youtubeから排除されてしまいましたので(表に出ないようにされただけでembedの表示はされる)、el Presidentoがアップロードしてくれた動画も貼っておきます。
il Presidento's EPIC Speecho at North Carolina GOP Convention from il Donaldo Trumpo on Vimeo.
ミネソタ州の湖畔から、デトロイトに 立って言います。神のご加護を。
私たちはアメリカを二の次にはしない 今夜の集まりでは、私たちの国は私たち自身の目の前で破壊されています 犯罪は爆発的に増加しています。警察組織はバラバラにされ、予算も削減されています。信じられますか? 警察の資金を調達するのは良い政治だと思います。
第一に、私たちの国にとって悪いことですが、考えてみてください、警察の資金不足を。知っていますか? 私は長い間、警察は悪質で暴力的であると言ってきました。多くの場合、彼らは私たちの国を憎んでおり、現在、彼らは悪い政策をとっています。私たちの立場から見た悪いニュースは、彼らは団結しているということです。私たちのように、自分の意思で行動し、自分がすべきことをする人たちはいません。
彼らは団結していて、それが彼らの強みでもあるのですが、彼らの政策はとても悪く、2022年にはものすごいことになるでしょう。率直に言って2020年のように、考えてみてください。アメリカの歴史上、現職の大統領の中で最も多くの票を獲得しました。私たちは素晴らしい選挙を行い、悪いことも起こりましたが、素晴らしい選挙を行いました。不法移民はこれまでに見たことのないレベルで急増しており、これは数ヶ月の間のことです。麻薬が氾濫し、ガソリン価格は高騰し、産業界は圧倒的に略奪されています。そして、サイバー攻撃。私たちの国にとっても、私たちのリーダーにとっても欠如していますね。指導者といえば、中国に屈服している アメリカは世界の舞台で貶められ、自由は左翼のキャンセル文化に追いやられている。そしてバイデン政権は、有害な批判的人種理論や違法な差別を子供たちの学校に押し付けている。
ダン・ビショップ、最初からありがとうございました、とても良かったです。ありがとうございました。ダン、ありがとう、素晴らしい仕事だったよ。私たちは大勝利を収めましたが、私はそこで待っていませんでした。彼らは、彼が勝つかどうかわからないと言いました。しかし、彼は勝った。大勝利だった。リチャード・ハドソン、リチャード。ありがとうございます。素晴らしい仕事だ、リチャード。私がよく知っている人で、彼はハンサムです。マディソンは? マディソン・コーソーンです。私たちのマディソンはどこ? ありがとう、マディソン ありがとう。素晴らしい人物です。あなたには良い未来がある。マディソンは一体どこだ? ありがとうございます、マディソン。素晴らしい仕事だ。ありがとうございました。もし私に彼のような顔があったら。私は20年早く大統領になっていたでしょう。どうもありがとうございました。素晴らしい仕事です。ありがとうございました。
グレッグ・マーフィーは素晴らしかった。ありがとう、グレッグ、あなたは本当に素晴らしい仕事をしていて、あなたを誇りに思います。私たちはあなたを誇りに思っていますし、私の友人であり、誰からも信じられないほど尊敬されている人物でもある下院議員のテッド・バッド、テッドはどこですか? よくやった、テッド。お疲れ様でした。
私たちの素晴らしい友人であるトムが選ばれたことで、トムは素晴らしい人になるでしょう。トムと彼は少し険悪なスタートを切ったと思います。ロブ・ミュラーを守るためにね。しかし、知っていますか? 彼は完全に別の方向に反転し、彼は素晴らしく、素晴らしいレースを展開してくれました。彼は私の全面的なサポートを受け、つい先ほど私に電話をかけてきて「この州を楽しんでください」と言ってくれました。
彼らが弾劾のデマに協力したことを覚えていますか? 民主党員で反対票を投じた人は一人もいませんでした。まあ、実際には私たちの側についた人もいましたが、その人は実際には素晴らしい人でしたが、よく考えてみると、彼らはそんなことはしたくなかったのですが、やり方が少し違うのです。彼らはとてもタフで、とてもダーティなプレーをするので、それを許すわけにはいきません。私たちは勝つつもりです。ノースカロライナ州は非常に重要です。共和党の勝利を確実にするための基礎を築くつもりです。
繰り返しになりますが、ノースカロライナ州という偉大な州を背負って、数字の上では 2020年を非常に楽しみにしている年、私たちはやります。今まで見たことのないような数字を。今、様々なことが起きていますが、私たちはこれまでに見たことのないようなことをするつもりです。今日、皆さんの前に立っているのは、ノースカロライナ州の人々が、ジョー・バイデンと急進的な民主党、アメリカの労働者、アメリカの家族、アメリカの国家に対する戦争を決定的に拒絶するだろうと確信しているからです。
さて、皆さん、早速ですが、ドナルド・トランプ氏がノースカロライナ州で2勝1敗となりました。どうですか、悪くないでしょう? 私は義理の父にこの州で勝つと約束したので、皆さんに感謝していますし、私たちは選挙に参加したかったのです。ですから、皆さんに感謝します。
さて、この話を整理しましょう。私が上院議員に立候補することを 考えているという噂を聞いたことがあるでしょう。私は検討していたし、場合によっては大きな決断ですが、誰も知らない、とても大きな問題だ。これはとても大きな決断です。
上院議員には、ノースカロライナ州を代表して、この国を正しい方向に導いてくれる人を選ばなければなりません。ですから、皆さんに感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。私には多くのサポートがあり、多くの人がとても親切にしてくれました。そして、私が出馬するかもしれないという思いから、たくさんの愛を注いでくれました。だから、もう一度。いいえ、今はまだわかりませんが、「いつまでも、その時まで」です。私は自分の故郷であるこの州に戻ってきて、何かに立候補することを考えたいと思っています。私はこの州を心から愛しているので、義父に話を戻す前に、こう言いたいと思います。私たちは知るべきですが、あなたは何と言いますか? 私たちは3人で行きます。さあみんな。やりましょう。
ああ、あの選挙は、あのララを信じるならば、彼女は、私の家族を愛し、あなたの息子を愛し、あの美しい子供たちを愛し、彼らの面倒を見なければならない、とも説明してくれたし、何かとてもすがすがしい気持ちにさせてくれた。それはとても清々しいことです。悲しいことに、実際にはその反対のことが多いのですが、だからこそ、あなたは家族の中でも特別な存在なのです。数字を見ても、国があなたに注いでいる愛の極意を見ても 信じられないことです。だから、ありがとう。私は、誰かを選ばなければならないので、あなたの決断をお願いします、と少しプレッシャーをかけてきました。
しかし、この方はあなた方の次の上院議員になるでしょう。彼はあなたが誇りに思うような人物になるだろう......彼は戦うだろう。あなたはその言葉に同意しますか?彼は誰も戦わないように戦うだろう。彼のことをよく知らない人も多いと思いますが、テッド・バッドのことは2分以内にわかると思いますよ。頼むよ 上がってきてください。来てください。お願いだから上がってきてくれ。私は彼を全面的に支持しています。彼と一緒に仕事をして、一緒に選挙活動をするつもりだ。すでに2つのレースで負けている人を選ぶことはできません。すでに2つのレースで負けていて、私たちの価値観を支持していない人を選ぶことはできません。だから私はテッド・バッド下院議員を全面的に支持します、どうぞお越し下さい。――テッド・バッド
で、2016年に戻って。私は17人の候補者がいる中で、そのうちの一人に勝ってここまで来ました。私は一度も選挙に出たことのないビジネスマンでした。多分、18通りのプライマリーがあったのではないでしょうか? 18通りの。そして私たちは、忘れ去られたアメリカの男性と女性のために戦いました。あなたの義父とあなたは2018年に私のために戦ったことを知っている、民主党は最悪の共和党の地区で2対1で私を出し抜きました。そしてあなたの助けを借りて、大統領閣下とララあなた。ヘルスに入ってください。私たちは2020年に勝ちました。ララ。私たちは一緒に戦いました。助けるために戦ったのです。トムは、私たちがノースカロライナ州の議会を維持するために戦ったことを教えてください。私たちはノースカロライナ州の裁判官のために戦いました。あなたは最高のチームメイトであり 最高の上院議員になるでしょう 大統領閣下、ララ、これは私にとって世界を意味します。
ところで、この間の研究室の様子はご覧になりましたか? 武漢です。それは簡単なことでした。武漢では、恐ろしい問題が発生しました。他の国と同じように、私たちも落ち込みました。彼らは、インドがいかに優れているか、インドがいかにうまくいっているかを語っていました。
私が最も誇りに思っていることの1つは、私たちがワクチンの開発を行い、FDAに働きかけたことです。マーク・メドウズはこれまでFDAに働きかけたことはありませんでした? 彼らはそんな風に追い込まれたことはありません。彼は多くの会議に参加していました。あれはいい会議ではありませんでした。率直に言って、製薬会社も私のことをあまり気に入っていません。というのも、私は、世界で最も低い価格であれば何でも支払わなければならないという、国際薬価指標による薬価引き下げをやったからです。それが私たちが払わなければならない金額です。
そして、壊滅的な状況を見てみましょう。南の国境では何が起こっているのでしょうか?南部国境で起こっていることで、これまでに見たことのあるようなことがあるでしょうか。人々は南米やラテンアメリカだけでなく、中東やあらゆる地域から入ってきています。私が退任したとき、私たちは新政権に米国史上最も安全な国境を提供しました。その中には、麻薬や人身売買も含まれていました。人身売買は非常に恐ろしい大規模なビジネスで、主に女性を売買しています。そしてその数は、ここ何年も見たことのないレベルまで減少していました。彼らがすべきことは、ただ放っておくこと、放っておくことなのです。放っておけば、どんどん良くなっていったはずです。そして、約500マイルの壁を建設したという事実です。あと数ヶ月で完成していたでしょう。壁の建設には2年半の訴訟が必要で、その影響は計り知れません。しかし、それは完成していたでしょう。ほんの数ヶ月で完全に完成していたのに、彼らは今、それを止めてしまった。今はまた始めているようですが。これはあまりにも簡単なことでしたが、気の利いたことに、私たちがこのようにしていることを知りました。おい、あの業者が何をするか見てからにしろよ。昔から言われていることですが、世界で最も偉大な交渉人は、最も偉大なビジネススクールには通っていなかったかもしれませんが、最も偉大な交渉人です。 しかし、私たちはメキシコと歴史的な協定を交渉しました。メキシコ、ホンジュラス、グアテマラ、エルサルバドルと歴史的な協定を結び、不法移民を阻止しました。亡命や亡命詐欺を廃止しました。
国境で起こっていることは、信じられないほどの詐欺行為でしょう。私たちは国境での迅速な排除を制定しましたが、それは本当に迅速です。私はこれを「1日」と呼んでいます。犯罪者が入国しても、すぐに帰国させることができます。今まで誰も聞いたことがないような時間を過ごしています。私たちはキャッチ&リリースを廃止しました。キャッチ・アンド・リリースとは 誰かが恐ろしい犯罪者になるかもしれません。強姦者や殺人者、麻薬の売人などを捕まえて、釈放するのです。捕まえよう。しかし、私たちはそうしませんでした。アイス社に仕事をさせるようにしたのです。アイス社は素晴らしいし、国境警備隊も素晴らしい。ところで、ノースカロライナ州の警察は、私もよく知っていますが、素晴らしいですね。本当にありがとうございます。今夜は多くの人が集まっています。サンクチュアリ・シティを取り締まり ギャングを何千人も送還しました。MS-13【メキシカン・マフィア】にも大打撃を与えました。最も凶悪なギャングです。何千人ものギャングを追い出しました。
セミフェア【?……The Semi-Fairですが調べてもわからない】をご覧になったことがありますか? セミフェアを見てください。イブニング・ニュースではまだあまり取り上げられていませんが、彼らが私たちの国を破壊していることを目の当たりにすることになるでしょう。しかし、それ以上に悪いことに、過激な民主党が意図的に無慈悲に、組織的に主権的な国境を解体しているために、毎日少なくとも1,000人の外国人が単に逃げているのです。
