スピーチの前半はマイク・リンデル自伝「What are the odds from crack addict to CEO」=「こんなことってある? コカイン中毒者からCEOへ」
「何が起こっているのだろう?」と何人の人がそう思ったでしょうか? ドミニオン社がトロントでジョージ・ソロスとオフィスを共有していたことを、奇異に感じた人はいるでしょうか?
気まずい。もしかしたら、予算が足りなくて、ジョージ・ソロスがオフィスを共有する必要があったのかもしれません。 ドミニオンのセキュリティ責任者が、ドミニオンのセキュリティ責任者が、メンバーであるエリック・クーマーが、たまたま率直で誇り高いアンチファの支持者であることが、戦略とセキュリティの責任者であることが、興味深いと思った人はどれくらいいるでしょうか?
しかし、ジミーは、これは彼らの社会が特にメディアと一緒に来ているようだと思ったのです。ところで、もしあなたが依存症の方で、人々が依存症を恥じているという話を聞いたとしたら。私は皆さんに、依存症はただのホームレスではないとお伝えしたいのです。フォークを使わずに食事をする人から、フォークを4本使って食事をする人、その中間の人まで、誰もが依存症になる可能性があるのです。行きましょう、私のプラットフォーム、リンデル・リカバリー・ネットワーク lindellrecoverynetwork.orgというものです。助けを必要としている屋根裏部屋があれば、私の過去の話から無料で利用できます。そこに設置しました。とにかく私はジミー・キンメルのために祈っています。私は7歳のときに両親が離婚し、新しい学校に入学しました。僕は家庭崩壊した子供だったからね。私は7歳のときに両親が離婚し、新しい学校に入学しました。
ワオ。これは100万分の1の確率、これは10億分の1の確率、これはありえない。では、それらを足して奇跡と呼ぶのはいつですか? さて、私の人生では、【コカインを】やめた時の話を簡単にしますが、それは2008年初頭のことで、マイピローは路上販売や露店をやっているだけの、レーダーの上ではほんのわずかなものでしたが、私はクラック【コカイン】のひどい中毒になっていて、その前年に離婚していて、ミネアポリスのダウンタウンにいました。
私は「これは何の介入なんだ? 好きなように呼べばいいじゃないか」と言ったんです。あとで知ったんですが、もう一人の男はそこに残っていて、座って私を見ていたんです。私はついにクラック【コカイン】がなくなってしまって、カーペット・ファーミング【絨毯の中に落ちているありもしないコカインを探して空回りする、中毒者に特有の行為】をして、クラック【コカイン】を探したり、パイプを削ったりしていたら、やっと眠れました。
「ここで何をしているんだ?」 と言うと、彼は「主に導かれてここに来たんだ。あなたは何をしているんだ?」と聞かれたので
周りを見渡してみると、何もかもが、シュミッティのようだ。私は何を失ったのか? それは、まるで真っ白な奴隷を持った子供のようでした。私は政治が自分にとって何の意味もないと思っていました。自分には関係ないと思っていたし、投票にも行きませんでした。注意も払わなかった。
それから、悪の帝国にお金を渡すプレゼントもありました。このような奇妙なことが起こっていたのです。赤ちゃんを殺してもいいとか、いろいろなことがありましたが、私は何を見逃していたのでしょうか? えーと、うーん、ショッピングチャンネルもそうですね。コストコ、コストコは最近、マイピローを追い出しましたが、私は友人や家族に言いました。もし誰もマイピローを使ってくれなかったら、私にはインフォマーシャル【インフォメーション(情報)とコマーシャル(広告)とを掛け合わせた造語で、テレビCM(テレビコマーシャル)の種類の一つです。 元々はアメリカで生まれたテレビショッピングのジャンルのひとつで、長いものでは1時間近くかけて商品の情報を詳しく紹介するコマーシャル手法のこと】の夢がある。私にはインフォマーシャルの夢があって、みんなでお金を出し合って、史上最大のインフォマーシャルを作るんだと言ったんです。
さて、私はドナルド・トランプについての本や雑誌を空港の店で買ったのですが、ちょうどその雑誌を開き始めました。私はそこに座って、主よ、私は何をしなければならないのかと言いました。私はこの写真を見て、これらのことが私に起こり続けていると言いました。私は何をすればいいのでしょうか? その時のドナルド・トランプについて、今すぐ答えが欲しいのです。私の電話が鳴って「マイク、ドナルド・トランプだ。あなたは私に会うだろう、ニューヨーク市のトランプホテルの主と」
その時は、それほどの出会いではありませんでしたが、きっと泣きそうになっていたことでしょう。客室乗務員の方も「大丈夫ですか?」尋いてきました。はい。これは奇跡です。なぜなら、その瞬間に神が私に答えてくれたからです。その瞬間、私は終わりません。私はただ、神にどんどん近づいていきました。私はイエスに向かって、これは不可能だと思いました。早送りしてもいいですか? 少し話が先に進んでしまいますが、お話します。私が初めてホワイトハウスに入って行ったとき、マイクは私が子供の頃に持っていた本の中にいました。私は今でもエルビス・プレスリーの大ファンなんです。エルビス・プレスリーとリチャード・ニクソンの非常に有名な写真がありますが、子供の頃の私はこう思いました。エルビス・プレスリーでないと、大統領に会えないんだな。それが当時の私の気持ちでした。それで、ホワイトハウスに入ったんです。それまで一度も入ったことがなかったサミットの製造業に招待されて、3番目に入った投手がエルビスとリチャード・ニクソンの写真だったんですね。エルビスとリチャード・ニクソンの写真を見て、私は自分が信じられないと思いましたし、神よ、これは超常現象だと思いました。
「この隣に座っている麻薬中毒者は何なんだ? 大統領の隣に座っているコカイン中毒者は何なんだ?」でも、今は……2016年の夏に話を戻します。その彼との出会いが実を結んだわけです。
役員会の半分の人たちを退屈させてしまったかな? 彼らは「マイク、あなたに同意しない。そんなことをしてはいけない。彼女の会社を潰してしまうことになるから」と言いました。
truthinadvertising.orgはとても悪い組織ですが、彼らは私を攻撃しました。私は何をしたか? 自分が何かしてしまったのではないかとすごく後悔しました。
そして彼らは、そして私たちは皆、ここでこれを見ているのです。私たちはこの真っ只中にいます。恐ろしい中国のウイルスパンデミックですよね? それで、空が私を連れてきたんだ、この男が来て、私は情報センターのようになった。マイ・ピロー元で、皆が皆のためにマスを作り始め、その時にできることは全てやりました。私はタスクフォースと連絡を取り、何かを聞いたらそれを持ってくるように言われました。
そして、ボットに攻撃されていることを知らずに行ってしまった。それは去年の夏のことだ。でも、ソーシャルメディアで言っているように 私のことを知っている人たちは、小学校の頃からの付き合いで、大変な思いをしました。彼は、マイク・リンデルやその他の人たちと一緒に行動していました。私は集会に行き、話をし、ニュースに出て、「これは私が集会に行き、すぐに最新の情報を持って戻ってくるだろう」と言おうとしましたが、たとえどこも私を出演させてくれなくても、彼らは良いことを言われたくなかったので、わずかなアウトレットにしか出ませんでした。あの夜11時15分、誰もが彼の勝利を確信していましたが、突然変わりました。設定が必要なんです。つまり、少なくとも何票になるかを予測しなければならないのです。さて、彼らは失敗しました。失敗したのです!トランプ氏と皆さんを過小評価していました。そして、彼らが予測したトランプ氏の得票数は約6800万票でしたが、実際には8000万票でした。
その夜、ドナルド・トランプはすべての州で勝利するだろうと話していましたが、彼らは汚職にもかかわらず、これらの設定を持っていたのです。さて、これらのアルゴリズム。では、真夜中にみんなが同時に止まってしまったらどうなるでしょう? そして、すべての州のトップカウンティが。もし彼がこのアルゴリズムを壊さなかったら、どうなっていたかというと、すべての州がトップになっていたでしょう。
これが2つ目のミラクルです。11月3日、12月14日、1月6日と、どんどん日付が変わっていくのを見て、これは大変だ、1月9日の就任式までに他に何ができるのか、ということを考えました。私は、誰もが外国の証拠を目の当たりにしてきましたが、これは違いました。これは違うんだ。それはたった1枚の紙切れだった。中国や他の国からサイバー攻撃を受けていて、その痕跡が何千件もあったと書いてありました。私はそこで終わらせずに投稿しましたが、同時に投稿したときには、並行して、この3人に会ったり、他の人に会ったりして、深く掘り下げて、要点をつかみました。私自身、多くの人と一緒にやったこと、現場で助けてくれた多くの人と一緒にやったこと、意味をなさなかった数字がすべて意味をなすようになったことで、何が起こったのかを説明するのに、人々は2日もかかりませんでした。私の目の前にあったのだ。さて、私は何をすればいいのでしょう? それを外に出すことです。ソーシャルメディア。ソーシャルメディアに載せた時に大統領に見せようとしたのですが、それが始まりでした。彼らは、この国がおそらく世界でも経験したことのないような、跳ね回る荒らしによる最大のサイバー攻撃を始めたのです。彼らはこれを世に出したくなかったのです。彼らは私の箱物店を攻撃しました。明らかに、攻撃を受けたために文化的な活動を中止した店舗が20以上もあります。私は、これは本物の人間ではないと言い続けました。彼らはこれを殺すために雇われたグループなんだ、と。彼らはこれを潰し、それが始まったのです。その後、ホワイトハウスに到着したときには、皆さんもご覧になったとおりでした。私は弁護士のためにあるものを配達していて、その証拠の一部を持っていたのですが、彼らはホワイトハウスの外であの有名な写真を撮りました。言っておくけどね。あれは奇跡のような出来事でした。なぜ奇跡が起きたかというと、主流のメディアが私を攻撃し始めたからです。私がホワイトハウスにいたとき、彼らは丘を越えてきて、就任式の前日に100倍のランニングをして、あそこでトリップしていると言いました。
「マイク、あなたはあなたの6つの会社を失いました」あなたは何を考えていますか? どうなんだ? ドミニオンについて聞いたことがありますか? 選挙での不正行為が明らかになると、翌日には私に電話がかかってきて、さらに5つの箱型店舗に強盗が入ったとか、ドミニオンやスマホを知っているかとか、国を攻撃したとかです。
