech from Florence, AZ 1/15/2022

日本語版はこちら。Japanese Transcript here.

-Donald J. Trump, The 45th President of United States of America
That's a big crowd out there. Tell you what the cars are stretched. They say 25 miles. Now, will the Press reported today The New York Times showed a picture of the seats being put down and nobody was here because I think the picture was taken yesterday.


The cars they just said, they've never seen anything like it. It's a great honor to be with you. And I love Arizona. We had a tremendous victory in Arizona, that was taken away. I just want to wish everybody a Happy New Year and we're going to have I think a great year. Last year, we had a rigged election in the proof is all over the place. We have a lot of proof and they know it's proof. There was talking about the big lie there, the big lie.


But the fake news in the lamestream media refused and they refused, they refused. They refuse to talk about it. They continue to refuse to talk about it. They say, while it is unsubstantiated, the big lie. The big lie, the big liars are out of bullshit. That's what it is.


Because they're in the pocket of the radical. If Democrats, the same people who are destroying our country, and they're destroying our country. And you have no doubt about it. We've had more problems. We've had more destruction. I think than five Presidents put together in the last year. On top of that, all people are being persecuted for using freedom of speech. Talked about the corrupt election, but more and more information is coming out and it's coming out.

Far worse send anyone ever thought it could be, and it would be a lot easier for me to go out and enjoy my life and say, you know what? We did great. You know, I ran twice. And we won twice, and we did better the second time.


We did much better, the second time, you know that 12 million more votes. I always say, we ran it twice, but we did a hell of a lot better the second time. This crowd is a massive symbol of what took place, because the people are hungry for the truth. They want their country back. I want their country back.


Between the open borders and the bad elections. And we were always thought of a beautiful country that had Fair elections. And now we're a laughingstock, all over the world, for many reasons, for many reasons. 2022, despite so far. Being a total catastrophe for a country is going to be a big one for the people of this great state. I love this state.


Great state of Arizona. Remember, Joe Biden uses a lot, it's wonderful to be in. Let's see. Where the hell are aware. We're in Iowa? No, Idaho? No, it's always now, we've never done that. We've never even come close. (LoL) We don't want to do that. That's one of those deals, you do that it's over. I don't care how well you speak, you do that, it's over.

And they did it plenty, but we're going to fire the radical Democrat, Senator the dude nothing on borders, Mark Kelly and we're going to elect an incredible person.


Kari Lake, Kari, she is incredible.


She's been with us from the beginning of the election fraud, and everything else, and she's going to be here, next governor. And we're going to end Nancy Pelosi, Crazy Nancy's crooked political clear. Once and for all, where is Kari, where it's Kari? Come up, here. Kari. Come on. Let's go. Come on. Proud of her.


Get out and vote, make sure it's not a rig to vote. Please come please.


-Kari Lake
Thank you. Oh my god. Is this the greatest President we've ever known?


Arizona loves you. And I predict at the end of 2028, when you leave office, second term, the whole country is going to love you. They're going to figure it out.


They're just afraid of him because he's bringing back the principles that this country was founded upon. And if our founding fathers were here today, they would be Trump - Republicans.


I can see it right now. Mr. President, George Washington crossing the Delaware with a make America great flag at the end back of the boat. And Teddy Roosevelt would have Roosevelt, would have his make America great cowboy hat. We love you. We're so thankful that you're here in Arizona. And when I'm elected, we will finish your big, beautiful wall.


Thank you. Kari.

[Kari! Kari! kari! Kari...]


[Kari! Kari! kari! Kari...]

So what a job, she's done as a politician for 22 years. She was your anchor. She was your highest rated anchor by, the way, and people loved her. And she said, You just couldn't stand watching it anymore. And thank you very much. Kari. Great job.

So we all knew that Joe Biden would be not so good, but few could have imagined that he would be such a disaster for this country. What they've done inflation is the worst. It's been in 40 years gas prices are up, 50% The grocery shelves, a department store. Shelves are empty. You had an excuse not to buy Christmas gifts. You said you loved one darling, I'm sorry, I love you very much, but I just can't is no. Is in Tiffany is not wanted to buy the most beautiful ring, but they don't have any rings anymore, nobody has anything.

We never even heard the term Supply chain, you know, if you tuck supply chain is not something that we even talked about and that's what happened, and it's a very sad thing, the streets of the Democrat run cities are drenched in blood with record-high, murderers and Drug deals, and human trafficking. There are 4 times more Covid cases. Remember, "I'm going to get rid of go back. I'm gonna go..."


Four times more cases than ever before today, the hospital set a record brand-new record, are beautiful, strong, southern border from one year ago, was all said, it was all finished. It was beautiful. We had the best numbers we've ever had, at the southern border and that includes drugs coming into our country. We cut it down to a number that nobody thought was possible. And now it's up seven times more than it was a year ago. Think of it, seven times more.


Our borders be abolished and illegal aliens are pouring into our country by the millions and millions and millions and we don't even know where the hell they're coming from. We know nothing about it, but you're going to pay a big price.

Biden is utterly humiliated. Our nation on the world stage Putin is not only threatening Ukraine. I don't know if you've been reading about this, but now he's threatening to go into Cuba, and Venezuela.

That's a lack of respect and we never had that problem that we there was no problem with Putin, and Ukraine. There was no problem with President Xi in Taiwan, China, Russia and Iran are engaging in aggression and provocations. They never would have dared to just one year ago. They would never have done any of this. They're toying with us. They're touring with us. It's exactly what's happening and our woke military leaders. These are not people that respected by Russia, and China, and North Korea. Kim Jong-un. He's starting to shoot missiles. Again. You notice he's starting to shoot the missiles and look at all the press back there. And by the way, more importantly, forget them. Look at the people as far as the eye can see. Look at the people!


As far as the I forget, the cars look at the people way back and I mean, like football fields back. And, you know, I would ask the press to turn, you cameras around and show the kind of proud that we have because nobody's ever had a movement like this. Nobody's ever had Spirit like this, or a crowd like this.

But see, they don't turn the cameras. They don't want to turn the cameras. They don't want to turn the cameras and frankly, they move the cameras into a bad location for us. They should have been put way back. They have magnifying lenses. They have lenses that could have handled it but take a look behind you, press take a look because when they show when they show the kind of numbers that are represented tonight, some of the government people said the single biggest crowd they've seen yet, and they're not just talking about, Arizona.


And Right Side [Broadcasting Network] is done a great job. Thank you Right Side, wherever the hell you are. They've done a very good job. No, but what you think? I mean, it's so sad because I say, do me a favor, do us all a favor show people. What's really happening, turn your cameras around, and you could look a hundred yards behind the cameras and it's a sea of people. In fact, the Press is blocking the people out and that's a shame. What a waste, what a waste.


Very dishonest people. Now we have...

[USA!, USA!, USA!, USA!...]

So now we have the inflation crisis. We had no inflation very very low. We have the Afghanistan crisis, the worst and most embarrassing moment in the history of the United States. The most embarrassing moment. We have the economy crisis. We have the in this is really the walk military leadership crisis.