考えてみてください、私たちは他国の国境のために戦いますが、自国の国境のためには戦いません。 私の政権下でそれは変わりましたが、今は戻っています。誰もが想像していたよりも急速に。誰もがこれほど早く国を破壊することができるとは思っていませんでした。
私は彼らの多くを知るようになりましたが、彼らはあなたがこれまでに会ったことのないような素晴らしい人々です。その通りですね。歴史上最悪の国境危機にもかかわらず、私はこの国を愛しています。不法滞在者の排除数は史上最小でした 不法滞在者の92%を排除し、2020年には犯罪歴がありました。信じられますか? 90人以上、おそらくそれ以上の約92%に犯罪歴があり、今では全員が釈放され、自由になり、地域社会に戻ってきています。彼らは戻ってくることを望んでいませんし、もし戻ってきたとしても、私たちが彼らを連れ出しても、また戻ってこれるようにするという新しい方針を持っています。今まで聞いた中で最も信じられないことです。しかし、国境はバイデン災害の始まりに過ぎません。
ご存知のように、私たちは新政権に、世界史上最大の経済を手渡しました。偉大な友人であるロナルド・レーガンよりも大きい、史上最大の減税を可決しました。記録的な規制、歴史的なアメリカ寄りの貿易取引、そしてアメリカのエネルギー自立を達成しました。あなたのガソリン価格はどうですか? 実は、サイバー攻撃では、どの州よりも大きな被害を受けたようですね。信じられないことです。尊敬の念を欠いています。
パンデミックが始まってから、私たちは記録的な速さで経済回復を果たし、3種類のワクチンとウイルスを倒すための多くの治療薬を生み出しました。治療薬についてはあまり語られませんが、私たちは信じられないようなものを開発し、非常に効果的だと思っています。ジョー・バイデンが何もせずに座っているだけで、ロケットのように離陸していきました。誰も見たことがないような、経済と他のすべてのことの間で、私たちが代わりにやったボーダーは、経済は地獄に落ち、インフレは近い将来、大惨事を引き起こすだろうと、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は書いています。なぜよく引用されないのかというと、月に100万の雇用はグラフの範囲内にあるように思えたのは、少し前のことだったからです。しかし、今では希望的観測にしか見えません。悲しいことではありませんか? そして、我々はそれよりもはるかに良い結果を出すことができたでしょう。しかし、これはニューヨーク・タイムズ紙が言っていることですが、毎月の雇用統計は過去2ヶ月連続で予想を裏切り、あなたは何が発表されたか見ましたか? 金曜日にです。金曜日に発表された雇用統計は壊滅的な数字でした。インフレ率は過去13年間で最も高い水準に達しており、非常に大きな上昇が見込まれています。
バイデンは、雇用を奪うパリ気候協定に再参入しました。この協定は、親中国、親ロシア、反アメリカ的で、何年にもわたってアメリカに何兆ドルもの損失をもたらす恐ろしい協定です。これは、実質的に他のどの協定にもないような、私たちに不利な一方的な協定です。でも、どれも悪いものですが、これは本当に素晴らしいものです。でも、響きはとてもいいでしょう? 「パリ環境協定」です。ガソリン価格は1年前に比べて約71%も上昇しています。考えてみてください。民主党は今、アメリカ史上最大の増税を可決しようとしていますが、その影響はすべての人に及びます。彼らは金持ちに対するものだと言っていますが、これはすべての人に対するものです。しかし、これはすべての人に対してです。金持ちの多くは他の国に移ってしまうでしょう。私が復活させた企業の多くは、利益のすべてを税金で払わなくて済む他の国に戻ってしまうでしょう。史上最大の増税になると言われています。
世界を見てください。世界に起こったことを見てください。私たちだけではありません。ワクチンを開発していなかったら、1917年のスペインのようになっていたでしょう。1917年のスペイン風邪のような数字になっていたかもしれません。1億人もの人々が犠牲になったと言われています。想像もつかないような数字が出ていたことでしょう。しかし、私たちが国家として行ってきたことは、ワクチンの開発を迅速に行ったことです。 世界の多くの地域が回復しつつあり、インドのTodayでさえ、メディアや民主党、いわゆる専門家が回復し始めていると発表しましたが、私はそのようなことはありません。
さて、13ヶ月前に私が最初に言ったことをようやく認めました。ウイルスが中国政府の研究所で発生したことを証明する証拠があります。言えませんでした。言えなかったのです。そしてファウチ博士は、私が実際に仲良くなった人で、彼はいい人だし、素晴らしいプロモーターです。偉大な医者ではありませんが、とんでもない宣伝マンです。彼はこの部屋にいる政治家よりもテレビが好きで、彼らもテレビが好きです。しかし、彼はほとんどすべての問題で間違っており、武漢と研究所についても間違っていた。非常に間違っていた。我々は支払いを終了した。2014年に支払いを開始したのですが、マーク・メドウズがやってきて、彼と話をしたところ、私が見たものを彼も見ていたのです。私は「いったい何が起こっているんだ? いつから始まったんだ?」 2014年に始まり、私たちが終わらせたのです、私たちの政権が終わらせたのです。
私は、「ちょっと待ってくれ、あそこにはとてつもない感染症がある。このままではいけない」と言いました。私たちは国境を閉鎖し、何十万人もの命を救ったと思います。この数字を覚えていますか? この国では220万人が亡くなると予想されていたのです。ファウチは最初に「マスクをするな」と力強く言いました。それを覚えていますか? いや、マスクは効きません。マスクはダメなんです。
私たちは皆、一つの統一された声で「中国は支払うべきだ」と宣言すべきです! 彼らは支払わなければならない!アメリカは、中国製のすべての商品に段階的に100%の関税をかける措置をとるべきだ。私たちの関税で何が起こったかを見たでしょう。実際、民主党は「我々は……」と関税に抵抗していました。しかし、彼はその関税を撤廃していません。彼はそうしたくないのです。中国には25%の関税をかけています。何十億ドル、何百億ドルものお金が流れ込んでいます。
私にとっては、まったく別の考え方だったのです。それは意味のあることですか? 私はよく貿易協定の話をしたものです。彼らを夢中にさせていたよ。あの貿易取引は素晴らしかった。私たちの農家を見てください。彼らは素晴らしい業績を上げ始めている。牛肉を見ても、牛を見ても、様々なものを見ても。とうもろこし、小麦。それを見てみろよ。何と素晴らしいことでしょう。ウィルスが入ってきたときは、取引の話はしていません。今回は、久しぶりに貿易取引の話をしたんだ。これは本当に有益なことです。しかし、これまでの壊滅的な被害に比べれば、とても小さなものです。中国やその他の国の雇用や工場をアメリカに、そして本来あるべき素晴らしいノースカロライナ州に戻すために、関税で集めたお金を100%再投資するべきだと思います。
私は長年にわたり、たくさんのホテルやさまざまなものを作ってきました。以前はノースカロライナから家具を買っていました。あなたは家具屋さんですか? 立ってください。この会場には一人しかいないと思います。でも、私はあなたをたくさん助けましたよね? よかった。ありがとうございます。あなたに会えてよかったです。品質は最高でした。
今は中国製のものが多いですよね? とても多いです。私たちはそれを止めていました。すべてが止まっていたのです。パンデミックの後、少しペースを落とさなければなりませんでしたが、すべてが止まっていました。そして、すべてがここや他の場所に戻ってきました。
中国から一族として与えられたお金を見ると、現政権は中国に責任を負わせる代わりに、就任直後にウイルスの起源に関する米国政府の調査を打ち切りました。いったい何が起こっているのでしょう? 何の経験もないハンターが1分で15億円を手にしました。15億でどれだけ儲かると思います? 彼らはハンターの助言を必要としていました。彼らはウォール街の最も賢い人々を使いません。彼らは助言を求めていない。ウォール街の誰かと話した。名前は言わない、彼を困らせるだろうから。
しかし、私は誰かと話しました。「誰が最大手なんだ?」と聞きました。「彼らはこれをやっているのか?」 と聞きました。彼は「金が手に入らない」と言っていた。この男の記録は誰よりも優れている。さて、それは恥ずべきことです。
そう。あの赤いライト。あそこにあるのは何でしょう? ネットワークって何? この男は仕事を失うことになるでしょう。今のジョー・バイデンの行為。彼らのやっていることは、アメリカの有権者にとっても、偉大な国にとっても酷いことです。なぜなら、私たちは中国よりも偉大だからです。私たちのような者はいない。私たちのような人材はいない。私たちのような人材もいないし、私たちのような天才もいない。私たちが持っているものやシステムが機能しているときには誰も持っていませんが、今は壊れています。腐敗しています。壊れています。選挙にしても、ビジネスにしても、税金にしても。さまざまなことがあります。私たちの国が持っているものを誰も持っていない。バイデン政権は、恥ずかしくて恥ずかしくて仕方がない外交政策の失敗を繰り返しています。
今、彼らは実際にお金を要求している。ほら、また始まりましたよ。覚えていますか? 彼らは1,500億ドルと18億ドルの現金を手に入れました。今、彼らは実際にお金を要求しています。私にお金を要求したことはありません。信じられないことです。見ていてとても悲しくなります。いろんなことがありますが、これがその一つです。北朝鮮で起きていることを見てみましょう。私が就任した当初、北朝鮮と戦争になると言われていたのを覚えています。戦争は避けられない、核戦争が起こると話していたのに、彼はかなりのストックを持っていて、私は彼と仲良くなった。最初は少し荒れていましたが、とても仲良くなりました。私は彼を気に入り、彼も私を気に入り、私たちはとても仲良くなりました。北朝鮮の話も聞きません。今では、彼はあまり噛みつくのが好きではないようだし、金正恩と話をする人もいないので、聞くようになってきた。金正恩と話をするには別のタイプの男が必要だが、私は彼と仲良くなりました。
私が会議を開いたときのことを覚えていますか? 彼らは「彼は多くを与えてくれた。彼は多くのことを与えてくれた」と言いました。
すると彼らは、「ノー、ノー! あなたは会うことに同意した」と言った。
私は「それは一体どういうことです? 往復の飛行機の旅ですよ?」と言いました。それは大丈夫でした。しかし、制裁は残っていたんです。
つまり、私たちは渡航禁止令を持っていて、今はそれを放棄しようとしているんです。マスコミが渡航禁止令について語るとき、「彼は裁判所で負けた」と気づくことはありませんか? そして彼らは正しいのです。ここでも負けた、あそこでも負けた。そして、私が勝った。旅行禁止令を手に入れたのです。彼らは最後の方には言及しませんが、旅行禁止令があり、私の理解では、彼らは旅行禁止令を終了させようとしています。つまり、彼らは爆破や人殺しが好きな人が入ってくることを気にしていないのです。
そして、難民受け入れ数を700%増加させる行動をとっています。これは発表されたものですが、でもすぐに2,000%以上になり、どんどん増えていきます。何をしているのかわかりません。投票には必要ないそうです。そして、多くの人が投票のために必要だと言っていますが、投票の際に不正をしまくっているので、このようなプロセスを経る必要はないので、必要ありません。いいですか? 彼らには必要ありません。
「投票には必要ないと言い続けています。投票用紙をそこに投げ入れるだけだから。なぜ人が来る必要があるんです? その必要はありません。投票用紙を入れるだけだから」
NATOのトップは、おそらく私の最大のファンです。NATOの事務総長、彼らはデータを見ると、支出していることを知らせられなかった。だから貿易ではぼったくりにあっていたんだよ?その上、軍事的にも彼らを保護していたのです。ドイツはどうだ?彼らはプーチンにお金を払っています。ロシアに何十億ドルものエネルギーを支払っているのに、私たちはドイツをロシアから守っている。どうやって? パイプラインのために何十億ドルもロシアに支払っているのに、私が大々的に主張するまでは、誰も建設されていることを知らなかったのです。
なぜそんなことをしているのか? 何十億ドルも払っているのに、私たちは彼らから守っているんだ。一体なんだ? ちょっとした取引だよ。私たちは? 私たちは何をしているんだ?
