I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


フリン将軍 演説全文日本語訳 at Health and Freedom Conference 2021 = 『健康と自由の会議』2021






 そうなんです。今夜は世界中から人が集まっていますし、ライブ・ストリーミングやポッドキャスト、メディアもたくさんありますが、私が心配していないのは、もう民主党のことではありません。私は左翼を心配していません 大文字の左翼を心配していません 彼らを心配していません。なぜ彼らを心配しないかというと、彼らのゲームプランを知っているからです。

 私は、社会主義や共産主義の国に行ったことがあります。それがどのようなものか知っていますし、私たちが望むものではありませんが、それは私たちが向かっている転換点であり、私たちは国の軸を定めています。今は前例のない時代です。1776年!【アメリカ独立宣言の年】 1776年とは違います。




 この会場にいる皆さんに大きなハグをしたいと思っていますが、この国の人々まで、私の家族と私は信じられないような経験をしました。私は説教好きな人間ではありません。私は説教好きな人間ではありませんが、詩篇23篇と呼ばれるものを信じるようになりました。あなたがその影の中にいるとき、いいですか? 誰もが知っているあの谷間【死の影の谷】で、あなたは一人でいて、妻がいることを神に感謝しています。

 希望とは何か。希望とは、将来に希望を持つことです。何かが起こることを期待したり、何かが起こることを期待したり、何かが起こることを期待したりしますが、私たちが拠り所としなければならないのは信仰です。信仰とは、「今ここにある信仰」のことです。私がここに立っているのは、私の信仰、あなたへの信仰、アメリカ国民への信仰があるからです。私たちが「We the people」【合衆国憲法前文『われら合衆国の国民』】と言うとき、その意味は、私たちが、より高い存在である創造主によって創られた国であることを聞くとき、そして読むときにあります。実際、創造主という言葉は、私たちの憲法にもあります。独立宣言にも出てきます。ですから、私たちは自分たちが何者であるかを理解しなければなりません。あなたには責任があり、任務があります。






 これらの政治家たちは…… 私がマークしているようなステージを横切って行進したり、今このステージを横切って、2020年の大統領選に出馬するかどうかを喧伝し始めている政治家の皆さんは、彼らに時間を与えてはいけません。



 党としては、共和党と言っていますが、私は党には関心がありません。 本当にそうです。


 私が今日ここに立っているのはそのためです。私が今日ここにいるのは、私が信仰を持っているからであり、私がそれを言う理由は、私が皆さん一人一人を信仰しているからです。私たちが「We the people」【合衆国憲法前文『われら合衆国の国民』】と言うとき、それは単なるおかしなフレーズではなく「We the People」です。この国を動かすのはワシントンDCではなく、私たちなのです。


 これは……これは正しいことではありません。これは正しいことではありません。だから、自分の不満をコントロールしてください。もしあなたがこれらすべてのことについて不満を持っているなら、あなたはそれについて何をしていますか? 自分で何かをしなければならないのです。1ヶ月ほど前に話をしたある紳士のような話です。彼には幼い2人の子供がいます。彼はビジネスマンとして非常に成功していて、コミュニティではコミュニティのリーダーとして見られています。彼は博愛主義者です。ある日、彼は私にこう言ったんです。
 神に感謝します。この国には2,300万人の退役軍人がおり、そのうちの大多数の退役軍人は、私が言うには、その大多数の退役軍人は 私たちキリスト教徒は保守的です。彼らはこの国を愛しています。彼らは犠牲の意味を知り、規律の意味を知り、どうやって奉仕するかを知っています。ですから、もしここにいる退役軍人の皆さんが、周りの人たちに奉仕の仕方を教えたり、人に奉仕することの意味を教えたりしてくれればいいのです。









 戦闘任務や戦闘地域への出入りを繰り返していると、恐怖心を抱くようになります。そうでなければ人間ではありません。ある日、彼の話を聞いたとき、彼は脳と心について語りました。脳では何かを見て、それが原因で精神的に「私はこれが怖い」と思うのですから、実に興味深いことです。私は何かをするのが怖いのです。彼らが私に何かするのではないか。仕事を取られてしまうのではないか。何か嫌なことを言われるのではないかと不安になるのです。え? 言ってみろよ。そうそう、その全てはあなたの脳から来ています。その全ては、あなたが問題を考えすぎているからです。あなたは考えすぎです。

