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Transcript of "CPAC 2021: Donald Trump Jr Full Speech in Dallas, Texas July 9.2021"

Wow. Hello CPAC!

What is start with something? What was Donald Trump right about?

[Crowd: "Everithing!"]

Everything!!! We see that now, right guys. At what point in time in these morons mines was, I don't know. Wuhan lab leak theory, not the most plausible argument in the year 2020. Of course it was.
"No no it didn't originate in the lab. That studies the exact virus. That has contaminated the world, the way, it happened to feed outside that web."

Don't lie. You're now canceled, congratulations. Bye laughing. You would have been thrown off every social media platform. You would have been thrown out of the job in science because, you know, science no longer follows the rules of physics, right?
They don't follow math, they follow the narrative dictated by CNN because that is able to manipulate the rules of physics.
It's not what I learned in science. But in all fairness they're pushing the boundaries of what we have, all learned in science for the last few years, right?
Just ask The male weightlifters. In the Olympics competing against females. Minor Details. But what do I know?
So, the world is going to hell. right?
if you tried filling up your tank, right?
Don't forget you did save 16-cents on your entire barbecue. The only problem I know you did. It's very real. 16 cents for your whole family, on the barbecue. The only problem is if you had to get in your car and drafted, I don't know.
The end of your driveway.

That savings was eaten up, and then some Minor Details, right?
I mean, because that's how it works. That's the narrative that you're sold, right?
It's the Republicans who have obviously been pushing to defund the police, right?

Jen Psaki told me, "so, so it must be true." It isn't that true? Where did you see it on, CNN, right?

So you all know what's going on, right?
With bombing stuff in the Middle East. Again, we're giving Russia pipelines. We can't have them ourselves, our Energy prices, go through the roof. Last week it was the week before at the G7. Remember, the media came out and they were saying that "the proof that Joe Biden hasn't lost it." The proof that he isn't riddled with dementia, was that Vladimir Putin said that "he seemed very sharp."

Can't make this stuff up, folks, I don't know. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that if it was Donald Trump,

Then why don't you Putin said that about, in be a slightly different response? What do you think Mercedes? Do you understand this a little bit comes ready. Probably a little different. They ever think that maybe Vladimir is thrilled to negotiate against a dolt. I mean, none of them. He's getting everything that he wants, right?
He got a pipeline from Russia, for Russia. He's making billions from the EU. Joe Biden says, the EU is the backbone of NATO Minor Details. We spend seventy percent of their budget protecting them from the very Russians that they are enriching with his pipeline.

America first went down the toilet with this Administration, folks. Okay, but despite what we see going on a daily basis, despite all of that, there is a silver lining. Oh my God, he's going to prison.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I want to be canceled Democratic presidential hopeful.

I heard this from Brian Potato Head source. There are four years like seeing that, right?
So I don't want to be cancelled. I don't I'll be damned if they post this on social media. They'll ding me for misinformation because I didn't include Democratic presidential hopeful which that was accurate, right?
So nice. Michael is going away. For a couple years, he got off light relative to the sentencing but you know that's okay. He's up for like three other things. I think one of them is defrauding like a paraplegic client of his but he's a wonderful human being guys, remember he was leading the Democrats charge.

I love you, too.


No. But in all seriousness. Good, thank you for that. It means the world to us. But you know I think it's only because we actually fight will actually push back, right?

And that's what Donald Trump did for the Republican Party. He showed that you don't just have to turn the other cheek roll over and die as the other side gets, whatever they want and laughs their way to the bank, right?
Now, we need you guys in that fight with us, okay?

And to be clear so that they don't say that I'm antagonizing. I mean, the metaphysical fight of our values, versus their Marxist ideals, right?

Because we can watch a year of rioting loose looting arson murder. And that is a peaceful protest, but But that only goes one way. We understand that, but all the more reason why we need all of you guys involved, okay. They can't cancel all of us. Now is one, two, three people are the guys that have the guts to run out there and take the arrows, and they can try to cancel them, but if we get together and we're all in this, That game is over folks right?

And that's why it's so awesome to be at something like this so bad for say, "thank you so much for putting this together." It's just absolutely awesome to have that.

It's great to see it. Texas has always led the charge.

Well, so about, like, a couple months ago and then Austin sort of took over like, I don't know, guys, like Texas was leading the charge, you're still top 25.

We gotta work on that stuff because people have lost their minds, right?