私の取引は、彼らが数十億ドルを支払うというもので、それはすでに行われていました。私はこの取引の更新を拒否します。彼は誰よりもよく知っている。私は1ヶ月単位で行こうと言った。あなたはそれを信じますか? 彼らは望んだ。私たちは5年契約を望んでいる。私は「ノー」と言った、なぜならお前達は私たちにお金を払っていないからだ。なぜ私たちが守るのか? あなたは私たちのテレビ事業を奪った。あなたは船を作った。何でも作ってしまう。大金を手にしても、軍事的な保護にはお金を払ってくれない。そして私たちは敵対する国からあなたを守っているのです。なぜだ? 彼らはとても怒っていて、偉大な交渉者だった。しかし、最終的には数億ドルの支払いに合意しました。それは、彼らの予算がすでに可決されていたからです。それはいいとして、1月から2月にかけて会合を開き、年間50億ドルを支払うことになっていたのです。そして彼らは「ノー、ノー、ノー」と言いましたが、私には彼らが今にも折れそうになっているのが分かるのです。だから契約を更新しなかったんです。私たちが保護している韓国から何十億ドルも何百億ドルももらう予定だったんです。彼らは素晴らしいですよ。彼らは素晴らしいです。すべてが素晴らしい。しかし、私たちは利用されていたのです。
繰り返しになりますが、貿易では我々を殺し、軍事でも我々を殺す、そして何が起こったか? 彼らは生活費の増加のために更新しただけです。生活費の増加です。だから我々は85年も彼らを守ってきた。5年間、彼らは支払うでしょう。
どの場所でも、それをとても誇りに思っていて、兵士は終わりのない戦争に参加しています。ウォルター・リード病院の兵士を訪問しました。医師たちが本当に素晴らしい能力をもっていますが、しかし、私は、粉々に吹き飛ばされた若者たちを目にします。エースですね。" TARGET="_blank">ドーバーに行くと、大きな貨物機が入ってきて、ドアを開けると後ろには棺があるんです。そして軍人、兵士がその棺を持って飛行機から降りていくのです。私は1時間前に彼のご両親と一緒にいて、話をしていたのですが、担当の将軍に「将軍、ご両親は大丈夫そうですね」と言うと、彼は「いや、大丈夫ではありません。彼らは大丈夫ではありません」
私は将軍に、今、素晴らしい会話をしていると言ったのですが、母親たちはしばしば「私の息子はとても素晴らしいサッカー選手でした、力がとても強くて、ボールを遠くに投げることができました。とても良い選手でした」などと言うのです。他にも、彼らは自分の息子や娘、場合によっては娘の話をするのがとても好きだったんです。そして、私は将軍を見ていました。私は「彼らの対応には驚かされますね」と言います。そして、飛行機が入ってきて、将軍が 「閣下、これは良くないですよ」と言うんです。そうすると、あのドアが開くんですよ、あの大きな後ろのドアがね、陸軍の戦車を何事もなかったかのように持ち上げることができる、信じられないほど強力な機械が開くんですよ。そしてドアが開くと、そこには1つ、2つ、3つ、4つの棺があり、私と話していた人たちが、自分の子供がいかに素晴らしいかを嬉しそうに話しているのを見て、悲鳴を上げ始めるのです。今まで聞いたこともないような叫び声です。
ポートランドで起こったことを見てください。彼らは人を殺したり、建物を燃やしたり、連邦政府の建物を狙ったりしていますが、何も起こらず、人々はそれに対してひどく怒っています。政府が運営する学校が子供たちに過激な思想を教え込むことになるならば 共和党は、すべての親とアメリカ人がこの狂気から抜け出して、自分の子供を公立、私立のチャータースクール、または宗教的な学校に通わせることができるようにするための法案を直ちに通過させなければなりません。
彼らが引き起こす誹謗中傷は、私たちの国を誹謗中傷します。祖国を貶め、子供たちを分裂させる。近年何度も見てきたように、左派は法律そのものを武器にしようとしています。政治的敵対者を迫害するために この部屋には、ニューヨークで迫害を受けている人たちがいます。急進的な左派の検察官たちは、今、膨大な時間とお金を費やして、家族を脅かし、無実の人たちの人生を破壊しようとしています。本当に、本当に良い人たちが、私に苦痛を与えるために十字軍に参加しているのです。
「我々はトランプを捕まえるつもりだ。彼が何をしたか? それはわからないが、そのうちわかるだろう」
ワシントン・ポストが先日報じたところによると、何百万ページもの文書を入手したそうだ。彼はいつ取引をしたのか? それとも別の取引をしたのだろうか? 彼らは私がこれまでに行ったすべての取引について、何百万、何千万ページにもわたってすべて調べている。カンマの間違いやスペルミスがあっても、それは問題なんです。これは私たちの国の恥であり、検察官の不正行為です。彼らは犯罪を探しています。釣り上げようとしているのであって、アメリカの最高裁判所はそれを許すべきではありませんでした。許すべきではなかった。そして彼らは、釣り目的であってはならないと言及しました。これは究極の釣り上げ作戦です。5年間にわたる魔女狩りで、デマに次ぐデマ、ロシア、ロシア、ロシア、ウクライナ、モラーのデマです。モラーの詐欺を見てください。議会での彼の出来はどうでした? あまり良くなかったのではないでしょうか?
嘘に嘘を重ね、腐敗した調査に腐敗した調査を重ねる。フェイクニュースの資料、偽の資料に金を出したのはヒラリー・クリントンと民主党だとわかったときのことを覚えていますか? ヒラリー・クリントンでした。そして彼らは、偉大なるジェームズ・パターソン以上のものを手に入れたのです。クリストファー・スティールという男は、誰だか知らないが、私を嫌っていたのは確かだ。
これは、民主党と不正なヒラリー・クリントンが支払った完全なインチキ取引です。そして彼らには何も起こらない。ところで、ダーラムはどこにいるんだ?【ロシアゲート関連】 ダーラムはどうなった? 彼はどこに? 誰かダーラムを見たか? 全てが無駄になってしまった。残念だな。彼らは少し違うやり方をしていますが、私たちはもう二度とやらせはしません。
「ディナーを一緒にどうですか?」と 電話してくるんです。
私の意見では、非常に強力で、もっと強力で、もっと大きなグループの声を封じているのです。というのも、民主党が警察の資金援助や国境開放、聖域都市【アメリカ合衆国やカナダなどで不法移民に対して寛容な政策をとっている都市】など、恐ろしいキャンセル・カルチャーのようなことを言っていますが、彼らの政策はひどいものです。私は何度も言っていますが、彼らが50:50と言っても、一体誰が警察を守りたいと思うでしょうか? 警察の資金を削減しているところで何が起こっているかを見てみましょう。ある都市では131%です。彼らは何をすべきかさえわからないのに、それを続けているのです。でも、2年後には戻れるかもしれないと言われています。でも、2年後に戻れるかもしれないと言われています。2年後に復帰させてくれるかもしれない。このようなことが起きないようにしなければなりません。不公平なことに、彼らは人々のグループ全体を締め出しています。私だけではなく、私の意見では、非常に強力な、より大きなグループの声を封じているのです。というのも、民主党が警察の開放、国境、聖域都市、これらすべての恐ろしい恐ろしいものに資金を提供すると言っているからです。
お金をもらうことは許されないんです。とんでもないことになっている。私たちはそうした役割を一掃しなければなりません。いろいろなことをしなければなりませんが、選挙の整合性がなければ、国は成り立ちません。また、強力な国境線がなければ、国は独裁国家のように運営されてしまいます。それを彼らは望んでいるのです。私はバイデンが独裁者だとは思っていませんが、一体誰がその作戦を実行しているのか誰も知りません。教えてくれませんか? 私はジョーではないと思っていますが、一体誰が知っているのでしょうか?
これからも、働いて、働いて、お金を使って、貢献していきたいと思っています。2022年にも同じことがテッドと他の2人に起こるでしょうか? 同じことが20年にも起きているのです。私たちは、絶対にないと言えるようにならなければなりません。
そして、その問題を本当に解決する唯一の方法は、何が起こったかを正確に把握することです。そして、彼らはそれを実行することができるのです。多くの非道な過ちを考慮して、全米の共和党は選挙の完全性を確保するために投票制度の改革を進めています。私が最もよく耳にするのは、選挙の完全性です。ジョー・バイデンは、これらの常識的な改革を非アメリカ的だと言いました。しかし、本当に非アメリカ的なのは、選挙詐欺、です。世界中で、「ああ、彼らは自由の国だ、素晴らしい選挙をしている」と言われていました。私たちは素晴らしい選挙をしていません。おそらくほとんどの国が持っていないような選挙をしています。それは良い意味でも悪い意味でもあります。先の選挙でこの国に起こったことは不名誉なことであり、世界中で笑いものにされ、見られています。私が言えるのは、中国はこのことを非常に喜んでいるということです。また、ロシアも非常に喜んでいます。皆、とてもとても喜んでいます。おそらく順番に言えば、中国、イラン、そして多くの国ということになるでしょう。挙げていけばキリがありませんが、中国は確かに喜んでいます。イランも確実に喜んでいます。考えてもみてください、もし下院民主党が可決した法案、HR1が法制化されたら、私たちの国ではもう二度と公正な選挙は行われないでしょう。これ以上悪くなることはありませんが、先日の大統領選挙と同じくらい悪くなるでしょう。今後の選挙を完全に安全なものにするためには、写真付き身分証明書、普遍的な署名の確認、市民権の確認、Chain of Custody【管理の連鎖。犯罪捜査や民事捜査における物理的・電子的証拠の取り扱い順序や方法を指す法律用語】、完全性のコントロール、選挙ごとに更新された有権者名簿が必要です。有権者名簿を更新しなければなりません。9年前に死んだ人ではなく、有権者名簿を更新しなければなりません。
これらのドロップボックスを見たことがありますか? いくつかのドロップボックスは非常に遅れて戻ってきました。撤去されてしまったのです。次の日にはどこにある? どこですか? ああ、来たんだ。素晴らしい、素晴らしい。ジョー・バイデンに96%の支持。
大量の郵送による投票という不条理な方法を廃止し、人々は選挙日に直接投票するべきです。何週間も何ヶ月もかけて、様々なことが起こる可能性がありますが、それは国にとって良いことではありません。また、不在者投票を行うには、正当な理由が必要です。病気であったり、ある年齢に達していたりと、不在者投票にふさわしい人たちがいます。ある程度の年齢に達している人もいます。この国を愛してやまない軍人たちがいるのに、あなたのようなことをするために、何百万、何千万ものお金を送るのですか? ところで、政治の世界に詳しい方はご存知かと思いますが、私はずっと前からこの話をしていて、彼らが何をしていたのか、どうやって許されていたのかというと、何百万もの投票用紙を送ることでした。急進的な左派は、私たちが愛するアメリカを破壊するためには手段を選ばないことを知っています。しかし、ここにいる皆さんのような正義のアメリカン・パトリオットの助けがあれば、彼らは失敗するでしょう。私たちの活動はまだ終わっていません。それどころか、ここノースカロライナ州でも、全米でも、始まったばかりなのです。共和党は、強い家族のために戦い続けます。安全な地域社会、そして安全で主権のある国境のために戦い続けます。より多くの雇用、減税、親米的な貿易取引のために戦い、その結果、より多くのノースカロライナ州の労働者が鍛錬し、より多くの製品に、美しい、美しいフレーズ、特に「Made in the USA」のスタンプを押していきます。 家具の派閥です。
【6/13 修正 MS-13の所の閉じカッコの位置など、他細かい部分】
文字起こし原文(English Transcribe)
-Michael Whatley
...And we've had such a successful convention, and I am so excited to introduce to you. Our President, Donald J Trump.From the lakes of Minnesota, Detroit. Stand and say,
God bless.