When President Xi of China looks and sees what happened in Afghanistan. They don't have fear of us anymore. They don't have respect to First anymore. And you know what? They've taken some of the brand-new beautiful equipment that was given like when we surrendered over there. That was a surrender. And there's another one, the Press never talks about it. Do you hear them ever talking about what happened? Not only the 13 soldiers, but the 28 great soldiers that were absolutely so badly wounded with legs, and arms. And 250 people, and 85 billion dollars worth of equipment 85 billion. Does anybody know what that represents? I've rebuilt the entire military 85 billion dollars worth of equipment was handed over to the Taliban and we had a deal with the Taliban 18 months. We didn't lose one soldier. I spoke to Abdul. Abdul was the leader as that Abdul. You do anything with respect to our you kill anybody. We didn't lose one soldier think of it, not one soldier in 18 months. And then we have this fake election. This horrible disgraceful election.

And by the way, a person that comes here and we're all together. The person that comes here and halves crowds at go further than any I can see there's nobody that can see the end of this graph and has cars that stretch out for 25 miles. That's not somebody that lost an election. And now because of it, Our country is being destroyed.


Our country is being destroyed.


Thank you.

[Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!...]

Thank you.

Thank you. Uncle Sam is Uncle Sam, everybody, thank you!

Now our countries being totally destroyed. There's been such, destruction is not even believable. And you know, you see it every day, practically every day. It's all promises at all. The things that they never had any intention of keeping, what they've done to energy. We are energy independent. What they've done to energy is so bad and that's causing a big part of the inflation, the mandates of our disaster for this country. It's causing another big part of. When you look at what's happening with the economy the mandates are just decimating, our economy and I did, you know, we did a good thing. We have almost 300 federal judges on the bench now during my Administration and three Supreme Court Justices, and they're very good people and they've been doing a good job and they have some very... they did a good decision, a big decision on mandates, but I'll tell you what and they have some big decisions coming up. So we're lucky to have them on the bench.

It's no wonder that the Joe Biden approve ville ratings have now crashed. Well into the 20s. That's a low one, and some people say, they're actually much below that. How do you do that? The only one lowers Kamala?


And the polls show that if an election were held today, we would trounce them so badly in a landslide in every way. Just as we really did on November 3rd, we found some, we found same. If we had an honest press that election would have been much different on top of all of that two days ago, the Supreme Court, rightly declared that Joe Biden is very sinister and malicious and I don't know what they're doing. They're hurting us so badly, but getting out they might be evil. Yeah, they might be there either evil or they're incompetent.


But they declared the mandates, largely unconstitutional.


And by the way, we put those justices there for a reason and I will say this, the court system and the Court decisions that are being made and will be made, it's going to be an incredible victory, in my opinion, for common sense. It's a victory for American Freedom. We have to have this Victory. If we don't have this Victory, if we don't have the right decisions, but we have great, great people, you know, we talked about the three justices, but when you get almost 300 judges federal judges, it's I think you're seeing things a lot differently right now, a lot differently, what Biden did and the radical Democrats are doing with their course, of you, take a look at what they've done with the Covid. I caught the China virus. Is that okay Covid-China virus?

It's so radical agenda, it's a criminal agenda, what they're doing. They're handling it. So badly. Then, you know the H1N1. Remember, Joe, years ago, the N1H1, I said throw, but the H1N1 was handled very very badly. Smaller scale much smaller scale, not the same kind of problem. And you know what he's done. I told Fauci as an example of no. I'm going to close it up to China. No, because he wanted it, if you remember, he said no mask. Then he became a radical mask. Oh but grouchy fought like hell to not close it to China and then admitted that we save tens of thousands of lives because I closed it in January very early, then we close it to Europe. That the problem is, I didn't listen to him, but Biden's made him the big, the big person. He's like the king, Fauci's king.


What were these decisions that make in their wrecking and devastating people's lives firing Americans from their jobs, forcing innocent children to grow up in masses?

Education, crushing their development demolishing, their futures locking people into their home's. What they've done over the last year, wreaking havoc on our economy, going mandate crazy, and running neighborhoods. If you look at what's going on that just running roughshod all over this country. And they're truly hurting the American people, like they, I don't think they've taken away their liberties what they're doing is incredible. They've taken away their dignity. They've taken away their Liberties and I say enough is enough and we are not going to take it anymore.


Because our country is going to hell. It's a disaster that all happened in such a short period of time, you know, they want to knock out the filibuster and get things approved and is hanging by a thread.


It's hanging by a thread. This is the moment, the American people must take their lives and future back. We have to do it. We have to be strong. We have to be strong. It's time for the radical Democrats to leave our families alone, leave elderly alone, leave our children alone with their strong immune system, leave those beautiful children with that powerful immune system. They have a good one, you know, Baron had covid and by the time we checked him the second time it was gone. It's called they have a strong system and to be doing what we're doing with the kids, leave our business as alone, relieve all of us the hell alone. Well, Joe Biden. The Americans Health choices are none of his business. We can make our own choices.


And it hasn't worked. You know, you take a look at New York. What a disaster that's been you take a look at other states what a disaster. California has been a total catastrophe and they were locked down. They were locked down as close as you could be. By the way. How did Cuomo do as governor really wonderful job?

What a wonderful job you did that guy. I'd watch him every day at television. I say he saved the wrong stuff, but it's really it's a shame what happened to some of our great places, but I'm proud that I was the anti mandate president and we have great successes in Texas and Florida and frankly in Republic in almost all Republican states throughout the pandemic. I fiercely resisted mandates of any kind and always, and always well, we have to, we have to, they proven ineffective. So if you really believed in him at the beginning and I guess we could understand that, but it didn't take long that you would say. No, we're not doing it anymore. My Administration invested heavily in all of the above strategies, including therapeutics, you know, we have therapeutics that are so powerful and so good. Some people could call them cures. The fake news, will go crazy when you say that, they don't like hearing that. But they are fantastic, the antibodies and antibody testing, and the testing is such a disaster. Remember that say, where's the test? We did an incredible job in testing and we were really there as in an infancy. Nobody knew anything about it. We figured it out. There's no testing. There's no, anything. You can't get anything, and the testing has been a disaster.

They said, "now, can you imagine if you own a testing company and you go up?"
They said, "no, no, no. no, no, I want $150 a test and the government."

Number one. They'll just say whatever you want. They just want to do anything to get that desk. These guys are making a fortune. Can you imagine I want, I want a thousand dollars at test and Biden's people say, okay. You've got it. Please get it out fast. We're getting our asses kicked here.

We gave Joe Biden every tool. He could one yet. He still completely failed. The virus has evolved and the strategy fail to evolve and it just didn't evolve with the virus. He's incapable of keeping up. They're incapable. They're incompetent. Actually, aren't they? When you think about it? We're now on the sixth variant. I wonder which one next is coming down of the original virus and is by far the most transmissible and thankfully. It's also the least dangerous and the least deadly.

And we have to get back our lives. We have to bring our country back. We have to bring our lives back, but instead of letting our and letting us resume, and that's what we want to do, our normal lives guidance, trying to bully and intimidate people with his, we get still angry gets. "Anger! We've gotta listen to me. Listen. Listen, where am I? where am I? oh..."


"Where am I supposed to be doing this? It's a disgrace. It's a disgrace. "

What? Call veteran? Hello veteran. Look at that? He's a handsome looking better and we love our veterans that we love our veterans. That's very good. Well, we're going to be introducing some of them. Thank you.


