クラーク【本イベントのホスト役】さん、レーマ聖書学校の皆さん、そしてハーゲンさんご一家、誰? 聞こえませんね。私はこれを拾わないと よし。
この伝統は、西洋の始まりです。いわゆる西洋の心の情熱は、このことを理解したときに始まります。そして、ギリシャに行き、酋長や部族のようなものだけに基づいた政府を形成し始めました。もちろん、完全ではありませんが、誰もが投票権を持っていましたので、アテネ人は 正当な政府は私たちの同意からその力を得ることができるという考えを持っていました ある意味では、私たちの同意は政府に力を与えるための情報を提供するものであり、他のどこからも得られないものです。そして、非常に興味深い出来事がありました。今週起こったことを見ればわかると思います。私は東海岸で育ったのですが、人は往々にして気取りたがるものです。フランス人の真似をしたり、フランコのファイルにあるような発音をしたりします。ローマ人もギリシャ人と同じようなもので、500年もの間、ギリシャ人のふりをしていました。ローマの良き家庭には、ギリシャ人の教授のような存在がいました。ポリュビオスという非常に重要な人物がいて、彼はローマ共和国とアテネ人の何が素晴らしかったのかを明らかにしましたが、アテネ人はさまざまな方法で失敗しました。彼らは民主主義を手に入れましたが、汚職やあらゆる種類の問題を抱えており、民主主義に必要なものもありました。イアンの歴史は、彼らが立法府の議員を投票するのをやめて、私たちが陪審員を選ぶ方法であるソーティション(Sortition)【無作為抽出】を使い始めたときでした。市民がランダムに選ばれるというこのアイデアは、実際には最も安定した時代で、アテネにはこの傾向がありましたが、アテネはこの時、民主主義の問題点を発見しました。
言い換えれば。誰かが言っていたように、もし人間が天使だったら、憲法を食べることはないだろう。それは基本的な行為です。私たちは、立憲的な共和国が必要であることを知っています。政府のためのルールで政府を縛る必要があります。そうしないと、物事の本質として政府はどんどん肥え太っていきます。これが私たちの伝統全体の知的な原点です。 立憲共和制、共和制とは、政府を解体することを意味し、単なる直接民主主義ではありません。制度を作り、その中で権力を分離します。私にとっての基本的な取引は、私たちの権利と権限を政府に譲る代わりに、被支配者の同意による社会に住むということです。これが基本的な取引です。私たちが同意する統治とは何かをどうやって決定するかというと、自由で公正で透明性のある選挙を行うことです。それが基本的な取引です。ここにいる誰かは、11月3日に 誰かがその取引を反故にしました。彼らは私たちと約束した。そうです。
I've never... Thanked you I've never received such a enthusiastic introduction. Thank you. Thank you clay Clark and ladies and gentlemen of Rhema Bible College and also the Hagen family who? You can't hear me. I got to pick this up. Okay. Well, it's like an old-school Comedy Club up here. You know you just kind of well, I was just say thank you clay Clark for what a lovely introduction the Rhema Bible College and the Hagen family who understand really are that ultimately bring us together. I told clay when he asked me I said, you know, I'm I did a doctorate in philosophy so you don't have to but what that means is when you invite me someplace. I've got this unfortunate habit of talking Philosophy for a little while. So clay said that would be okay. I titled my speech why we fight and that's because I wanted and I don't expect I know this isn't the case in your community, but it's so much education today people no longer really learn the intellectual history of our of our nation of our Republic.