 あなたは個人としてのあなたなのです。あなたが自分自身を弱めることは、あなたがアメリカ人として持っている可能性を弱めることになります。そして、あなたが真実だと知っていること、それはどこから来るのでしょうか? 私は、リンが私に教えてくれたこと、それはあなたの心から来るものだと言います。その通りです。私が「心から来るもの」と言ったのは、あなたが知っている「本能」のようなものです。首の後ろの毛が逆立ったり、直感的に感じたりするもので、今のあなたには「女の直感」があります。何かを見たときに、これは正しい、これは間違っていると感じるのです。これは間違っている。

 アメリカ人の心理としては、何が正しいかを知っています。私たちはそれが間違っていることを知っていて、私たちはそれを見ていて、受け入れようとはしません。私たちはそれを受け入れるつもりはありません。では、どうすればいいのでしょうか? 私たちはここを去らなければなりません。だから、もう一回私の話を聞いてください。彼らは私の話をもう一度聞きます。特に女性の皆さん、私が女性の皆さんに立っていただくようにお願いした理由は、私たちの国の人口統計、私たちが何者であるか、私たちの国の構造が汚いか40年の間に変化し、女性が私たちの国の生命線にずっと関わっていることを、彼女たちも知っていますし、この部屋にいる女性たちも、これを聞いている女性たちも知っています。



 しかし、私の母がよく言っていたように、《棒や石は骨を折るかもしれないが、言葉は少しも傷つけない》【他人に嫌味な言葉を言われてもいちいち傷つく必要はない】。 だから、言葉は私を傷つけないし、彼らが 《棒や石》を始めるときには、私はその準備ができています。そうですね。



-Gen. Flynn
Okay, Clay. Clay gave me a little bit of time. So here's what I'd like everybody to do it. Let's just listen and try to hear try to hear what it is that has been said today. Okay, and really really listen because as I have said for a long time, it is really about the children. I'm standing here today not for me and not for you Al almost. There's almost there's children out here for grandchildren out here. And I know that there's a few young kids out here and thank you for being here. Probably skipping school, but thank you for being here because this is the most important day of your life. That's what this what this country is about. And what we are about in this country is this I mean, look at this picture right.
here of Kimberly mean this is outrageous.
This is outrageous in order to what I like to say what I like to refer to as to breathe the fresh air of Liberty this poor child this poor child is for me whatever happened just like this thing says my body my choice Choice, right my body my choice, where is you know where that came from that came from out I could was pushed out of the women's movement in this country.

I like all the women to stand up. There's a bunch of them stand up here all women stand up in here. All the women.

I mean look at this if you can see what I can see look at all the women in here and I'm going to tell you something it's to me. It's about a whole bunch of things. It's about our faith. It's about our families. It's about the friends that we have. It's about treating each other with dignity and respect. It's about making sure that we have a standard of living that we want. I mean what that gentleman will Michael just stood up here and said, he's right. He got off his debt rear end. He's working hard.

He's doing all the things he can do. It is town. And he said, you know what I'm tired of it. I'm tired of and I'm going to get involved instead of typing getting tired of and backing out. He got tired of it and he backed in he pulled in and he said hey, I'm gonna fight for my town my Parish my community my County my state my country.
That's what this is about. We are facing a transition point in this country. Like we have never seen in our lives. We've never seen it in our lives if we do anything if We do anything as people when you leave here because there's not just people from Oklahoma here this people from all over the country. There's there are that's right. There are people from all over the world here tonight and all the live streaming all the podcasts all the media that's out there if there's one thing that I don't worry about don't worry about the Democrats anymore. I don't worry about the I don't worry about the left with a capital. I do not worry about them. And the reason why I don't worry about them because I know their game plan.

I've been to countries that have had Socialism or communism. I know what that is like and it's not something that we want but it is a transition point that we are heading toward we are pivoting our nation is pivoting. This is an unprecedented time. It is not like 1776. 1776, It was one nation that we were facing. He was tearing. It was a monarch and Founders got sick of it at this point in time. We have had both foreign adversaries and Domestic and domestic enemies against us and we do have them we do have them in our midst. So what I'm telling everybody today my message to you my message to you when you leave here today my call to action my call to action is you have to get involved. I mean God God love this man Michael who just stood up here and it's not just him 24 hours ago. I sat down with the man and in Florida who in their school and their school committee are County continue to force even though the governor was? No, Mass mandate the school committee continue to force a mask mandate. I mean look at the results. This beautiful child is beautiful child. And so what do they do? They didn't send one person or two people to go represent the town to go into the school committee of the school board. They sent 3,000 citizens.

