-Mike Lindell
Hello, everyone! I'm down here Mar-A-Lago, and I'm going to be interviewing our real President, Donald J. Trump. This is very exciting for me. I never thought I'd be the interviewer. Usually, on the interviewee, and I've got a lot of questions I wrote that, I don't believe he's been asked some of them. I know he hasn't been asked and I'm very excited to see that we can all share in here. His some of the things that since it all of you out there wanted to hear when we asked you all. What would you like to hear in this interview? And so enjoy, and we'll see you when it's over.-Lindell
Well, it seems like a lifetime ago that we met in August of 2016. Right? And, you know, my whole life, I didn't think politics affected me at all, and one of the, one of the things that you've shown us all, is that it affects almost everything in our lives. and It's do. And I've told many people that you have a gift of problem solution and what it would manifest to. And I think that that's, you know, that's why I thought that you'd be the best President ever when you left that office. And and one of the things all the decisions in that you made manifested to December of 2019. Where was the best time in history were Merry Christmas, we had the lowest unemployment and everything highest consumer confidence and I want to ask you a question that you probably haven't been asked and that's was, was running is running the country, was it. What was it? What you expected it to be? Was it like when you were running your business.-Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of United States of America
So I would say there are things you can learn and you have learned from running a business, but there's nothing like running this country. And part of it is a beautiful thing and part of his a horrible thing. You know, we were attacked from every angle you want to do things who were good that you understand a good and anybody with common sense understands was good. And we had impeachment hoax number one impeachment. hoax number two, the Mueller thing which proved no collusion and all of these different things happened. And I've always said that I had two jobs to run the country, and I think we did better than just about anybody. We did a job on employment and on you look at energy. We were energy independent, you know, look at what's happening now and our military, we rebuilt it. We did so many things. So it was an incredible period of time, but at a run the country and had to survive and their survival was fought by far, the tougher. We just being hit on by every single group, you know, these radical left future. Actually, [Cross talk] They're very dangerous for our country, right?-Lindell
Absolutely, If you took that aside those so it was because of stuff you learn in business, if you have a problem and solution. I mean you do have a gift of it's knowing what we will manifest do to help all people and I think you've shown my God, what a politician should be to help the people.-Trump
Now solving problems ourselves, all about common sense.-Lindell
Common Sense. Okay. Now we look at the exact opposite. Does there with political decisions can do and can you believe how fast our country's being destroyed? You know, we've skipped. I thought you was saying socialism to come, we've skipped right over it to communism.-Trump
Yeah, you know, I really you look at the press radical. There is become a radicalized press but we don't have freedom of the press anymore. And you're absolutely right. That's the first step toward communism. We don't have any press. They don't cover. If you do something great, Mike, you've done some great things, they won't report it.-Lindell
I call that going Fox on you, HAHAHAHAHAHA. Going Fox on you.-Trump
Yeah, I understand that and exactly what you're saying, but the fact is you've done some incredible things and they won't report it. If you're a little bit off, lie, a little bad day., and they did make it look like it's one of the worst days in history. And actually the worst is, if you do something good, they'll actually make it into like you did something bad. The press is a very, very dishonest and it's really to the detriment of our country.-Lindell
I think it's the biggest evil we have right now. Are the biggest detriment, you know, a year ago. We watched the biggest crime in history unfold, right before our eyes. You've compared to a robbing him a diamond store and they were they were caught and we had enough evidence I believe to leave to pass it out to 300 some million people here. You take a piece. You take a piece, and everybody went to prison for right? And they don't believe that this, you know, we all saw the evidence but no judges. I want to tell him, you know, no judges including the Supreme Court looked at the evidence. They just kick. The can down the road and said we're at no standing, no standing. And do you think that all that could have happened without the corrupt media? I mean, that was the big cover-up...-Trump
No, the media were not involved in this cover-up and they were involved together was going to because they were communicating together. I remember they used the word. It was a manufactured something and all of a sudden it was on ABC, NBC, CBS. It was on everything else, the word and they passed it out. It's almost like they said because it wasn't a word you never use right for politics. The word was manufactured, and the headline of every newscast was manufactured. They were told to use it. No, they're very, they have colluded. The, it's just a terrible thing. That's happened to country. And it's got to straighten out.-Lindell
It does I tell a journalist of every day? Just had one here today, from The Washington Post. I said, "why do you want to destroy our country?"You know, I mean what, you know, I told him, "you know, you attacked by myself, my life, my employees, my company. "
I'm going what am I doing. Just trying to get the word out day and onto something to help save our country.