-Donald J. Trump
Thank you very much to Whatley. Thank you, Whatley. Well, it's been so great and Michael, thank you very much. And congratulations on your re-election today is Chairman of the North Carolina. Republican party will of the state. You've done a great job, my father, we thank you very much, we really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. I love you too. Love you too. It's great to be back in Greenville with so many proud, North Carolina Patriots who love our country, support our military, respect our police honor our flag and always put America first. We don't put America second As We Gather tonight, our country is being destroyed before our very own eyes crime is exploding. Police, departments are being ripped apart defunded. Can you believe that the fund of, is that good politics to fund our police. Number one is bad for our country, but think of it, defund of police. You know? I've long said they're poly is the vicious, they're violent. They in many cases, hate our country and they have bad policy now. The bad news from our standpoint they stick together. They don't have some of the people like we have where they go on their own and they do what they have to do. They stick together and that's the one thing they have they stick together but their policy is so bad and we're going to have a tremendous 2022. Just like we did frankly 2020, think of it. More votes than any sitting president in the history of the United States. By far, we had a great election, bad things happened, but we had a great election, but you look at our border is wide open. Illegal immigration is skyrocketing at a level that we've never seen before, and this is over a period of a few months. Drugs are pouring in gas prices are soaring, our Industries are being pillaged by far.And cyber attacks. That's a lack of for our country, and for our leaders. And speaking of our leaders, they're bowing down to China America's being demeaned and humiliated on the world stage, or freedom is being overtaken by left-wing cancel culture. And the Biden Administration is pushing toxic critical race Theory and illegal discrimination into our children's schools. Now, you tell me, we take this Joe Biden and the Socialist Democrats are the most radical left-wing Administration in history. Even Bernie Sanders. Can't believe it. He said I can't believe this happened. This is worse than I ever was and I don't know if they even know what the hell. They're signing. Somebody's drawing these.
And putting it in its getting signed. It's a disgrace. What's happening to our country? The survival of America depends upon our ability to elect Republicans at every level. Starting with the midterms next year, we have to get it done. We have to get it done, we have no choice. Excellent, we have to get it done together. We're going to defend our freedoms. You just take a look at what's happening. We have to defend our borders. We have to do, all of these things and the cancel culture, the defunding culture, the defending culture and they defend the wrong things. We're not going to let it go. Any longer going to stand up for our values, we have to stand up for our values and we're going to take back our country and we're going to take it back at a level that is very, very good for our country and it's good for our citizens because we can't allow bad things to happen to our country and bad.
Bad things are happening to us. Perhaps like, never before you'll be seeing what goes on and perhaps like never before with us this evening, or many outstanding, North Carolina, Republican leaders who are fighting right by our side including one of the strongest and bravest new voices. Has in the Republican, party's been a great supporter of mine and I'm a great supporter of his, your incredible, Lieutenant, Governor Mark Robinson. Good job. Thank you.
Thank you.
We're also joined by some of your terrific representatives in Congress and I think Virginia Foxx is here, who I just endorsed Virginia. She's around here someplace, Virginia, thank you very much. Thank you for Virginia. I thought Virginia, you should have a better seat than that up.
So a great guy and a friend of mine, a tremendous supporter, David Rouzer, David, thank you very much. Thank you, David. Thank you, baby, Dan Bishop right from the beginning and so good. Thank you.
Thank you, Dan, great job. We had a big victory that and I didn't wait there. They said I don't know if he's going to win. He won. He won big.
Richard Hudson, Richard. Thank you. Great job, Richard.Somebody I've got to know very well and he is a handsome.
Where's Madison. Madison Cawthorn there is. Where's our Madison? Thank you Madison. Thank you. What a great guy. What a good future you've got? Where the hell is Madison? Thank you, Madison. Great job. Thank you very much. If I had a face like him. I would have been President 20 years earlier. 20 years earlier. Madison, thank you very much. Great job. Thank you.Greg Murphy was great. Thank you, Greg, you're doing a really great job with proud of you. We're proud of you and a friend of mine and somebody that's really been incredible respected by everybody congressman Ted Budd, where's Ted? Good job, Ted. Good job.
And here as well, are two people that you may know of, actually, I probably liked her better because she was a supporter of mine before he was people don't know that, Deb Meadows, stand up, stand. What we have to say Deb? He wasn't far behind. It wasn't like you know many many months now you is he had somebody else in mind but he switched over very quickly. I don't know if he had a choice right there. Mark Meadows, everybody real great guy.
And with the spirit and energy and commitment of everyone in this room and the voters all across this state, 2022 is going to be a banner year for North Carolina, Republicans. You know, they said this state was if you look back 10 years ago, Michael they said the state was finished. It was not going to be a Republican state at all, and they had elected a governor and it really looked bad. And then these guys, some of them that I just announced, but others also, we all got together and you've never been in a strong. Position and now you're going to have another Senator, we just elected a wonderful friend of ours and Tom is going to be great. I think Tom and he got off to a little rocky start. With protect Bob Mueller. But you know what? He flipped in the other direction, totally, and he's been, he's been terrific and he had a great race, he ran a great race, he really did. And he had my total support and he called me just a little while ago to tell me enjoy the state because I love the state. I love being in this state but I just want to say that this was going to be a Democrat State. And here we are and we're really dominating when you look at everything that's happened. So congratulations, it's really great to you.
I think we're going to gain two, or even three US House Seats were going to take over. If you look over the house. and get rid of Nancy Pelosi.
Remember they stick together on an impeachment hoax? Not one Democrat, not one voted against. Well, actually we had one that came over to our side, who was a terrific person actually, but you take a look and they didn't want to do that but they just do it a little bit differently. They play very tough, very dirty and we just can't let it happen. We're going to win. North Carolina's all-important. US Senate race and we're going to lay the groundwork for making sure that Republicans won.
Again, carry the great state of North Carolina in a number. A year that I look very much forward to 2020 for, we're going to do. Numbers like you've never seen before. So many things are happening right now, but they're we're going to do things like you've never ever seen before I stand before you today confident that the people of North Carolina will decisively reject, Joe Biden and the radical Democrats, the war on the American worker, the American family, and The American Nation. And I have to tell you that I have a very Rational person, you know, she's been, I love my family, I love my family and I happen to love this particular young man that she's married was a very tall person by the way, but not as tall as Barron.
Baron is six foot seven and he's 15. And Eric is sure he's only six foot six, but we love our Eric and we love them all. They're all great. And he is married to a very special woman Lara and I'd like to have her, you know, she was born in this particular State, she loves this particular State and maybe I'd like to ask Lara Trump to come up and say a few words. Lara, please come on.
-Lara Trump
Okay, my people can we just start off really quickly and I'll keep this brief but Donald Trump is two and oh in the state of North Carolina folks. How about it not bad. Thank all of you because I promised my father-in-law that we would win this state for him and we wanted into elections. So thanks to all of you.But I really you guys know. I was born and raised in this state. I absolutely love the state of North Carolina, my parents, Bob and Linda are here with my brother Kyle. They drove in from Wilmington to be here tonight. My brother graduated from EC right here in Greenville. He's a pirate And this, this state truly made me the person that I am today. I love this state so much. I named my daughter Carolina, okay? And I don't want any of you UNC fancy get any ideas because y'all know, I'm wolf pack for life. All right, let's get that one straight. Now, you may have heard a rumor that I have been considering possibly running for a senate seat here in North Carolina. So I have been considering it and it's a big decision in case, nobody knew it's a very big deal. And look, it's something. I did a lot of soul-searching, a lot of thinking, talking with my father-in-law, my parents, my husband, Eric, and because of the values, my parents instilled in me. They taught me that when you do something, 100 percent that is the only way to operate.
And because of my two kids, who are very young one and three Carolina and Luke, it is going to be very hard for me to enter this Senate race right now but I am saying no for now not know forever. Just so you know. And I came here tonight with my father-in-law because there is a very special person who is going to do an amazing Amazing job as your next, senator from the state of North Carolina. That he used going to announce tonight here in this room and I can promise you this just because my name is not on the ballot does not mean. I am not fighting every step of the way with you here in North Carolina. Because if we're being honest, this is so much bigger than a senate seat. It's about the future of America, we have to fight for our conservative values. We have to have a person in that senate seat, hooray presents North Carolina and is going to leave this country in the right direction. So I want to say thank you to everybody. I had so much support and so many people that were so sweet. And poured out, so much love for me with the thought of me, possibly running. So again. No, for now not know Forever at the right time. I would absolutely love to come back and consider running for something here in my home state because I love it dearly, and before I turn it back over to my father-in-law, Here's what I want to say. We are to know but what do you say? We go three, and oh guys. Let's do it. I love you guys. Thank you.
-Donald J. Trump
Oh, those poles, if you believe in those Lara, but, you know, she also explained that love my family, I love your son, I love those beautiful children, and I have to take care of them and there's something very refreshing about that. I don't hear that from everyone. Sadly, I hear a lot of the opposite actually, but that's why you're such a special part of the family because you look at the numbers and you look the poles of the love that the state has for you. It's incredible. So, thank you. And I've been putting a little pressure, I should make your decision please because we have to pick somebody. And what I don't want is I don't want a lot of people joining a race that have been big Trump supporters and then I have to go with somebody because there's somebody in this room that I think is very special. Somebody that I've worked with always been with me, always been with Mark and Deb and all of us. He's a man that has I've been pushing me at all, unlike some of the others that are running that won't win, they won't let you know. We have another race after this. It's Ben's a great politician but more importantly, he's somebody that loves the state of North Carolina. He loves the country and I'm going to do it now because again, I don't want a lot of people running and then they're going to be disappointed and in many cases they're friends of mine, you know. They're great people that thinking about running they want to run. They wanted to wait. Frankly to Lara, made her decision because she would have been tough. She would have been and cheese. They're very outstanding but I think she did the right thing for her and for her family. But this gentleman is going to be your next Senator. He's going to be somebody that you're going to be so proud of he will fight. Like hell would you agree with that Mark? What he will fight like nobody fights. And a lot of you don't know that well, but you're going to know him probably within about two minutes Ted bud. Please. Come up. Please come. Please come up that. I am giving him my complete and total endorsement. We're going to work with and we're going to campaign with him. You can't pick people that have already lost two races. You can't pick people that have already lost two races, and to do not stand for our values. So I'm going with congressman Ted Budd, complete and total endorsement, come on up to please.-Ted Budd
Thank you.Ha ha well, mr. President, thank you so much, you know, and in, go back to 2016. I was in a 17 way race and won this one that primary and got here. I was a business guy that never run for office. I think maybe you had an 18 way primary, right? 18 way. We? And we fought for their forgotten, men and women of America and Lara figure out there.