We don't have 10 million or 80 million. We have hundreds of millions of Christians around this country. I know hundreds of Christians around the world and I always tell people that that you know, freedom is something that we breathe freedom is something that we live freedom is something that we take for granted. In order to do the kinds of things that we do in order to live the life that we live. I mean the Liberties that we have our we are a nation built on individual liberties individual liberties individual rights. That's what the Bill of Rights is about. There's a reason why there was 10 in the Bill of Rights just like the principles that are in the Bill of Rights The Ten Commandments that we have are the principles of the foundation of the Bible and the Bible provides us the Bible provides us with the Fulfillment just like our constitution provides us with the Fulfillment of who we are as a nation who we are as a people.

And if less unless we get our act together unless this group because I'm preaching to the choir. I am preaching to the choir you're here because you are engaged. You know, what we need in this country. So you have to go back out and you have to tell your mother's and your father's your aunts or Uncle's your friends your community leaders when people go I'm sick of those people in high-end in Washington DC. I'm sick of the politics. I'm sick of the church or whatever the church is doing.

Not doing Oh stop that because it is our problem. If somebody's in politics, we put them there so stop putting in there get involved in your community. If you're tired of something if you are tired of something and you're tired of whatever it is that whatever the griping that you're doing. It's like I like to say we have to quit sitting around and talking and now is the time to stand and do we have to do

What are the things that I really and I mean this and I wish I could give a big hug to everybody in this room until the the people of this country my family and I went through just incredible. I mean if you and I'm not, you know, I'm not one of these. Preachy people but I came to believe and I came to believe in what's called Psalm 23, you know, when you're in that shadow, right? Everybody knows that that Valley and you're by yourself and thank God that I have the wife that I have.

When you're in that Valley and you are it you are all alone and you're thinking man. This is not going to well things are tough and you're being persecuted and you know, you're being persecuted because I'm going to talk about faith in our institutions here in a second faith in our institutions that we no longer have so I'm in that Valley. I mean that very very difficult Valley and during that time during that time we could have quit because it said, okay. And we knew what was about to happen. The persecution was occurring. It's amazing the incentive system that is in our department of just us. It's not Justice. It's just us and it's just them. So what I want I'm here to tell you is that in our in our nation in our nation the people of America you because so many people have come to me in the last 24 hours since I've been here and I've said we

Wait for you, and I'm going to tell you and I'm so I would tell you from the bottom of my heart. From from every member of my family now. We want to just say that first that prayer is the most powerful weapon system known to man. And and prayer that's right and prayer prayer gives a voice to the voiceless prayer gives a voice to the voiceless all these people around this country all these people that are around this country. There's a lot of people out there that have lost hope... Hope what hope is is Hope is something that you hope for in the future. Can you hope that something is going to happen you hope that this is going to have you hope that that's going to happen but we need to fall back on is faith. Faith Something that is the Here and Now faith is what I am going to do right now. I am standing up here because of my faith my faith in you my faith in the American people when we say we the people that means something. When we hear we read that we are a nation created by a by a higher being by a Creator. In fact, the word Creator is in our constitution. It's in our Declaration of Independence. So we have to understand what it is that we are about. You have a responsibility you have a task.

You have to go back to your communities and you have to get involved. This transition point is a Divergence. Meaning we are splitting apart. We are we are moving on one of two paths. And if and the path that I want to continue to move on is this beautiful experiment and democracy called the constitutional republic. That's what I want to do.

But the... But the point that we are at right now, we're looking one way and we're going to we're going to continue down that path.

And I don't want you to question that I want you to do something about it because the other the other path is a path towards socialism and then communism. That's it. I mean, this is real. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not some you know, something that you're going to fake news. This is for real. We are facing an element in our country a small element. Well organized well-funded. And they've got power they outsmarted us they outmaneuvered us. Okay, they did it doesn't mean that we didn't win that election because we did we won that election.

That's right. So the people and and it's just speaking of Oklahoma, Oklahoma 77 counties in this state 77 counties and all 77 counties. I think it's the first time in the history of the country that all 77 in one state voted for the president of the United States in this case Donald J Trump.

All these politicians... All these politicians that are Marching across stages like I'm marked and across this stage right now and that are starting to tout whether or not they're going to run for president in 2020 for don't give them the time of day.


We have a... We have a president.

That's exactly right.