They don't let you get an honest word. They'll take what you say and they'll make it like totally different, you won't even recognize [Cross talk] saying,And it really is misinformation, disinformation, what they do is, in terms of disinformation, it's genius, but so bad for this country.
Are you give out or they don't, or they don't talk? I mean, they go completely to when I had the Cyber Symposium getting a little head here, but when I have that afterwards, nobody won the five million dollar prize because it was all evidence from the 2020 election. And then they went completely Fox on me, are completely silent. I say nobody talked. They didn't do a span story about me nine days. Then they said, I sold my plane because I went broke out [laughing]... Then, the next day talk, I didn't sell my plane. I said, "I just hired 200 more employees."And they go the next day, the article comes up, "Mike Lindell hires two month, 200 more employees, he's making money off this."-Trump
But very sad. When you look at what the Network's, even the ones that are supposedly in our side, and they're not many. And there is no side. What we want is a strong military. Very great education for our children and thehouse to live in. You know, it's so basic steps...-Lindell [Cross talk]
Common Sense thing-Trump [Cross talk]
...and they fight us. It's it's very sad story. It's disgusting.-Lindell
Well, you go back to November 4th and we all lived this Twilight Zone. I would say like an old saying, you know, "if a tree falls in the forest and no one around to heard it." Did it really fall within the media tells us there is no Forest. I mean, that's what it was back in November and December. You know, we were, I know but we were all living in this Twilight Zone. You were living there with us. And but then you had all the betrayals and attacks on you that escalated to a whole nother level. And Eric told me once that you said right before you were going down that escalator to make your famous announcement, that you said, "well, we're going to find out now who are true friends." And I never forgot that he said that to me and you know, it was everyone out there since that time. We've all been praying. Praying for you, for you to have strength. And my question is, what does give you the emotional strength to handle it all mean?-Trump
It's interesting. You mentioned people because I've had some disloyal people and we always do through life. You know, you've been somebody and you think they're great sometimes you put somebody in your not so sure they turned out to be great. But I've also had tremendous people in the White House. We had some tremendous successes. We had some really very, very talented people. But we also had people that were very bad and very incompetent. You put them in the highly recommended by RINOs and others.-Lindell
What Becomes of the world beheld?-Trump
And they just don't even know. He was very disappointing and I got him elected. It wasn't for me. He wouldn't be Governor Georgia. They wouldn't even be close. He would have lost, he wouldn't have won the primary to start off when they wouldn't have run the race against Stacey Abrams. So he was a tremendous disappointment, it. All we wanted was voter integrity. That's all we wanted. So it was very sad, but and there are others. For the most part, it has been loyal. I mean really, I've had great loyalty from a lot of people know people. I want to write about them, you know, not as exciting or doesn't sell.-Lindell
When I mean, the emotional strength, what you, where do you get the emotional strength from because we pray for you all the time together.-Trump
I'll ask, people ask, it's not only from that it's just a whole. They come at you from your help [Cross talk]-Lindell [Cross talk]
[Crosstalk]...I went four years. We are on your shoulders...-Trump [Cross talk]
...And now, you read where and it was totally phony to start off with. But now, you're reading all about the Russia thing was a hoax. It was set up by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats and paid for and they dealt with Russia. What could be crazier than that? It just came out today. As you see, they get they nabbed another one and her lawyer, her lawyer was involved, I mean the whole thing. Durham while it's taking a long time, it's very devastating things that he's coming out with them. So it, you know, that was a hoax, the phone call with Ukraine was a perfect. I say to perfect call. You got impeached over a phone call. that was a perfect call or never get Tim Scott, who's man and a terrific senator from South Carolina, he read the call. Fortunately, I had people transcribing. It had they known that they would have never done the impeachment because they found out much later, but fortunately. We had it but you know, Tim Scott said he read the call. It was a perfect go. What are you doing?But they were down the line, they said, let's just keep going. These are the people that's the attacks bad people anyways.