Your father-in-law and you know you fought for me in 2018, the Dems, outspent me, two to one in the worst, Republican district and with your help, mr. President, and Lara you. Come into Health. We won in 2020. Lara. We fought together. We fought to help. Tom tell us when we fought to keep the North Carolina legislature. We fought for North Carolina judges. You're a heck of a teammate and you'd be a heck of a senator Mr. President, Lara, this means the world to me. Thank you. We got a lot of hard work ahead. So let's win this together and let's get back to making America great again.
-Donald J. Trump
Well, thank you very much. Ted, you know, honestly, we did not know about this or until about 15 minutes before I walked to the podium and he was very taken by it. And I have read this and numerous occasions. So I'm not saying it myself, the wonderful Arts, a lot of media, that's it. Hard for them to cancel when you get great ratings, isn't it?They may edit that out. They don't want to have that, they don't like that. They may have to edit that out yet, but that's okay. They don't like those endorsements. But we've been very, very successful. Literally hundreds to, one hundreds to, in terms of the endorsements in the power of the endorsement. Because people respect that, I do want to make America great again. We were doing that. We were doing that at a level that nobody's ever seen and putting America First ahead of China and ahead of all Dungeons. And people know that that's where we were. And before the pandemic came into our Shores, we were doing numbers, the history and history. There's never been anything like it unemployment for everybody for every group everybody was the best. It's ever been. We're up to a hundred and sixty million people know. We were never even close to a number like that and then we had this horrible thing come in from China. And we got that one right to. By the way, did you notice you see What's going on? over the last? - with the lab? Wuhan. That was an easy one, Wuhan, but you had this horrible problem come in. And like, every other country we went down. And they were saying how well India was look how well India is doing. Well, India is not doing too well. Now, and we've done an incredible job and most importantly with the vaccine coming up with it. But we've done an incredible job and so many things have happened that we built the economy. Not once we built it twice, think of it because we built it.
We had the highest stock market ever the best job numbers. And then we had a regroup. We had to do a lot of things we bought. We became the ventilator Factory of the world. We're making them for everybody and we had our cupboards were bare the federal coverage to a bear and the state governments were bare and we've done a tremendous job. We never got the kind of credit that we deserve for that. One thing we do get the credit for from everybody even the other side although they try and disparage it as much as possible was the The vaccine coming up with a vaccine but we did something else that people don't talk about it. I made a bet and I shouldn't call it a bit because maybe you say, speculation is opposed, but it was somewhat of a bit we bought billions and billions of dollars worth of vaccine and all forms of getting that vaccine into your body, the needles, the bottles, the whole thing. We brought millions and billions actually of dollars worth of the vaccine and we saved a period of Year. Maybe more. You wouldn't have the vaccine right now. This room would be empty because they would ask me to be here and I would say, no thank you. And you would say the same thing. This would be an empty room right now and your state would be in a lot of trouble in the country. Being a lot of trouble because you wouldn't have the vaccine until probably October and might have even been later than that. And one of the things I'm most proud about is we did the vaccine develop, the vaccine and I pushed the FDA. They have never been pushed with. You say Mark Meadows. they have never been pushed like that. He was there at a lot of those meetings. Those were not nice meetings. They do not like me too much, that I can tell you. And frankly, the drug companies don't like me too much either because I did a thing called favored nations where we have to pay whatever the lowest is in the world. That's what we have to pay. Nobody can believe I instituted that. If they leave it alone, you'll soon have the lowest drug prices that we've ever had by... But that doesn't mean that they like me. They spend millions of dollars against me and that's okay. They have to do what they have to do, but we did things that nobody has ever done. I'm very proud of the biggest bet. This was maybe the greatest bet ever made in the history of the world because we saved a year.
We bought billions of dollars of this vaccine before we even knew it worked. And because of that, we've all most of you. I guess all of you just about in one form or another, you've had your shots or Jabs as they like to call it. I actually like the other word better, but you've saved a lot of lives. We saved all over the world.
Save millions and millions of lives and I'm very proud of it and nobody can ever take it away from us. Because that's something that's very, very special. And the people in this room are very, very special, the Biden Administration. Yeah. The Biden Administration seems to be putting America last. You look at these negotiations where so many bad things have happened. Forty eight thousand jobs were lost by President Biden's day one, rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline why for what reason did they do that? And if you like the environment, the pipeline is much better than railroad tracks and it's much better than Trucking. It's great. And they ended it on just about day one. 48,000 jobs, not 8,000.
He said 8,000, it's 48,000. Think of it. He rejected our pipeline but he approved the Russian Pipeline, which I had completely stopped going into Germany and all parts of Europe. So I stopped Russia and I have a very good relationship with President Putin but there's never been anybody as tough on Russia than I was. And you look at these horrible, cyberattacks you look at all of the things that are happening. We're in a different world than we were in just a few. Few months ago yet there's no better example of Biden's failed agenda. Then the catastrophic and you look at it. What's going on to the southern border? I mean is there anything that you've ever seen like what's going on on the southern border and people are coming in from South America, Latin America, but they coming in from the Middle East, they coming in from all over. When I left office, we gave the new Administration, the most secure Border in US. History, we had the most Secure Border in the history of our country and that included drugs that included human trafficking, which is a magnificently horrible and big business mostly trafficking and women. And the numbers were down to levels that they hadn't seen in many many years. And all they had to do is just leave it alone, just leave it alone. If you leave it alone, it would have gotten better and better. And the fact that we built almost 500 miles of wall.
And just a few months it would have been completed, took two and a half years of litigation to get to build the wall and what an impact it had. But it would have been completed. Totally completed in just a couple of months and they stopped at now. I understand they're starting it again. That one was just too easy but wittily, find out what we do this. Hey, wait till they see what those contractors are going to do to them. Well, you know, this is going to cost us five times more money now because we were prepared, you know, the old story the greatest negotiators in the world, they may not have gone to the greatest Business Schools, but the greatest negotiators But we negotiated historic agreements with Mexico. Honduras, Guatemala El Salvador to stop illegal immigration. We ended Asylum and Asylum fraud.
It would be fraud of what was going on at our border was unbelievable. We instituted rapid removals on the border and that's really rapid. I call it one day. Turnaround of criminals coming into our country, sending people home in Good time. We have times that nobody ever heard of before. We ended catch-and-release. That's where you catch. Somebody could be a horrible criminal, you catch somebody a rapist and murderer could be a drug dealer and we release them. Let's go catch. We catch him and we release them into our country, but we didn't do that. We empowered ice to do their jobs. Ice is incredible, the border patrol is incredible. By the way, your police force in North Carolina, I've gotten to know very well, they are incredible. Thank you very much. A lot of them here tonight. We crack down on Sanctuary cities, deported gang members by the thousands and dealt a crippling blow to MS-13 who is that's the most vicious gang of all. And we took them out of here by the thousands. Thousands and thousands brought back to where they came and those countries didn't want them back and a little story. I said, "well, what do you mean they don't want to back?"
They weren't taking it back. They didn't want him back. They said I'm out. They don't want him back and I said "that's bad." They told me that "sir. We can't take them. Won't let us land planes and putting other planes on the runway. So we can't land plans. They won't take the buses."
I say, "how much do we pay those countries."
"Sir, we pay them, 500 million dollars a year."
"oh, you do tell them, we're not paying them anymore."
And the next day, I got a call from all three countries, "We'd love to have MS-13 back. We think they're wonderful people. We never had a problem and now they blew that one too."
They blew that one I'll never forget. We love to have them back would be a great honor to take them back. Those runways opened up like you've never seen anything open up after we instituted these policies, the number of illegal aliens, coming across our border declined by an astounding 91%. But under Joe Biden, illegal Crossings are up nearly 1,000 percent compared to the same period last year.They're emptying their prisons, they're sending murderers. Dealers human traffickers and others just as bad to the United States, let the United States take care. And remember it's called America last in April alone over 175,000 illegal. Aliens were apprehended and mostly released, you know, where they were released, right? They were released into our country and we saw the largest number ever of unaccompanied minor. We've never seen anything like it. Have you just watch some of the The Semi Fair tell you have to watch? Fair Semi Fair, they talk about because I think they have another choice and I think they're going to see it more and more. You don't see it too much on the evening news yet, but you get to see it because they're destroying our country, but it is much worse than that because there are at least 1,000 aliens who are simply getting away every single day as the radical Democrats have intentionally ruthlessly and systematically dismantled The Sovereign borders.
The United States of America. They are people just walking into our country. Nobody knows who they are where they're from. There's no wedding. There's no anything. And some of these people are very, very bad people much as I said. And that beautiful morning when I came down with our future, first lady at the time, Melania, who sends her regards. We came down that beautiful gold escalator in Trump Tower, and I made that statement and people hated it. It turned out that my statement was very minor compared to the actual facts. That was very, very minor. It's another thing we were right about without a border, you cannot have a nation, certainly not a great nation, we fight for other countries, borders, but we don't fight for our own border.
Think of it, we fight for other countries borders but not for That changed under my Administration but now they're going back. More rapidly than anyone ever thought possible nobody ever thought that they could do this kind of Destruction to our country so quickly. Some of those executive orders that are signed are absolutely insane. Biden is altered wall, construction, suspended, removals, and even removable, 's removals of just horrible. Horrible. People stopped enforcement shredded, our groundbreaking remain in Mexico. So we had that groundbreaking plan. That took us a long time to get because Mexico, like the other countries were taking advantage of the United States.
Everybody was taking advantage of us. And we have an agreement, stay in Mexico as opposed to stay in the United States. And a lot of people weren't coming when they realize that a stay in Mexico. So the enforcement was so much better and it was getting to a level that nobody's ever seen. And then we finally hit that level nobody's ever seen anything like it. They turned America into a sanctuary for criminal aliens and effectively. They were abolishing ICE through agency directors, what they've done to ice and what they've done to our Border Patrol Heroes is incredible. It's incredible. And these are some of the finest people you'll ever met made. I got to know so many of them and they're among the finest people you'll ever ever meet. That's true. I love our country, despite the worst border crisis in history. We've had the smallest number of illegal alien removals ever recorded, 92% of illegal aliens, we removed and 2020 had criminal records. You believe that? over 90 and very substantially probably higher than that big around 92% had criminal records and now they're all being set, free and released back into your communities. They don't want to I'm back and if they are back, they actually have a new policy that if we took them out, they're going to let him come back in. It's the most incredible thing I've ever heard.