だから夜中の12時半にベッドに横になったんです。私はベッドに横たわっていました。枕元のTwitterが壊れてしまうのはわかっているので、Twitterにアクセスして、ジャックに「ジャックは何をしているのか ――ジャック・ドーシー」と言ってみたんです。
彼らはある会社に何かをしたんだ。マイ・ピローも取られてしまった。それがニュースになったんです。世界を駆け巡って、ワシントンポストやニューヨークタイムスに電話をかけ始めたんだ。私にも電話がかかってきました。あなたは会社のツイッターを失った。機械とドミニオンの不正選挙についてはどう感じましたか? スマートマティック社のことを聞きましたか? 中国が私たちの国を攻撃していることを聞きましたか?そう、そう、そう今です!
私のスケジュールは、愚かにもここに来たばかりの時はローミングしていました。「Business Insider」や「The Daily Beast」「New York Times」などにも電話をしなければなりません。これらはすべて、この期間中に電話をかけてきたものです。何だと思いますか? 彼らは訴えられるのを恐れて私を出演させなかったのです。
彼らは、自分たちが関係しているかどうかを問われることを恐れていたんです。私はいまだにFoxがなぜ人を出演させないのか理解できませんが、それはまた別の話です。それはおそらく、マイクがFoxに選ばれたプライベートのニュースはあなたに何かを伝えます。マイピローは、すべてのチャンネルCNN MSNBC フォックスすべてに広告を出しています。私はすぐにそれに取得します。
ナイフや石がマイ・ピローにあると聞いたら、どうしますか? 訴えたりはしませんが、マイピローに連れてきて、特許を取得した美しいフィルを見に行きますよ。岩がないとか、ナイフがないとかではなく、支配するのではなく、私たちの機械の中を見たと言うのです。隠すことは何もないですが、彼らは人を撃ち、我々を脅しているだけなのです。全てが変わるのです。
勘弁してくれよ、早くしてくれ 、あなたは10分 20分はここにいません。だから、だから、もし誰もこの証拠を見せてくれなかったら、と思うとね。誰もがテレビに出て話をさせてくれないなら 私は、皆さんが「絶対的証拠」を見られる映画を作ろうと決めました。もし、あなたのシーンを見たことがなければ。で、2月の第1週に撮影したんですけど、毎日、ポーターたちに「待ってくれ」って言ったら、「ジャーナリストと呼ばれる人たちは、何でもかんでも俺に電話してくるんだ」って言われたんです。
皆さんはGoogle AdWords【googleのスポンサード公告枠】の購入をご存知だと思います。私はこれをマイク・リンデルのサイトにアップしていました。私の個人的なウェブサイトは6年前から持っていますが、私のEdwardを買って、私の個人的な名前はしばらくの間欲しいと思っていますので、それは彼らが模倣物を作る場合には意味があります。彼らはGoogleを使っていますからね。とにかく、私は自分の名前を買い続けました。なぜなら、彼らは偽のストーリーを間に挟んでくるからです。だから私の名前をグーグルで検索すると、このゴミの中をスクロールしないと私が出てこないんです。
まだあるんですよ、Googleのちょっとしたコマーシャルが。私の友人が先日、彼のラジオ番組に私を出演させたんです。彼は自分のラジオ番組に私を出演させ、それをメールで送信しました。彼のGmailとGoogle Mapは取り上げられてしまいました。2日後にGoogleマップを戻したのですが、その際には警告が出ていました。このようなモンスターがこのようなことをするのは恐ろしいことです。
ウィキペディアが私を攻撃しています。 ウィキペディアは史上最高のプラットフォームです。私はそこに入ることができませんでしたが、彼らはそれを破壊しました。今では彼らが私のWikipediaを支配していて、私が最初に知られたのは、彼が「陰謀論」呼ばわりをはじめたことでした。
私はドミニオンに言いに行くべきでしょうか? なぜ彼らは私を訴えないんでしょう? 彼らは私を訴えるべきです。私は彼に見せてもらいたい。オーブン・フロッグを出したいから、訴えてくれと頼んでいるんです。私はドミニオンを撃ちに行ったんです。で、やっと訴えられて、どうなったかというと、次の日の朝、みんなが電話をかけてきました。最初にかかってきたのはニューヨーク・タイムズ紙で、ドミニオンの代理でした。私は「キャシー」と言ったのですが、電話をかけてこなかったのですね。
YouTubeはみんなを潰しています。彼らは私たちの声を奪いました。ワクチンは獣の印だと言ってテレビに出ましたが、彼らはそれさえも聞き入れませんでした。彼らはさまざまなことに無関心なんです。それが私の意見だということを話すことはできません。そうでしょう? つまり、もし誰かがワクチンを打ちたいなら、それは彼らの選択だけど、僕は君の中の僕だけど、彼らはそのことについて話したがらないんです。ワクチンの話をしても、国境の問題を気にしなければいいのですが……。
私のYouTubeに負かされた友人がいました。彼は何年も前からやっていて、14人の従業員を抱えていました。国境のことを言っていたので、取り上げられてしまいました。これが今の私たちの状況です。そこで私が行ったことは、皆さんにも聞いていただきたいのですが、これは本当に重要なことです。私は先月、4年前からうまくいっている。それを私の財団の技術に使おうと思っていたのですが、先月のうちに 私はお金をつぎ込んだのです。これはプラットフォームなんだ。YouTubeとTwitterのコンボのようなものです。frankspeech.comといいます。frankspeech.comというプラットフォームで、自由に話すことができるんだ。
誰でもそこに来ることができます。月曜にやることは、参加した人は48時間、コメント欄を使えないようにすることだ。その理由は、月曜日の午前9時に 昔のジェリー・ルイスのテレソンのように、フランク・アサン【空耳かもしれない?】と呼ばれるようになり、アメリカ中部時間の9時から48時間にわたって、私もやることになりました。初日はすべてが話題になりますが、ところで、中央時間の9時から10時の間に、発表があります。世界中で聞くことになるだろうし、あらゆる場所で共有する必要があるでしょう。その日に話す内容は、誰にでもできることなのです。初日はアラン・ダーショウィッツ【議事堂襲撃に関連したトランプ弁護団の一人】が最初の1時間に登場し、彼は働きました。彼は私が彼を雇って、私の弁護士をドミニオンに対抗させました。彼は私たちの言論の自由や憲法修正第一条の権利をとても気にかけています。
彼女からいくつかの情報を得ました。マイクに感謝している人はどれくらいいるでしょうか? また、彼の行動に感謝している人はどれくらいいるでしょうか? そうですね。今、約50万人の人々がこの番組を見ていますが、どこでもオンラインで視聴できます。だから、ちょっと携帯電話を取り出してみてください。通常、人々はスピーカーに注意を払うために携帯電話を使うなと言いますよね。私は、携帯電話を一瞬取り出してくださいと言っているのです。
frankspeech.comです。今すぐみんなで行ってみましょう【アメリカ外からはまだNGです】。さて、皆さん、フランクのスペースは確保できましたか? あるよ。手を上げてください。フランク・スピーチ・ドットコムをやった人は……やった人は……オーケイ、オーケイ。私はそれでいいと思います。私たちは8時間の予定です。――リンデル
それでは、frankspeech.com では、拍手をお願いします。4時間以上かけてここに来た人は何人いますか?
拍手をお願いします。さて、誰が運転して誰が「ショットガン」を書いたのでしょうか?ショットガンを書いた人はプロフィールを記入してもらいます。 ドライバーはプロフィールを記入してもらいたくありません。なぜ運転するのか、それは起きてほしくないことです。――リンデル
よし。それでは2つ目の呼びかけです。3つの呼びかけがありましたが 皆さんには、自分自身にメモをしたり、送ったりしていただきたいと思います。映画「Absolute Inference = 絶対的干渉」を見る必要があります、その映画が公開されますね。――リンデル
さて、最後にマイクからの呼びかけですが、マイピローは主要な大型店では販売中止になっています。真実を求めて立ち上がったことで、ソーシャルメディアで叩かれ、影響を受けた人は何人いるでしょうか? さて、このマイクは槍の穂先のようなもので、私に頼んでいるわけではありません。今日という日に、皆さんにお願いしています。今は4月ですよね?
みんなでクレイにお礼を言いに行きましょう! 彼がそんなことをしてくれるなんて知らなかったから。――クレイ
OK、2つ目は「Absolute Interference = 絶対的干渉」です。
ありがとうございました。ありがとう、マイク ありがとうございました 皆さん、マイク・リンデルでした!

-Clay Clark
All right. How many of you watched that video of Vice President Pence elbowing Nancy Pelosi and thought to yourself? What is going on?How many of you find it? Suspicious for aha odd that the Dominion could the company Dominion shared office space with George Soros in Toronto?
Awkward. Maybe they were in a tight budget and George Soros needed to share office space perhaps that was the situation how many of you thought it was interesting that the head of the security for the software the head of security for the Dominion right for Dominion for Eric Coomer member Eric Coomer happens to be an outspoken proud supporter of antifa the head of strategy and security how many of you thought it was very interesting that these software technology for Sequoia and