So you just your love the country so much that you're just read by better things to do you know?-Trump
I love the country. And we made such progress, and we've done so many things, even though was constantly. You're constantly under attack constantly. And by the way, did you hear that beautiful Trump call [Cross talk] really kept that one thing went in Florida. It comes down that I love the country.And I had a goal, and the goal was to do what we did. And I think you can almost say that few Presidents. If any did what we did, when we rebuilt the military when we did, we only was so much. And we did it under a lot of pressure because it was so many other outside forces that were fighting us. I just considered it. A great honor. I was very disappointed as you were as millions of people were think I read 78% of one of our great parties felt that the election was rigged and stolen and it was rigged...
It was horrible things up. You know, you've got, you know, you talk about betrayal, you have Bill Burr that before the election says, "you know, that's machines could be hacked and China could be, you know, we have to worry about China."Then he says to everyone to the whole country, "there's not enough evidence to overturn the election." Then we find out now. We finding all this later. He sends a letter, an email whatever to an ordering an attorney or us us attorney in Pennsylvaniam "not to look at the evidence."
I mean that's shameful and then you got like Chris Krebs, that said, "it was a fairest election ever, the best electrum ever." And then a couple months later. He's on MSNBC. And what does he say? He said, "what's the biggest threat to our country, China attacking us in a Cyber attack right down to the local races"
I said, "what did he copy the evidence?"You know, I mean, I don't think you know people he was to live in the Twilight Zone there. And then what and then Ratcliffe how about January 7 when John Ratcliffe the DNI Director of National Intelligence, wherever he comes out with a letter saying that "China, evidence of China, check had been suppressed," and that, isn't that kind of finding the same day. They took away all our freedom freedom of speech. They took away your social media. The media went into this attack at that point. I mean, That had to be at least for me. I'm going to scanning be real. They take away the President's voice. Yeah and millions of us. I mean at that point was you know, how are you feeling then? I mean it was it like a just believe for was it? [Laughing]
So I had hundreds of millions of people today. We had a tremendous whether it was Twitter or was Instagram Facebook. I had, you know, just massive numbers of people and all of a sudden one day you wake up and you don't have that voice anymore. Not there rebuilding in the sense in a different form that was terrible. You know, you mentioned Burr. That was very disappointing. You mentioned Krebs. I never knew. I don't know Krebs. I don't even know who this guy is, but and see him on television all the time on CNN and MSDNC as I call, as the guy was talking about the honesty elections. We'll all you have to do is take a look at some of the reports that have come out. Since all of that, these elections were incredibly dishonest, Arizona, where they put the findings, thousands and thousands, and thousands of votes for more than you need. You look at Georgia. It was terrible. You look at Pennsylvania. Now, the good news is a lot of those States Pennsylvania has got subpoenas now, all over the place. They're going to get to the bottom of it. You see what happened today in Wisconsin, where they found thousands and thousands of votes, but it was just corrupt and things are happening now.-Lindell
Well, you've said that's, you know, the fix 2020 first.-Trump
Well, I think it's important that they know what happened in 2020 in. One each one and once you know what happened, they have a decision to make. Look I think enough people know what happened, you know, getting Arizona. We don't need all those things. We need two big ones and three small ones. I guess it's a separately. You can have two big ones or you can have three, small one, something like that. But we all know what happened, you see it in the report, you see it in everything and also they're guarding this so guarding it. They don't want to give the votes. They don't want to give the ballots, mail-in ballots, or disaster. They basically use Covid-19 or the China virus to rig the election and it's a shame. So and I hope the Republicans get tougher, Mitch McConnell's and disaster. The guys are disaster, the old crow. He should have never approve that he should have never allowed and it was very sad when Mike Pence gave those votes over because when you have more votes than you have voters, when you have other things that are so wrong. And that was then now since then many other things have happened, which show that you were right and I was right and people were right that we're looking at it. It's a very diversity, I think we proved two things.Number one. The press is dishonest.
And number two, and, you know, some people thought it, but you don't had a very high approval rating. Now. It's got lower than Congress. Press is designed to be a very dishonest press and we have rigged elections. And of course, we have horrible borders, but we had the best border that we've ever had in the history of our country. That means drugs and people. Absolutely and now it's the worst in a period of nine months. It went from the best, average of the worst at home.
