Steve Cortes Interviews President Trump | 5/25/2021
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大統領、ガソリンの話が出ましたが、具体的な統計は選挙当日のものです。現在のエネルギー省によると、全国平均で1ガロン220でした。選挙の日から信じられないほどの速さで、311ドルへ変動が起きています。インフレについてお聞きしたいのですが、大雑把に言うと、あなたがビジネスをしていた1970年代は、アメリカでは本当に激しいインフレが起こっていました。若い人たちの多くは、アメリカでそのような環境下でビジネスをしたことがないと思いますが、これはアメリカ人にとって何を意味するのでしょうか? 新しいバイデン・インフレ・スパイクです。――トランプ
さて、経済という大まかなテーマに沿って、大企業、特に大企業の技術についてお聞きします。彼らはグローバリストであり、もはや自分たちをアメリカ企業とは思っていません。彼らはアメリカの労働者を酷使しています。私たちの価値観を攻撃しています。これは失敗だったのでしょうか? 私たちが議会の両院を持ち、あなたがホワイトハウスにいたとき、ビッグテックにもっと積極的に立ち向かわなかったのは間違いだったのでしょうか?――トランプ
つまり、連邦政府が絶対にやらないことを、彼らは基本的にやっているのです。連邦政府は絶対にしません。あそこでは。一方の民主党は、マーシャ・ブラックバーン【ん? 彼女は共和党だが、たしかにトランプ大統領はマーシャ・ブラックバーンと言っているように聞こえる】やジョシュア・リーなどが懸命に戦っていますが、やる気のない人たちを相手に戦っているのです。それが民主党です。
フロリダやテキサスを失うわけにはいきませんからね。そして、これらの大きな州のいくつかは、変更しなければならないでしょう。だから、連邦政府がしてこなかったことを、彼らはできると思うのです。これにより、私のような人々や他の人々に、非常に違法な扱いを受けてきた人々に、大規模な訴訟を起こす権利が与えられます。Facebookがいわゆる最高裁に訴えたとき、最高裁は私を禁止することを嫌がったんですよね。何をしているんでしょう? あなたのために私たちに何をしているのでしょう?
さて、連邦政府の対応についてですが、もし共和党が議会を奪還し、あなたが2022年に目指しているような状況になったとします。もしあなたが再出馬を決意し、2024年にトランプ2期目の可能性があるときに出馬するとしたら。トランプ政権に対抗するにはどうしたらよいでしょうか? これらのオリガルヒ【寡占資本家】の力に。――トランプ
あれは非常にまずい問題だったので、私たちはこの問題を取り上げたのですが、ニューヨーク・ポスト(New York Post)【ハンター・ラップトップ疑惑を報道した】は信じられないような素晴らしいことを言っていました。彼らのやったことは信じられないほど素晴らしくて、それを悪用したことも……実際、素晴らしい新聞だと思いますよ。多くの人がますます頼りにしています。
先ほど、ボーダー危機の話が出ましたね。テネシー州のジャーナリストたちによる新しいレポートがあります。テネシー州のチャタヌーガに飛行機が着陸しました。移民の子供たちでいっぱいでした。地元では誰もそのことを知らされていませんでした。すべての町が事実上ボーダータウンになっているのは、バイデンの国境危機のせいだが、左派は何をしているのか? ジョー・バイデンとその仲間たちの本当の狙いは、このオープン・ボーダーズという狂気にあるのです。――トランプ
最後の質問ですが、大統領、ジョー・バイデンと彼の味方であるメディアに関連した質問をお願いします。教職員組合は、アメリカ市民であることの定義を変えようとしているようです。あなたは何を信じますか? 私たちは子供たちに教えるべきです。アメリカ市民であることの意味を。――トランプ
-Steve Cortes
Mr. President, thank you for sitting down with us. This experiment of Joe Biden is President, it's only been four months. And in the short for months, America's enduring numerous crises both abroad. And at home, it seems our country is deteriorating, very fast, even faster than I would have thought your reaction.-Donald.J.Trump
Well, it's pretty obvious. You look at what's going to happen is even scarier. The border is a disaster. We had the strongest border we've ever had and within a month, became the weakest and You have tens of thousands of people flowing into our countries and many are criminals. Frankly released from jails in numerous countries, we have people coming in from the Middle East, we have people coming in from everywhere, you go to the airport, you have to show how you do it. You come through the southern border and you just walk in. We had the strongest Southern border ever and it's very sad to see. The wall was so important. We built almost 500 miles of wall and within a month it would have been finished and they ended it. They ended it. It took two and a half years to get the approvals to do, what I had to go to court, I had to do everything, we got the approvals and so you have open spots and it's ridiculous. I hear they're going to close them up. But now it's a big deal with the contractors because those deals were those. Those transactions were made, it was all complete, but you look at so many other things. It's very sad to see what's happening. Inflation's? Going to be a big problem, it's going to drive a lot of things up and down, whichever is worse because bad things happen with inflation, but you see happening all over Lumber, the cost of lumber, the cost of gasoline, you look at Gasoline. What's happened? I was at 287 was was high, that's when I got involved and it was in the 3s a little bit in the fours. And then I got came in and I had it under $2, a head, it for a dollar eighty, seven actually. And when I left it was under two dollars substantially, and now it's it's going to be hitting four dollars and that's bigger than any tax increase. You can think of Especially for Middle income people. So a lot of bad things are happening. I don't think we're respected and the world right now that would never moves on Taiwan by John and I are bombers. Flying over Taiwan. Russia would have never encircled Ukraine like they did. Kim Jong un were somebody that I had a great relationship with, we weren't going to have any problem with him in my opinion. And now you look at what's going on there. A lot of bad things are happening.-Cortes
I asked about the Wuhan. Out new reporting this week from The Wall Street Journal about workers. They're being so sick and as far back as November of 2019 that they were hospitalized the corporate media. Now the shameful bias, corporate media is starting to come around to recognize that perhaps that is the origin. In fact of the China virus, even dr. Fauci is changing his tune. Do you feel Vindicated?-Trump