Attic derived its Beginnings from Venezuela where Chavez use that technology to switch the votes how many of you had these thoughts?
How many of you know in your heart who you voted for and you know that this election was stolen.
There's a lot of us who believe the same way based upon the facts and there's a lot of people who've told you it's time to move on and we just need to accept.
But there is a man at the tip of the spear who is fighting back all day everyday devoting his family his fortune his finances his time as energy is reputation everything to fight for election integrity. And so ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to introduce to you a man who sacrificing everything to save this country. Please stand to your feet as we introduce. Mr. Mike Lindell. Come on now. Come on now.
Thank you. All God bless you all.Let's give the glory to Jesus as here.
I'm gonna just tell a current we're currently we're in right now. I had I just want to do a quick shout out to Jimmy Kimmel. I was a couple nights ago. He mocked my past here. He said, you know the sex crack addict, you know, it's wonder he still has teeth and then he you know, but and when he and then he also said with the new platform that I got coming out this Monday at Yum.
Well frankspeech.com in at 9 a.m. On Monday. I want you all to go on you're going to hear an announcement that it's going to be heard around the world.
And another thing Jimmy Kimmel did is he didn't like and then on that platform, which is a platform of Free Speech, but we're not going to let you use God's name in vain.
But Jimmy thought that was that was you know, this is where I get their society has come it seems like especially with the media. And by the way, if you are an addict out there and you heard that on, you know, the shame people put on addiction. I want to tell everybody addiction isn't just some guy in the Street Homeless. It's I don't care how many Forks you eat with from no Forks to four forks and everything in between addiction can affect everyone and you can go
You can go. my platform Lindell. It's called "lindellrecoverynetwork.org" If you have an attic that needs help, it's free because of my past story. I set it up there. So anyway, anyway, I want to just say, you know, I'm praying for Jimmy Kimmel and you know what I'd go on your show, Jimmy and all you late night host that sit here and mock people in mock things and and but I'm going to take you back now how IX crack addict ended up on this stage. And a guy that couldn't a guy that could not talk and was my parents divorced when I was seven and I was put into a new school. I was only kid from a broken families. He didn't have that back then and what I've learned is so I felt insecure felt I didn't fit in and I would either show off or I wouldn't talk to you. That's it was if you don't get rejected if you don't talk, right and and I got into cocaine in the early 80s and then that man
Fell should to crack cocaine I did raise a family of 20 years and lost lost everything in there mm, but I invented my pillow in 2004 and I quit everything by the grace of God in January 16 2009. And and I want to say that you know God protected me during all those times. We all have callings and one of the things I always look at it as mathematics that prove God exists. I'll go. Wow. That's a one-in-a-million or this is a one-in-a-billion or this is compossible. Well, when do you add them together and you call it a miracle? Okay, and in my life the I'll tell you one quick story about that about when I quit but it was it was the Early early 2008 and my pillow was just a little blip on the radar dumbest just doing Road shows and fairs, but I had this terrible addiction of crack and I had divorced the year before and Downtown Minneapolis, right? We're all this stuff's always happened down there and I was living down there stand down there with fine one of my drug dealers and I came out of the bedroom and there were all three of my the biggest drug dealers that I had and they're all standing. And I go what are you guys doing? They go you've been up for 14 days you're going to bed because we're cutting you off. And I said, what is this an intervention and we'll call it whatever you want my well two of them went down to the and left who went down one time went down the streets. I found out later but the other guy stayed there and I he was sitting there watching me, and I finally ran out of crack and I was carpet farming looking for kryss a crack and scraping the pipe and he finally fell asleep.
