「渦中にあるCNNのディレクターであるチャーリーはハニー・トラップに掛かっていた。ウキウキ気分で彼女を待っていたら、実は彼女はプロジェクト・ヴェリタスの覆面記者だった。かわいい女の子が来ると思った? 残念! ジェームス・オキーフでしたー編」
Charlie, is this seat taken? pic.twitter.com/8FoGUMCpAo
- James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2021
[ジェームズ・オキーフ(Project Veritas創設者兼CEO)]
チャーリー、この席は空いていますか? プロジェクト・ヴェリタスのジェームズ・オキーフです。あなたはCNNのテクニカル・ディレクターですね?
我々がしたことを見てくれ。我々はトランプを退陣させた。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
君と話すつもりはない。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
もう聞いたよ。あんたは近すぎる。あんたはマスクをしていない状態で俺から6フィート以内にいる。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
そうしてほしいですね。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
私に何かを語らせようとしても無駄だ……。だから――[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
それが……それこそがプロパガンダだと思うんです。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
あんたたちとは話しません。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
あなたのネットワークが特定の政治家候補を助けていることを認めている。それを隠そうとしていたことも認めている。なぜ隠す? なぜ隠すんです?
車で逃げるのか? 真実からは車で逃げることはできないでしょう。
彼は静かな部分を大声で言った。チャーリー・チェスター(CNNテクニカル・ディレクター)] 【ビデオでの発言】
そういうことを大声で言う人はいないよ。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
私はウェイトレス(サーバー)よ。初日です。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
しました。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
いいわ。[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
さて、それでは ……[ウェイトレス(ライフ・パンケーキ店)]
これが私の情報です[ジェームズ・オキーフ (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス創設者兼CEO)]
BREAKING: Part 1 - @CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency … ‘Our Focus Was to Get Trump Out of Office’ … ‘I Came to CNN Because I Wanted to Be a Part of That’
MORE BOMBSHELLS: https://t.co/kDe3HDdX2r#ExposeCNN pic.twitter.com/0G33tF83jr
- James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 13, 2021
そうですか? もし「COVID【新型コロナ】」が起こらなかったら、どんな報道がなされようと、トランプはまだ大統領の座にいたと思いますよ。[チャーリー・チェスター(CNNテクニカル・ディレクター)]【twitter版にはない】
[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
我々(CNN)の焦点はトランプを退陣させることでしたよね? 言わなくても、わかるでしょ?だから、次は気候変動への意識を高めるためのものになるだろうね。
[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
ネットワークのトップがね。[ジャーナリスト プロジェクト・ヴェリタス]
それは誰ですか? ザッカー【Faceboook CEO】ですか?[チャーリー・チェスター CNN技術部長]
我々(CNN)の焦点は、トランプを退陣させることでしたよね? 言わなくても、わかるでしょ?
BREAKING: CNN Director REVEALS @CNN Coverage of @RepMattGaetz Is ‘Propaganda’
- James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 13, 2021
“If the agenda say, is to get @mattgaetz right now, he’s like this Republican. He’s a problem for the Democratic Party...So we’re(@CNN) going to keep running these stories to keep hurting him.” pic.twitter.com/6Gjr8R7Eh5
[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
わからない。俺は……ええ、俺は――[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
No response from @CNN or Comms Head @mdornic regarding the degrading and misogynistic comments made by CNN Director Charlie Chester about our first female @VP @KamalaHarris
- James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2021
Does CNN brass agree with this @OliverDarcy @jaketapper @ChrisCuomo @brianstelter @AnaCabrera?#ExposeCNN pic.twitter.com/PbQgPKxaiX
父は「お前はカマラ・ハリスに投票するのか、なぜなら彼は大統領の任期中に死ぬからだ」と俺に言ったんだけど、俺は「彼は死ぬことはないだろう」と思ったんだ。[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
でも、俺はそれでいい。[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
俺はそれでいいと思う。俺は彼女が――[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
取締役会では嫌な女になるだろうし 上司としては嫌われるだろう。でも彼女は本物だし、今の状況よりはマシだと思うよ。 俺にはわからない……。
WATCH: @CNN Director Charlie Chester explains how Network President Jeff Zucker will call newsroom producers on a "special red phone" - during live TV segments - and order them to keep the COVID death tolls on the screen to assure viewers stay hooked #ExposeCNN pic.twitter.com/qg8lmLmJe9
- James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) April 14, 2021
[ジェームズ・オキーフ(Project Veritas創設者兼CEO)]
我々(CNN)はBLMを助けようとしているのに、あなたは……つまり、それは個人のことであって、人々のことではないということですよね? これは良くない。絵面的にも【撮れ高が】良くない。このような些細なことでも、運動を後退させるのには十分だ。なぜなら、極左がそれに乗っかって、国民全体を犯罪者扱いするようなストーリーを作り始めるからだ。つまり、その方が簡単に見出しをつけることができるんだよ
[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
私たちはどちらに行くのでしょうか? みたいな……?