You're exactly right. And I but you know, I've said it before. And I've been telling everybody, "there is which is what Mike, one of the machines going to be on, what's our real President coming back in the day?" I get these questions all the time.And I said, you know what, God has had his hand in all this. I believe. Look what's happened on the positive side. We've seen evil rise up and you see all the bad politicians. You see all the where the corruption was so more, more is getting revealed every day. And I say, it's like two buckets, you know, a bucket here, but everyone, that knows it was rigged a moment. Knows what happened back then if Democrats are going hate, even though they're on that, on the winning side of a rig football game. They're gone. They don't want to believe it. Now. Even 35% of them them say it was a rigged election and they want to believe it. Why because all the horrific things that are going on in our country, and I believe their eyes are getting open up because they nobody believes that fake media anymore, the crooked media. And they did you think you think we'll be able to beat the media. I mean, that mean, that, don't you think that's the big wind getting to get our voices. Are you do? [Cross talk]
[Cross talk] I think we're getting them out. That's why they realize that watching some of these. You look at the ratings, on television. The ratings are so low, right? Because they've lost credibility, but I think when you talk about silencing in the Press, I really think it's because they have one subject. They don't want to talk about. And that was a 2020 presidential election scam. And in all evolves around that whether it's Hunter Biden that they silenced, when the New York Post came out with those exponents. [lag] 's horrible exposition. They tried to put the New York Post that a business and nobody ever heard of that should have been a big story in every paper. Nobody ever covered it. They, they don't want to get anywhere near the election fraud because we're too close, right? They don't want it to be revealed. They will do anything to stop it. And when you hear silence, when you hear all of that, that's the thing they want silence. Because you read that Time magazine article to cover of Time Magazine. They bragged about it. Basically, the could help themselves, grow they they did it and they're saying, we got to, you know, it wasn't a full brag, how to say it. But it was a bragg absolute. That's the way it happened. That's a part of the way it happened, but they couldn't help themselves. They did something. They can't believe and they needed much more because we did much better. We got so many votes in that we swapped them and they just went crazy that night and for a short time thereafter, but they don't want to talk about it, but they did talk about It in Time Magazine was very interesting.-Lindell
Well, they've we don't. We've also read when we've been here with you, you know, holding firm to. Let's fix 2020 first. I'm telling you right now millions upon millions of people now. And getting the courage on their altar on the ground. They audits are getting done. They're doing. I mean, they're encouraged their. They want that we got to have fair likes. Our country's gone if it's not fixed by 2022. It's over.-Trump
Mike, I have good people have been people, but I have a lot of good. People say, "Sir, forget about 2020, you going to win your way up in the polls? You're going to win?"
I say we're not going to have a country in three years. This guy did this in nine months. He destroyed our country. You know, I say make America Great Again. That was my theme and it was going to be keep America Great. I gave that away through a tragedy that happened in Afghanistan. When you have millions of people pouring in, we have no idea who they are just pouring into our country. They could have finished the wall in two weeks. They could have the world done. It was almost finished 500 miles of wall, then it was almost finished. They want it to be open at first, I thought they were incompetent. And now I realize they actually want it open. They want open borders, would have millions of people pouring in, we have no idea who they are.-Lindell
Well, there's an agenda behind it, you know, for me, you know, from the time I met you and I got, you know, came into politics, went all in, you know, that they just made sense because of your common sense solutions. And I have seen of all the politicians I met. Now I can count on two hands if that maybe one hand of the politicians that have the people's back like you do when you're making decisions. So I tell everyone, I tell you my you know, I've no Democrats and liberal friends. I'm going all you got to do is look at the decisions that are being made right now, you know, if they don't help anybody there, they've got their own agenda. You know, and I always say...-Trump
...Look at the money, they make their full-time politicians Pelosi, and all these people voters, Obama. I expected to lose a lot of money. I lost billions. I expected that. I was okay. These people made money being president. And if somebody from Saudi Arabia stays at a sweet one night. For peanuts, even though I'm willing to lose billions of dollars and they say they pay $600 or whatever it is. They'll make like old somebody. I mean, it's the most incredible things don't. These people have made a fortune. Many of them have made a fortune and I was prepared. I felt that if I go in, I mean, the brand, all of a sudden, half the people like you. I think it's more than that. I actually do. I think it's one of them. Don't think it's a 50-50...[Cross talk]when you have, when you have things like no voter ID, defund the police, open border, sanctuary cities, all of the stuff. They have. I don't believe 50% of the people vote for them. I think they cheat on elections, absolute and they do other things and that gets him up to that 50% but they can't have 50% with those policies.
