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英国ファラージ議員動画『ジョー・バイデンと急進左翼の真実』 文字起こし翻訳




大統領討論会でバイデンは、ANTIFAの質問が出た時「ANTIFAは組織ではなく、理念(イデア)だ」と言ったのを覚えていますか? もちろん、彼は言い訳をしているように見える自分の党の左派にとても困っていると思っている人が多いのです。

昨年もアメリカの通りはANTIFAやBLMなどの行動のために使用されました。取材されていないから全国紙では見ないでしょう。しかし、就任演説をしていた頃、オレゴン州の西部にはANTIFAの群衆が集まっていました。民主党本部の窓を破壊しました。 これを見てください。



これだけは言わせてもらいますがジョー・バイデンがアメリカに統一と平和を望むなら、否定から早く抜け出すべきです。双方に誤りがあることを認めるべきだが、今回の首都襲撃は 悪い例の一つに過ぎない。



So you will have seen Joe Biden's inaugural address where you could hardly have missed it really could you because it's wall-to-wall coverage everywhere the delightful lovely.
Kindly nice Joe Biden is now the 46th president of the USA. And that nasty man. Oh, he's gone to Florida. We won't hear of his likes again. Well interesting the main theme of the speech was Unity a divided America that now must unite around a new president and The wall left and right in the media are praiseworthy of the Biden speech. Well, if you want to Unity, I would suggest that the beginning his term with the impeachment process against Donald Trump beginning next week is not a very good start but only so as Lord Ashcroft polling shows that two-thirds of trump voters think he's done nothing wrong at all and question the election result. That's 50 million people. Immediately who's going to be in Rage that they see their man being gone after in a very vindictive manner. So I don't think an impeachment process. Mr. Biden that will dominate the goodness knows how many weeks all the news headlines is a great way of bringing America together or I would suggest a beginning your presidency, but in the speech you'll notice that he singled out a couple of groups for attack and he attacked them more than once.

In particular, he becomes talked about the storming of the capital as if it was the only violent event that America had seen over the course of the last year and twice he said that you know is unacceptable but we have white supremacists in our country. Well, mr. Biden, I agree with you. These are very very bad people. But there's a problem here half a million people were in DC on that day. They're not White supremacists only a small percentage of them actually stormed the capital building and you're kind of making the same mistake that Hillary Clinton made when she talked about the deplorable because you're saying that those half a million somehow you're all really bad people, but I was waiting for the balance in the speech. I was waiting for the moment when Biden talked about the divided on the left and the problems that they cause And over the last year because I didn't hear a single thing. And that's because firstly Joe Biden is completely in denial about antifa. You remember in the presidential debate when the ANTIFA question came up Biden said and ANTIFA is an idea not an organization out. Of course, there are many of us who think that he's so in hock to the left of his own party who seem to find excuses.

Uses for the behavior of antifa BLM or others on the streets of America last year well and you've been way you won't have seen this on the national press because it's not being covered. But as by was giving that inauguration speech way out to the West in Oregon and antifa crowd had gathered. And they smashed the windows in of the democratic party headquarters. Have a look at this.

I knows where in America in Seattle in Denver in Colorado. They were American flags being burnt with a very Sinister drumbeat going on in the background shops vandalized small businesses ruin a courthouse attacked and its Windows smashed in but I think most tellingly of all was the banner in Oregon have a look at it. It says we don't want Biden. We won't. And I didn't is this very dangerous mold on the left who caused looting Rising deaths in dozens of American cities last year. They were not satisfied. But Trump was gone. They never were gonna be they now have a Democrat president who they think is going to be weak. They think they can push around not be complacent about this. I'm not saying these groups only exists in the USA they don't of course because we saw some specimens are self appalling behavior in the United Kingdom last year whether it was the desecration of the cenotaph that door beeping of the Winston Churchill statue be choosing of which statues should come down and be thrown in rivers. The whole cancel culture is up and running and alive and well.

And I have to say this but if Joe Biden wants there to be unity and peace in America. He better get out of denial pretty damn quickly. He better recognize that there's wrong on both sides of this but at the storming of the capital is just one very bad example compared to dozens that have been committed by antifa and others Joe Biden better come off the fence. He better condemned. Violence thuggery vandalism losing from whichever side of the divide it comes if he does that he might just find there are some Trump voters who begin to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure whether that's possible but if America is going to come together, it's got to have an even-handed president. Not one who condemns one group in society who refuses to face up to the facts that there is a dangerous organization called and

ANTIFA linked to many other groups intent with their Marxist doctrine of defunding the police, bringing down free markets bringing down capitalism Anarchy.
And chaos and violence are their way forward and it's about time be Democrats and Joe Biden called about otherwise, you can forget Unity. Remember that slogan. We don't want Biden we want revenge that is dangerous it meets Has to be stopped.

Posted at 2021/01/25(Mon) 23:15:13

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