The People's Republic of California is wonderful, but he honestly, when I look around and I go around the country, I actually see that even in places like that, people are starting to get it, right?
They've been watching they've seen what's going on for a while. They believed the narrative because, you know, journalism was an honorable institution. Now they're propagandists. Nothing more. Nothing less, you look no further than the last four years to watch how they diminish literally all of their credibility, jumping on every conspiracy. Remember you guys get cancelled for being conspiracy? Theorists? They created them, they push them and get, there's no accountability but today in 2021 we all know that the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about six months.


Fact check, true.

Fact check true folks, right?
We've seen it play beyond that just the narrative, the manipulation What else will Donald Trump has been right about? I have a feeling everything because there's a steady stream of nonsense. We saw that right Russia! Russia! Russia was the Gospel. There, are people still talking about that as though it is real?

There's no consequence to that, right?
Then I guess it was Don jr. committed treason. Yeah. Yes, that was real forever. They still talk about that one, right?
Then Don jr. Perjured himself. Then it was Ukraine. Ukraine, Ukraine.
Then it was Fauci is something more than a bureaucrat in a lab coat.

Fauchi is better at pitching baseball's than he is at science, okay?


Also true. I want to see them fact, check that one. They have no chance. They will try, because it doesn't matter. I mean, the things that I've been fact, check on, you can push it back and say, "oh, here's it." Okay, we'll take it off, but that's the plan. They didn't you enough times, they minimize your reach, they prevent you from being able to get your message out. And that's what we're up against, which is why we do have two been together. Okay, we can't allow it to happen. We need to push back.


Ma'am, unfortunately, know there's a lot of enthusiasm for Joe Biden. He's the most popular President ever.

He's significantly more popular than Barack Obama was in LA. Eespecially in the inner cities because he has a track record of not being racist. His son, definitely didn't drop. Let's say, where is that? I don't even want to use abbreviations for with letters in them.

And if you believe that I've got some waterfront property to sell you and Dallas. Nice, an Oceanfront Dallas property. It's going to be wonderful because that's have a real estate guy.

Yeah. And if you really believe that I have some Donald Trump jr. Artwork that I will be...


Thank you, ma'am.

I appreciate that leading. I wasn't going there, but you know why not? I'll do some done Junior, our work. I'll put up a nice little piece of paper, maybe I'll break out my AR. I'll shoot a smiley face into it.

I don't feel about half a million dollars to people in China who are probably influencing or not, because that's probably what's happening, right?
How do we get what we want in the Democrat Party? Just by Hunters are, right?
Now, they actually have to watch because again, the Don jr. your laptop from hell would have been really bad. Hunter biting like degenerate stuff, the corruption stuff, you know, he's would have been stories for example.

What do you think the media reaction would be to Don jr. smoking parmesan cheese.
I promise you. It wouldn't be what we saw from the media, right?
It'd be a little different and then I say that, they say, oh, you're making fun of people with addiction. I go, let's just talk about this for a second. I totally understand addiction is terrible. We all know people that have suffered from it. It doesn't absolve you from being a total piece of garbage in every other their aspect of your life.


It doesn't absolve you from selling access to the highest power levels of government. It doesn't absolve you from selling out your country. It doesn't absolve you from, I don't know, child support from the stripper, you knocked up a couple of years ago, right?

Am I right? Yeah.

Because I have a feeling if it was me, I would not be absolved.

You like that? I'm good. Hey, we have to have some fun. That's the probably the conservative sleeping, pretty damn boring for years, right?
We can actually have fun and still make our points because all the points are valid. You guys get it you see it I opened up for my father last weekend for the Fourth of July in Sarasota.

And why I know this is real is I saw 45,000 people RSVP for an event. They set out on a Saturday of their fourth, of July holiday weekend. The greatest holiday in America, like eight hours in a hundred degree heat, you know, he didn't text, I gotta say that because they'll say no no, no, it was 98, right?

I will be cancelled so I have to make sure I caveat and make sure we address the so will his 98 with like 99.9 percent humidity so it was like really damn hot. Okay. Is that out there for eight hours and then it rained For three hours. And I don't mean like drizzle like we're seeing today I mean like torrential downpour and I asked our guys I go back I'm gonna get on like I'm gonna be speaking to an empty crowd. They go no sir one. Hundred and thirty-seven people went inside to dry off because there was a little concession area, but there are eight hours on a holiday weekend. Plus 3 hours of rain, Guys, this is a movement.


