フィル・ウォルドロン大佐(Col. Phil Waldron)とは
2.マシン・レベル :アルゴリズムによる票の変更
3.不正のレベル :票の移動
【ストリーミング・エラー -音無し-】……
そして、多くの悲しみをもって自分自身を貫きました。これはどういうことでしょう? 私はビジネスマンです。私はビジネスマンでビジネスを運営しています。それが私の仕事です。なるほど、それはどういうことでしょう?
選挙の計画では、それがキーノートであったことを知るためのサポートです。それは、敵がある場所を攻撃して、米国の国力のすべての要素にアクセスできるというキーノートでした。私たちは、30年間の軍隊生活を通してそれを研究しています。皆さんが聞いたことのある頭字語の一つに、「Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economic(DIME)【外交・情報・軍事・経済】」というものがあります。もう一度言ってください。どうですか? いいでしょう。私は登場する牧師さんや医師のようなロックスターではありません。だから、あなたが知っているようなダンスの動きは期待しないでください。選挙に勝利したことで、敵は国力のすべての要素にアクセスできるようになりました 外交(国務省)、情報(ニュースメディア、政府の報道官)、軍事、経済など、アメリカの意思を世界に伝えるために使用するすべての要素です。つまり、この1つの重要な焦点が、敵に連邦政府のすべての要素を支配させてしまったことを知ることが重要なのです。では、今、実際に何が起こっているのか? これは、バラク・オバマが約束したアメリカの根本的な変化であり、その基盤となるもので、これは宿題でもあります。ですから、もし皆さんが鉛筆やペンを出してこれを書き留めておく必要があるなら、私は皆さんに宿題を出して勉強してもらいます。色彩革命を勉強してください 色彩革命は私たちの国に起こっていることで、2020年の春から勉強を始めました。中国の「超限戦」というドクトリン、つまり非対称戦争と心理作戦を勉強してください。カール・マルクスの著書と、マルクス主義、「孫子の兵法」、毛沢東の「遊撃戦論」ソール・アリンスキーの「市民運動の組織論(Rules for Radicals」、オープン・ソサエティーズ・ファウンデーションの出版物なども勉強してください。
これらは、憲法と自由に敵対する勢力です。私はまた、反乱と反撃について勉強したものをすべて読み返しました。軍人でありながらCIAに所属していたラリー・ランボーンという人物がいて、『Arms of Little Value【僅かな価値の武器】』や『Jihad of the pen【pdf】【ペンの聖戦】』という本を書いています。【ペンの聖戦より少し引用:邪悪な新暗黒時代の勢力とアイデアの戦場で戦わなければならない私たちにとって、「ペンの聖戦」は同様にふさわしい。火力ではアイデアに勝てない。より優れた、より説得力のあるアイデアだけが残酷な敵に打ち勝つことができる。盲目的な憎悪と狂信によって行動に駆り立てられるとき、無知は人類の敵である。まさにペンの闘いである】フリン将軍は昨夜「私たちは出し抜かれてしまった。敵は戦闘計画を持っています。彼らはその計画を私たちに伝え、私たちを出し抜いている。私たち彼らの戦闘計画を読んでいない。私たちは敵やその計画を理解していない。だから短期間で失敗してしまうのです。では、どうすればいいのか? 私たちは組織化しなければなりません。同期しなければなりません。軍事作戦における共通のオペレーション・ピクチャーを確立しなければなりません。これは「Intelligence Preparation the Environment (IPOE)【作戦環境の情報準備】」と呼ばれています。
涙を流して組織化するのです。フリン将軍やパトリック、マイク・リンデルが国家レベルで行うことで起こる「Of」があります。5月1日には、選挙の完全性の問題を解決できなかった新進気鋭の州務長官たちが、州レベルで話し合ってベストなアイデアを共有します。戦術レベルでは、陸軍では常々、優秀な兵士は将校にもかかわらず物事を成し遂げると言われています。つまり、すべてのスタッフオフィサーが物事を台無しにしているのです。ファイアーチームには優秀な下士官や下士官がいて、彼らが物事を成し遂げています。それが戦術的なレベルです。郡や管区では、そこで物事が実際に組織されます。草の根レベルでは、アニー・マリー・デルガドという女性や、Conservative Watch USA【合衆国の保守的視点】という組織に人々が集まっています。
この3つに同意できれば、それが作戦計画を実行するための共通の基盤となるのです。国を崩壊させようとする勢力への資金提供を止めなければなりません。私が83年からお世話になっているバンク・オブ・アメリカとの取引をやめ、アマゾンで買い物をすることを考え直さなければなりません。簡単ですよね。でも、どうしたのか? そのお金で何をしているのか? 我々の組織を破壊しているのです。そこで、自由を求める仲間であるリバティ・ネットワークと取引することになりました。