Good-looking veteran. You are boil boy. I thought somebody was like in trouble or something. That's great. Thank you very much. But Biden's trying to bully and intimidate people with his ridiculous. Unscientific Band-Aids. Because he and his entire Administration have absolutely. No idea. What the hell is happening, and big pharma is making a fortune. Democrats are putting corporate profits over the rights of the American people. These corrupt. Power-hungry lunatics. Need to hear us loud and clear. We are done having our lives controlled by politicians, and Washington bureaucrats.


We're done with the mandates, including the mandates for Frontline healthcare workers, which I think you're going to do that also, and I know Carrie is going to be involved, are what an improvement, what an improvement. She's gonna be over your current governor. He's a disaster.

Somebody said, oh he wants to run for the Senate. They came to me. They came to me in Washington. They said, "what do you think?" I said, "he's never going to get my endorsement." I can tell you that your Governor is not good. Now carries the one. She's going to be fantastic. Going to be too long time flies. All of a sudden care in, not going to be too long, but do she has been a terrible, terrible representative of your state and we're done taking lectures on science from a Party to tells us that men are women. Women are men and they bees. This is the fact that babies can be killed even after birth right after birth.


They don't you used to talk later term. Now. They're talking about, just go check out your governor of Virginia, your former governor of Virginia. And it's all just fine with them. Babies can be killed after birth. The radical Democrats, want to turn the United States into a communist country. If you remember during the campaign, I said it, is going to happen if they get elected which they didn't but that's okay?

By the way, we did have tremendous success and you ever hear some of the little the little things where they analyze elections. If you win, Ohio and Florida, you always win, we won, Ohio and Florida, but if you win, Ohio, and Florida, and Iowa, and we one being all of them, then 100%, if you win a certain number of states having to do with legislators and state, we want all of them. Every one of them is like 15 of them different different little tests, and we want them all. The only thing we didn't win was the election, you know?


But I'll tell you what, if you look at 10:00 in the evening on Election night, you look at Pennsylvania, you look at all of these different states and we won those elections. We want them big and we just and you know what it is. We can't let them get away with it. We just did, we can't let him get away with it.

And I think it's one of the reasons that carry because I watched her the stuff the other day. And I think it's one of the reasons she is doing so well, when I said, if they get elected, our country would become a large scale version of Venezuela. Remember? And I didn't really, you know, I said, "it and I meant it a little bit, guess what? It's true." We're becoming a large scale version of Venezuela, which was a very successful country, 20 years ago, and now they have no food. They have no water, everybody's dying. It's being run by a horrible group of killers and we have a horrible group, you know, people ask me often President. Could I ask you a question? What was the toughest country? And they so interested in a we've made people very interested in politics, right? Very, very interested. What was the toughest country to deal with? Was it Russia, sir? Could it be China, or perhaps North Korea? Was it away? And I said no, the toughest country to deal with was the United States of America. We have some crazy people where they create the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.

And all created, all fabricated. And actually the toughest country to deal with is not China or Russia or an it's the United States. It's a disgraced. And you notice, we don't talk about greatness anymore. We talked about the environment. We talked about covid, the China-virus, we talk about virus. We talked about all this, we never talk about greatness anymore, other countries that talking about their military, and their power, and their this. And there that we don't talk about greatness anymore as a country, you turn on the news and watch these fakers their fakers, you turn on the fake news at night and you watch what they talk about. It's all things that it's just not possible and a country has to be thinking to the Future. It has to be thinking about greatness. And we don't even think about it anymore. We don't think about it. And it's very sad and we are going to change that around. And even in America. We're witnessing cruelties that can be scarcely and believe they can't be believe. The left is now rationing life-saving therapeutics based on race discriminating against and denigrating just denigrating white people to determine who lives and who dies, if you're white, you don't get the vaccine or if you're white, you don't get their appearance. It's unbelievable to think this and nobody wants this. Black people don't want it. White people don't want it. Nobody wants it.


It's not even believable. You saw this a week ago where it came out. Nobody can even believe it. They don't even talk about it and they don't want to talk about it because they know it doesn't work very well for them. But the Wall Street Journal, described the practice race-based, preferential covid, treatments, and that's what it is. You get it based on race. In fact, in New York state. If you're white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical help. Think of it. If you're white, you go right to the back of the line. This race based medicine is not only anti-American its government tyranny in the truest sense of the word. The Supreme Court should intervene shut down. This flagrant civil rights violation immediately. Somebody has to get it to the court immediately. By now, it should be clear to everyone that today's radical Democrat Party is driven by a mean and vicious Spirit of left-wing fascism. This is no longer just socialism and when Biden got elected, he Get elected on what they're doing now to destroy. There was no mandate number one, they lost. But even if they didn't, the margin was so tiny. It was so thin. It was so thin. They don't have the right to change our country and everything that we stand for. They don't have the right to do that.

There's no better example than their ceaseless relentless unending campaign of hoaxes and witch hunts. I've gone through so many witch hunts now. I'm a professional witch hunter beater. (LoL)


Can't think of it. And then it turns out to be fake! After four years of Russia, Russia, Russia. Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, the impeachment hoax number one.

Impeachment, hoax number two, slandering of Justice cabin, and nobody ever went through anything like he went through and the harassment of my family which is a wonderful family of people that are great people. They love our country.


And it's happening in New York. It's all they're all taking their orders from the Democrats in Washington, but it's happening in New York and Beyond. Now the radical Democrats have yet another Witch Hunt, no different than Russia, Russia Russia, the unselect committee of political hacks, their Democratic hacks and their vicious. And every one of them voted to impeach me every one of them and then you have Liz Cheney. Who is now polling at 16%.


And Kinzinger, he's another beautiful. He's a cry. He cries. Every time you talk to who, by the way, just dropped out of the race because he know he didn't have the courage to run it.

And we just lost cat. Go to, he's gone now to their fallen Fast and Furious the ones that voted to impeach. We're getting rid of them fast Nancy. Pelosi is turned the US House of Representatives into a stalinist show trial. That's what it is.

They just get the Democrats to stick together. I just vote and people get impeached. It's a disgrace. It's a disgrace to our country. What's happening? And it takes the meaning out of the word. The unselect committee is out of control secretly and illegally collecting many months worth of phone records. Then you don't even know about. It's like this is like a communist country, text messages emails, location data. On this people without notifying them giving them a chance to defend their rights and Court. They have no right. And by the way, the people that go before the unselect committee, they called me and they said I've never been treated. So horribly in my life.

Numerous people have called me. I said, what was it? Like with these horrible people? They said it was really bad. I have never been treated that way in my life and all they want to do. I mean most of them I can tell you that just want to do a good job. But it's a shame, then they're selecting leaking, all sorts of information to partners in the media. That's what they are. They're partners. Look at all those people up there. They came, they came to your great state. They came to your great state to say that nobody showed up for the rally! Nobody showed up.


Bunch of phony people. Just a very corrupt, you know, the only way you can stop this. Is if we had an honest media where they would report the truth and then it would all end, then it would all end. But the media for whatever reason, for whatever reason the media is a part of it and the big Tech and the whole group of them that we're going to beat him anyway, because I really believe we have any more people, you know, you can't be a 50:50 partner when you don't have voter ID there against voter ID.