Absolutely not. And you know, when you were, when you heard president, I kept telling people everybody loves our present so I'm just don't know it yet. And what was happening because here's a bucket of people at the stuff you did for your cursing. People have voted for you. Okay, and here's another bucket again. I keep jumping. There isn't one thing you ever did, which a person would go that way. So it was a constant pouring of the people over here. And you know, the real votes you got over 80 million votes. That's fact. I've got that if that's packed over 80 million, the most of anybody in history, you know, and people over here, they're waking up. They're not only, I believe we get through this and we're going to just going to be an amazing place, but we had to go through it all. [Cross talk]-Trump
[Cross talk] Well, you have been so brave. You're an incredible Patriot. You have been so brave. I'll never forget the first rally. I've seen you, and you can use on television, but I never met him. And I'm making a speech, and I have, I think, Alabama, I had like 65,000 people in the universe and I see you say, I said, that's the Pillow Guy. I Can't believe it. the Pillow Guy, but you're an incredible patriot and people love you.-Lindell
Well, it's it's, it becomes pretty easy when you lose our country and you know, and it's like, you know...-Trump
It isn't amazing. You give the facts you say here's how they cheated because you know, now we know much more than we did a few months ago and every month we learn more. When you look at what happened in Wisconsin, when you look at what they just did in Arizona, they just found some in Pima county.-Lindell
Yeah, Pima county is so percent of the people voted the live in the county.-Trump
It's not all thing. They just found this out two days ago and you see it and you present it to politicians that are friends of our sort of.-Lindell
And they said, "oh no where you going to win, next time?"
I say, "wait a minute."-Lindell
There is no next time is now. Yeah,-Trump
You're not going to have a country left but these and I'm saying these are good people, they say, "oh don't worry about it. 45 thousand votes, which is far more than you need, right?"
"Don't worry about you going to win next time."
I say, "where do they come now?"
Then we have the other kind that are so on our side. I'm amazed that so many people say, "sir, you're doing so well. Don't worry you're going to win the next time."
That means that we're allowed to have a president that had all of this stuff going on right running our country which did and he's doing such a poor job. It's not like, wow, the countries first and that in theory, should matter either. The fact is we have somebody that's destroying our country, you look at inflation. You look at the economy, everything you look at Afghanistan. That was the most embarrassing moment for our country in the history of our country. You look at every single thing, even look at the supply chains. Did you ever hear even a question of a problem with the supply chain? So you have thousands of ships from because the new lot of problem in your business...[Cross talk]-Lindell
[Cross talk] ... I'll tell you this, if I'd have been there marketer and Inauguration day, I would have said I'm a goddamn room said, okay, let's not do anything stupid to ruin the country until they shut up about the 2020 election. Yeah, but what do they do the first day? They lay out 50,000 union job, shut the pipeline down. They knew what that would manifest to is. Not just what. You're paying gas. All the shipping right now is going to be double digit inflation. People have no idea what's coming and it's all because of what the the steal of the truck.-Trump
Mike, I closed the Russian Pipeline to Europe in Germany, I close the Russian pipeline all over Europe. I closed it, and then they say, "oh he's so friendly with Russia."That's that's the biggest thing you could do and I got along with Putin. I got along with everybody but I ran it. Like you're supposed to run it and then Biden comes along and he opens it. I mean, that's the biggest thing you can do, but he closes our Keystone Pipeline, I mean, can you imagine doesn't make sense.
[Cross talk] And it doesn't make sense 13 of them have committed a suicide...[Cross talk]-Trump
[Cross Talk] ... He closes it and they hardly talk about it. Then I'll talk about Afghanistan anymore. You never see it on the news that said that storage has appeared weeks ago. The most embarrassing thing ever happened to our country. We fled, we surrendered 13 young people were killed. They don't talk about the people, whose arms are gone, whose legs are gone. You know, we had 28 soldiers, no legs. No arms one had two legs gone, one arm gone.Don't even talk about those people. We left Americans behind by the thousands, possibly, and we left. And he took the military out before all the others and then we left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment. And then people don't talk about it. What was the last time you heard the word Afghanistan? You and I talked about it.