Until Donald J. Trump says what he needs to say about the future about where we're going as a nation and as a party a says the Republican Party, although I could care less about the parties. I really could.

I like to say and as I've learned about the people of Oklahoma, I've learned about the people of Oklahoma. I've learned about the flyover countries, right the flyover countries. The flyover countries are people who are generally conservative generally Christian and they have good god-given Common Sense period.

So everybody in here. Everybody in here today, and that will spend time here. Thank you for being here. I know on behalf of Clay Clark and the people that organize something like this is a big deal. This is a big deal. This is not about The church. This is about our faith. This is about our faith. This is about our faith in God. This is about our faith in each other. This is about our faith in our families. This is about our faith in our country. That's why I am standing here today. I'm here today because I have faith and the reason why I'm saying it because I have faith in each one of you when we say we the people that's not just some crazy phrase It's We the People it's us we're the ones that run this Country, not Washington, DC.

And in fact in you know this, I mean everything that I'm saying people know and you're going to go back and you're going to talk about it. But what you're going to have to do is you're gonna have to figure out what you're going to do about it, Washington DC will not solve our problems. In fact, what we what we learn is the courts the Judiciary in this country will not solve our problems people in this country have to take responsibility and you have to get involved. I don't know how many times I got to say this and God help us for these children. This beautiful for this beautiful child. It's beautiful child that there's one time that I will get Beyond determine and get emotional. It's about the children and the way that our children are being treated.

This is... This is not right. This is not right. So take control if your griping. If your griping about all this stuff, what are you doing about it? What are you doing about it and you have to do something about it. It's like one gentleman that I spoke to about a month ago. He's got two young children. He's done very very well as a businessman and he's in his community has been seen as a community leader. He's philanthropic. He you know, he's been giving he gives money to different organizations and he was sitting one day and he told me he goes I was sitting one day and my couch about a year ago by himself in his house and he said he's watching what's going on. This is before the election and he's watching what's going on and he said, you know what I can't do this anymore. I have to get involved in my community and so he stepped into a in this case a Republican chair role in a very very large County in this country and they have about 250,000 people. And guess what the Republican party doesn't do the Republican Party does Not even care about going. That County and going into that County you watch the John, John Bennett who just set up here was going to be the Republican party chair for the great state of Oklahoma. You're going to see that man engaged just like you saw him up in the stake. Thank God. Thank God he's going to be engaged and as a veteran and as a veteran and as a marine as a retired Marine, there are 23 million veterans in this country 23 million veterans and I would say that the majority of those veterans majority of those veterans. Our Christian their conservative. They love this country. They know what sacrifices about they know what discipline is about and they know how to serve they know how to serve. So if all the veterans out here for all the veterans out here encourage others around you teach people how to serve teach people what it means to serve to serve others.

This is this is that important of a time in the history of our country. This is an unprecedented time. This is a time we have never been in we can make all these analogies about different eras about our nation. Whether it's 1776 or the Civil War World War One World War Two are all of the all of the difficulties all of the challenges that our nation has been through and I will tell you that they were all challenging and they all cost us to reflect on who we

Are as a nation who we are as a nation our group of people a body of people who are willingly willingly sacrifice in our lives for others around the world not to not to like impose something but to help them to help their lives and to make them better. That's what we are about the beauty of a soldier. The beauty of a soldier in combat is to be able to be engaged with the Enemy and to direct fire fight on one hand and one second and then in her brief moment reach town because A child's In Harm's Way, grab the child pull him pull his child into his chest and turn turn on fire that's coming at him and take a bullet for that child. That's the American Spirit. That's what everyone of us have.

If I'm if I am preaching it's I'm preaching about America. I'm preaching about our country about who we are but every single aspect of why we are here today. There are those there are those I mean is anybody six feet apart right? I mean The number, the number, the number of people, the number of people that we know, I mean all these doctors. I mean this is a you know, a health and Freedom Festival is about an education and it's not just for the thousands of people that are in here. This is really for the millions and millions that I know we're going to get this message across not only the United States of America, but the world and the message is we are not done fighting. We are not done fighting.

That's right.

So I'm going to I'm going to finish up here because I is been a long day. A lot of you've heard a lot of things and and so I hopefully, you know, there's a difference between hearing. And listening right here noise, you listen to words. And so hopefully you haven't heard a lot of noise here today. Because we can... we can transmit a lot of noise in today's environment an awful lot of noise a lot of distraction a God awful lot of distraction, but we need to do is we need to listen. And I learned one thing from ,what from a great gentleman who's here today Linwood. Linwood taught me one day. He's a great, great American. Great American. I mean, I love them. I love them, Linwood!