They wanted to fund the police. They want to take away your second amendment. They want to raise your taxes. All of these things. You're not a 50:50 partner. They cheated elections here. Not a 50:50 partner. When you look at numbers in California coming in like in the president's. I'm glad you know, you told, you can't win, California. Think of it as a republican. They say, you can't win New York. You can't win California. You can't win Illinois. So, three states big ones, the biggest three states are gone. So you had to do like we did.

Four years ago, five years ago. We ran the east coast and we Things that people thought were not possible, then we did it again and we did it even more beautifully and that's what happens. We have more people than they do but they know politics and they know cheating and the Republicans. I sometimes say, well with the Republicans ever do what they did. Sir, that would be good were proud Americans, you know, they want to do it. They won't do it because I say if it's good for them. Why are the Republicans doing the same? I'm kind of thing with the ballots, you know, the balance. They use covid as another method of cheating. But why are the Republicans? Sure, we're proud, American citizens would never vote 10 times, you know, etcetera, etc. For January, 6 has become the Democrat parties, excuse to justify an unprecedented assault on American Civil Rights and Liberties, appalling persecution of political prisoners. What's happening to those people in those jails.


What's happening to those people? And why are they doing it to Antifa ad Black Lives Matter?


And to many, other left-leaning, to put it mildly groups, but the blatant abuse of power to harass their political opponents is disgraceful. It's never happened to this extent. What they are doing to people, it's never happened to this extent. We had people trying to burn down our country including Federal buildings and courthouses and Washington DC, and the church right opposite the White House and the White House itself. They stop them. Secret Service does a great job but they stopped them. And nothing happens to these people. We must protect our nation from these monsters that are using law enforcement for political retribution at the local state, and federal level, and that's what's happening locally.

You think you got out with you think everything is fine Federal is good. And then all of the sudden these horrible corrupt people hit you on a local basis again working with the federal government. There's never been a time. So dangerous as the time in which we are living right now, keep our prosecutors out of politics because this could work very much in the other direction. Also and all it takes is a few more votes and it'll work in the other direction. And that would be very, very sad. Sad and in fact, if you don't mind, we have a little video, we're going to show you. Let's just put on that video about, New York.


-Video Screen
Police still need to focus on Donald Trump. Needs to follow his money...[etc]


We had numerous like that. They got elected based on that. Our daughter thing about bad. I don't even know who the hell she is. I never heard of it before.


And they sue us on the basis of they run an election and they are vicious. And it's a very dangerous thing for a country. I can tell you that and it can be reversed and it might be reversed and it shouldn't be reversed. It should never happen. The radical Democrat Party has spent years putting American lives. In Jeopardy through its extreme left-wing campaign to release dangerous, criminals from jail, abolish cash bail. How about that? How's that work? It up and stop charging a wide range of crime. They didn't go after left-wing anarchists and violent criminals, including all of the people that we just mentioned. They never went after them. They just wouldn't do it. They went after police station. They went after police. Nothing happened to him.

I did a hell of a job. I'll tell you what we passed legislation. Remember, they would knock him down. Statues and monuments all over the country and I passed a law that if you get caught doing that, you go to jail for 10 years and there's no negotiating. And amazingly it stopped. It stopped very quickly. And then I did something. I had to make a decision. Do we let the Democrats handle their cities and states? Or do I go in with the military and do a job? And I left him with a screen in the military. (LoL)

And I left it to the Democrats and frankly, at least now, we know what not to do because they have done so badly. These Democrat run cities. They are crime-ridden like we've never seen in the history of our country before.

So now, what we do is if there's a next time, we're going to do it differently. We had to do it this way. The first time we did the absolute right thing, but it showed what happened. You look at your Chicago. You look at New York. The murder rates are at a level that nobody can believe Chicago, maybe they have a holiday, some July, 4th and other holidays, and eighty three people shot seven dead. I just told you that in Afghanistan. We went 18 months without one American Soldier being shot or killed. And in Chicago, it's happening every day.

Yet when it comes to January 6, 2006 most of whom were charged with nonviolent, offenses Partisan Democrats, have celebrated, their indefinite detention without trial. These people are living in Hell. These people are living in Hell. Let Them Fight. Let them see their lawyers. Let them go out. They are being treated there being there being hounded, like your Hound, the worst animal. What's going on is horrible in Washington. And also the Jail's of filthy disgusting dirty, and they're even being cited by the courts for being so horrible, their brutal. Lockdowns are brutal. You take a look at what they've got. The showers are disgusting. The bathrooms are horrible, and people are being forced to live like that. Let them use their lawyers. Let him go out and defend themselves. And if we think they're innocent we should help them defend themselves.


Remember when the Democrats went out and Kamala, raising money for the people that work with, but they didn't have a problem because so little happened. So it wasn't the same thing. These people are being persecuted. One defendant was allegedly viciously and savagely beaten resulting in numerous broken bones in his face and a loss of sight. Permanently in one eye and an out-of-control dope, a real dope. I watch this guy being Interviewed, they wanted to protect him so they want to keep him. He couldn't get on television fast enough. The guy who shot Ashley Babbitt for no reason.


This guy couldn't get on television fast enough. He's so proud of himself. Let's see how he could do without the protections that he got.

And by the way, if that happened the other way around, they'd be calling. Let's bring back the electric chair. That's what they be calling for. He's a disgrace, the way he shot. Ashley. And after Nancy Pelosi, and Adam "Shifty" Schiff. They go down to Ace a touring defeat. I hopped out, he got to lose. You know, she wants to move to Florida. I don't want her in Florida.


She wants to move, they ruin, California. So let's move to Florida. Hopefully, they're going to go down to a big, beautiful defeated November. You have to get out, your state is so important, you got to get out and vote will immediately begin our own investigations into what happened. What really happened? Because this is being totally whitewashed. If the unselect committee were serious about getting the facts about January 6 and would focus on answering the following questions. Why did Nancy Pelosi, and the Capitol Police reject the more than 10,000 National Guard troops or soldiers that I authorized to help control the enormous crowd. That I knew was coming. And the reason I knew it everybody that I knew was saying, I'm going on January 6 everybody. And they never taught. By the way. They never talked about that crowd. They talk about the people that walked down to the Capitol. They don't talk about the size of that crowd. I believe it was the largest graph I've ever spoken before.

And they were there to protest the election you were there. Right? Am I right? I think it was the largest crowd I've ever and that fake news never talks about it. They never talked about it.

Exactly, how many of those present at the Capitol complex, in January 6, were FBI confidential, informants agents, or otherwise working directly or indirectly with an agency of the United States government. People want to hear this. How about the one guy go in and go and get in there? Everybody else. Get in there. Go, go, go. Nothing happens to him. What happened with him. Nothing happens.

Did any of these individuals play any role, whatsoever improving or facilitating the events at the Capitol. That's what we want to know, and most importantly, why are they investigating November 3rd are rigged and stolen election without getting to the bottom of which we will never have a fair and free democracy. Why aren't they looking at that?


And there is massive evidence that shows exactly what I'm talking about. And it's coming out rapidly and it's come out and is coming out very big in the great state of Arizona. Also the American people deserve. Answers the January 6th rally was a protest against a crooked election, carried out by unhinged Democrats, big tech and working with the fake news mediaare working together to defeat Republicans, and your favorite President me.