I had cancer in my 23, and I was kind of an invalid and a convalescent all through my 20s. So I did this PhD in philosophy and I got very interested in the Sexual history of the US Constitution and I'm just going to spend you're gonna have to put up with about 10 minutes of philosophy. But if you can live it if they if you can take it consider this a mini PhD in political philosophy. I want to share with you where our tradition starts and you know, the ancient Greeks really everyone in the the ancient Greeks when they interacted with the people of the East what we now think of as Iran or perjury they always noticed there was a difference between us and them that they had some understanding of themselves as objects of Agentdaof some ruler. They did not understand themselves as we of the western tradition to move free of citizens of Justin have the same concept and it was from that tradition. It was from that world and where our story really begins is where an Abraham Goes Forth and Abraham went forth from that world to create something new when I used to teach at the University level. I used to always start the story of our tradition with the Book of Daniel because there's this wonderful moment and Daniel which I'm sure you all know better than I but the moment where he says to King Balthazar you've been judged In the balance and found wanting why that is such an important moment in history is because until then the understanding of political power and divine Authority was mixed. The king is the Sun King or something. There's always this Divinity associated with a king. That's the first time that I can find in our history that this idea that there is that there is some right and wrong good and bad outside of political Authority there.Some balance within which a king even a king can be judged and found wanting so that tradition is the beginning of the Western that the so-called Passion of the western mind is when we realize that and then we go to the Greeks started forming governments that were not just based off like Chieftain and tribal things. But where every man at least had a vote of course, it wasn't perfect is only some of the men and those who weren't there so but Hey, everyone had a vote so the Athenians. Had this idea that a just government derives its power from our consent in some ways our consent which informs which gives government its power doesn't come from anywhere else. And there was this very interesting moment. I mean you'll see given what's happened this week. You're going to see why this fact is so interesting we get to the the Romans and there was actually a young the Romans, you know, how I grew up on the East Coast more or less and people often if they want to put on airs. They imitate the French they want to be they pronounce things from their Franco files. Well, the Romans were like that about the grease and they spent 500 years pretending they were Greek.
Any good Roman family would have a Greek Professor kind. A slave to raise the children and teach the children and there was this very important one named polybius and he identified what was great about the Roman Republic and with the Athenians see the Athenians failed in different ways. They had they got democracy but in all the had all kinds of problems and their democracy needs including corruption and all kinds of things that we in fact the the pure that was most successful in a theory. Ian history was when they stopped voting their legislature legislators and they started using sortition. Sortition is how we select juries. Now this idea of just citizens randomly being selected that was actually the most stable period and Athens, but Athens had this tendency and this is when they discovered this problem with democracies when you're really leave everything up to direct democracy one year at the Athens declares war on Syracuse the next
I want to surrender it was just very anytime you have like mob rule you get this it's like a ship without ballast that flops around too much. But Rome the Roman Republic defeated that and this Greek thinker within said it was because they the Romans had invented Polycentricity. And Polycentricity just means many centers of decision-making. You don't have just one absolute. Decision maker as your political Authority, but you break political questions ups some decisions get made in courts. Some got made in the Senate some guy made so break that idea of breaking up political Authority. So the pieces of government kind of work against each other.
Well that came from the Romans and I mentioned that because this week something very dramatic happened. They want to pack the Supreme Court. That's just a way of eliminating a branch of government. Yeah, so I said when I was sick with cancer and I spent years just I became one of these Geeks who wanted to understand the history behind every part of our Constitution and our Constitution which breaks things up that idea goes back to Montezuma Shepherd. It actually goes back to this Roman thinker and I'm using that as an example.
Of what they're doing to us across our society, you know that they're all kinds of Rights. We have that are really built in our all to our form of government that over the recent decades it really in my lifetime. I've just seen them a roading and eroding and here one of the most fundamental ones this idea that to avoid an absolute as Government break its powers up. This goes back 2000 years in our tradition, and they are trying to defeat it right now. Bye.
We're going to pack the court. So there's really not three branches of government. There's just going to be 2 and in fact, I could continue and if I had more time, I would tell you it rip more riveting philosophy about where these ideas come from in our tradition. I want to hit two more one is the the well the English, of course, we all learn about the English and Magna carter Magna Carta and the rights of Free Speech, but there is a group to whom we don't give sufficient credit and that's the Dutch. And the Dutch were really a bunch of Germanic people who didn't want to live under anyone's Rule and they moved out to these swamps on the northwest of Yura and they came they said look if we all work together we can drain the swamps and and create farmland and such but we're going to have to figure out what our deal is so they went through this very conscious decision about what is government. We're just a bunch of farmers who want to drain the swamps and turn it into the land and grows up what it is.