Well, I said it right at the beginning. That's where it came from. I think it was obvious to smart people. That's where it came from. I have no doubt about it. I had no doubt about it. I was criticized by the Press. Press because China has a lot of people taken care of. They took care of Hunter, they took care of Joe. They took care of everybody, didn't they? And people didn't want to say China. Usually, they blame it on Russia, it's always Russia Russia, Russia. But I said right at the beginning, it came out of Wuhan and that's where all the deaths were also. By the way, when we first heard about this they will body bags. Dead people laying all over Wuhan Province and that's where it happened to be located. So to me it was very obvious. I said it very and I was criticized and now people are agreeing with me, so that's okay.-Cortes
When it comes to China, the more we learn about their malfeasance regarding the virus and what they knew very early on and lied to the world about, is it important for the United States that we make them pay a real penalty? For what they did?-Trump
Well we have to be stronger than what we are. Right now. Right now what's going on is just very unfortunate you know I put massive taxes and tariffs on China. We took in tens of billions of dollars and They're talking about taking them. Off. You look at the military, they're building, it's going to be you know just so it's so big. What they're doing and they're doing it with money. They take out of the United States and what I did was incredible with China, we really set them back and I don't want to send them back. I want to have a let everybody do well our Farmers did well, the deal I made with China was incredible for our farmers and for manufacturers and everybody else. And you see that the farmers are doing better than they've ever done because Is of what's being bought from China, but when the China virus came or covid, Kane, whatever you want to call it there, a lot of different names. I won't go into all of them but when they came steal it was a whole different ballgame when that when that horrible virus Flew Over the oceans or came, however, it came in. Remember I closed our country to China way early much earlier than Pelosi or anybody wanted it to happen, including dr. Fauci I always got along with well, but I usually did the opposite of what he wanted. He said, the vaccine would take three to five years and probably wouldn't even happen, right. And I got it done in less than nine months. I think that's one of the great achievements and I think another great achievement, I think the best bet ever made was I bought billions and billions of dollars of vaccine before we knew it worked before we had an approved because otherwise we'd be waiting until October of this year. So you probably got vaccinated, most people. Did a lot of people did, a lot of people are going to, and we have some out there that don't want to, and that's their free time and that's what it's all about. That's their freedom. I would recommend that they do it, but that's their freedom. We're very proud of what we've done but if you look at the world I think this could have been another Spanish Flu from 1917. We're up to a hundred million people died. This was going to this was only going to be getting worse and the vaccine has just made. I see numbers today.That we're doing better than we have now, an ear because of the vaccine because people at stopping it stopping this plague from spreading and going further, other countries are behind us. We will way early. If you remember a very important time when this started, everybody was saying, look at India how well India is doing well. They're not doing well. Look at other countries, they talk about France. They talked about Spain, they talked about different countries, look how they're doing now. In Taiwan is being hit very hard, but then any country that was doing better than us that use that. As an example, we did an incredible job with this horrible would getting night, you're getting the ventilators and getting the outfits and the goggles and the masks and all of the things you had to do. We did an incredible job but they'd always say the fake news. Look at India. They used to use India's the biggest because there's a big country and they were doing fine them. But boy they are they've gotten.