And it was done in many cases without the necessary constitutional approval of state legislators. You had these things changed, by local politicians. In other words. How do we screw the Republicans? They did, they didn't go back to constitution says, you have to go back to the state legislatures and many of them did and they couldn't get the approval. They did it anywhere, which means it's unconstitutional, and we, and many other problems. They did everything you could do. Three. Insurrection took place on Election Day. November 3rd.


Never forget, the reason the Democrats and their media allies conduct. All of these hoaxes and witch hunts is not because they think the American people are with them. It's because they know that the American people are actually against them.

And they have to cheat because with open borders, no, second amendment, a bad economy, highest-ever inflation, Sanctuary cities, a WOKE bunch of military leaders that don't know what the hell they're doing an education system. That failed so badly and they don't want to go to the right system. They can't win without doing a lot of bad things. And that's why the radical Democrats also currently waging an unprecedented attack on voting rights. You see that happening right now.

Their scheme has always been to a race Samaritan votes with illegal votes and now they are doing so openly. They want to get rid of that filibuster and they want to change it. Their legislation is not a voting rights bill. It's a voting fraud bill. That's what it is sound so nice voting rights. We want to Voting Rights bill. It's not that you could also call it the quote. Never let a republican ever. Get elected again bill. It's whatever.

Yes, the only reason they would ever seek to Institute Nationwide ballot harvesting and unsecured dropboxes is if they really wanted to flood the system with illegal and ineligible votes. This is the only reason why else would they wanted lockboxes? I call them the unlock boxes, lot of things have lot of big things are coming out about those boxes and you're going to be seeing that. That's right coming out of Georgia. That's true.


The evidence of fraud is so overwhelming. Starting right here in Arizona, where your Republican state senators had the courage, the great courage to do a full forensic audit and this was a really good audit of Maricopa County.


And, you know, you had a thing called findings findings and they harass these Auditors. You wouldn't believe it. These poor people, they come in to do an audit. They've lives have been destroyed.

But they've harassed him. So they say I lost the State of Arizona by 10,000 votes. And yet the Auditors flagged more than well. Listen to the by the way if I lost out you don't have crowds like this and again, you don't know what's going on back there. What's going on back there is further than the eye can see, that is serious, but the auditors flag, so we lost they say by 50 by 10,000 and yet they flagged more than listen to these numbers.

57,000, highly suspicious ballots for further investigation, one.
23,344 mail-in ballots were counted despite the person no longer living at that address, little little problem.
5,000 people appear to have voted in more than one county, not allowed to do that.
And 284,000, remember they sell us by 10.
284,412, valid images were quote corrupt, or missing. Other than that. It was a wonderful election, congratulations.


And then you listen to these people say, all everything was wonderful. You listen to the fake news saying how it was. So wonderful, the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board. They are horrible the commission.


Even admitted under questioning in Congress, from your great Congressman, Andy Biggs. He's here someplace.

That they had deleted listen, Andy, went they made their statement. You know, that typical statement. I was going to say a bad word, but I see some young beautiful children up here, but they made and I was also going to come in without the hat, but I said it's windy as hell here, and I don't want to screw up any visions of my wonderful home.


So windy. They said her sister. If you want to have a lot of hair blown all over the place. Don't worry. You had I said, give me a hand, please. But Andy Biggs did a great job and he was in Congress and they read the statement which was nonsense. And then he asked him a couple of basic questions and they look like a bunch of real dumb unpatriotic, crooked people.

Dad deleted. He has some Riot, they deleted much of the data, which was under subpoena. That's, it's not a bad question. They couldn't answer. Why, why why did you delete everything? Why did you delete so much. They couldn't answer the question. They can only be one reason. You're right now. Republican Governor, Doug Ducey and a group of other RINOs that you have. They did nothing to help our country or our state.


And by the way, he's so terrible. And and remember this immense evidence of fraud, impacting tens, and tens, and tens of thousands of ballots has also been reported out of Pima County and other counties. When we weren't even looking they weren't even looking at Pima County and they've got tens of thousands of votes and then you hear there's nothing wrong with the election and you know what? We still have it in other states. We're now anxiously awaiting, for attorney general, Brown of itch and hopefully he's going to do his job. I think he's a good man. I think he's going to do is shovel find out. I think it's a very easy job to do because anybody with any comments, any common sense is going to look.

And they're going to take a look and they're going to say this was a total fraud, but the attorney general is now looking and hopefully he's going to do his job well. We want him to do is his job well. He's got to move quickly, I would say that we've all been waiting a long time. I understand what you say. But to take appropriate action, along with the state legislature regarding what we call the big steel. It was a big corrupt steel, and hopefully the attorney general, and your state legislators will be smart and fair, and decisive, and let the world know what the hell happened in Arizona, because it's happening in other states right now, even at a level may be beyond Arizona elections have to be cited. We have to be decided by legal votes only, legal votes only.

And that's the only way we save our country and we save our democracy, more evidence is coming and it's coming very, very fast in Georgia. The secretary of state is now really looking at it investigation that I think is going to be a bombshell and supposedly, it's on tape, It's on camera. And we'll see what happens. But they have a legal ballot harvesting at a level that nobody could even believe possible. So we're going to see what happens in Georgia, but it's far more than necessary to win the state of Georgia. Just like this is far more than necessary to win the State of Arizona.


And in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other states. Many things are likewise happening, and they're happening fast, and the people are very angry. And I'm talking about political people politicians. They got do. And now they're finding out what happened. The people have to be free to find the answers to a very corrupt election. And if not, they will never trust again in our country will be absolutely decimated.

Week Republicans who fail to recognize election fraud and frankly open borders and all of the other things they are doing now to destroy our country. They're going to be losing elections and a level that nobody thought possible. Because the people of our country understand in many cases, much better than the politicians. The same people who have been lying about everything for four years claim, 2020 was the most secure election in history.


Give me a break. Give me a break. Those are bad people. I watched him on television. All you have to do is just look at the files. The numbers that are coming out are astronomical despite the fact that they themselves spent years claiming our elections were so vulnerable, you know, a lot of the people that are talking about how honest they are. Our people that throughout years have been saying how corrupt our elections are.

But this one was the beauty because this one used all of the mail in phony votes and all of the things that happened to cheat. When Republicans get the chance. We must act immediately to pass voter ID, citizenship, citizenship residency. We need confirmation of that. We have people coming in. We have no idea where the hell they come from and take a look at California as an example. No more unmanned and Unsecured drop boxes and no more ballot harvesting, which is illegal.


And they did it at the levels. If nobody can believe, we must return to the historical Norm of voting in person on Election Day. Unless you have a valid reason to vote absentee, like you're in the military or you're very sick.

[USA, USA...]

You know the fact is if you want honest elections, very simple. Same day voting, bless your again in a far away, place the military or you're very sick and you have really a note from the doctor, but same day voting, and you'll be surprised to hear this paper ballots. Paper ballots the good old-fashioned way, you know, there are a lot of countries that use paper ballots. It's they don't have the problems and we have they don't have names going in. Let's see. I'm going to vote for Trump, but it comes out for Biden. They don't have those little problems now. Paper ballots and same-day voting and a republican Congress should conduct a forensic audit that we have to get rid of Mitch McConnell, by the way, just in case.