Leave and I headed down to the streets of Minneapolis and they had got the word out at 2:30 in the morning and I couldn't buy crack anywhere. Well, I came upstairs an hour later and he was waiting for me and he said his are the words. He said to me he goes man. You've been telling us that pillow thing is just a platform for God and you're going to come back some day after you quit and help us all out of this addiction where we're living in and it's came full circle because Has two of them work for me are born again Christians.
And then I'm going to and then into Into Summer of 2008. I had nothing left staring at the ceiling this empty room out in the woods and my friend. He was my equal. He came to me we had both done cocaine in the early 80s at the same time it both their functioning addicts. There's so many function addicts out there and they and then it switched we both switch to crack in the early 2000s, but I had heard through the grapevine that he had quit he for four years and found the Lord and I interact you hadn't heard from him and out of nowhere. He pops into my house there and he says "I said dick".
"What are you doing here?" And I said and he goes man, he goes the Lord led me here. What are you doing?
And I said Dick as long as you're here. I got questions for you.
And one of the first questions I asked him "I said Dick". Is that boring? And he said no man, it ain't boring and and Dick became my hope match. I asked him questions for over two hours because he had been through and he had made it through and better. His life we all have callings and his calling was not to stay in addiction and on the devil's lies in a told him that he was not good enough and then he couldn't make it and so then on January 16 2009. I quit by the grace of God. I said I want to be freed of these desires for the addictions and all that and I said God, you know do this platform. I knew I had a file from a calling and we all have callings by the way. You just got to make sure you're on your Earth and I woke up the next day and the desire was gone andBut but that, you know, I believed in God, but I'll just fast-forward. I didn't do a full surrender to God till February 18th 2017 y'all and there's a big difference of having that relationship and just believe in it. We'll talk about that a little bit, but they are but when I came out of addiction the first thing I looked around I had never been in politics. I didn't know it. I didn't know a liberal from a conservatives for democrata filibuster from a Miller Buster. I Anything else and I come out of this addiction. I look around me and everything, and schmitty's one. What did I miss? It was like, you know a kid with the blank slave. I didn't think politics meant anything to me. You know, I'm going they don't affect me and and I never voted I didn't pay attention. I think of Minnesota. I did pay attention Jesse Ventura ran it was interesting, you know, and but I am I looked around and I had my friends had losing their houses. And I do and I'd already lost mine. So I'm going well. I'm kind of you know, everybody's doing their what's going on. And then we had a present given money to an evil empire. We had all these strange things going on. It was it was okay to kill babies, you know, and you know and all these different things and what did I miss well, and then it gets up to 2011 where the platform comes the box stores would not take my pillow anywhere. Okay, or the or the Um shopping channels, we've come full circle on that by the way.
Costco, Costco is the latest one to drop my pillow by the way, but I told my friends and family. I said I said, you know, if no one's going to take my pillow. I have a dream of an infomercial we all pooled our money and I said it's going to be a biggest infomercial ever and and the people people are tell me what infomercials are only made to they fail but they're just to brand and going to box stores, but the box stores went
Help me and I said, well I'm going to do it anyway, and the day we were going to film that and I wanted it my way with a real audience. I wanted it to be real and this produced in no. No you need an actor bottle bot. I said no, I want to do it like I did at the shows, but I couldn't talk to him very good. Right. So we're doing the reads the night before and we had this it was like you're going to read off a teleprompter and the producer text. The other guy said this is the worst I've ever seen. He'll never make it on TV. But he didn't tell me that but the next day we filmed in there was the audience that I'm like I'm walking out and we have the teleprompter. It took almost an hour to say one line and I said, you know, we got to move this table pull down the two are bringing a table in front of me because that was kind of like a shield it kind of make safety zone right when I was doing all these shows and I said he read the teleprompter. So I did it naturally or whatever because it is not, you know it was
They are they said all this is hokey this in all the people that you know, these people are film it's not going to work and well that show aired on October 7th in the middle of the night 2011. I was living in my sister's basement and it came on and it was like surreal and it was and here I had two little 10 employees there and 40 days later. I had 500 employees. So the point of that one is never give up on your dream and never has have somebody tell you know. And but they died I got away from God there and you know, I always warm across on TV and it got to be the summer of 2014 and my pillow was within two days of going under and I met this gal named Kendra and she had some I didn't have she had this relationship with God. I'm going I'm going to I believe in God, I believe in God. Well, she says we need to pray for your company and I saw okay.
And we prayed for favor. We prayed for things to change and they did change in a huge way. I mean we went we went up to through 14. We got the got everything straightened out and then then things in the to in 2015. It's we're now going to get to where I'm at. So so in 2015, I had a dream in May that I would be in a room with Donald Trump and I had never met Donald Trump and I'm going by what I would have, you know, it was a very distinct I drew it out. I drew it out for my friends have all here's I can see the picture vividly I said, why would I be meeting Donald Trump and a month later. He announced he was running for president right came to the office and going wow.
And but then things started happening in my life that does that that is it was a deviation. He's actually all that me the Lord because it was impossible that things start happened. I went to the National Prayer Breakfast and I was picked on a 12 or 12 people of thousands to pray in a room with Ben Carson when he was still running for president. And in that room, we were praying the guy in there prophesize in there. He said two of you in this room, going to become great friends and changed the course of history and Ben and I are great friends.
And he said and I'm sitting there though as they're praying and he's saying that I go I go one of them. What if one of them is me and who are the other one being this thing started happened to me and I'm and then, you know goes into the summer of 16' I could skip over things that kept happening but it doesn't happen. It's not normal for anybody. I was at the coming back now, I'll get Rachel the story of here. The I'm flying to California to do a spot a cameo in the movie. It just came out by the way church people and I'm flying there and I'm in the bulkhead of the airplane. And it now it's late July and 2016. I haven't had that dream. I've seen I've learned about what a you know, what different things meant in politics. I opened up there hit the Google button and you know, that's back when Google we didn't think they were crooked and so I'm going all these things democrat-republican all these things and not but I found out where my Christian for my values were over here I go.
Such a divide it was weird to me. There was such a Divine if you're over here. You got to believe this if you over here you got to believe that because it was strange. But anyway, I mean, I'm the bulkhead of this airplane heading to California who got up to 10,000 feet where I can turn the internet on my phone and I had my phone set at that time because nobody would call me so they would ding if it was an email or nobody's email. It was very few emails to it have the thing if it was an email. Well, I bought this book this magazine about Donald Trump in the In the store there the airport I just started opening up the magazine. I sat there and I shut I said Lord, what do I have to do? I said I seen this picture and all these things keep happening me. What do I have to do? I want an answer now about Donald Trump at that moment in time. My phone dinging that said Mike, this is Donald Trump. Would you meet me a Trump Hotel in New York City Lord? And dad.