Hit harder than anybody ever thought possible, but they'll get better because of the vaccines the vaccine is the biggest thing that's happened and second to, that would be one of the Best Bets ever made and that was the BET of billions and billions up to 12 billion dollars worth of paraphernalia. But also, you know, if the bottles, we got the injection apparatus but most importantly got the vaccine and we bought it early because it takes a long time. Manufacture, so instead of having one now, people would be getting you'd start the process on October 1st. So that was a great bet. That's a possibly, you know, tens of millions of lives worldwide,
Mr. President, you mentioned gasoline and the specific statistics are on Election Day. It was 220 / a gallon, national average, according to Department of energy right now. It's 311, it's a massive move incredibly quickly since election day. I want to ask you about inflation, no more, broadly, because you did business in 1970s the last time, the u.s. saw really aggressive inflation. A lot of people if they're young, have never operated in that kind of environment in America, what does this portend for Americans? This new Biden Inflation Spike.-Trump
Well, it's going to be ugly when you look at the cost of house, just a materials for house. It's up 30 or 40% in the last few months. Especially Lumber Lumber they say, you can't even get it. Perhaps, they're closing down all their forests for environmental reasons. I disagreed with That I said, let's buy our Lumber from ourselves. So we The Canada and Canada is a very good. They are very good negotiators in Canada. I did the USMC a which was one of the great achievements because NAFTA was so bad, it was so horrible. Worst trade deal ever made. Although the deals they made with China were pretty bad too. I will tell you that but the worst trade deal ever made and I got it done. So we have a great trade deal now, but they closed up forests in. Don't want to take down any trees, so we end up buying them from other countries and the Lumbers. Has gone through the roof. The lumber I guess as much as anything, but everything steal. You look at what's going on with pricing and obviously you're going to have inflation gasoline is going to stop at six seven dollars. I think based on what I'm seeing we were energy independent when I left and right now I would have to say we are no longer energy independent we're putting windmills all over the place which cost a fortune which by the way, if you're a believer in the carbon footprint and all of the otherThings when they make these windmills, which are all made in China and Germany. By the way, they're all made in China, Germany, we don't do them here, they put them together, we put them together here, we don't make them here, what goes into the air when they make them is more than anything that can never be saved while we're here. If you're a believer in that, okay, some people aren't some people aren't but we have wind chills all over the place. They ruined the environment. They killed the birds and they cost a fortune. We have natural gas courses. Nothing actually nothing things. That's not Joe. Guess that that burn off, they throw away and we have it for nothing, other countries, don't have that, we have it for nothing, the richest in the world, and we want to give that away for windmills. You look at some of these beautiful Farms where they have windmills all over the place and you look at these incredible Landscapes and now they're putting them in parts of Massachusetts, who are a lot of people aren't so happy about it and has a lot of negative impacts. I'm not a big fan of wind. It's very, very expensive. You see what happened in Texas where they actually froze up on a get a little cold and they froze. Now we have tremendous resources and solar is going to get better, but it's very expensive. Right now, wind has a place, but it's got a much smaller place. They are what they're doing. You put them in industrial areas, maybe, but to put them all over these incredible Landscapes of our country, they're destroying our country.
