I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


我那覇 真子 vs チャック・ホルトン ボーナス・ライブ 対談 日本語訳



どんな風に動くのか見てみよう よし、できた。よし、それで…….何だ?

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]



[我那覇 真子]

食べに行きました? 同じピンクのお店?

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]
そして、実際には同じです。名前を知らないといけないのですが、メキシコからアメリカに飛んでみることを勧められました。ぜなら、陸路と空路では規制が違うからです。だから私は、多分私は再び飛ぶ必要があると考えていました。でも、その時、パトロールの男が、名前を知らないんだけど、セクション [inaudible] にたどり着きました。
そして、私にささやくように言いました「多分、あなたは借りてみることができます」って。 ハハハハハハ……

彼は離れたくなかったんだ……ウインク、 ウインク、ウインク【目をパチパチパチ】。

[我那覇 真子]

メキシコ側を運転して、フアレスとエルパソを挟んで1時間半か2時間でエルパソに戻ってきたんですね? 問題ありません。


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]

トゥームストーンに行ったの? アリゾナ?

[我那覇 真子]


我那覇 真子


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]
そう、基本的にはどこに行っても 全てが空っぽでした。


[我那覇 真子]

スラブ・シティ? スラブ・シティを知らない人のために説明すると、それはある種の廃墟のような町です。そこには電気も水道もないのに、多くの人が引っ越してきました。彼らは、送電網から離れて生活しているようなものです。そうですよね?

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]

興味深い。そこは第二次世界大戦中、キャンプ・ドゥンラップと呼ばれる海兵隊の訓練所でした。そこは軍によって放棄されたのですが、そこを引き継いだのは漂流者たちで、そこはとても暑いソノラ砂漠なのです。 あなたが行った時は、暑くなかったと思いますけど。

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]

愛情たっぷりだ。ドラッグの使用が多いのは知っていますが……スラブ・シティではクリスタル・メス【メタンフェタミン、覚醒剤の一種】が横行していると聞いています。面白い配信だったでしょうね。あなたの番組のエピソードも、視聴者は興味津々だったでしょう。何かサービスはありましたか? ライブ配信はできたんですか?

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]
記念碑はカリフォルニアのグランダールだけでなく、他の多くの場所を拠点にしていて、多くの問題を呼んでいます。まず第一に、この6人の奴隷の考えが全く真実ではないからです。それは物語です。基本的にはそこにあるプロパガンダや情報です。だから、その場所にマイケル・ヨンさんと一緒に行けるのは本当にありがたいことだと思っています。なぜなら、彼はアジアのほぼ13カ国以上を真実を求めて訪問されているからです。そして、記念碑があります。椅子があって、一つの椅子にはとても若い女の子が座っています。彼女は短い髪をしていて、拳を持ってこのように座っていて、これらの細部にはそれぞれ意味があります。そして、これらは日本と韓国の間の数え方の問題を表現するためのものです。彼らによると 約20万人の少女が誘拐され、日本で性奴隷にされたそうですが、彼女たちは年老いて、日本からお金が必要だと言っています。


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]

中国共産党の計画やスパイ活動に光を当ててきたが彼らから何か反発を受けたことはないか? 中国や日本のメディアで脅されたり、中傷されたりしたことはありますか?

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]
彼は私に説明してくれました。日本の外務省は何と言えばいいのでしょうか? 彼らは戦う気がありません。日本は歴史について何をしているかというと、非常に置いてけぼりで、情報を探そうともしませんでした。日本が韓国に金を払えば問題は解決すると思っているだけです。そうやってこの問題はどんどん大きくなっていきました。そして今も問題を引き起こしているので、彼は今持っている情報を持っていれば、裁判を起こせるかもしれないと言っています。

そうですか。あの事件が起きてから、もっと研究が進んでいますね 。

[我那覇 真子]

それはとても興味深いですね。どのくらい滞在する予定ですか? また、滞在中はどんなことを取材される予定ですか?