When that happened it wasn't that meet him, but I'm sure they're almost in tears the flight attendants groaning you okay? Yes. It's a miracle because it was God answered me in that moment, you know in that moment and I won't end so that was it for me these things that happened. I just kept getting closer and closer to God. I'm going to Jesus I'm seeing this is impossible. I'll fast-forward right? I'm going to get ahead of myself a little bit here, but I'm going to tell you.
The first time I walked into the White House and I walked in there and Mike when I was in my book when I was a kid. I was I am still as a huge fan of Elvis Presley. Well, there's a very famous picture of Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon and I thought to myself when I was a kid. Wow, you got to be Elvis Presley to be able to meet a president. That's how I felt back then right. So I walked into the White House. And I was invited for this manufacturing thing Summit had never been in there before and the third pitcher in was that picture of Elvis and Richard Nixon? That picture of Elvis and Richard Nixon and I'm going am I I just I couldn't believe it and I'm going to I'm going God this is surreal all of a sudden I get this room and there's 12 people at the table and there's no one sitting I said who's sitting here? There's no name tape said the president is and now now this went live on TV and live on TV and I'm sitting next to President Trump and all my friends are going. What is this crack addict sitting next to the president? What is
But now now I'm going to tell you I'll go back to the summer of 16. So that meeting with him came to fruition.
Dean so that meeting with him came to fruition on August 15th 2016. Everyone said you're not going to meet him alone. Whatever you do. Don't tell me you're a next crack addict. Loan, whatever you do. Don't tell me you're a next crack addict.
Own whatever you do. Don't tell me you're a next crack addict all these fish.
Opinions on stuff and I said I said, you know, I used to be a crack addict. I looked at him and I hate us and ah, you can't look cheesy its listing I said and I said when I quit I set up this window recovery now, we're just going to be the biggest thing to help addicts across the country and he says and I want to stop them drugs for in in across the border, but all these things we talked about and I left his office after 35 40 minutes. I said, he's going to be the greatest president in history.
And he is... And I went but I didn't stop there. I do my due diligence on stuff. I want you all to really realize this is I go tonight just see this this would be amazing. He had no agenda No Agenda other than to help this country and help people. I believe me. I've been in all walks of life and I see through I you know, I can read someone I had a bar for 13 years. You learn to read people with not a good place for an anecdote. But uh, but uh, But I went around and I talked to his employees and every single one that I would talk to said the same thing. He's a great man a great boss a great leader in he had personally done something first day for each one of them that I couldn't believe in. Wow. This is a great I couldn't wait to go back to, Minnesota. To tell to tell my media, this is now remember, this is August of 16. I was the media's darling. I could go I am going to be going on ending on to my building today and they're 20 Outlets. Come on. How far how big Mike how big they're all excited from the air every single news Outlet every single medium and our media and they are so I get back to Minnesota and we had a board meeting right before I'm going to do a press release and tell everyone that I met Donald Trump that you know,
Running for president and I met him and a private meeting and Am I bored half the people on my board? They go Mike you're not going to you. You can't do that. You're going to ruin her company and I go watch and I go so I walked outside. I was so mad Works outside the opposite my CMO she came out. She goes she goes we didn't get this far by you not listening to God and I go. Oh, that's right. I went back in and I said, we're doing that press release because reading at this part might be honest to God.
And I did their press release in August of 2016. And here's what happened. It was Crickets at first. No, they didn't call then and right and then it came the social media and the hate that poured out. They called me a racist. They called me everything you could think of the Better Business Bureau. Terrible outfit took my rating for my pillow from an A+ to an F. I was attacked. Truth in advertising dot-org a very bad organization, but they just attacked me I go. What did I do? I felt really bad that I had done something when all those people I thought they were real people these Bots and trolls people their attack groups that attack you there hired. They're hired on social media to attack people and bring them down like it's going on right now with all my box stores that got attacked by him. But anyway, that was my first taste of it and so I learned In 2016 going into 17. I learned out there that these weren't you know, this was a real and they're some people piled on of course, but I had done nothing wrong. I had done my due diligence. You're never going to take that from me a man. I met in that office and he didn't let me down everything. He said he was going to do he did.
And then and then I'm giving you I'm giving you four times that I was going to give you the four times. I was attacked like that. So then then we made it through and I we navigated through all the hate back then we had a couple box stores back then that when you know tried to they actually they bribed us for they want to better pricing back in that after the Better Business Bureau did that and I wouldn't give it to him. I said talk to the hand. You're not getting nothing. No. So anyway, then we I'm going to bring you up in June. You know, you look how great things were over 14 months ago the place we were in it was amazing. It was absolutely amazing, but I'll tell you when I get done with this. We're in a better place right now, and I'm going to get to that I'm going to get you now.
You're going to hear why we're in a better place in a little bit, but I'm going to tell you last spring when I went. I was invited by our great President Donald Trump to come to DC and he didn't know I was going to do this but she all know. I don't know if you've seen that we got out to the Rose Garden and I got up there and I asked him if I could say something about the [inaudiable] and the Lord led me to say this. I said, you know, we should all spend time in our Bibles, get back into word, a nation and turned back, on God, and we got to bring God back into our schools. I mean it was spent time with their families. You would have think that I shot somebody it was everybody a check. There was an attack everywhere late night, you know from your late night talk show host to everything but it was a little different on that one 95% of the world that was heard everywhere was was against that fluid mouthy 5% It was amazing because that and by the way, The way after that my company went through the roof, you know that day.
And they are then we all see this here. We are in the middle of this. Terrible China virus pandemic, right? So it gets to be me the sky had brought me this on this guy came and I became like an information center. Everybody started making mass for everybody at my pillow and at that time and doing everything we could well the task force, you know, I the contact with them and it was like if you hear anything bring it to us, so I did I heard a guy who brought me this here.
Stop the work on the virus and I went out to tell the world about it. The first place I went was on CNN of all places. And we have you all seen that 24-minute attack right by Anderson Cooper and I prayed for him after that because it was terrible but I figured I could go on other networks and and because I got so much publicity, but guess what all the other networks would let me come on. That was my first taste their of wait a minute. This is big news and you don't want to talk about it. That was weird. It was a different kind of animal that I've seen where valued now, you know.
Don't even watch you on TV for know this is back last summer and I'm talking Fox. You're seeing it didn't matter everybody with silent. They couldn't even write a bad story about it. Well, I guess they did they attack the attacked at them. They did attack at the ones that did say some completely technically. It's a poison my train Michael until trying to poison everybody, you know, and but the Bots and trolls at that time and the heat that came out of that my cousins that lived in other states were Oughtn't to have their houses burned down. I mean this was a you have never said I had never seen anything like that because I wanted to get this out there and get the word out that we can get this country opened up again and get everybody would have been fine. I used it my feelings cause my my employees used it with you know with we've done all this and I just couldn't understand it. But the heat was different they went to they went to box stores in I lost the Canadian Shopping Channel then Zulily lost back.