あなたの一票はあなたの市民権を得ますよね? 私は憲法を守り抜くことを宣誓し、あなたに同意しようとしまいと、その権利のために戦います。選挙の誠実さを求めて戦っている私たちは、言わば論破されたようなものですよね。私たちが力を入れていることは、実際には何も証明されていませんが。私たちは黙らされました。閉鎖されてしまったのです。メディアのプラットフォームから移動して、次は憲法修正第一条を信じる人たちが、その人たちを排除することになります。次に憲法修正第2条を信じる人々、そしてこの建物に集まって賛美を歌い、祈り、神を礼拝することが自分たちの権利であると信じる人々です。もし私たちが団結しなければ、敵がフェーズラインを達成するたびに、さらに一人を選んでいくでしょう。あなたの左や右にいたはずの人が、国のために戦ってくれるはずです。ですから、フェイズラインについて考えてみてください。数週間前にペンシルバニア州で起こった話をしたいと思います。ペンシルバニア州は自由の発祥の地です。私の友人である愛国者から「共和国は死んだ」と言われました。
何て言ってたかな? えぇと「あなたがそれを維持できるなら、それが共和国です」
それで、あなたはそれを維持できますか? 我々はそれを維持できるのか? ここにいる何人かの人はまた真ん中にいると思う。残りの人はどうかわからない。我々はそれを維持できるか? そのほうがいい。昨日の夜、フリン将軍が登場しました。私たちは何者なのか、自分は何者なのか、鏡を見てください。自分は何をしたいのか。独立宣言の最後の一行を、私も持ち歩いています。
これは私にとってどんな意味があるのでしょうか? 郡議会議員に立候補するということですか? ダウニー判事、教育委員会に立候補するということですか? 毒のない学校を取り戻す。私たちの子供たちは大学や教育機関に戻り、大学のキャンパスで広まっているものを一掃するのを手伝おうとしています……そこにあるすべての孔子学院です。何を? 私たちはお互いに誓い合うことを望んでいます。座っているのではなく、考えているのでもなく、話しているのでもなく、喜んで何をするのか?
[Streaming error -no sounds-]-Col. Phil Waldron
And pierced themselves through with many sorrows. What does that mean? I'm a business guy. I'm a business guy run businesses. That's why I do. Okay. So what does that mean? You have a business we cut hair. We have a business. We do marketing. We have a business we do dog training whatever business I'm involved in you sure the truth certain people aren't going to buy from you. Certain people will. In the Book of Matthew it talks about let us not think that I've come to bring peace. Right but a sword and your enemies may be in your own.So it's time to not go on the defensive. It's time for everybody be on today to move on to the offensive when you walk into a store. I'm just I'm just telling you this is how it goes you walk into a store. They ask you to wear a mask. I asked you why don't you ask them to take off their masks?
Bill speaker matter of fact I've been accused of actually depressing the audience because I deal in facts and assessments based on intelligence. So I apologize, but I'm going to I'm going to give you some here a little bit. I'm going to describe you some elements of a military campaign plan. First off. I'm going to ask you a question and you get a hold on to it. But can you keep it can you keep it so let's talk about the elections and the path forward. The election is just one factor. We look at a campaign planning. We can analyze the battlefield. We analyze all the elements that the Air Force is here Defense Forces Ground Forces a train the election is one factor.