Sure. I think that Texas situation was a wake-up call for a lot of people if it could happen in energy-rich Texas, right?-Trump
Well especially in Texas.
Because they have so much and it's for nothing. I mean, they literally are burning it off. It costs, nothing. Somebody was giving me an analogy that natural gas is one cent per however, they measure it. Wind is 50 Cent's and 55 cents, solar is 56 cents. So here we have it for 1 cent but it's probably almost nothing delivery is probably the biggest thing we have it. It's there. It's a natural byproduct. We have it wind is So much more expensive and remember this when those windmills after 10 years after be replaced and they start to rust and rot and you go out to Palm Springs California and you take a look at those wind farms out there, they look like junkyards. It's really a terrible thing. And somebody LED this country I hadn't slowed down, but now they're really gearing up to do a lot of wind and it's not a good thing.-Cortes
Now, staying on this broad, topic of the economy when I asked you about big business and specifically big Tech because a lot of these firms, I would say most of these firms. They are globalists and they don't really view themselves as American companies anymore. They abused American workers. They attack our values. Was it a miss? When we had both houses of Congress and you were in the White House, was it a Mist to not more aggressively confront? Big Tech.-Trump
Well section 230 could have been done. Something could have been done, but something is happening now. That's great Florida Ron, Texas. What they're doing is incredible. They're putting very very powerful restrictions on Big Tech that when you add Florida and you add what Greg Abbott's doing in Texas and and the others and a lot of people together, and you look at other states, big States and small states, doesn't matter, you add them all up. They're not going to be able to function unless they become reasonable. So they're basically doing what the federal government will never do. They will never do it there. There.In care of very nicely, the other side, the Democrats, some of the people, Marsha Blackburn, and, and Joshua Lee and others are really fighting hard, but they're fighting a battle against a group of people that just aren't going to do it. That's the Democrats. So what's happening is the big states are coming out, Florida, Ron DeSantis, and Greg Abbott in particular. Those two Governors have done an incredible job. I here in South Dakota they're doing it. I hear. Here in maybe eight or nine different states. They're doing it. That'll do it because I don't know how you can, you know, you not going to lose Florida. They can't lose Florida, Texas. And some of these big States, they're going to have to make changes. So I think they can do what the federal government hasn't done. And it gives people like me and others that have been very illegally treated. It gives us the right to bring major lawsuits when Facebook went to their so-called Supreme Court, the Supreme Court didn't want anything to do with Banning me, right? They went back this at, what are you doing?
What are you doing this to us for you?
Make the decision, which was pretty amazing when you think of it considering everybody was handpicked, right? So, it's very interesting, what's happening? So I greatly respect, what some of the governors are doing in some of the states? I think they can solve, the problem may be better than the federal government.-Cortes
Okay, but regarding the federal response, if the Republicans do retake the Congress as your very much working toward in 2022. If you decide to run again and you In in 2024 in a potential, a hypothetical second. Trump term, what can be done to counter? The power of these oligarchs.-Trump
Well, I think what can be done and very strongly and when you say oligarchs, it's an interesting term. But, yeah, I just say big Tech because what they do is illegal when they have drop boxes during elections, when they spend a hundreds of millions of dollars, you have a maximum of the you can spend of five thousand six hundred dollars and they're spending hundreds of millions of dollars as individuals to get drop boxes. Where all the votes, almost all of the votes were for Biden and they take These boxes with thousands and thousands of votes and there late and delivery where they've been. And then you find out that the votes are mostly 96 percent in some cases of the votes of a Biden didn't happen. You know, the election was a fraud, it was a rigged election and when you look at what they did, it's so illegal. So I think things are happening at a very fast pace, much faster than people understand.-Cortes
Sure. And listen, I use the term oligarch advisedly. I hope I know it's a loaded term, but I think it's I think it's fitting here.