I got on that stage and I was like, well, it's a pretty good crowd. Let's see what happened. This on American flag hanging from a crane about 400 yards behind this. I go. Why is it so far out there? But, you know, it's Florida. It's like flat like South Texas, right?
It's like there's like six inches of elevation change over a 20 mile area, right?
So I'm getting up on the stage. It's like, okay, beautiful crowd incredible, pastimes. I getting up at the same time just looking and it's just going because these guys get it, they understand what's happening. They're sick of watching their country, get taken away their sick of a narrative that's anti-American. They're sick of it Administration that seems to be working for everyone else other than the taxpayers in America, right?
But I've seen it yet, right?
We talked about it, he's on the police that was Republicans, right?
Oh, that's wonderful. Oh, great media. Harley the oddest. Wonderful. Well, it was Donald Trump's border crisis. Oh clearly. Clearly about a week after he left office and you rolled out the Welcome Wagon. Yeah, we're gonna give you free health care. We're gonna give you free education, you can take American jobs, you can come with Covid, it doesn't matter. We're gonna shut you down from going to church for when we to school from opening your business. But if you're illegal, you come here with Covid-19, ask you and that the public. Go have fun have at it but it was not all Trump and everyone. Oh yes, lovely. That's wonderful. This is what we're up against. They're lying to you about everything, right?
When I wrote a liberal privilege last summer, that was my, he say, all the things you do by, there's not going to be a moderate check.
"Joe Biden's not against energy."
Really check. What else are they lying to you about guys? Yeah, Joe Biden's not going to be against the Second Amendment, right?

You don't need your fully semi-automatic 40 but shot clip bag. Frank is Joe Biden knows what the hell he's talking about.

I love my fully semi-automatics.

There's no such thing folks but they don't know that I love my AR 14.

You can't make this crap up. Guess what? Guys, they're lying to you again about being moderate on the Second Amendment, right?
Look at Chipman. They want to point the leader of the ATF or the AFT as Joe Biden would call it because he can't remember, right?
They want to appoint a guy that worked actively for the anti-gun Lobby to lead the ATF to infringe on your second amendment rights.
So I want all of you guys to call your Senators, okay?
And make sure that this guy doesn't get confirmed, okay? I want you to speak to your senators and perhaps, Purple states where you have Democratic senators, they claim to be for the Second Amendment like Mansion like tester and ask them, are they going to nominate someone that says they're going to take your guns away? Your AR-15 even standard capacity mags would be illegal. Ask those guys because they talked about being for the Second Amendment, their constituency is for the Second Amendment. But you can't be on both sides of this one, guys. You're going to have to make up your mind.

They told the American public that Joe Biden was going to be a moderate for nine months. Some people believed it because they hadn't seen what we've all seen. You know, they were busy trying to feed their families, put food on the table, raise their kids with great values. Consume. Four minutes of news a day, maybe in the background, they thought, maybe, just maybe he'll be the modern. Media was happy to sell that narrative because they do it. They could manipulate it. They get what they wanted out of it. We all now know that. That's a lie. So we have to hold them accountable. So guys, stay in the fight. Stay in the game. Make sure you're involved. Make sure you have those conversations with your friends. Don't let this one slide. I mean the Democrats are doing it and making it easy for us, folks, right?
Incompetent decision after incompetent decision. Fake sound bite after fake Sound by fake photo. Op after fake photo op, right?
I mean, has Joe Biden done? Anything that didn't involve an ice cream parlor? Seriously, I'm sanok it's like my toddler. Like, Joe. If you get the line right, you get a scoop of ice cream. Maybe even two scoops because we remember how big a deal. Two, Scoops was right?
But you know Joe can't get through the line. Anyway, they give him the ice cream goes like yeah it's like corporal punishment. Otherwise like a my eyes. Anyway.
So guys, we need you in this with us, we need you to get there. And again, Texas sees it more clear than anyone, right?

The humanitarian crisis going on at the border is a disgrace, right?
I know they're trying to blame it on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris does a nice photo up 900 miles away in El Paso to make sure she can be clear of any of the cages, then who built?

Again narrative, you see a pattern here, folks, so stay with it. I just want to thank you guys for all of the support. Honestly, it means the world to us. We're truly appreciative and we will continue to be in this fight. As long as you guys do, alright? Contrary to popular belief, as a real estate developer from New York, it's not popular to be Pro to way to be Pro conservative. But it doesn't because our country is worth fighting for our children is worth fighting for our, freedoms are worth fighting for. So get out there and fight for them. Thank you guys.

Posted at 2021/07/12(Mon) 05:23:41

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