In a campaign plans is support for you to know that it was a keynote. It was a key note that the enemy could attack one spot and get access to all of the elements of National Power all the u.s. Elements of National Power. We study that in throughout 30 years of the military. One of the acronyms that you may have heard is dying fields "Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economy" down the road. Say again. How's that? All right. I'm not a rockstar like the doc the pastor appears. So don't expect any you know any dance moves.
So the elections were won critical node in the critical node gave the enemy the access to all of our elements of National Power diplomacy, which is the state department the information which is our news media and the mouth of the government the military the economy all those elements that we use to influence American will throughout the world. So it's key to know that that one key focal point gave the enemy control of all of the elements of our Federal Government, let's say our federal government. So what's actually happening now? This is the fundamental change of America that Barack Obama promised the underpinnings of this in this is a homework assignment. So if you need to get out your pencils or pens and write this down, I'm going to ask you to do some homework and study. I want you to study the color Revolution color Revolution is what's happening to our country and we started studying this back in the spring of 2020. I want you to study the Chinese doctrine of under strict of warfare, which is study asymmetric Warfare and psychological operations. I want you to study the writings of Karl Marx and Marxism, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Mao Zedong on guerrilla warfare, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and the publication's of the open societies Foundation. These are the forces that are arrayed against the Constitution and Liberty. I'd also I went back and reread all of my what I studied on Insurgency and counterinsurgency. There's a fellow army officer mind that spent some time with the CIA Larry Lamborn and he wrote "Arms of Little Value" and "Jihad of the pen【pdf】".
General Flynn mention this last night that so we've been outmaneuvered. The enemy has a battle plan. They've told us what they plan and they are out executing us. We haven't read their battle plans. We haven't understood the enemy or their plans. And so we fail short-term. So what's our path forward? So we've got to organize we've got a synchronized we got establish a common operating picture in the military campaign. This is called our intelligence preparation the environment or ipe.
We got to organize into tears. We've got a Of that happens with what general Flynn and Patrick and Michael Lindell do at the national level. We got the operational level which is what happens at the states and we've got to have the state's cross talking sharing best ideas that's happening on May 1st with a group of up-and-coming secretaries of States who fouled the correct their election Integrity issues. Then the Tactical level we always say in the Army good soldiers make things happen in spite of the officers. So all the staff officers messing things up. You got good non-commissioned officers and privates in the fire team that are out making things happen. That's a tactical level. That's it the counties in the precincts and that's where things are really organized at. The Grassroots level and folks are coming together with these organizations lady named Annie Marie Delgado and conservative watch USA.
Defend defend Florida those kind of platforms are expanding across the country to help organize people and establish our common common missions. We've got to communicate we've got to fundraise. We have to conduct legal action. We've got to coordinate and synchronize that's our campaign plan any campaign plan, you've got lines of operation or lines of effort. So our lines of offer one of the main ones that we've got to develop is our Technical Communications, we've all seen that a lot of people on this stage have gotten put a quote deep platform commercial and business operations Healthcare and insurance shopping food supply Trucking all the things that are critical to what we assume what we call our normal days of life.
Ben Franklin said that democracy is two wolves in a sheep. Voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb. We've got a search for Liberty and we've got to fight for liberty. So what we're doing how we're going to do. This is establishing a liberty Network and I know this may be a radical idea but American businesses that pledge to support and defend the Constitution stand for the flag and the Republic for which it stands and refuse to do business with the Enemy those businesses deserve my business.