One of the reasons to what you just mentioned, are what people like Mark Zuckerberg did during the election part of what they did was not just manipulating voting procedures but they also silenced. What should have been the biggest Blockbuster story of the entire campaign? You know that I certainly experienced this from the campaign side. The fact that the hunter Biden laptop from Hell story was completely censored and suppressed by Big Tech. In my view that justifies labeling these operators as oligarchs is that fair.-Trump
Well. A lot of things affair look that was when we first had silencio. That's what we first had silenced with Hunter Biden because it was very bad for the Democrats. That was a very bad issue and we'd bring it up and I have to tell you the New York Post was incredible. What they've done is incredible and the abuse they took it was you know I think it's a great newspaper actually. A lot of people are relying on it more and more. The New York Post has done an incredible job in that in that regard. But they took tremendous. views. But that's when you first saw her silence, a silence, a newspaper. It's the oldest newspaper in our country. I believe and it's a big one but they silenced a newspaper in our country because they were talking about Hunter Biden. And the other thing that they don't want to talk about, when you hear this whole culture of keeping things quiet, let's not talk about, is the election fraud what they're doing in Arizona, what they're doing in New Hampshire, what they are doing in Arizona. In Georgia now is Is so incredible. It's so incredible and nobody wants to talk about now, it's starting in Pennsylvania. I hear it starting in Michigan Wisconsin, because there was massive election for a determinate of meaning changing of the state by tremendous numbers and it's real. And I tell you, I give a lot of credit to the Republican Senators from the state of Arizona. Because they took this, the governor has been nothing 0 democracy. He has done nothing and Campus done, nothing in Georgia, that think it's incredible. It's about voter Integrity. They don't want to, they've done nothing. They don't even have in the new bill that everyone saying this is a bill, but it was much tougher a month before when they finally issued. They don't have a signature verification. They don't have a lot of the things you should have that's in Georgia. And they're still saying, oh, it's too tough. It's not tough, It's too weak. But what some of the legislation that's being passed, as is really incredible, but What the Arizona Senate has done. And the Senate votes is a whole. But the Republicans within the Senate because there's pretty much uniformity, and the Democrats don't want to see it, they don't want to have a vote count in Arizona, what Arizona,Republican Senators have done and are doing now is incredible. They're doing a forensic study of the biggest County, and it's two point 1 million votes.
And I think based on preliminary letters written by Karen Fann, it was incredible. The head of the Senate based on some of these early letters, it looks like I'm not involved. It looks like they're finding tremendous fraud. Now, we'll see you in four weeks. It's going to take a period of time. They had to move everything because of its in a convention center. It's a big, it's a big operation, but we'll see in a short period of time. What they have done is incredible. They have to be And they're great, American Patriots, the Republican senators from Arizona and now other Senators, state, senators and others are looking at it because they say the same thing happened to us.-Cortes
Right now, I want to ask you about that point. According to CNN, polling, 70% of Republicans, say they do not believe that. Joe Biden won the legal, vote, shouldn't Joe Biden. Most of all, actually, welcome the scrutiny. If he won legally in States, like Arizona, shouldn't he welcomed. Actually, if he wants to have a mandate from tens of millions of our kids were skeptical. He want a full investigation and a full audit.-Trump
He can't do that because he loses he loses by a lot. Don't forget, I only need two states and they have seven or eight. And if you look at every every metric ever we won the state houses. What I did I took over a house federal federal government, I took over house, I made 56 teleconference calls to vast numbers, you know, thousands and thousands of people for all of these. And the Senate we held. If I weren't involved in the Senate races. Nobody ever says this, I believe it would be 60 to 40 right now with the Democrats leading by 10 instead of 50/50, and Mitch McConnell lost two seats that he should have. Had he kept talking about, we're going to give you $600 a going to give you $2000, those who can win a race like that. He said, you won't get a penny more to the public. You won't get a penny more. Their voting and they're saying, mm, and he's saying $600. He I lost those two Senate seats, plus it was tremendous corruption in the election in my opinion. Okay, so I'm not even.