Forensic guided into the hundreds of millions of dollars at Mark Zuckerberg dumped into local election offices, and you take a look at what he's done. You just take a look at what they did. He put in 417, you know, if you spend more than five thousand six hundred dollars, they put you in jail. This guy spent 417 million dollars and most of it went to the Democrats. All of it and nothing happens, but to make these critical reforms between now and the time that so important to make them we have to act and we have to act fast, and we have to act strong. Our country is going to be bigger, and better, and stronger than ever before. We're going to stage a comeback, the likes of which nobody has ever seen.

[USA! USA! USA! USA!...]

We need every one of you to pour out your heart and soul into ensuring the radical Democrats, go down and midterm defeat. So crushing they cannot steal it or corrupt. It starting with your Ultra left-wing Senator here in Arizona, Mark Kelly who only fights to allow your border to remain open, and open cesspool of illegal immigrants that are pouring into Arizona, on a daily basis. He is a disasters of ports, HR1 and all the Democrats corrupt schemes to destroy election, Integrity nationwide. He's a disaster and you have some great people running and I'll be making an endorsement at the right time. I'll tell you that but we'll be making an endorsement, and amid the worst border crisis in history. Kelly's, voted repeatedly for open borders in Arizona. How the hell did you let this guy?


He voted against the border wall against remain in Mexico against departing violent, criminal, aliens, and we have some angel moms with us today. And I think they are the greatest people. I became friendly with them. For years ago. These are the greatest people that they how they have suffered.

His story on mass amnesty, Sanctuary cities, and stimulus checks for illegal immigrants that you pay for you to you paying for all of this, you know illegal immigrants now are being treated better than veterans.


They're being given medical. They're being given housing. They're being given education's and the veterans are being given nothing. It's crazy. Why Kelly voted? Yes, Joe Biden's brutal attacks on American Energy, Democrat socialist spending, and really of driving runaway inflation, and he's driving it through the roof. And by the way, I have teleprompters that I move it all over to Heaven.


And it seems the thing they like the best is when we just get off. Those damn things and talk right straight from the heart.


Never read a teleprompter where it's waving like you're on a ship and you're starting to get seasick as you draw. Good job of, tying up those teleprompters from, I'm stuck up here with 55,000 people or something. And I got a teleprompter that's useless! Useless!!

Good job. Fellas. Look at the wood. Look at those flags. Look, look at this. What a beautiful sight in one way, but it is another way you say man. It's windy blessed 10 months from now. Arizona is going to send the ultra-leftist Mark Kelly out of Washington in disgrace and you going to send a proud and top Republican Patriot to the US Senate to make America Great Again Again.


Didn't we made America great? And I was going to use that, I was going to make, I had a wonderful day. It was keep America great, but I can't use that anymore. Keep America credit because frankly, whether you like it or not and some people are like America is not great now. we're a laughingstock all over the world. And, you know, I really think the borders are a horror show, but I really think that the Afghan with roll the way they did it. So incompetently with moving the military out. First leaving thousands of people as hostages believing what equipment. I really think that the Afgan withdrawal did more to hurt our country than any single event that I've ever seen. And I think maybe it's the most embarrassing moment and the history of our country.

This November. You're also going to elect an outstanding new governor. And I'll tell you you better do a good job, okay, I'll come here. I will not be nice if she has to do a great job as Kari.

[Kari! Kari! Kari!...]

I don't like you anymore, but I think I don't think we have to worry about About it. I don't think we have, but Kari will be a warrior for the people of Arizona. She'll be stronger, the border tough-on-crime. She's very tough on crime, and very strong on the border and always support our amazing veterans, you know, the Trump administration had a 92% approval rating with respect to the vets. It's the highest by 32 points, you know, for years. I'd be turning on the television and watching the news it was more real than perhaps it was fake also, I don't know but it was more real and all you see would be how badly veterans are treated. You see it happen. So often if you re just take a look you haven't seen that in years. My people did an unbelievable job in so many ways rebuilding the military and everything else. But by people did a great job on taking care of our vets. What we did was incredible, you know, we had legislation passed where if you're a vet and you can't get good service, you go to a local doctor, and we pay for that saved so many veterans, Kari will stop radical indoctrination and our children's schools. Most of all Kari will be a tireless Champion for election integrity. I really think she's going to be a credible for election integrity. That's I think it's almost our number one issue. She's not happy when she sees this happen and the people of this incredible proud are happy. We're pleased to be joined tonight by many great Republican leaders. We have some great ones. I already mentioned a man. That was so incredible on this election situation, Senators came. And they said, wow, we heard this. And they had no answers because the right, men asked the right question.

And he's Congressman Andy Biggs, he's a great guy. Andy. Where is it? Where are you Andy? Where is Andy? Thank you. Thank you. He's a great guy. Thank you.

Paul Gosar. Paul. Thanks Paul. Paul has been incredibly stuff. You probably know that here P-stuff that I can tell you his stuff.

And a woman. I've really gotten to know and respect and a woman that fought like hell on impeachment hoax number one, and a impeach production. Number two. Debbie Lesko! Debbie. Thank you. Debbie. It was good having her of my sides. I could tell you, thank you having them all of my side was good. Thank you thankful. Thank you Debbie.

Another woman who has been with me from the beginning, Kelly Townsend who I hear will be running for congress and she will be incredible Kelly wherever you may be. Good luck.

And I here we have one of our at least one of our US Senate candidates and a very successful. I really terrific guy, Blake Masters, but where's Blake? Thank you. Thank you Blake. Thank you.

State senators this way... She's so great. Wendy Rogers. Thank you, Wendy. Thank you. Thank you.

Sonny Borrelli. Sonny Borrelli. Tough and smart, and I love Italian. So, you know, he's definitely Italian and he's a great guy and he's a fighter. Thank you, Sonny. Thank you very much.

And Karen Fann has been absolutely terrific and we want to thank Karen.

Fair and a future state. Senator, Anthony Kern and his wife Jenny that here. Thank you, Anthony. Thank you very much for being here.

A woman who's done an edible job and she's just starting. fight, but she's winning the fight Arizona GOP chair Kelli Ward. Thank you Kelli. Thanks, Kelli. Great job.

Pinal County Sheriff. This guy Central Casting. I gotta tell you, I met him. I said if we're doing a movie or Sheriff's, I'm picking you to the lead. Sheriff Mark Lamb. He's popular sheriff. Sheriff, would you like to run for another office? I take it. That's a big head. You got your. Thank you for everything. And a sheriff, Is it true? These cars went back, 20-25 miles. You've never seen one like this, have you? Thank you. It's all learn line and it is online to thank you so popular guy.

We have a man from Texas with us and he's a fighter like you haven't seen before attorney general and he's got some very good poll numbers. I have to say just talk today. Ken Paxton. Thanks. Kenneth is a fantastic guy.

A woman has been with me right from the beginning. And she's been great on Criminal Justice Reform and helping us in so many ways, Alveda King.

And Pam Bondi. Where is Pam? I saw Pam laughs, Pam Bondi, Pam Bondi is great. She was the Attorney General of Florida for a long time and She's never looked better. She was just an incredible person who have been with me right from the beginning.