You know what? It was not even two days later or for a couple of days later. He gets on TV and talks about if you have 100 people, you have a mandate in your company. If you're more than 100 point. That was just a deflection to not talk about Afghanistan. So everybody gets answer. [Cross talk]-Trump
[Cross talk] One of the reasons of media.that our economy is going bad, the mandate. [inaudible]-Lindell
I just want to put in closing. I want to say there's, you know, back to the election 2020. I want to thank you and everyone does for standing firm on that because anyone that moves on from that, then you're saying you're okay with that and you've given strength to millions of people that are going are behind you and we're going to get to it. You get a gone. We're going to have said we're going to melt down the machines and use them in a prison bars. HAHAHAHAHA-Trump
it's very interesting that I get, you know, of all the things. I talked about like at rallies. We have these great rallies 69,000 people 55,000 people. We're going to Nevada soon. We're going to massive field and it's going to be packed in instantly, so I can feel an audience. So can you the thing they want to talk about more than Than any other subject is the election fraud of 2020 because they want that fixed because they can't have a country without that. You know, I used to say borders. You got to have borders. We don't have orders, but we don't have elections and we don't have a free and fair press. So this country has a long way to go.-Lindell
I've said it before to if you have, if you have a Cyber attack, which I've you know, I've stood firm on that, I have that evidence. And if you have a Cyber attack, you've cyber atacks every day. We have in our gas line. we have a credit card companies, businesses like ours. When you have this, it's like you got protection. Well, your Geeks are better than the good. Geeks are better than the bad Geeks and and they do virus protection, all this guy.Well, if you get through, what it amounts to is just a money thing, but when you get through an election, you take everything our freedoms and everything. And that's where I think, you know, where people have to realize out there, you know, even I really believe if, told journalists out there until you care about your country, you know, but their bosses bosses, whatever. They can't even print something good if they wanted to, and that's so hard getting around. You almost got to use the bad media to even get the word out.
You know, it's incredible when communities like Milwaukee. They don't want to show their records. Okay, Philadelphia known as being one of the most corrupt places and especially as it pertains to election, but Detroit is the king of a wall right, and they don't want to have you look at anything and you found out that in much easier times, where the mail and stuff was, you know, much tougher. They found five percent now and times where many, many times the number go out. They find it's less than one. One, one hundredth of one percent. In other words. It's never corrupt, you know, it's massively corrupted because it has to be much more than before they sent.-Lindell
Oh, this is the only election in history, where you have all these states, or massive amounts of non residents, voted in each state or people that were dead. Well, of course they didn't vote. They use their names. What we've been doing around is getting all the states, the who registered the wrong order rolls, and the people that registered and, you know, that on their voter rolls out for it, so we can get it. We everyone can have access these, we have access to them. And you look at these anomalies going. Okay, this county has this many people but yet two thousand more people voted that live there... [Cross talk]-Trump
No, no. [Cross talk] And, we have more votes in your people...[Cross talk]... and [Cross talk] there's nothing wrong with it, and amazes me where these communities don't want to have anyone see it. In fact, they get rid of the evidence and they don't want to have any one and you're not talking about a lot about you. A lot of votes are cheated on, but we lost by so little...[Cross talk]-Lindell
...[Cross talk]...just enough to, you know, you got so many votes that they had to do broke everything, the algorithms on 11:00 from election night. One of the things you can take apart everything, you know, the deviations that I seen one of these. I watched Arizona for a week, took a week to count two percent of the vote while they are. They had spent a week figuring out because you were going to go bye-bye, 80,000, you want Arizona by a quarter million votes. They had to figure out how we going to, how are we going to cheat it took them a week Michigan. They were easy. You know what they did. They dumped a hundred and some thousand votes for Biden, in the middle of the night. You can watch it and then they say to us what? Well, those were those million votes we hear when people don't know... [Cross talk]-Trump
You look at that chart at Michigan?-Lindell
[Cross talk] Where it's going along and all of a sudden spikes up to the ceiling...[Cross talk]-Lindell
... People don't realize is, those weren't mail-in votes, the mail and votes were not counted in middle at night on the fourth. They were the first votes counted on the morning of the 3rd. So you say that to people, one of the things that with when you had that conversation with terrible, crooked Brad Raffensperger in Georgia that phone call that right there. Should the whole people in this everyone in this country should have said you need to show your stuff rest of her because you asked them. What do you had 15,000 on votes important tip for 6,000? If he was writing for all these stats and he go and I remember you sin, he goes. So, can you give us a couple of these here? These people can't do it. And he said, "well, those aren't the real numbers and yousa where the real numbers in your ear, one of your attorneys, whatever said we got them from him, sir."