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]

そうですか、良かったですね。あなたがアメリカを回って、日本の視聴者にあなたの視点からのニュースを届けることができて、とても嬉しいです。彼らがそのニュースを得ていることを嬉しく思います。彼らが興味を持ってくれていることを。日本の多くの人がアメリカで起きていることに興味を持ってくれているということは、とても大きな意味があります。伝えてくれてありがとう 。

[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]


[我那覇 真子]




wikipedia(en); チャック・ホルトン

チャック・ホルトン(1969年生まれ)は、アメリカの戦争特派員、出版された作家、動機づけスピーカー。また、Fox Newsでフリーランスのカメラマンとして、オリバー・ノースの旅の様子を追っている。



wikipedia(jp); マイケル・ヨン

マイケル・ヨン(1964年 - )は、アメリカ合衆国のフリーランスジャーナリスト、写真家、作家、ブロガー、コラムニスト、写真家、戦場特派員。元グリーンベレー隊員。

2005年5月、米軍将校が重傷を負ったイラク人の少女を抱きかかえる写真を撮影し、大きな話題となった。2008年に刊行した著書「Moment of Truth in Iraq(イラクの真実の時)」は全米ベストセラーを記録。同年8月には活動拠点をアフガニスタンに移し、大手メディア向け報道にあたった。現在は軍事ライター、ジャーナリスト、写真家、ブロガーとして活動している。タイ・バンコク在住。


トッド・ベンズマンは、2021年2月にボンバルディア・ブックスから出版される予定の近刊『America's Covert Border War: The Untold Story of the Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration(アメリカの秘密の国境戦争: The Untold Story of the Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration)』の著者である。ベンズマン氏は現在、ワシントンD.C.の政策研究所であるCenter for Immigration Studies (CIS)のテキサス州を拠点とする上級国家安全保障研究員として、移民と国家安全保障の関連性について執筆、講演、メディアのインタビューを行っている。専門家証人として議会で証言し、ラジオやテレビにも定期的に出演している。また、「Homeland Security Today」、「Townhall」、「The Federalist」などの出版物で国土安全保障について執筆しているほか、「Middle East Forum」のライティング・フェローも務めています。また、大学の非常勤講師としてテロリズム、情報分析、ジャーナリズムを教えている。


[Chuck Holton]
Preparing the live streaming meeting

Let's see how that works. Okay, there we are. All right, so...what?


I think I'm gonna have to I'm going to have to mute that...

Okay. here we go. Yeah, you got me on yours, too. Great. Okay. Can you still hear me?

[Masako Ganaha]

[Chuck Holton]
All right. Good. Masako gonna be the world famous War correspondent and journalists from Japan and my friend. Spent some time. We got to spend some time together down at the u.s. Southern border last week and we had some great adventures together. That was a good time. I really enjoyed getting to know you masako and your audience as well. You have a an amazing audience. So I wanted to ask you a little bit about your experience because you've now moved over to California. But before you tell me about what happened what you've seen in California, I want to hear the story of how you got. Got shut out of the United States you left and they wouldn't let you back in again. So tell me what happened.

[Masako Ganaha]
So we went we were even to the same place like we did with you and Todd Bensman.

[Chuck Holton]
Oh, so you crossed at Columbus you crossed into Mexico Columbus, New Mexico.

[Masako Ganaha]

[Chuck Holton]
Did you go eat at that? Same pink restaurant?

[Masako Ganaha]
Yes, just like we did cut the like one to one or two hours. To have a lunch and then afterwards we went to and ice cream place, maybe + 15 minutes and then and we were trying to go back to the United States. And I we were talking about I cannot come back.

[Chuck Holton]
Why did they say that?

[Masako Ganaha]
Um, I don't know. I explain them that I did the same thing a couple days before and they say that I cannot still. So they say that I was not supposed to allowed.

[Chuck Holton]
Be allowed to come back in line. Then what happened.

[Masako Ganaha]
And then actually the same. I should I don't know their name, but we are advised to try to fly from Mexico to the United States. Because the regulation is different from land to land and by air. So I was thinking maybe I have to fly again. But then guy this Patrol, I don't know his name where he reached a section [inaudible].
Yeah, kind of like whispered to me. Maybe you can try to borrows. HAHAHAHAHA

[Chuck Holton]
So he didn't want to leave kind of wink wink wink.

[Masako Ganaha]
And I have no problem.

[Chuck Holton]
So you drove on the Mexican side in Mexico, you drove an hour and a half or whatever that is 2 hours back to El Paso across from Juarez and El Paso. No problem.

[Masako Ganaha]
No problem. I was welcome.

[Chuck Holton]
I have to say that it doesn't really give me a lot of good feelings about the state of our border security at this point. Now I suppose you could have just driven out into the desert and crossed through that giant Gap in the fence that we found in the apartment would have been just fine. You could have just walked right across the desert but you might have had to pay a you know, a drug Smuggler something for that.
So It so it was just a detour out of your way. He had to go back through Juarez. And so then you left and you drove all the way to California right with...with Michael Yon.

[Masako Ganaha]
Yes and a couple other friends...