And a man named Charlie Kirk, you know, Charlie. Where's Charlie? What a job he's done. You know, he looks like a little bit older but I heard the other day how young I can't believe how young you are.

And the person that I know you never heard of because he doesn't believe in advertising. He hates advertising. Mike Lindell! Thank you, Mike. I always say, Mike, is the single greatest purchaser of ads in history. I don't know. What did you make? But you can negotiate my advertising any time, Mike. But he's a great man, a great gentleman.

Another one is our real fighter a lawyer, tough and smart working on a lot of different things. Boris Epshteyn. Most people call him and call him "Epstein", I call them Boris Epshteyn, because that's the way Epshteyn, which is where they, the way they say it. It is original country and he's been incredible and a fighter, Boris! Hi, Boris Epshteyn.

Ambassador, Ric Grinnell, one of the Great's. He's one of the greatest. One of the greatest people. Thanks, Ric. What a great job. He went in there and tell you what, he was the ambassador to Germany. And when I took him out, the happiest woman in the world was Angela Merkel.


They were so, you know, why? Cause he was pro-america scold make America great again. It's called America First and Ric Grinnell was fantastic.

And he did a great job after that. We brought him back. He was so good. We brought her back. I said, I want to have them in our country and the next Arizona Secretary of State, a man who is tough and smart, and loves our country, a man who you must get elected along with Kari. You have to get them Mark Finchem. Mark, he's great. He'll get to the bottom of everything. His it. You get to the bottom of it. Mark, I do think so. I do think so. He will you got to work hard for him. He's a patriot. And thanks also to the many supporters of Arizona, life Coalition, you know, you got a big setback with the selection like you'd ever thought possible. But to the Arizona life Coalition, I want to thank you very much for being here and you'll be back where you want to be hopefully, a short period of time, please enough. Thank you. Thank you very much. We appreciate.

It is in less than one year, Joe Biden, and the radical Democrats have brought our country to the brink of ruin. And all I can tell you, is the people that are telling the truth in America, like one American News are being threatened. Does everybody like one of my loved one, America.


By the way, these cameras, you know, they're back then copy this. They don't like hearing this stuff on sector. I just see the red lights. They go off one after another soon as I'm going to mention CNN and how bad their ratings are. You see the CNN camera guy want? But you know what? One American News has done a great job in his the story, what just happened? The WOKE executives. I don't know what the hell they're doing. They have so much debt. AT&T is a company that is in serious trouble.

And they need AT&T. And AT&T saying that they may no longer agree to carry this network. That's doing very well. You know, why? Because people told them not to do it. So maybe what we should do is not use AT&T, you know, if we did.


If we did, what they do to Republican companies, we would have no difficulty. We just don't do it. It seems like not nice, right? But they're not nice. I want to just thank the Herring is a here, Charles and Robert wherever you may be, but these are patriots. These are great, great than. Where are you. What people, thank you very much. Thank you Robert. Thank you very much. So I don't know what this is. This is horrible. This is a great Network.

It's a great people. I watch it all the time and you really get the truth and they want to cancel them now, because the pollux for purely political reasons, it's a disgrace, what's going on, but I don't think the people are going to stand for it, especially with one American News. The job. You've done. You really should be commended. Both you and Robert. Thank you Jones. Thank you, Robert.


They said, please don't mention the word boycott. So I won't mention it. I'm not going to use the word boycott. I will not say boycott AT&T, because I promised Robert. I will not do it. So I will not say boycott them!!!


Don't lose hope, don't lose hope. Our country will be great again and with your help, we will again be putting America First and very soon because we're not putting America First anymore when we knocked down and when we do what we did with the Russian pipelines, how about this? I terminate I end the Russian Pipeline in Europe. And then I hear Trump is soft on Russia. It's the biggest thing they've ever done and the sanctions and everything else and then Biden comes in is First week, he approves the Russian Pipeline, I ended it and now they're going to be selling energy all over Europe. When Republicans take it and then they say, Biden is tough on Russia fighting. Is that cuff on Russia? Fighting's not only tough on Republicans and that's not him. That's the cabal that surrounds him. When Republicans take control of Congress. One of our very top priorities will be to stop the flood of illegal aliens, across our Southern border.


Under administration with the help of two great men. These are great men, Tom Homan. And did you ever hear of Tom Homan? You never want to get in a fight with Tom Homan, and Mark Morgan. These are two great men and they had help from others. We did such a job at the border. They knew exactly what they were doing and we did that job at as I said before, we had the greatest and most secure Border in US history. All Biden had to do is go to the beach. Just go to the beach, we had a policy, stay in Mexico. You don't have to know what it is. But make sense. We ended catch-and-release. We ended asylum fraud. We struck break through agreements with Mexico, and Central American countries. I ended payments to all of these countries because they weren't behaving at all. They were sending us their prisoners. They were sending us a lot of bad people. I said, how much money do we give to El Salvador, how much money do we give to these countries? How much money, are we giving to various including Mexico? And have a lot of respect for the president of Mexico? Yes. He may be a socialist, but I like them. And, you know, remember he gave us 28,000 soldiers while we were building the wall. That's why we had such great numbers even were 28,000 soldiers for nothing. We paid nothing. Now, I did say that if you don't give them to us, we're going to put tariffs on the cars coming in, but we don't have to go into that.


We expedited removals and deported dangerous, criminal aliens by the thousands. And we built nearly 500 miles of border wall. Three weeks. It would have been finished in three weeks, and it took two and a half years to get started because they had all of these lawsuits, 11 of them. We want every one of them, but we had 11 lawsuits brought by Nancy Pelosi mostly in Congress.


And we built. And we Almost 500 miles of wall and we built in Arizona. 225 miles right here, and you Senator, by the way, I think he'll he's going to want to take him down. We'll take, let's take down the wall and these walls are tough. These are exactly what they wanted. I went to Homan, and I went to Mark Morgan and I said, what do you want? Exactly, and they brought all of the border patrol, people up to Washington and we had a meeting and we got the wallet. They wanted ever they wanted steel and concrete they want add rebar, they wanted wires going through all parts of the wall. So they can hook up high technology. We gave him everything. Joe Biden took this unprecedented success that he made it the greatest border Calamity in the history. I think of the world. I don't think there's a worse Border in the world. I don't care if it's a third world or fourth world country. There is no border so bad as the Border we have. We went from the best border we've ever had in a period of one year to the worst border, we've ever had.


Over two million illegal aliens have trespassed across our borders, but that's also a fake number given by the press and others, because the number I think could be 10 times that amount. I think we're talking about tens of millions of people are pouring into this country. We see certain people and we sort of Market down. Well, that's the number but it's not. I think we have tens of millions of people and these are not necessarily people that we want in our country. And that includes with these so-called airlift that they tried to take credit for 3% of the people qualified to be of that are left. 97 percent of the people, you'll be hearing from them in years to come in many cases.

We also saw a record number of Migrant children, arriving at our border, because Democrats, very cruel, policies are pushing vulnerable youth into the arms of child, smugglers, human traffickers and very vicious criminal cartels what the criminal cartels are doing to women and children. Unbelievable, and you know, the trafficking is mostly in women. What they're doing to women is horrible yet. Despite all of this Biden, Pelosi Schumer the whole group and the radical left are still hell-bent on passing Mass amnesty for illegal aliens, one of the highest priorities. When Republicans take back Congress and eventually the white House will be to have a Seven groups in the number of ice officers and border patrol officers so that we can find and detain and Deport everyone of the, illegal aliens and Joe Biden has released into our country.