俺の言っていることが分かるかい? 彼らは、突然その話が少し勢いを失ってしまうようなことはしないんだ。ただ、そのままにしておくんだよ[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
何でも、やり方次第で人々の認識を変えることができるんだ。そうだろう?[ジャーナリスト (プロジェクト・ヴェリタス)]
BUSTED: James O'Keefe Confronts CNN Director About His Claims That The Network Used “Propaganda”
[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
We are outside this restaurant in Jersey City, about to confront Charly Chester, CNN's Technical Director. CNN employee is inside the restaurant.
We got him on camera, he's meeting with our undercover reporter, he expects that person to return to the table, but I'm going to be returning to the table, in a minute. Let's go.Charly, is this seat taken?
I'm James O'Keefe with Project Veritas.
You are a Technical Director at CNN.You're on camera taking about the importance of, "...getting Trump out of office..."
Without saying that's what your intent is.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director] (feedback)
Like, our focus was to get Trump out of office. right? Without saying it, that's what it was, right?
Without saying it, that's what it was Right?Look what we did. We got Trump out.
[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
That's - your own tape saying this.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
Not interested in talking to you.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
I just want to ask you-[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I've asked you now. You're Close. You're within six feet of me without your mask on.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
I can stand six feet away from you And ask you the same questions.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I'd like you to, yeah.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
That sounds like a good idea.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
You're not going to get me to talk about anything... So-[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
Well you also said that it was in your words, "...propaganda."[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director] (feedback)
We were creating a story there that we didn't know anything about, you know?
That's what -- That's what I think [is] propaganda.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
I'm questing you here.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I'm not talking to you guys.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
All right, well you've already spoken with us.
You admit your network is helping certain candidates for political office.
And you're admitting that you wanted to hide it. Why hide it Charly?
Why hide it?
They never have the courage to say publicly what they will say privately.
That's courage right there. That's courage.
Yeah drive away. You won't be able to drive away from the truth.
How do you sleep at night!Charly had nothing to say certainly shocked. We had asked him about his comments.
He said the quiet part out loud...[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director] (feedback)
No one ever says those things out loud.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
We got him on tape, he drove away.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
What do you do for the pancake house here?[Waitress, Life Pancake]
I am sever. its my first day.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
Did you serve this man this morning?[Waitress, Life Pancake]
I did.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
You served, what was he like?[Waitress, Life Pancake]
He was kind of rude.
Yeah, he was a little bit stand offish. I tried to get his order and they were not to feeling it so.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
You wanted to work with Project Veritas?[Waitress, Life Pancake]
I do.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
Well, let's[Waitress, Life Pancake]
Here's my information.[James O'Keefe, Founder and CEO Project Veritas]
Oh, wow, not only did we confront someone, we may have got a perspective employee at Project Veritas.part.1-1
[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I think I think we get him (Biden) through this term.
We would always show shots of him (Biden) jogging.
Him in his aviator shades, like you paint him (Biden) as a young geriatric.We were creating a story (Re:Trump Health). there that we didn't know anything about, you know?
That's what -- That's what I think that's propaganda.Look what we did. We got Trump out.
I am a hundred percent going to say it.
And I a hundred percent believe it that. If weight wasn't for CNN
I don't know that the Trump would have got voted out.Our (CNN) focus was to get Trump out of a office. right?
Without saying it, that's what it was Right?So, our next thing is going to be for climate change awareness.
[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Do you think it's going to be just like a lot of like fear for that climate?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
Fear sells.
No one ever says those things out loud, but it's Obvious.Trump was, I don't know, like his hand was shaking or whatever I think.
We brought in like so many medical people to like all tell a story that like, it was all speculation that he was like neurologically damaged, that he was losing it.
He's unfit to, you know, whatever.
We were, we were creating story there that way didn't know anything about, you know?I think there's just like a COVID fatigue. So like whenever a new story comes up.
They're going to latch onto it. They've already annnounced in our office that once the public is, will be open to it.
We're going to start the focusing mainly on Clemate...It's going to be our (CNN) forcus.
Like, our (CNN) focus was to get Trump out of office. right? Without saying it, that's what it was, right?So our next thing is going to be for climate change awareness.