Then, going I didn't know they were attacked by Bots. That was last summer. But like I say on social media. I mean, it was terrible people that knew me and went back to grade school. You know, he did, you know, Mike Lidell and and well so then we'll bring it up to now so then all the way through this last year, you know, I was all in for a great president. I was I went to rallies I spoke I went there I got tried to get on the news and say that you know, this is I would go The Rally's I'd be right back with the newest but even though even if none of would have me on just a few Outlets because they didn't want anything good being said and but so then on November 3rd, and we all realized and I'm going to tell you the tale of three miracles. That night at 11:15 everyone knew he was going to win and all of a sudden and changed and I know number to tell you what I know now plus what I knew then at 11:15 the algorithms broke and those machines when I say broke, they need to set them and you guys are all going to see that this week. They need to be set. I mean you got to at least kind of predict how many votes are going to be total. Well, they missed they missed under they
Underestimated Trump and all of you and...and the vote they what they predicted for him is around 68 million, in reality he got 80 million votes.
So that night they Donald Trump was going to win all these states were talking about in spite of their of the corruption and that they have these set. Okay these algorithms. So what happens in the middle of the night everybody stopped at the same time? Okay, and all the state's top County. Well, if if the if he hadn't broke those algorithms. Okay, I'm telling you what would happen we all the states would have been done County. Three am buying what a one I have X amount and we are all went home and said better luck next time so that that is a big miracle because the deviation started coming this weird stuff. Boom Michigan spikes up a hundred and some thousand votes and everyone's going they're trying to convince us look at those mail in votes for they all went for buying let me tell you something. The million votes were counted on the morning of the 3rd not in the middle of the night on the fourth. In Michigan Henson in Michigan, Pennsylvania, they they decide they can count all week. Arizona took a whole week to count one percent you're going to we're going to find out all about Maricopa County. They've really soon those guys the people in Arizona they are awesome. But what happened then is I went all-in in that morning. I said every day I do.
I do deviations. That's all I run my company on blocks and deviations. I look at deviations. If I have a favorite TV station that does normally a commercial it does 3,000 all of a sudden it does 20,000 something happened. That's not normal. So I every day I have a team they'll pull in the deviation. We have to find out Don was just something happened out there. Did the whole say something different something had to happen in order to get a give a different outcome. You had to have a different income to get a different. Outcome or input so I started digging into micro County's myself looking to just counties. It didn't make any sense. And we all started doing that. Everyone's going this doesn't make sense. It was like living in the Twilight Zone for a week. Everyone's going to what is going on here. You're watching him. Just take things right up from here. I guess we want Georgia to take that. I guess we wind on, you know, Pennsylvania, which was down about a million votes and also, you know,
Crazy, well, I'm tell and then all of a sudden we had reports great people out there. You heard about it all over there that you know this case after case. They wouldn't look at it. We had all the evidence was there that did people voting the non-residents the people that voted twice paper ballots combined. I call that organic organic fraud. This was brought everybody heard about so normally you just think you're go that's what December 14th or support you go and you show him This really happened here. The other guy take them off the total and this guy wins, but I'm telling you that's the second miracle that nobody did their job with those legislators would have done their job then and if they if there's a critter Secretary of States if the Crooked Governor's wouldn't have been crooked. There's a lot of them out there on him. We all know who they are so they are If that would if that would have happened if everybody would have done their job the legislators. They would of course put Donald Trump in it's in our constitution. All the states would have flipped it and put them in but guess what it's a miracle they didn't do that because why because we want them to found out about the machines and the evidence of dominion and smartmatic and this attack by China that came into our country and stoled our election.
So you guys do not you got to know that's the second Miracle, you know, and now and now now get into the present. So I'm looking at that and just believe going what you know, these dates keep going by, you know, November 3rd, December 14th, January 6, and I'm going wow, it's going to get you know, we're getting what else can be done before the inauguration on January 9th. I seen a piece of evidence everybody was foreign evidence to me, but this was different. This was different. It was a piece of paper with just one sheet. They said there was thousands where you have this Cyber attack coming over from China and other countries and these and they had the footprints these cyber Footprints. He had everything and IDs of the computers, they had the IP addresses and I'm going wow, so I didn't just stop there, but I did post it and I started posting it and when I posted it at the same time, Parallel track I'm digging into it with meeting these three guys and meeting all these other people and you know and doing a deep dive and going I got to the point. It didn't take people two days to go that explains what happened all the in all the things that I have done myself with a lot of people that I had that I retain a lot of people on the ground helping me all these numbers that didn't make sense now made sense. They were right in front of me. So what do I do? Like anybody should do I put it out there.
Social media. I tried to get to the president showing when I put it on social media that that's when it started. Okay, they started the biggest Cyber attack with bouncing trolls that this country's probably ever the world's probably ever seen. They didn't want this out there. They attacked my box stores. Obviously, there's over 20 some of them now that have canceled culture because of that they were attacked. I kept telling these aren't real people. They were hired groups hired groups to kill this, okay? They took squash this then it started. Well then again course I get to the White House y'all seen up here sure. I was delivering some for a lawyer and I had a piece of that evidence and they take that famous photo outside the White House. Let me tell you something. That was a miracle that happened. You know why it was a miracle because the mainstream media started attacking me and going, you know about that. They came over the hill when I was at the White House said they a hundredfold running it's the day before the inauguration and they're coming down tripping over there.
And I won I walked back in the white house, but I was I was basically met with the president and these guys had that kind of shoot out of the White House and I was and I'm going you know, I sat there like oh God, you know that you're not grecians tomorrow. And then actually I was talking to Ben Carson him and I were talking and we both said, you know, God God doesn't go by that, you know, God has his hand in all of this and he's not going by November 3rd, December 14, January 6, January 20th. I believe when I believe right now the place we're in now, it's a miracle where we're at because here's why now everyone people don't look for hope And those things are bad. And and right now even the a Vineyard for even Democrats friends of mine that are Democrats are going what is going on. This is what we're in now with our parents getting cancelled without there you go up on I put that movie I made I'll tell you that in a second but I put it up on Facebook and he put it contains nudity and for you know, I mean, this is what Mark Zuckerberg does for fish walk, you know, it's crazy, but But I want to tell you when that from that point on and then I got all the I got all the evidence validated, right so and I couldn't get the mainstream media. Now listen to this. They all have my direct number. I don't have a publicist. I want to talk to him directly. You got Jim Acosta CNN. He's got my direct number last time. He called me. I made it. I made him stay on hold for 26 minutes.
I was talking I actually had the worst in examiner on the phone, which is a great paper. And I said Jim I'm talking to a journalist here. But all of all of them the Washington Post the New York Times the people from Fox CNN MSNBC all of them. Everyone had all these reporters have my direct number now every day from January some about mid-January read up to the white officer every day from the day before the inauguration every day. My phone would ring off the heart. That's all I did and then when it we go quietly Mike, you lost your your your six more companies are
What do you think? What do you think a shit? Did you hear about Dominion? And the fraud that for election fraud come out they call me they call me the next day and they go five more box stores robbed you did you hear about dominion and smartmatic and attack our country. So it was keeping in the news I said in then I'm telling them that I go you guys. I have the evidence. I'll give it you I dare you to put it in your paper or talk about it. They wouldn't talk about. Well, finally they didn't call me for two days. So I'm sitting there I go. Well, how am I going to get back in the newest because I Was you know, I got to get it back in Peoples eye that this evidence is there so I'm it's 12:30 in the morning. I'm laying in bed I go. I know I'll break my my pillow Twitter so I get on there and I put at Jack I said Jack here's what at Jack - Jack Dorsey. Everybody wants his name at Jack. This is what I post it when I you took me out Twitter, you know what it was. The last thing I posted was a beautiful letter from the director of my Lindell Recovery Network and she put all this good stuff in about bless her heart and that's why they took my Twitter down. That was the last straw. We're not going to hear anything good about this guy cuz we're going to crush him and destroy him. But so I put so I posted that on Facebook. I mean I posted this on Twitter and jacked in take me down and said, here's the kind of person Jack his he did this. So I'm laying in bed and I want to hurry up and get this done because I know they're going to start calming and morning because this will make international news, right? So finally I put at Jack we know you were a part. Out of this and we're looking forward to the day you're in prison. And and it wasn't two seconds later all the Bots and trolls are going to take him down Jack take him down and all Jack took it down right by the way. I pray for Jack. I do pray that maybe prison would do him good and he'd find the Lord and but seriously, and so anyway, of course my phone in the morning this mean it was huge news. They had done something to a company. They took my pillows, too. Away, it made news. Round the world and they started calling the Washington Post the New York Times. They're called me up. You lost your company Twitter. How do you feel did you hear about the election fraud with the machines and Dominion? Did you hear about smartmatic? Did you hear about China attacking our country? Have you heard about that people?