But the border is just the beginning of the Biden disasters. As you know, we handed the new Administration, the greatest economy, and the history of the world, we passed massive, tax cuts, the largest ever larger than A great friend, Ronald Reagan. Record regulation, historic pro-american trade deals and achieved American Energy Independence. How's your gasoline price doing? Actually, I guess you were hit worse than any state from what I understand on the Cyber attack.
It's incredible. It's a lack of respect. After the pandemic began, we launched the fastest economic recovery on record, we produce three vaccines and numerous Therapeutics to defeat the virus. You know, they don't talk about the Therapeutics but we came up with things that are incredible and I think extremely effective. All Joe Biden had to do was sit back and do nothing and it was taking off like a rocket ship, nobody's ever seen it between the economy and all of the other things we did the Border instead, the economy is going to hell, and inflation is going to cause a catastrophe in the near future, the New York Times.
Why don't often quote just stated a million jobs a month seemed within graphs that long ago think of it, a million jobs a month, seemed within grasp, not long ago. But now it looks like wishful thinking isn't that sad? And we would have done much better than that, but that's the New York Times saying it monthly jobs numbers, have missed expectations, the last two months in a row and you saw what was released? On Friday. They were devastating numbers job numbers. Inflation is now at the highest level in 13 years is going to go up very substantial. It's going to cost you a lot more imposing, a stealth tax on, hardworking Americans and especially on middle-income Americans. Biden re-entered, the job-killing Paris climate Accord, a terrible deal, that is pro-china, pro-russia and anti-American and will cost America trillions of dollars over.
Over the years. This is a deal. Sided against us like practically, no other day, but they're all bad. But this one's a real Beauty but it sounds so nice. Right. The Paris environmental Court, gas prices have increased almost 71 percent. Since one year ago, think of it, Democrats are now attempting to pass the largest tax hike in American history. And it will affect everybody. They're saying it's against the Richards against everybody. Got a lot of the ritual. Take off to go to other countries. A lot of the companies that I brought back and going to leave and go back to other countries where they can not have to pay all of their profits out in taxes. They're talking about the biggest tax hike in history by far.
They're also pushing a $2.25 trillion infrastructure bill that's not infrastructure. It's the kind of things that you don't want. 9% looks like it might be infrastructure, but mostly it's not infrastructure at all. The Democrat legislation also includes an extreme plan to abolish single family home zoning, which would obliterate your home values, increase crime, and destroy the suburbs all to satisfy the far-left agenda of AOC, Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, who is telling us how to run our country. It's a great experience. She comes from a country that's done a wonderful job running their country. Now, she's telling us how to run our country. While Democrats push economic policies designed to punish American workers, Republicans must keep on fighting to protect, promote, and uplift the American worker who we cherish.
And that begins with standing up to communist. China last year, China inflicted an estimated 16 trillion dollars of economic damage onto the United States with a virus that I call the China virus because I want to be accurate, that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens. Look at the world. Look at what happened to the world. It's not just us. It's the world and had we not come up with a vaccine. You would have had a 1917 Spanish, Flu number. They lost. They say up to a hundred million people. You would have had those kind of numbers, you would have had numbers that just Unthinkable. But because of what we've done as a nation because of the speed that we came up with a vaccine, the I will not have that many places in the world are getting better, even India Today announced that they're starting to heal the media, the Democrats and the so-called experts are. Now, finally admitting what I first said, 13 months ago, the evidence demonstrates that the virus originated in a Chinese government lab. Couldn't say it. You couldn't say it.
And Dr. Fauci, who I actually got along with, he's a nice guy, he's a great promoter. Not a great doctor, but he's a hell of a promoter. He likes television more than politician in this room and they like television. But he's been wrong on almost every issue and he was wrong on Wuhan and the lab also. Very wrong. We ended the payments. They were started in 2014 and then I can tell you Mark Meadows came in and I talked to him and he saw what I saw. I said, “What the hell's going on? When did that start?” It started in 2014 and we ended it, our administration ended it.
But generally speaking, I went the opposite way of Dr. Fauci, what he was saying. For instance, Fauci said, “Do not close our borders to China or Europe,” but I did it anyway. Months later, he said I made the right decision and saved thousands and thousands of lives. He said it was the right decision, but he did not want to close that border. I said, “Wait a minute, there's tremendous infection over there. We can't let this happen.” We closed it and I think we saved hundreds of thousands of lives. You remember the number? It was 2.2 million people in our country who were expected to die. Fauci said powerfully at the beginning no masks. You remember that? No, masks don't work. Masks don't. Then he went into masks and then he became a radical masker. I recall him, if you have three, if you have four. Get a pair of goggles also ideally. Let's wear them for another five or six years.But fauci is perhaps never been more wrong than when he denied the virus and where it came from. The time has come for America and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the Communist Party of China.
We should all declare within one unified voice that China must pay. They must pay.
The United States should immediately take steps to phase in a firm. 100 percent tariff on all goods, made in China you so what was happening with our tarrifs. In fact you know the Democrats were fighting the tariff so we don't well he hasn't taken those tariffs off. He doesn't want to billions and billions of dollars 25% tarrifs on China billions and billions of dollars is pouring it.
And frankly, if you raise them, a lot of things would happen to China. I think they'd stop building their military. I think a lot of companies would move back to the United States. I'm not only talking about China. I'm talking about others. Because you know what China does is they'll sell through other countries. They're very ingenious. They're very smart. Had a great relationship with President Xi until the China Virus came in and it was real tough.
We made a tremendous deal for the farmers. Farmers are doing better than they've ever done because of us, because of me, because of what we've done with our administration. Better than they've ever done. Look at wheat prices and virtually all prices. The farmers are doing the best and one of the reasons is China is buying tremendous amounts. They want to keep us happy. They want to keep me happy. I don't think they want to keep Biden happy. I don't think they care too much about Biden to be honest. But they wanted to keep me happy and they were investing with our farmers. They were buying so much of our product and they continue to do so. We made a great deal.But after the virus came in, I just felt differently. It meant, you know, a trade deal with China. I mean, very much. I didn't mean to me. It was just a whole different was a whole different mindset. Does that make sense? Does it was some, I used to talk about that trade deal. I drive these guys crazy. That trade deal was great. Look at our farmers are starting to do great. You look at Beef, you look at cattle. You look at all of the different things, corn wheat, look at it and what a great deal when the virus came in. I don't even talk about the trade is the first time in a long time. I've even mentioned the trade deal and it's really been very beneficial. But it's so, So, tiny compared to the devastation that's been caused. Now, we should reinvest one hundred percent of all of that money that we collect from tariffs to help, bring back jobs and factories from China and other places back to America and back to the great state of North Carolina where they belong.
You know, over the years, I've built lots of hotels and lots of things that I used to buy my furniture from North Carolina. Are you a Furniture guys? Stand, uh, is only one in the room, right? But I helped you a lot, right? Good. Thank you. Great to have, and the quality was incredible. Now, it's so much of its made in China so much and we were stopping that, it was all stopping. And then we had a slow it down a little bit after the pandemic, but it was all stopping. It was also to come back here and to other places. And I will tell you, I bought a lot of furniture, a lot of things.
And a lot of times you'd put furniture made in China into a hotel room, and it would break somebody sits down in a chair. If you don't sit down lightly, the damn thing, would collapse, then I get sued as usual. But they nobody ever made it like you made it here and you make it here so just stay, stay tuned. Okay, because we were all set to bring it all back. It was all coming back. In addition, All Nations should work together to present China, bill for a minimum of 10 trillion dollars to compensate for the damage they've course.
And that's a very low number. The damage is far far greater than that is the first step. All countries should collectively, cancel any debt they owed to China as a down payment on reparations?The nations of the world, should no longer owe money to China. China is destroyed So Many Nations. I mean, we came out better than anybody. Our economy stronger now than any other Nation. Nobody's recovered like us because of what we've done, because we laid a great economic foundation. And because of what we've done with the vaccine and the also, what we've done with the distribution, the distribution of the vaccine. But China should owe money to the nations of the world. They've been These nations have been destroyed. Sadly, the current Administration is very timid and frankly, corrupt, when you look at all of the money that they've been given as a family by China, that instead of holding China accountable, the by did ministration shut down the US government's investigation into the origins of the virus shortly after taking office. What's going on now? Hunter, who had no experience walked out with one and a half billion dollars a minute. You know how much money you make on one and Half billion dollars to manage. They needed Hunters advice. They don't use the smartest people on Wall Street. They don't want their advice. I spoke to somebody in Wall Street. I won't mention his name, will get him in trouble, but I spoke to somebody, I said, who's one of the biggest? I said, do they do this? He said I can't get money and this guy's record is better than anybody. Now, that's a disgrace. We must never forget. That Joe Biden and his family took millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist party. They bought them.
They flagrantly lied about it to the American voters. If you remember, it was a big deal at the time and then all of a sudden it was canceled. They didn't want to talk about it, the big Tech, and the fake news media didn't want to talk about, you could talk up a storm. In fact, I'll guarantee you. Those cameras are starting to go off right now. It's true.
Yeah. Those red lights. What is one over there? What the hell Network? Are you with this guy is going to lose his job. The American voters and now Joe Budden doing. What they're doing is just terrible and to the American voter, and to the to our great country, our great country, because we are greater than China. There is nobody like us. Nobody has the people that we have, nobody has the the genius that we have. Nobody has the things or the system that we have when it works but it's broken right now. It's corrupt, it's broken, whether it's elections, whether it's business, whether it's taxation, whether it's so many different things. Nobody has what our country has. The Biden Administration has been one shameful and embarrassing foreign policy disaster after another. And you know, the former Secretary of State you said, Joe never made a good foreign policy decision. Biden cravenly. Lifted, sanctions on Iran. Iran. I would have had a deal in one week, one week, if I were, I even told him, I said, you know what, let's get the election of. We Will Make A Deal, it would have been a great deal. Now they're actually asking for money. Here we go, again. Remember the got a hundred and fifty billion plus one point eight billion in cash. Now they're actually asking for money, they never asked me for money. It's unbelievable. It's so sad to see so many things. That's one. Look at what's happening with North Korea. Remember when I first came in, we were going to war with North Korea. War is inevitable, nuclear war were talking about and he's pretty well stocked up and I got along with him. It started off a little rough, but we got along great. I liked him, he liked me, we got along great, and they were no Prague. You don't even hear about North Korea. Now, you're starting to hear because he doesn't seem to like biting very much and there's nobody to talk to Kim Jong-Un these different kind of a guy. Takes a different kind of a guy to talk to him too, but I got along with him.
That along. Remember when I had the meeting, they said he's given so much. He's giving. I said haven't given anything. They said that's a problem. Alright, then they said no, no. You agreed to meet. I said well what the hell is that? It's a plane trip from this back and forth. That's okay. But you know, the sanctions were left. Massive nobody's ever been sanctioned like them or Russia. By the way Russia not only the pipeline but Russia look at the sanctions on Russia and nobody's ever and yet I got along great with Putin but I got along great with Kim Jong-un and get along great with everyone. Not all of them like me Germany's ripping us off when trade, they understood that. So when I want to reduce 52 thousand soldiers, take out 25,000 soldiers which costs us just tens of billions of dollars. Everyone goes crazy, but I did the right thing and they would have done anything. But now, they want to put everybody back, it's a shame.