[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Who decides that?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
The head of the network.[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Who is that? Is that Zucker?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
Zucker, yeah...Climate change is gonna be the next COVID thing for CNN.
We're gonna, we're gonna hone in on it.
Our (CNN) focus was to get Trump out of office. right? Without saying it, that's what it was, right?
part 1-2
[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Does CNN use propaganda?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I don't know. I- yeah, I-.[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Okay can do define propaganda for me? Like I think I know, whay's the mechanism?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
If the agenda say, is to like get, like Matt Gaetz right now. he's like this Republican.He's a problem for the Democratic Party because he's so conservative and he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws and what not. So, it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out.
So, we're (CNN) going to Keep running those stories to keep hurting him and make it so that itt can't be buried and like just settled outside of court and just like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it's helping us (CNN).That's propaganda because it's helping us (CNN) in some way.
part 1-3
[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I had like so many arguments about, like, my dad would be like, "You're, you know. You're voting in Kamara Harris because then he's going to die during the presidency."
And I'm like, he is not going to the fucking die.[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Right. I don't think he is going to die...[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
But I'm okay with that.[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Right.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I'm okay with that.
I think she could be-[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
She'd probably be better.[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
She probably could be a bitch in like a board meeting and you'd hate her as a boss. but she's fucking real and better than what we got regardless... I don't see-
I think, I think we got the him (Biden) through this term.part 2-1
[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
Covid? Gangbusters with ratings. right?
Which is why we constatly have the [COVID] death toll on the side.Let's make it higher. Like, why isn't it high enough, you know, today? Like it would make our point better if it was higher.
It's fear. Like fear, really drives numbers (TV ratings).
Fear is the thing that that keeps you turned in.If it bleeds, it leads.
[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
If it bleeds, it leads?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
No one ever says those things out loud, but it's obvious.----
[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
It's fear. Like fear, really drives numbers (TV ratings).
Fear is the thing that that keeps you turned in.It does, you know. The happiest days in news, people I would imagine, turn it off and then they go with their famili. They Don't stay glued to it, unless there(s something that's uniting them like a moon landing or something like that Fear is the thing that keeps you turned in. I would imagine. What(s the scariest thing next? you know?
Sad news doesn't do well with ratings. You know, like if you can get somewone impassioned, that does really well with ratings.
Sad news back-to-back-to-back, doesn't do really well, unless it affects them directly.Covid? Gangbusters with ratings. right? Which is why we constatly have the [COVID] death toll on the side. Which I have a major problem with how we 're tallying how many people die every day. Because I've even look at it and been like, look at it and be like, let's make it higher. Like why isn't it high enough, you know, today? Like it would make our point better if it was higher.
And I'm like what I fucking rallying for? That's a problem that we're doing that. You know?
Like, this special red phone rings, and they pick it up...
And it's like the head of the network being like, "There's nothing that you're doing right now that makes me want to stick.
Put the numbers back up, because that's the most enticing thing that we had.
So put it (COVID numbers) back up, "So like, thing like that are constantly talked about.I mean, there's no such thing as unbiased news. It just doesn't exist.
Any reporter on CNN. What they're actually doing is they're telling the person what to say.
It's always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths.
And the only people that we will let on the air, for the most part, are people that have a problem back record of taking that bait.part 3
[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I was trying to do some research on like the Asian hate. like the people are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men that have been attacking Asians.
I'm like, "what are you doing?" Like we're (CNN) trying to like help like with the BLM and you're going to... like I mean, it's individuals, it's not the people, you know? That's no good the optic of that and not good.These little things like that are enough to set back movements because the far-left will start to latch on and create a story of like criminalizing an entire people, you know, just easier headlines that way, I guess...
[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
White shooter [or], black shooter?
Which one are we going to? You know, like...[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
Yeah, I for the longest while, like the story was people were like lapping up that it was like, you know white guys for like so long.
I don't- I haven't seen anything about focusing on the color of the people's skin that aren't white. They just aren't saying anything.You know what I mean? They're just not, all of a sudden that story loses a little steam.
They just like leave it be.[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
Why?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
I don't know.Like, you can shape an entire people's perception about anything on how you do it. Right?
[Jounalist, Project Veritas]
How do we do that?[Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director]
Just by focusing a story to help like, your platform, you know?
You can all of a sudden say like "Coal is the future of energy."
Well, that could be propaganda because like who owns the company might have steak in, like, coal mining and whatnot.
Posted at 2021/04/16(Fri) 18:19:59
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