私たちは間違いなく未知の領域にいます。 選挙が覆されたケースはありますが、誰もが指摘するように、大統領レベルでは一度もありません。だからといって、できないわけではありませんが、常に最初のケースがあり、私の知る限りでは、今回がアメリカ合衆国で初めての、明白な不正行為とクーデターの獲得のケースです。だから、それに対処しなければならないのです。彼を復職させて、新しい就任式のデータセットを作成するだけです。
We're definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned but there's never been one at the presidential level which everybody will jump to point out. That doesn't mean that it can't be done, though there's always the first case and as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America. So it's going to have to be dealt with it. A that he can simply be reinstated that a new inauguration dataset.[cheers]
And Biden is told to move out of the White House. And...[cheers]..And President Trunp should be move back in. I'm sure there's not going to be credit for time lost unfortunately, because the Constitution itself sets the date for inauguration but he should definitely get the remainder of his term and and make the best of it that's for sure.
Posted at 2021/05/31(Mon) 01:40:40
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