We're going to make one of us the leader who can organize the work and such but it isn't some overarching presence in the sky. Their conception of the leader is what they call the first among many. It's just the person that's like the mayor or somebody that you hired we all agree that we need someone to organize us and we think of them that way but not as this not as this not as his ruler we bow down to And why that's so important. And this is where we don't this doesn't get taught in our history enough is we give all this credit to the pilgrims? And so these ideas are just described they flourished in Holland and things like religious toleration and Free Speech. We have all this credit to the pilgrims and we say that they came here from England with ideas of religious toleration.
It's not really the truth. They left England. And they sailed to Holland and they stayed there 20 years and then they came to America and we know them as the pilgrims but where they really learned these ideas were from the Dutch and there was a philosopher that if you study political science here, you'll learn that all of our all of our founding fathers read one book of philosophy was called the treat the it was by John Locke and was called the Treatise that Second Treatise of government. Well, John Locke also, So went to it when he left the Glorious Revolution because he had a he had a going to be hung. He left the England and he went to Amsterdam for three years and he lived there for three years and he absorbed all these ideas of religious toleration of free speech of government as just this body. It's like something we hire we form it's a corporation reform and we all agree. Okay in order, you know, we're not making your absolute ruler, but we are going to surrender some of our rights.
Is that you have the powers to do the things we want you to do government and that's our fundamental trade. Well, in my lifetime, I've seen all kinds of aspects of this as well. So John Locke came and studied that in Holland. He went back to England. He wrote the book and our founding fathers already. So really the Dutch or kind of left out of our tradition more than they should be but this intellectual history ends up being the intellectual history of the US Constitution and this is what I did my dissertation on On and it was where these ideas came from and the final piece of philosophy. I'm going to share with you is that tomete is the title of my dissertation was jealousy and confidence and it comes from Thomas Jefferson 1798 and the Kentucky Resolutions. He said that free government is founded in you should understand in the 18th century. Jealousy meant not what we think.
Mistrust just mistrust was jealousy. So free government is founded in jealousy and not in confidence for it is jealousy which causes us to bind down governments with constitutions. In other words. As someone else also said if men were angels we wouldn't eat constitutions. It's the fundamental act. We know that we need a constitutional republic. You need to bind down government with rules for government or it's just the The nature of things government is going to grow and grow and grow. So that's the intellectual origin of our entire tradition constitutional republicanism republicanism really refers to breaking up its government is not just direct democracy that you create institutions and you separate Powers among them and the Constitutional part, so it's written in stone or it's written anyway, and they can the government can't get too big for its britches.
And to me the fundamental deal we made is that we're going to give up our rights of ours and powers of ours for the government in return for which we're going to live in a society of consent of the governed. That's the fundamental trade. How do we determine what the Govern which is us what it is that we consent to we hold elections that are free fair and transparent. That's the fundamental deal. Does anyone here think that on November 3rd. Somebody welched on that deal. They made with us. Yeah.
It was not accidental. I was I've been deeply involved with Michael Lindell and the great like Flynn man other in Sidney and others and unscrambling this and I can promise you Michael Lindellis not bluffing when he says we have the proof we have the forensics that computer forensics fall.
So he is telling the truth and that's all going to come out and the weeks ahead, but we haven't.
Why they went to all this trouble to do what they're doing is they're trying to Snuff out our tradition. They're trying to Snuff it out. And this is really the last thing they can take frankly if that, you know, you you know, I'm sure I don't have to rehearse with you the ways that religious toleration have been eroded in recent decades against your community. You don't have to be told How Free Speech has been eroded in recent decades.