Biden's also beholden to America's enemies and so beholden, nobody's ever seen anything, that he actually criticized Israel while the Jewish homeland was under attack by thousands and thousands of rockets and missiles launched by Iran. It was launched by Iran. It was a betrayal of Israel when you look at what happened in Congress. It used to be, 10 years ago, 12 years ago, 15 years ago, everybody was with Israel. Today, I guess it's just not in vogue. But look at some of these radicals that they have in the House of Representatives, you have to deal with them all the time. Israel's almost out. It's almost out.
It's a very, very terrible thing and Biden foolishly eliminated the travel ban on terror-afflicted countries. I said, “I don't want people in from countries that blow up each other. I don't want them in. I don't want people in that are going to blow up our shopping centers. I don't want people in that are going to blow up our cities.”
And I won in court. They said I didn't win and they were right. I lost it. The lower court. I lost at the second court and then I wanted the Supreme Court and we have a travel ban and now they want to give it when the Press talks about the travel ban. You haven't noticed he lost in coordinate their right I lost here I lost there and then I want we got the travel ban, they don't mention the last one but we have a travel ban and they are ending the travel ban as I understand it so they don't mind people coming in that like to blow things up and kill people.
And he's taking action to increase. Number of refugee admissions by seven hundred percent. This is announced. But it'll soon be by over 2,000 percent and that'll go up and up and up, and I don't know what they're doing. They don't need them for voting in a lot of people say they wanted for voting, but they don't need them. Because they cheat so much in the voting. You don't have to go through this process, okay? They don't need them. I keep saying, “They don't need them for voting. They just throw the ballots in there. Why do we need people coming in? We don't need that. We'll just throw those ballots in there,” and many other things.
Yep. They're destroying our country and now Biden is being openly mocked by China's negotiators and Russian President Putin and they're taunting him and they're laughing at him and they're humiliating our country. And you haven't noticed when he had a hard time going up the stairs of the plane, nobody talks about that, nobody talks the news didn't cover, not one network covered. Now, when I made the best speech I've ever made, they said it was at West Point. And it was pouring and had a ramp. There was an ice skating rink. I called I said to the general General, I may have to grab you because the last thing I'm doing is going down. So I walk gingerly down that was on every newscast in the world and I never went down. He's I never went on my ass. I'll tell you. I wasn't got a fall. I think that was the booby trap. I think I'll never forget that ramp. That was like a sheet of ice. It was cold rainy and that ramp was long and steep. I said, General, I'm by half that grab you, but I'm not going down under. And unfortunately, I wasn't wearing American Jews. I had Italian shoes. Nice leather leather. It's like an ice skating rink, but they made that a big story, but they didn't make the Biden fall, the Triple fall. I called the triple fault. Under my Administration America was respected. Again totally respected. We withdrew from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. We stood with Israel recognize Jerusalem as its Eternal capital and recognized Israeli sovereignty. Over the Golan Heights have been working on that for 55 years that I got it done we decimated the ranks of the world's top terrorist you know that We got our allies to pay their fair, share. We stood up for our freedoms and for our country and we stood up to America's adversaries, like, never before. Nobody's ever done. What we've done, I got other countries with NATO to pay. We were paying for NATO we were paying for NATO. I got them to pay four hundred thirty billion dollars. Nobody knows nobody. You don't read about that.
The head of NATO is probably my single biggest fan. Secretary General of NATO, they couldn't let you know, if you look at data, they're spending. So we were getting ripped off on trade, okay? And on top of it, we were protecting them militarily. And how about Germany? They pay Putin. They pay Russia billions of dollars for energy and then we protect Germany from Russia. How does that work? They give it, they pay Russia billions and billions for the pipeline and nobody even knew was being built. Until I started make it a big case because I said, why are you doing? You're paying them billions of dollars and then we're protecting you from them. What the hell? Kind of a deal. Are we? What are we doing? It's not believe I could name so many. I could say so many different things. South Korea. I got them to pay hundreds of millions of dollars a year. They hadn't paid for years and years and years anything substantial. And my deal was, they're going to pay billions of dollars and it would have already taken place. And I refuse to renew the The deal, the deal expired. He knows better than anybody. I said we'll go on a month-to-month basis. Do you believe it? They wanted. We want a five-year deal. I said no, no, because you're not paying us. Why are we protecting? You took our television business. You built the ships. You build everything. You make it a fortune and you're not paying us for military protection. And we're protecting you against a very hostile Nation. Why? And they were very angry, they great negotiators. But finally, they agreed to pay hundreds of millions of dollars.
And it was because their budget had already been passed as it. That's okay, but in january-february, we're going to meet and you're going to pay us five billion dollars a year. And they. No, no no. But eventually they said, you know, I can tell when they're going to, they're about ready to fall. So we didn't renew the deal and we were going to get billions and billions of dollars from South Korea who we protect and they're great. They're wonderful, everything's wonderful. But we were being taken advantage of. Again, kill us on trade and kill us in the military and what happened? They just renewed it for cost of living increase, think of it. The cost of living increase. So we've been protecting them for 85. Five years and they'll pay. If you ask, nobody asks, in fact, they said. I said, why are we paying for your military? Because that is the way it has always been. Well, that's not a great answer. I didn't think I said, but that won't be the way, but I guess he turned out to be, right because they just got a cost-of-living. Think of that, a cost of living, increase of less than 1%, we would have gotten at least five billion dollars from them.
We fully rebuilt the US Military and created the first new branch of the United States armed forces in 75 years called the space force. So desperately needed,
The people a lot of things happening right here on the space for us to we ended the forever Wars in Iraq, and Syria, and Somalia and Afghanistan. We brought him back home and this is just the finishing little. We've brought him back home with down to very few soldiers. In any of those places and very proud of it, he's with the endless war. So bad, so bad and visit soldiers at Walter Reed hospital. Where the doctors are truly fantastic. What they can do. But I'd see these young people that were just blown to pieces. Aces. And it's just so sad that be a Dover where the he's magnificent machines would come, and the big cargo planes and that door would open up and it'd be a coffin in the back. And the military soldiers would take that coffin and walk it off the plane. And I'd be with the parents an hour before and would be talking and I'd say to the general in charge General. The Seem to be okay. And it's a no they're not sir, they're not okay. I said General I'm having a great conversation and the mothers often times would sell my son was such a great football player, sir, he had an arm that was so powerful. He was so strong. He could throw a ball so far. He was such a good player. Other things they tell me these stories about they just were so in love with telling the stories about their son or their daughter in some cases their daughter, And then I'd look at the general say, well it's amazing the way they can handle it and then the plane would come in the general would say, sir it's not going to be good. And that door would open up that big back door. Right? What? Open up from this incredible powerful machine that can lift up army tanks. Like it's nothing and it would open up and they'd be one or two or three or four coffins, and I'd see the same people that were talking to me, so jubilant about their child, how great the jobless would start screaming screaming. Screams. Like I've never heard before. It was the most terrible thing to watch him. The general in charge would say sir. You can see things that you maybe will not have seen like what generally said, mothers and wives and even father sometimes breaking through the military ranks and jumping on top of the coffin. And I got to see that one time where a mother? Was just, she went just absolutely. She was devastated, she jumped on and these incredible extremely fit soldiers are taking that coffin. And would jump onto the coffin and they would just keep what they wouldn't do a thing. They would just keep walking and the mother was on the coffin. And this is Afghanistan for Iraq and for these other places where so many mistakes were made, where we shouldn't be and we can't do that and we're moving them out. We're moving them back, 21 years, you know, you've heard 19 years, but it's not 19 now. It's 21 years in Afghanistan. It's enough. Tough. And we haven't lost a soldier in Afghanistan since January last year. We haven't lost assault. That one single soldiers, been lost. Pretty amazing.
So it's hard to believe the records, the bind Administration is doing and I'm very glad that he's continuing to move them out. I think it would be very hard to stop to be honest. I think, frankly stopping. Would it be very, very hard. But so I'm very honored by the fact that they're continuing to bring those soldiers home where they belong and we have other things to possibly get ready for because, you know, the bigger ball game. We have to be respected as a military power because if we're not respected, these other countries that are very big, very Powerful countries, they will take advantage of us and you know what I mean by that?
So we cannot be doing what we've been doing for the last very long period of time. When we got into Iraq, I said, as a private individual, many years ago, “Don't go. But if you're going to go, keep the oil.” We didn't keep the oil, and they make a lot of money with that oil. I know how much money they make. They make a lot of money. And we are looked upon as not very smart people and not a very smart country. So we're doing things that nobody thought were possible. The radical Democrat Party has become consumed by the unquenchable thirst of power. You know that. I don't know. It's a term that I've heard for a long time. They want power, power, power. I don't know. I think it's power, it's money. I think it's a lot of things. I don't think it's just power. It's too ridiculous. They want to take away freedom of speech. They want to take away religious liberty. And Biden has already introduced legislation in Congress to take away your guns. You know, your guns are under siege. You do know that. I told you all these things.
Again, nobody ever thought what is happening would happen. In Texas, I said, “We're going to win.” We won Texas by a lot. We won Texas, but they were against oil, guns, and God. And then you'd listen to the fake news. It's going to be a very close race in Texas. It wasn't very close at all. Republicans must never waiver in protecting the second amendment and keep and bear arms. We have to keep. We have to have that power to keep and bear arms. If we don't, we will have a problem like nobody's ever seen before.
But they want to take away your guns and I said it before the election and I say it after the election The by the administration is also issued regulations to indoctrinate America's school children with poisonous and divisive left-wing doctrines such as critical race Theory and exact opposite of the American belief that we all are created equal in the Holy image of God. We have a group of people I don't know where they come from but it's hell, I think.
Just as the state house of representatives has done right here in North Carolina, Republicans at every level should move immediately to ban critical race theory in our schools. And we should ban it in workplaces. We should ban it in our states, and we should ban it in the federal government, that it should be done immediately. It should be done very quickly.Washington Democrats are also pushing legislation to spend billions and billions of dollars on phony civic education, giving students academic credit to show up at protests. Can you believe that and make themselves into left-wing activist and how badly do they treat people? That tend to be on the right compared to people that are on the radical left. Look at what happened in Portland. Nothing's happening with these people and they do kill people and they burn down buildings and they go after Federal buildings and and nothing happens and people and damn angry about it. If government-run schools Are going to indoctrinate children with radical ideas. Republicans, must immediately pass legislation to empower every parent and American to opt out of the insanity and send their child to the public, private Charter or religious school of their choice.
The Socialist Democrats quest for whatever it is they're looking for because nobody knows, I don't even think they know, truly knows. No bounds.The slander that they cause they slander our country. Disparage, our founding divide our children. And as we've seen time and time again in recent years, the left is willing to weaponize the law itself. To persecute their political opponents. There are people in this room that have been persecuted in New York, radical left, prosecutors are right now, spending vast amounts of time, and money, threatening families, and trying to destroy the lives of innocent people. Really, really good people in their crusade to inflict pain on me.
The radical left movement in New York. There's no place where it's worse, or more corrupt. And most. Late to stop our movement, 75 million voters, plus plus plus, that's what I say, hundreds of thousands of dollars of radical left Democrat money had been paid to these prosecutors in the form of campaign contributions. Go get Trump. Go get him. And now, a new group of far-left, Democrats are seeking the prosecutor's office all fighting for who will be the toughest on Trump. They're going to get elected whoever's that vicious. The most they don't know anything about me. We gonna get Get Trump. What did he do? Well we don't know but we'll figure it out. Washington Post reported the other day, they've gotten millions of pages of documents. When did he do a deal? Or did he do another deal theater? They going through everything on every deal I've ever done millions and millions of pages. If there's a comma mistake, if there's a misspelling, its problems, you know what? It's a disgrace to our country, its prosecutorial misconduct.