You know all the things all the things that you learn in the military all the things you learn about leadership, you know, there's things in life that you can control. I can control what I'm saying. I can control the fact that I'm standing up here and then there's things in life that you cannot control and then there's a way to think about that and he's how you take control maximize your potential.

I always tell always used to tell young soldiers. What's your potential? What do you think your potential is? No, can you achieve that? Can you overcome that? Can you do that nigga? I don't know and I've never been able to do that. So give it a shot. Give it a try. Go do it work a little harder, you know, make sure you get out there and you do a little bit more. That's what I'm asking you to do. My mother taught me to be a lifelong learner never ever, stop learning. So I'm the message the message for you. All today is as you listen, and you walk away from today, you're learning something and one of the things that that lend taught me was about fear a little bit about fear and I always thought that I knew what it was about.

All the time of coming and going in and out of combat operations or combat zones, you know, you have a sense of fear. You're not human if you don't and one of the things that I listen to him one day and he talked about the brain and the Heart. And it's really a fascinating thing because in the brain we see something in it and it causes us because it mentally says I'm afraid of that. I'm afraid to go do something. I'm afraid they're going to do something to me. I'm afraid they're going to take the job. I'm going to frayed they're gonna say something nasty about me. Huh? Tell me about it. Right so and that all that all comes from your brain that all comes from because you're overthinking a problem. You're overthinking.

You are what you are as an individual. Your lessening your lessening yourself your lessening the potential that you have as an American. And what you know to be true, where does that come from and I say it comes from and what Lynn taught me is it comes from your heart and I will tell you one thing. That's right because when I say it comes from your heart, it's like, you know the Instinct the hair on the back of your neck that goes up the gut check or the gut feel that you have now a woman's intuition a woman's intuition. You just know something when you see something this is right. This is wrong.

The American psyche we know what's right. We know it's wrong and we're watching and we're not going to accept it. We are not going to accept it. So what do we do about it? What do we do about it? We have to leave here. So listen to me one more time. They listen to me one more time. Especially the women reason why I asked all the women to stand up because the demographics in our country the demographics the the who we are the fabric of our nation has shifted in like dirty or Forty years and women are much much more involved in the lifeblood of our country and they know it and women in this in this room know it the women listening to this know it and so the reason why I single out women is because women are Breadwinners their caretakers their business owners. They're involved in every aspect of Who We Are

And there are segments of our society that frankly the political class has taken for granted. They've taken it for granted. And when I see some of these great women up here Educators business women pastors, all these different people they are involved but there's a lot I mean when you think about I bet you I bet you were probably two thirds maybe three-quarters of the people in here today are women.

And I'm at Very strong family I come from I have four sisters. My mother was a terrific person and I know what strong women can do and I'm telling you ladies. If you don't if you don't look at your lifeblood, if you don't look at what it is, it's happening in your community. If you don't look at these beautiful children and the way these children, I mean you're bringing these children into this world without a mask, right? So why should we have them sit in a classroom when we know there's nothing wrong with what's going to Into them, so don't allow it demise some moms that are going into these classrooms to argue. So I want you to I want you to think about that listen.

Get involved in your communities. You don't have a choice. You don't have a choice. I have grandchildren and the main reason why I'm here is because of my grandchildren if I don't do what I'm doing and I don't care because they tried to bury me so they can try it again and they're going to have to do it much better time much better job this time. You're going to you are you know, you know in this country you have to get involved. So I'm making my this is my thing. This is how how I'm doing it. This is what I've decided to do and it's a big big risk. So big risk for me. I will tell you and because a they constantly come after you but like my mom used to say Sticks and Stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me. So the names won't hurt me now when they start to do the Sticks and Stones, I'll be ready for that. I'll be ready for that. So.

All the great people that are here all of you up. Top from the bottom of my heart from my family and I thank you so much for all you did for our family. I mean the American people ran toward my family. They gave us prayers. They gave us everything and when one woman who told me when I when I said I said incorrectly I said incorrectly people with nothing gave me everything and a woman got a hold of me and said don't you ever say that? I have nothing. And because I have my faith in God and so I have my faith in God and I have my faith in you so God Bless America. Thank you so much. Thank you very much.

Posted at 2021/04/23(Fri) 05:06:00

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