You can go through this whole list of of rights that we've understood ourselves to have for centuries. They go back before our founding this tradition and it's all being eroded the final thing. They can take the final thing they can take is Free Fair transparent elections because that's the atomic concept of our tradition is and by the way of had more time. I would be very happy to explain how that tradition could only have come out of the judeo Christian world or it only did come out of our world. There's a reason this is all tied in with the judeo Christian faucet both the Hebrews the Catholic tradition for hundreds of years of natural rights, but importantly the Protestant Revolution
And it's very weak. These these political Concepts. I've been describing our wound through this religious tradition. Like they are no other religious tradition in the world, and I don't think that's an accident. But the final thing they can take is they take away if they get away with elections that are not free fair and transparent they are they are dissolving the idea of Des government derives its power.
From the just the just government draws its power from the consent of the governed that loss that that idea goes back 2,500 years to Athens and they have taken all kinds of rights away from you in your lifetime. But if they take that if they expect us to swallow an election, and that was is that is this obviously crooked we are taking a step into a world that none of you have experienced if you've lived in the United States are Or life, you know, you can really divide. Some government up into two kinds there's the kinds that are that see just government derives its powers from our consent or their other governments that say, they don't really care with authoritarian governments. And that's the basic distinction. Is it authoritarian or does it derives its power from us as determined in free elections having having in your lifetimes eroded so many of the rights that you grew up with as an American. Last 30 or 40 years, but if they cross that line, there's nothing left. There's nothing left and I've lived in the kind of world that they were trying to create in 1983 and 84. I was a student in China the first time they opened up the Western for students and I've I there's so many things happening that I see that ring a bell for my days studying Mal Chairman Mao and his thoughts of Revolution and the
Is that they're doing it's really a maoist revolution and that we've been facing and they really want to Snuff out the conditions if that make the world, you know that make your lives possible as you as you live them now. So this is really to me the whole ball of wax if they get away with this and they're able to continue doing it, you know, there's not I've lived in the world that America will trade and is something out of a science fiction is a dystopian vision of the future they have Have that that that is shared by the hard left the Chinese and our Tech Giants.
Yeah, and thanks, but also I'm going to reaffirm Mike Lindell is opening Frankspeech. It's Frankspeech.
Free people everywhere should be getting off Facebook and Twitter and Google frankly.
So they want to Snuff this out and make no mistake. They really want to Snuff out this tradition. It's not going to happen and I'm giving another talk tomorrow about why we're going to win. They're also going to be hearing from Mike Flynn and others but it's not even close at this point that we have all the data that needs and all the proof that needs to be gathered to win this.
I'm going to close on one note on another note here. I just a man just came up to me and handed me a note with $100 in it. And he wrote me a hero me the most lovely note. I guess he was expecting to see me here. We're describes. He was a he's a plumber and this is this and he's sorry. This is all he can afford but he is buying anything. I've never been touched. So touched and all my life. I strange this team up and told me he's a plumber and this all he can afford to help us. I feel I feel we we have launched. I know that there Mike Flynn Sydney, I we all know.
Find out that there's so many millions of you who want to help and we're taking different corners of the fight. We've created a group called The America project which we see is sort of a group that's going to if you had all the time in the world and all the money to research all the different ways to help you could give them money directly. We've created a an organization of some very Savvy people that Mike Flynn and I got to know over the last few months and that Organization is going to be doing that at function. So it's called the America project. You can even just text to you. Just text USA to the number eight for 576. You'll get filled in on anyway, what a deep honor. It is to me have had a chance to address you. I'll be getting more subjective to my talk tomorrow night on how we're going to go forward and win this but I wanted to take this rare opportunity. I have to remind you folks.
All the way back 2,500 years of what our tradition is about and how that is now being challenged really in the final battle. This is no longer fight about abortion. It's no longer a fight about this no matter what you care about in politics. You have to care about election Integrity more because without election Integrity no no matter what you care about whether it's the Border whether it's guns, whether it's whatever you care about you have to care about election Integrity first and And there's almost no point in going. Through the charade if we don't get returned to a world where we have election integrity at the very least be prepared for 2022, but don't believe for a moment that the fight about what happened. Last November is over.
Thank you very much. Thank you Patrick Byrne. Appreciate you. Thank you. Let's hear it one more time for Patrick bubu bubu bubu bubu bubu bubu burn.
Posted at 2021/04/20(Tue) 21:29:55
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