So so so now
I know they got me. I know they got me on a time schedule, but I got to finish this so so now they are every day every single day. They called me every day from morning till night. I took all their calls. I would call him back. My schedule was roaming nuts just got here. You've got to call the Business Insider Back The Daily Beast the New York Times, you know, all these those are the ones that call and the other ones during this time. Guess what? They were afraid to have me on because they were afraid of getting sued. They were afraid of getting you know, whether they were part of it or not. I still don't understand Fox have already been through why not have people on you know, and but that's another story. So it'll probably the news of private Mike picked on Fox know you me tell you something my pillow advertise on all Channel CNN MSNBC Fox everything. I'll get to that in a sec. She'll say it right now Dominion Dominion not He sued me, but they went after my pillow which had nothing to do with it. Right? I want to say something. There's 2,500 my pillow employees. There's Democrat Republicans. Every race every Walk of Life were like a big family. Come employees have a lot of the stock in my pillow. It's a private company and how dare they sue them and attack them, but there's big news coming next week. Let me tell you.
I've said it before it, you know, if I was if I was Dominion a smartmatic they're out, they're suing people and you know hundreds of people threatening letters. I said if all of you out there were telling me or if there's a few out there sin. Did you hear there's knives and rocks and my pillows, what would I do? I wouldn't sue you I'd say I'd bring you in Pillow and go look at there's beautiful patented Phil. It's not there's no rocks or knives instead of dominion saying he looked in our machines. There's nothing there to hide but are they do they just shoot people and threaten us and this is the thing you're going to find out next week. It's gonna all change. Okay, but I want to tell you what to tell you got any python. I want to tell you should we give this guy 5 Five more minutes. Come on now. Come on now.
You got 10 minutes 20 minutes won't be here, sir.
So, so, now I've decided if no one's going to show this evidence on there. Any aren't wouldn't let us go on TV and talk about it. I decided I'd make a film you've all seen absolute proof If you haven't seen you in a scene. Well, we film this week of the first week of February and I told all them of the porters every day that call me this so-called journalist everything call me mornings when I said wait till
Each other v. Wait till February 5th you guys I'm release you and to all of you you guys are you guys are you know, you're going to be wanted to show this to the world. Well, February 5th came and 9 a.m. We launched it to the world. Now. Let me tell you Vimeo took it down in 10 minutes YouTube took it down in one hour. Okay there was and then they tried to attack it and break it but you know what with India broken because a hundred and fifty million people have seen that film. And I'm going to tell you all but here's here's how my morning of the fifth win so and nine o'clock when it went live. If you all know what buying Google AdWords are. I had put this up on the Mike Lindell site my personal website I've had for six years, you know, and I'll buy my Edward my personal name wants a while so that you'll see it's mean in case they do copycat stuff. They out there with Google. Well, anyway, I kept buying my own name because they kept putting these fake stories in between. So when you Google my name,
You got to scroll down through all this garbage to see me. So I started buying my name first. It was to sense that it was a nickel that it was a quarter. This is a per click, right? It got I said I don't care if I have spent a million dollars people are going to see this movie and I kept getting it at got up to a dollar a clip and Google Talk my name down and said I can't even buy my own name now. That they kept 20-some thousand dollars that morning and they had no qualms taking that right? There's still you know, that's we'll do a little commercial here for Google a friend of mine the other day. He had me on his radio show and he sent it out to his emails. They took away his Gmail's and his Google Maps. They gave back his Google Maps two days later with a warning that was a shot over the bow. This is where we're at is scary that these monsters can do this Wikipedia attack me Wikipedia one of the most
More Platforms in history. They took down I couldn't get in there. They took down now they control my Wikipedia the first thing I'm known for he's a conspiracy theory, you know, well anyway, so now but it's crickets the mainstream media. They didn't called it in right? I didn't hear from any of them again. None in chill that day. I kept going on when I would get on there. I had to tell my left wing people. I know some of them and they like that. Abby Lee Beast I should will you go tell Dominion? Why aren't they suing me? They should sue me. I want him to show me. I want to put the oven frog so I'm out there begging him to sue me. I go shoot me Dominion to me. So they finally did and let me tell you what happened. Then the next morning everyone started calling you first one was the New York Times my Dominion shoe and I go let's say your name was Kathy. I said Kathy you didn't call you didn't right. I said you're calling now. I said did you watch you're a journalist did you watch?
Go watch it right now. Are you can lose my number and I said, I'll talk to you after you watch it all day long. All day long as they called in and there was 35 of them. I mean each and every one and go watch them movie before they could before they talk to me.
And now and I said they come back I said what kind of journalists are you people not one of them in Washington. Then this lady called me back. She said yeah, I watched him. I got you told me to watch it. I said what was she goes? I said really what was it about? She said something stupid I go. You ain't wrong answer now you got now you get to go watch the long version and she did to her. But but let me tell you none of them. None of them put in the end. None of them went out there and Depends.
That the evidence was garbage because it's the truth. I want everybody to know that you didn't see him post the evidence because it was the truth and now I'm going to tell you right now, so what we're doing but we're at right now, we all know since that day for me so many of you out there are so many out there in the world. We have lost. You know what I don't know what it's up to a hundred thousand Twitter accounts. YouTube is taking everybody down. They've taken our voices. You can't go on TV now and you can't, uh, I went on TV as Said the vaccine was the mark of the beast and boy, they didn't even hear that. You know, they are indifferent different things. You can't talk about that's my opinion. Right? I mean if there's if somebody wants to take the vaccine that's their choice, but I am myself in you but they don't want to talk about that. If you talk about the vaccine and not worry Mass at the Border a friend of my losses YouTube. He's had it for years and he had 14 employees. They took it away because he was saying stuff about the Border. This is where we're at right now and
So what I've done and you all need to hear this is really important. I've had in the last month and it's been working out for four years. I was going to use it for my Foundation the technology but we during the last month. I put I'm putting up on money. It's a it's a platform. It's like YouTube Twitter combo. It's nothing out there like it and it's called Frank speech.com. The platform is called Frank where you could speak freely.
That's where Jimmy said Mike's not going to allow you to see God's name in vain. Well, we're not and and so When that when that's coming out and everybody can come up there. I want to explain all all your all your podcast your people that have been suppressed its welcome to anyone. Anyone can come on there. And what we're going to do on Monday Monday the people that join you're not going to be able to use your We're not gonna let them, get comment stuff, for 48 hours. And here's why at 9 a.m. On Monday. I'm running it through called like the old Jerry Lewis Telethon just gonna be called a Frank Athan[?] and I'm coming.