And then you asked him, "when are we going to get the real numbers?"
"He never provided the real numbers."-Trump
And they said they were going to meet, and we never met a week. They would never make, you know, and he said, I think they were to dead people, right?-Lindell
Yeah, HAHAHAHA....-Trump
Thousands, who would to dead people. He said that on the phone. It's not even believable. What's taken place? What else is it believable? You have somebody called and even Republicans like the RINOs. They sort of just want to get on with life. But sadly say why is it dishonesty or is it complacency? What is it, but you are a fighter and I'll tell you this country someday. I really believe this country someday is going to be very appreciative of what you.-Lindell
Oh, thank you.[Cross talk]
I won't say this. What I've learned, it's...
[AD's voices]
I want to say, I want to say one more thing here. The what surprises me is I mean since the subscriber suppose, I've been going into the red States, you'd think you'd get there if their voter rolls, show them and say, hey, let's look inside your machines, right through to your router's. Here's what happened here. You go to a residence where one person lives. Are you find out 12 live there, but they didn't they just use their name, right? So you show them this.You show them all this and yet they'll go. No, we were secure. And when you look at it, it is somewhere our people and it's like, like you say, why are you, why are you dragging being complacent? You know, do you know, it's almost like if we did nothing. If we go 2020, didn't let it go. You know, what they'd be saying, two years from now. Well, I wish we to listen.
You know, now I think we're doing a very important thing that we're going to find out, you mentioned. Red States is very interesting that we went to Texas. They want to have a a big thing, even though I won Texas by a lot. We should have wanted by much much more. Texas is not a blue State. Okay, and we had a tremendous victory in Texas and in Florida, but I have no doubt that there were a lot of things that went on and they should really get to it because you're going to lose elections in those States. Eventually, you know, you to lose Texas at some point. Most of those didn't really lose, right?-Lindell
The most votes were California number once, told Texas, number two, for number three. You notice it was all 50 states and the...[Cross talk]-Trump
We didn't swamp them in Texas and Florida. I wouldn't have won those two states...[Cross talk]-Lindell
... Exactly right. Well, we're going to get through it on. I believe that we, you know, when we get way out here, we're going to look back and all this had to happen, just the way God intended it, because everything that you did to show us what great leadership should be, and what it can manifest do to help all people. So, I were alive and to have a great life in this country, the best country in the world. And I want to thank you as millions do for being the greatest President we've ever had.-Trump
Thank you.-Lindell
We appreciate you...-Trump
Thank you so much your honor. And the good news is we're going to look back at what they did, and we're going to say they did a terrible job, so they won't be able to talk. Because the job they've done is record-setting bad, and we're going to take back. Our country has for your. Thank you, Mike.-Lindell
God bless you.-Trump
Thank you very much.-Lindell
Thank you.P.S.
Was that awesome or what? Thank you all for watching and I hope you, I hope you enjoy the interview, but I want you all to do something now. Go out and tell everybody, you know, that the Attorneys General from these states are putting a lawsuit in on November, 23rd, two days before Thanksgiving to sue the United States government over the 2020 election. And here's a little bonus from Wednesday night at midnight before thanksgiving all the way to Sunday night at midnight. Lindell-TV, we're going to live stream for 96 hours straight.So You can get everyone, you know, you're sitting around Thanksgiving, join us in whereever the Roku Channel, you gotta get everyone, you can in your house to watch. This is the time. We all have to come together, unite our country and show everybody what happened in the 2020 election and help save our country. Thank you.
Posted at 2022/01/16(Sun) 05:02:02
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