So we can agree to that basic core element. We got to cut away everything else. We got a cutaway egos. We got to cut away Petty bickering. We got a cutaway disagreements. If we can all agree on those three things then that's a common basis for us to form and fight as we execute our campaign plan. We got to stop funding the forces that are trying to tear down our country. We've got to look at not doing business with Bank of America that I was a customer with for since 83 shopping in Amazon. It's easy. But what's up? What are those dollars doing? They're tearing down our organizations. So we got to do business with our fellow Seekers of Liberty the Liberty Network. You'll hear some stuff for Michael and a little bit later this Liberty Network and feed directly into what Mike is building as a as a coming up as to compete with some of those online sources. So the next part of the campaign plan our phase lines and we always like to think at phases of the operation. Baselines are you know, I'm going to move from point A the line of departure to phase line white phase line orange phase line red phase until I finally get to the objective. So the enemy is working on phase lines. Also, we got to understand that. Travis drew a line in the sand at the Alamo. It said this is the line everybody's going to cross. It's going to stay that everybody is not going to cross it. You're free to go no harm. No foul. No bad will well the same thing can be said today if we don't draw a line in the sand and everybody cross over it that's going to fight from right here right now. They're going to pick us off one group at a time if you stand for election Integrity like I do and I don't care if you're a Bernie Sanders supporter an Obama supporter of Hillary.
Reporter a trump supporter of McCain supporter. Whatever you are. Your vote is your civil, right? I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and fight for that right whether I agree with you or not. So those of us that are all fighting for election Integrity, you know, we've been quote unquote debunked. Although nothing that we put force is actually been debunked. We've been silenced. We've been shut down. Move from so Media platforms and what's next it's those people who believe in the First Amendment, they'll pick those folks off. Then the people who believe in the Second Amendment then people who believe that it's their right to gather in this building and sing praises and pray and worship God. So if we don't stand together now every phase line that the enemy achieves they'll pick off one more person. That would have been to your left and to your right to help fight for our country. So think about the phase lines. I want to tell you a story that happened up in Pennsylvania a few weeks ago Pennsylvania is a birthplace of Liberty.
I was told by a friend of mine a fellow Patriot that the Republic is dead. And I said well, what do you mean the Republic is dead. He said we've got an illegitimate executive branch. We've got a bifurcated Judiciary that dispenses Justice differently if you're in the politburo or if you're a regular citizen or if you are antifa BLM or you know, a trump rally attendee, we've got an out-of-control legislator and legislature legislative branch. So we said all three elements are federal government are dead. And I said, so the Republic is dead.
And I told him again that I swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and I'm not willing to abandon the dream that our Founders had.
Ben Franklin said to a lady after he left the Constitutional signing lady asked him. What did you do said? Well, we given you a republic, if you can keep it. So can you keep it? Can we keep it? I think some of you here in the middle again. I don't know about the rest. Can we keep it? That's better.
So they General Flynn last last night. What are we what am I look in the mirror? What am I willing to do the last line of the Declaration of Independence and I carry mine around too. Says in for the support of this declaration with a firm Reliance on the protection of Divine Providence. We mutually pledge to each other Our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor.
So what does that mean to me? Does that mean I'm going to run for County Commissioner Downey judge for school board. Take back our schools to quit poisoning. Our kids go back to our colleges and institutions and try to help them clean out some of the things that are being spread at our college campuses all of these Confucius societies that are out there.
What? We willing to mutually pledge to each other. What are we willing to do not to sit not to think not to talk but to do what are we willing to do?
Whatever it takes run for office be a poll worker call your Governor State let your show up for hearings at the state houses. Where is your line? Where is our line? Which line? Are we going to cross and not Retreat from elections are a critical node. I'm not going to quit on elections. I'm not going to quit on analyzing this asymmetric Warfare in the Chinese doctrine of unlimited warfare that's being waged on our country the attack that happened on. Attack that happened on our country was equally as devastating if not more than Pearl Harbor than 9/11. I say more because it actually turned our country's legitimate. What I believe was a stolen election.
So, I'm an old Soldier. I may not have been the fastest. I may not have been the smartest, but I always put one foot in front of the other and not going to get on the truck. We're not going to quit. We're going to we're going to find and pursue liberty liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in the contest between the Wolves and the Sheep will be the Lions. Thank you. Thanks for joining the fight. Don't give up on us. We're not going to give up on you or the Republic. Thank you.
【更新:4/22 "Michael Lindell"が間違って"Michael and L"になっていたので修正】
Posted at 2021/04/20(Tue) 08:26:21
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