At nine o'clock Central and for the next 48 hours. The first day is all going to be talking but by the way between 9:00 and 10:00 central time, they'll be an announcement. You're going to hear around around the world and you're getting and you're going to need you're going to need to share and share this everywhere. That's what everybody can do the stuff that we're going to talk about that day. The first day Alan Dershowitz is coming on during the first hour and he works. He he I hired him with my mm put my My lawyers against Dominion. This is as this is the thing here where he is so concerned about our Free Speech our first amendment rights. This is what's going on. This is our first amendment rights whether even using lawsuits so we can't talk we can't do it. I got a call from a church in Australia the other day. They had something on there from before the election. They said if you have anything on there like that again, we're taking you down for good. This is a church in Australia. They're coming after Christians to or they will just take it start talking about God or Jesus.
You know, so this is where we're at with this that first day. We're going to have all yell son. We're going to be talking about everything we've lost and then the next day. The next day and we're going to talk about the good things and then the next day I'm launching that day. We're launching Absolute interference. And when you watch this every single person in this country, I don't care who you are. You're going to go. This was an attack by China hundred percent proof and and you know, what in about five or six weeks if everybody all gets the word out this will end up to the Supreme Court. It'll be a nine nothing both at this election the China attacked our country for it.
And Lastly lastly
And lastly I want to tell you this. I want y'all to leave with this. This is my story that you know, I'm going to it's the American dream and we don't want to lose the American dream and I'm telling you right now. This is the best time we you guys should all be so thankful because we're in this historical Trend right now, even even you know, I told the kids that college the college kids. They said you guys are went to college the last two decades I said now are you realizing that?
Some isn't just socializing with a cup of coffee talking to your friend is evil and it brings in communism, but they skipped right over they skipped right over socialism. It's here and it's scary but don't be scared everyone go. We only have one fear and that's fear of the Lord because I'm telling you I'm telling you way out when you look back just like I looking back in my life. When I look back when it was things that were devastating at the time. I look back now and I say that It had to happen or we are went be right here. And I'm telling you we're going to be the same when we get out here into the future here the Glorious amazing place. We're going to be it's going to be the greatest uniting of a country ever and we're going to look back and say we're going to look back and say all this had to happen to get to this great place because once again, we will be one nation under God.
And we're in the biggest Revival for Jesus in history. God bless you all.
Thank you one more time. Ladies and gentlemen Skipper Mike laying down here is a mic. You can't leave yet. You can't leave. Yeah. I got a few more things from her quite a trip. How many of you are slightly appreciative for Michael and down how many appreciate what he's doing? All right. Now I realize we have about a half million people watching right now streaming online everywhere. So we all need to take out our phones for a second take out your phones. Usually, you know, people say don't use your phone to pay attention to the speaker. I'm saying take your phone out for a second. Hey everyone to go right now. We need a Frank speech.com. We pull it up on the screen right there because we all need to go to Frank speech.com and here's the deal it could get awkward because we have other speakers, but I prepared to take eight hours to wait if we need to but let's all go to bring speech.-Lindell
Not calm we all want to what do we do there? You want us to sign up your put it in your phone number. You'll get your icon, but they are on Monday morning. You all need to join this and by the way, we've I built this over the last month. There's shows it's safe. They're going to attack it, but I got all my own servers your Amazon's in your Apples and your Google's the word are not going to be able to break in and I want everybody to pray that this when we live stream and we go live that we are protected by God and we just think that for me will Hear our voices heard around the world and okay. So I'm gonna you can all get in and set up your profiles and night at 8 a.m. Central Time Monday to so just remember the platforms called Frank and this one we need to get our voice back everybody. And this will do it.-Clay
So Frank speech.com. We're all going to go there right now. Okay, everybody got that are we got that Frank space? You got it. Put your hand up. If you did that Frank speech.com if you have it done, it's okay. It's okay. I'm going to get it's okay. I got eight hours that we do.-Lindell
Can all put in your profiles on Monday morning at eight o'clock. You're going to get your own but you are remember you're not going to be able to do any commenting and stuff for 48 hours. This is all the people, you know, the podcast have come over the influence and everyone's going to be there and they were going to and then we dump that evidence on Tuesday. You all have a job to get it out to the world.-Clay
When we get to the point, we're going to actually take this trial to the people and we're going to have a pull on Frank every day for two or three for a cup probably four weeks. And once you've seen enough evidence for you're a hundred percent sure of the China attack and that this happened then you can sign up here on this petition. I want to get a hundred and fifty million names minimum.-Clay
Okay. So so frankspeech.com Now by round of applause how many of you drove more than four hours to be here more than four hours by round of applause.
All right. Now who drove who wrote Shotgun by? Those who wrote shotgun you're going to fill out the profile. the driver we don't want the driver filling out the profile. Why do driving that's a don't want that to happen.-Lindell
Can you can't show your profiles up till Monday morning anyway at 8:00. So you're all just keep watching.-Clay
Ok. Now second call to action. We had three calls to action. I need everyone to write down or send a note to yourself. We need to watch the film "Absolute Interference", right that comes out.-Lindell
That's coming out on Tuesday. It is of your friends at Heaven watch absolute proof. There's also another one. Tiffany proof go to lindelltv.com and you can see it all everything right there.-Clay
Okay, and then final call to action Mike's been his my pillow products have been cancelled from major big-box stores. How many of you have been impacted for standing up for the truth been hit on social media? Okay, and Mike here is at the tip of the spear and he's not asking me to do this. I'm asking you to do this today's day. It's we're in April, right?
I like to start in April usually, so if you guys before you leave today to our next break, if you guys can go to mypillow.com and you're not just selling pillows anymore right now.-Lindell
We have a hundred ten products now and my employees real 2500 employees. They all think you guys have been great support the and you have a promo code.-Clay
Yeah. He said he set up the promo code clay. So yes get up to 66% off and that way he knows he bought some stuff and seriously, just just kind of during the break. I want to support this man because he's putting everything on the line for you everything on the line for you.
So let's recap and then we'll move on.-Lindell
I will make sure one we all need to go to say thank you to Clay because I did not know he was going to do that.-Clay
I just I pray for this guy. I'm telling you. I was praying for Ian Smith. I'm like Lord Jesus help me find a way to help Ian Smith the gym owner from New Jersey as the Lord help me find a way to help Mike Lindell. What can we do? What can we do with our show? How can we help him? So we're at three calls to action.Okay one we ought to go to Frank speech.com make can't we got that we got that by round of applause. We all did that Frank speech.com. Okay second absolute interference. We need to watch that on Tuesday share that everywhere and three you want to get that Christmas shop shopping done before the end of today by going to mypillow.com promo code clay and you can save up to 65% one more time. Ladies and gentlemen here for Mike Lindell!!-Lindell
Yeah, well, I want to say one more thing you guys I want to give my gift back to all of you. I really appear have someone that's hurting inside. That's an in still may be stuck. In addiction. I would say get them to Lindell recovery network.org. It's free. It will help them. They will have their hope match their like my frend Dick came back to help me that year. So God bless you all.-Clay
Thank you. Thank you Mike. Thank you Ladies and gentleman, that is Mike Lindell.
Posted at 2021/04/19(Mon) 04:34:06
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