Sure that necessarily the money was the big thing. I think that was just such tremendous corruption in that election. But so we have 50/50, I think you would be 60/40, if I weren't endorsing. If you look at Alaska, you look at Iowa, you looked at North Carolina, you look at many even Lindsay Creek that I helped him so much and he's doing a terrific job. I helped him a lot.
And I got Mitch McConnell elected. If you can believe it, he was losing. And he came to me, he wanted help, and I gave him help. And he went up 20 points after I gave him help and he won his election, but if I didn't get him help he Woulda lost. Absolutely in Kentucky, where I'm very popular and I asked him, I like them to the way.-Cortes
You've been very tough on Mitch McConnell. I think deservedly so but wouldn't the same criticisms. Also apply to Kevin McCarthy.-Trump
Different. Kevin has had some bad moments, but he's always come back and done what's right for the country. So it's different, it really is different. He had a couple of bad moments but it's a very interesting question different in that sense you look different. I understand, you know what he's done. He's done a good job. Impeachment hoax number one, we didn't have one negative vote and for the second we had not very many and those people roping primary I think every one of them Liz Cheney she's a disaster. I mean Liz Cheney is being primaried and Wyoming and Wyoming was my number one state. I think I want it by 57 points. No, 47 points, I guess. But I want it by number one. I think I want it by even more than Alabama and West Virginia, all great States but I wanted by 47 points. Wyoming.-Cortes
You know, earlier you mentioned, the bite in Border crisis. There's a new reporting by some journalists in Tennessee that in the middle of the night. Plane loads were Landing in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Full of Migrant children. Nobody locally was informed about this. Every town is effectively becoming a Border Town now because of the Biden border crisis, what is the left? Joe Biden, his allies. What are they really after with this open borders, lunacy.-Trump
They're going to destroy this country and forget about the children. They have people coming in from prisons, they have rapists, they have murderers, they have drug dealers. They have human traffickers, and they traffic and women mostly which nobody likes to say, they African women. They have people the worst people anywhere in this. In this hemisphere in the world, coming into this country unchecked being released in our country. And, yeah, they are, they're releasing people in Tennessee that never happened with me. That's why Tennessee likes me, but they're releasing them in areas that it's just, I mean, it's horrible, what's happening? And we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. Again, we had the strongest border and History. We never had a border like this with me and a big factor was that I built so much of the wall. What a difference. It makes it like day and night. Also, I got Mexico to go 28,000 soldiers free of charge because they didn't want to be tariffed and because they also happen to have a very good president. I think a very smart president are very good president but we had the best border we've ever had an overnight, like stay in Mexico. I won't stay in Mexico now.
Stay in the United States and they disappear into our country. We don't even know who these people are. They walk up, they can be murders. That could be the worst and they come into our country. Totally unchecked. It's very, very sad. What's happening.-Cortes
One last question, please, mr. President related to that Joe Biden and his allies in the media. Teachers unions, they seem to be changing the very definition of what it means to be an American citizen. What do you believe? We should be teaching our children. In means to be an American citizen.-Trump
They hate our country and we love Our country, we have to love this country and if somebody doesn't like our country they shouldn't be here. But you look at what the way they're treating Israel. Now compared to what it was 15 years ago. 15 years ago, Israel was, you know, Untouchable, I think nobody's done as much for Israel. Frankly, as I have, if you take a look between the embassy in Jerusalem, as the capital of Israel and all of the different things that I've done and the Iran deal, which was such a disaster and Golan, Heights was a big deal, everyone, you know, for 52 years. It were trying to get going on outside. Done. But they've been a great Ally, and really, you know it. When you look at the way they're being treated right now, it's not even believable by Democrats, it's not believable, we have to love our country and you would almost think that the people that are allowing our country to be destroyed, do not love our country.-Cortes
Thank you for Mr.President.-Trump
Thank you very much.-Cortes
Appreciate it.-Trump
Thank you.
Posted at 2021/05/27(Thd) 15:57:20
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