We should also pass a law that says that Sanctuary City officials, who knowingly released criminals will be charged as accessories in any future crimes in a sanctuary cities. That protects some very, very evil people are in sanctuary cities. Totally protected is crazy. It's what the hell are they thinking?

Thereby ending the whole concept of sanctuary cities and we did a lot of it, but we didn't quite the clock ran out unexpectedly in addition to Biden's border disaster. There's also the Afghanistan disaster, the single greatest foreign policy humiliation in American history.

And because of Joe Biden is utter incompetence and really the military leaders, some of whom I know they are gross. Incompetence, you look at the numbers of people killed, and the equipment and everything that happened. And as we could talk about it all night long, and the fake news won't talk about it at all.

We took in tens of thousands of totally unvented people. We have no idea where the hell they come from, what their ideology is. And by the way, I want to wish our best wishes and good luck. And Godspeed to the hostages right now, in Texas, taking place right now. You probably heard about it. It just happened, hostages in Texas, not a good situation. You'll see what happens and you'll see who it is. That's holding. So dangerously those hostages. I think I have a pretty good idea so far, not a single member of the Administration has yet been fired for Afghanistan, you know, normally when something like that happens, you fire the generals or you're fired sombody. But make no mistake under a republican Congress. They will be held accountable. They have to be.


Under our Administration, America was respected again and respected. Like, never before we restored American leadership. We fully rebuilt. The US military. We created the first new branch of the Armed Forces in 75 years. And that's the space force. 75 years.

We also achieved the long-sought goal of energy Independence. Nobody thought that was possible. We had so much energy. We didn't know what the hell to do with it, you know, I filled up these strategic reserves by the way, which nobody talks about. But, you know, now Biden's using what I did to try and lower the price of energy, which is not working too well. But upon taking office, Biden cave to the radical left. And he did a job on so many things, like the Paris, climate Accord, which rips off our country, and canceled the Keystone XL pipeline while, as we said approving, the In pipeline, every item on the Pelosi, Biden, Schumer agenda is crazier and more delusional than the last. But this November, we have a chance to do something really spectacular to bring these Marxist monstrosities to a screeching halt. A great Red Wave is going to begin right here in Arizona, and it's going to sweep across this country and it's going to watch hundreds and thousands and thousands of democrat. socialist, out of office with an Unstoppable, surge of Republican Patriots. And they're going to be doing it. You're going to be heading to the polls. This is maybe the most important election we've ever had, but I do believe that 2024 will be even more important. This is the year. We are going to take back the house. We are going to take back the Senate and we are going to take Take back America. This is so important.


And in 2024, we are going to take back the White House!!!


Where the Republican Congress, we will fight for more jobs for American families. Fair trade for American workers and more American factories forging more products. Stamped with us, very, very beautiful words. Made in the USA. We will shut down Joe Biden's border disaster. We will again and catch and release. We will quickly complete the border wall Very quickly, very fast. We will end chain migration. We will make sure that these people, that are illegally admitted to our country, have to share. If they're staying, they have to share our values.
They have to love our country.
They cannot blow up our country.
They have to love our country.
They have to love our people.

We will hold China accountable for unleashing the virus and charge them trillions of dollars for the damage and suffering. They have caused us. But look at what they've done to the world, what they have done to the world. We will break up big tech and restore the right to free speech in America.

We will protect innocent life.
We will defend our constitution.
We will defend the Second Amendment.
We will proudly uphold the judeo Christian values and principles of our nation's founding.
We will stop the Biden crime wave in our Democrat, run cities and we will crack down on violent criminals and we will give our police officers, our 100% support. There will be no-defunding of our law enforcement in any way, shape, or form.
We will ban critical race theory in our classrooms.
We will be visited our military.
We will ban it from all workplaces.
And we will ban it from our federal state and local governments.
We will restore patriotic education to our schools.
And we will teach your children to love their country on Earth. Their history and to always respect our Great American Flag.


And we will ban men from participating in women's sports.


Did you see the swimmer, that's breaking records like by 30 seconds? They had a record for nine years, the record held and then this guy decides to go try out for the team. He was in the men's team. Then he went on the women's team. So he broke a record, you know, if you if you win by one tenth of one, second faster 1/10. He wouldn't be 32 seconds.


And the weightlifter, so this is a record that stood for 11 years that put up an ounce, a little ounce on each side announce, but the record stood for 11 years, this weightlifter comes along. He didn't even lift weights before being bing bing.

He broke it, biblethump. That you wouldn't even believe how ridiculous is it? And it's so unfair to women. It's so unfair to women.

The Maga movement, is by far the greatest political movement in the history of our country. There's never been anything like And even the fake news does the disputed, I say it all the time and the fake news can't dispute it. That's a lot of fake news back there, too.

Considering that they can't stand me. That's a lot of noses. They are just, you know, you could save America, you could save America. But it's all about America first great schools. Good job, strong military growing economy and pride in our country. That's all we want together. We're standing up.

And some of the most Sinister forces, entrenched interests and corrupt opponents that anyone on our Shores has ever seen before, but no matter how big or powerful the opposition, maybe you must never forget. Our nation does not belong to them, our nation belongs to you.


And it belongs to you, Christian.

This is your home. This is your heritage and our magnificent. American Liberty is your god-given right.

From Phoenix to Tombstone from Flagstaff to Florence from Mesa to Yuma, to the Red, Rocks of Sedona. We stand on the shoulders of red-blooded, American Patriots, who poured out their hearts wet and soul for our country. And for our freedom. This great state was settled by some of the toughest men and strongest women. Ever to walk the face of the Earth Arizona is where Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday. They were tough. Became American legends. It's where the Great American west became the American dream. And Arizona is the state where generations of pioneers, and prospectors, miners and ranchers cowboys and cattle hands. Marshals and Lawman came the frontier Brave. The blazing sun, and show the entire world How the West Was Won.

So big so important. They gave everything they had to make America into the greatest country in the history of the world and we will never let any socialist or communist movement. Take that away from us.


There is no mountain, we cannot climb.
There is no summitm. we cannot reach.
There is no challenge, we cannot be.
There is no victory, we cannot have.
As long as we remember that we are strong and proud and mighty Americans with faith in our hearts Britain, our souls and courage in our veins. And that's what you have.

We are the Americans who will make America Great Again.
We are going to make America Great Again.
We had already done it and now we're going to have to do it again.
We will not bend.
We will not break.
We will not yield.
We will never give it.
We will never give up.
We will never back down.
We will stand proudly for our flag.
And we will start talking about greatness for our Again, my fellow Americans make America Great Again, and all that that represents.
And it has only just begun. We have only just begun because we are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. And together.
We will make America powerful again.
We will make America wealthy again.
We will make America strong again.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
We will. make America United again.
And we will Make America Great Again.

[Make America Great Again!]

Thank you, Arizona. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[〜♪ Hold On (Sam and Dave)]

Posted at 2022/01/30(Sun) 11:26:35

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