They're in search of a crime. It's a fishing expedition, and the Supreme Court of the United States should not have allowed it to happen. Shouldn't have allowed it. And they mentioned, it can't be a fishing expedition. This is the ultimate fishing expedition. It's been a five-year long witch hunt, hoax after hoax, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, the Mueller hoax. Look at the Mueller scam. How well did he do before Congress? It wasn't too good, was it?
Lie after lie, corrupt investigation after corrupt investigation. Do you remember when they found out it was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that paid for the dossier, the fake news dossier, the fake dossier? It was Hillary Clinton. And they got more than the great James Patterson. This guy, Christopher Steele, I don't know who the hell he is, but he sure as hell hated me.
It was a total phony deal paid for by the Democrats and crooked Hillary Clinton. And nothing happens to them. And by the way, where's Durham? What happened to Durham? Where is he? Has anyone seen Durham? All of this for nothing. It's a shame, it's a shame. They do things a little bit differently. We'll never let it happen Again.
Now they just send the same information from the no collusion Mueller investigation to corrupt politicians. In New York, they send everything that they've already gone over and over and send it into New York. Let the radical of prosecutors go after Trump, just give it a shot. They say, give it a shot, they failed in Washington. They failed all over the place between the impeachment of reynolds number to all of these investigations.
"Shit, We failed. Let's send it to the radical left. Prosecutors in New York. Maybe they can have more luck."
They'll never stop until November of 2024, they won't stop. There's no better. Example of the Democrat and media corruption. Then the 2020 election hoax.As you know, the evidence is too voluminous to even mention. All you have to do is read the article in Time magazine, cover story in Time magazine. I'm not a big fan, I was on the cover a lot, perhaps a record, a lot. I got to a point if I was ever on the cover, I was on the cover of Time magazine before I did this political thing and I read every word. I said, I wonder what that means. It was actually a very good story, I used to actually get good press, can you believe it? I guess that's how I got to be president when you think about it. But I used to get great press. But Time magazine did a story. They couldn't help themselves. They had to brag about what they did in November. They had to brag and that story just goes 25% of the way, but if you take it a little bit further, you just read that and you see how corrupt but that's the least of it. You look at what happened. Well, that evening when the election was won and all of a sudden, vast amounts of votes were taken in just in certain States, swing States. Swing states that I was leading by a lot. And all of a sudden, oh, something happened. It was a disgrace to our country. And if you think people don't see it, people say it. People have seen it. The 2020 presidential election.
That election 2020 Presidential election was by far the most corrupt election in the history of our country has never been anything like these. They use covid. And they use the mail in ballots to steal an election. It was the third world country election. Like we've never seen before. Look at what took place. I want to congratulate by the way, Republican state senators and Arizona and other places for their great work. That they are doing exposing this fraud. And maybe again, I have nothing to do with the Arizona situation, they're doing at the state senate of Arizona because they have so many discrepancies, so many problems. And they've heard from so many people about the corruption and what took place. So they're doing. Let's see what happens. I'll be finished in three or four weeks to be very interesting, but I'll tell you I take and maybe they'll find nothing. They will say, oh, it was a wonderful perfect election, but maybe not. And now they are looking at it in Pennsylvania and they're looking added in Georgia. And they're looking at it in many other states because of saying, you know, the same things happened.
That election will go down as the crime of the century and our country is being destroyed by people who perhaps have no right to destroy it. Zuckerberg broke the law spending millions of dollars. Don't you think he broke the law? Millions of dollars to get out the vote efforts in highly Democrat areas. He used to come to the White House. He would call, “Oh, could I have dinner with you, sir?”
“Could I bring my wife?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
He actually walked into the office one day in front of numerous people, “Congratulations, sir.”
He said. “You're number one on Facebook.”
He said to me, “You're number one on Facebook.”
I said, “Thank you very much. I appreciate it.”We had a nice dinner. The day I was out he became a rather, well, I guess it's human nature. But we can't let our country be run by that kind of human nature can we? Zuckerberg, it's another beauty.But they say they may allow me back in two years. No, I'm not too interested in that. They may allow me back in two years, we got to stop that, we can't let it happen. So unfair, they're shutting down an entire group of people, not just me. They're shutting down the voice of a tremendously powerful, in my opinion, a much more powerful and a much larger group. Because you know what, when the Democrats say defund the police, open borders, sanctuary cities, all of these horrible, horrible cancel culture things, their policy is terrible. And I say a lot now there's no way they go 50, 50, who the hell wants to defend the police? Look at what's happening where they're defunding the police, the crime rate is going up by 50, 60, 100%. 131% in one city. They don't even know what to do, but they keep doing it.
The policy is so bad. You know what? This smart and I said, they're vicious and they stick together. But I don't believe it's 50/50 because our country isn't there. We're not a 50-50 country to defend the police and to have Sanctuary cities were criminals or allowed to be protected. I'm telling you, I think a lot of these elections where they always seem to have an advantage, I don't believe it. I can't believe that some of these states that are blue, that they're blue. I know those people. They're smart people. And I see so many people. They love me because they love what I stand for, and then these things there's something going on and we have to be very, very careful. With our election process because I don't believe we're a 50-50 Nation where these dates are split evenly. They can't be split. This is corrupt elections, possibly and we can't allow it to go on and I can tell you and you'll see it because more and more. It's coming out. The things that happened in the recent election dead people, voting dead people versus dead people voting, who had to apply to Strong yet, people that are dead that apply to. And by the way, I'm talking about thousands of people, thousands and thousands of people dead people, illegal aliens voting, Indians getting paid to vote in certain States including Arizona and Nevada, getting paid to vote. You're not allowed to get paid to them. It's a terrible thing that's going. We have to clean up those roles. We have to do so many things, but we're not going to have a country if you don't have election integrity. And if you don't have strong borders, our country can be run like a dictatorship. And that's what they'd like to do. I don't, even think Biden is the dictator of anybody knows who the hell is running that operation. Could you let us know? Because I don't think it's Joe, but who the hell knows? Maybe it is, maybe it is. And with all of the things currently going on, especially the prosecutorial misconduct that's going on at a level like nobody seen for many many years.
That's all that's happening and that's what they're doing. They want to silence. You, they want to silence. You have always remember. I am not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I'm the one that's trying to save it.
Please remember that we all know what happened with the election and we can never ever let that happen again. And we're going to go forward and we're going to continue to look and things are being found that it's not even believable but we To do that because without going back, you're not going to go forward. The thing that I get most is that sir? We can't let that happen again.
If we going to have, we're going to work and work and spend money and make contributions sir. Will the same thing happen in 2022 to Ted and two other people will. The same thing happen has happened in 20. We have to be able to say, absolutely. That's why I love what they've done in Texas. I love what they're doing in Florida and done in Florida. I would like to see Georgia be much tougher, they don't have signature verification, they don't have things that Georgia has to be tougher, but I love what's going on in so many states , 41, different states because they saw what happened in this last disaster and they don't want it to happen again.And the only way you're going to be able to really solve that problem is to figure out exactly what happened. And you know what, they're going to be able to do that. In light of so many outrageous wrongs, Republicans across the country are pursuing voting reforms to ensure election integrity. One of the biggest things that I hear is election integrity. Joe Biden called these common sense reforms un-American. But the thing that is really un-American is an election scam, that's un-American. All over the world, they used to say, oh, they're the land of the free, they have great elections. We don't have great elections. We have elections like probably very few countries have. And that's in a bad way, not in a good way. What happened to this country in that last election was a disgrace and it's being laughed at, and viewed all over the world.
And I can tell you, China is extremely happy about it. And Russia is extremely happy about it. They're all very, very happy about it. Probably in order, I would say China and then I would say Iran, and then I would say many countries. I could go through a list of them, but China is certainly happy. Iran is certainly happy. And think of it, if the bill passed by the House Democrats, HR1, is ever signed into law, there will never be another fair election in our country. It can't get worse but it would be almost as bad as the recent presidential election. To fully secure every future election, we must have photo ID, universal signature verification, citizenship confirmation, chain of custody, integrity controls, updated voter rolls for every election. You got to update those voter rolls, not people that have been dead for nine years.
We can't have illegal aliens allowed to vote. Strong protection of poll watchers, our poll watchers, our poor, poor poll watchers. What happened to them in Philadelphia, what happened to them in Detroit, where they were literally thrown out of election for days, and were actually afraid for their lives. And we can not have dropboxes paid for by Facebook and Zuckerberg. Where, by the way, massive numbers, 95, 96% of the vote is for Joe Biden, doesn't happen. You ever see these dropboxes, some of them came back very late. They got lifted, taken. Where are they a day later? Where are they? Oh, they're coming. Oh great, that's wonderful. 96% for Joe Biden. We must eliminate the absurdity of mass mail-in voting and people should vote in person on Election Day. Not over weeks and months where all sorts of things can happen and they're not good things for our country. And there should have to be a legitimate reason for someone to vote absentee. There are people that deserve it, they're sick. They're at a certain age.
They can't make it in, they love our country, there's a certain group of people military but for to do what you did Will you sending out millions and millions? And by the way, I don't know those of you that are really into the world of politics, you know, that I call this long before, what I heard, what they were doing, how they were allowed to do is send out millions and millions of ballots, some people got sick, some people got seven, ballots to send out millions of ballots to allow that to happen to our country. We know the radical left will stop at nothing in their efforts, to destroy the America we love. But with the help of righteous American Patriots, like all of you in this room, they will fail. Our movement is far from over. In fact, it is just getting started here in North Carolina across the country. The Republican party will continue to fight for strong families. Safe communities, and secure and Sovereign borders. We will fight for more jobs, lower taxes and pro-american, trade deals that result in more North Carolina workers forging, more products, stamped with beautiful, beautiful phrases but in particular, made in the USA, mr. Furniture Your faction.
We will shut down. Outsourcing bring back our supply chains, Crackdown on, trade, cheaters and violators and ensure that America not China. Dominates, the future of the world, we will protect innocent life. We will defend our glorious Constitution and we will uphold the judeo Christian values and principles of our nation's founding We will break up the big Tech monopolies. Reject left-wing cancel culture, restore free speech in America and demand, free fair and honest transparent elections. We will strengthen our military support, our great police and always take care of our amazing veterans. You know, that we got a 92 percent, Sent approval rating. With respect to the VA, they respect us 92 percent approval rating. It's never been anywhere, even near that number very proud of that. And with the American Pride that fills ourselves, we will teach our children to love their country on our history and always respect our Great American flag. Tomorrow marks the 77th anniversary of one of the most epic military trials in the history of the world. The Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day. As we remember this incredible achievement, let us summon the spirit of generations of Americans before us who gave their Blood Sweat and Tears for our Beloved Country. All of us in this room, inherit the legacy of the selfless Patriots who won the battles cross the oceans. Forge the steel made. The breakthroughs climb Summits is great, beautiful Summits tamed, the Frontiers and sees the victories That Built America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world. And that's where we want to keep it. That is our magnificent American inheritance. And there is nothing like it anywhere in the world and there never will be. So let us go forward tonight. Move by their sacrifice, motivated by their example inspired by their resolve committed to their values, and more determined than ever to make America prouder Freer stronger and greater than ever before. Thank you, North Carolina. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you very much.
Posted at 2021/06/06(Sun) 18:55:14
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