[Chuck Holton]
Okay. So, what did you experience along the way?

[Masako Ganaha]
Even to actually even to see not only the Border but also the other places like the I forgot the weeping gone to many places like the to reason place...

[Chuck Holton]
Did you go to Tombstone? Arizona?

[Masako Ganaha]
Not this not that place but we did too. Lake, huge lake...

[Chuck Holton]
Oh, big Lake. Okay.

[Masako Ganaha]
Yeah, and maybe...

[Chuck Holton]
Lake Havasu or something?

[Masako Ganaha]
It's cold. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know.

[Chuck Holton]
like how?

[Masako Ganaha]
And salty lake.

[Chuck Holton]
Oh, Salt Lake City, Utah.

[Masako Ganaha]
Oh, no. No, actually we're into the lake.

[Chuck Holton]
Yeah, right. The Salt Lake in Utah.

[Masako Ganaha]
Ah...and Arizona. There are many dead fish bones, because fish cannot swim there.

[Chuck Holton]

[Masako Ganaha]
There are I have to look at them are and there are nobody other than us. And they are used to be there are many tourist full of people even we cannot swim there.

[Chuck Holton]

[Masako Ganaha]
But because of Covid pandemic.

[Chuck Holton]
Right. Everything's everything's empty.

[Masako Ganaha]
Yes, basically everywhere we go. Everything was empty.

[Chuck Holton]
Wow, well, that's amazing.
So once you got to California what things have you seen out there,

[Masako Ganaha]
And we going to a place called Slab City,

[Chuck Holton]
Slab City? Yeah now for those of you who don't know Slab City, it's kind of a that's a kind of an abandoned town where a bunch of people have moved in. And they have no electricity or running water out there. They just sort of live off grid. Is that correct?

[Masako Ganaha]

[Chuck Holton]
How big was?

[Masako Ganaha]
It was big enough to be called Little Town, not the city.

[Chuck Holton]

[Masako Ganaha]
But there are many abundant RV and people a lot of them and each of the RV had a number as if they are. The address that they created on their own.

[Chuck Holton]
Interesting. So there is this had been a World War II Marine Corps Camp called Camp done lapped which was a training camp back in World War II. And it was abandoned by the military and it was just sort of taken over by these Drifters go there and it's very hot Sonoran Desert out there. I'm sure it wasn't hot when you were there though.
They have they these people decorate their houses up kind of crazy. Did you see some of that?

[Masako Ganaha]
Yes, I so many of them and most of them look like saying something like a god or big cross.

[Chuck Holton]
Yeah, there's a place out there called Salvation Mountain that has a big God is love and their cross on top and and that sort of thing.

[Masako Ganaha]
Yes, and I was trying to take pictures in from inside the car, but then one lady found me taking photos of her house. And she started to scream of me and suddenly to pointed this corrupt.

[Chuck Holton]
She didn't the the unfriendly wave one-finger salute. HAHAHAHAHAHA....

[Masako Ganaha]
Yeah, so I felt sad and it seems like there are saying love people need love or spread love but people there. Did To like they're enjoying their life or they don't live in life full of love.

[Chuck Holton]
Very loving. Yeah, and I know there's a lot of drug use their crystal meth is rampant in Slab City from what I'm told. Well that must have been an interesting podcast for you or episode of your show. I bet your viewers found that extremely interesting. Although was there any was there any service out there? Were you able to live stream from there?

[Masako Ganaha]
Oh, actually I did not do any live sting. I just took photos.

[Chuck Holton]
Yes, okay,

[Masako Ganaha]
And actually and then yesterday we are in Little Tokyo near La downtown and we went to...Should I say we went to the Million times danger homeless town near here called...

[Chuck Holton]
Skid Row.

[Ganaha Masako]
Yes, and I feel like I'm in a movie.

[Chuck Holton]
Like A Zombie Apocalypse movie?

[Ganaha Masako]
Yes, so I basically I feel like I'm homeless to to see how blue State can be ended up like this.

[Chuch Holton]
Yeah, it's kind of like a human zoo or something to come go and see the wild people and it's very unfortunate. I'm sure that at least hearing from Michael Yon and what he's saying about your experience there. He's just stunned just astounded by the state of California. And I don't mean the state physically. I just mean that the condition that it's in with all the homeless and everything like that.
Does it surprise you that anybody who is able to leave California is leaving that they're picking up and moving away.

[Masako Ganaha]
Yes, and I was surprised at the media at the same time because I've never seen something like this even on TV. But I imagine about only its sunshine and victory and Beverly Hills, and beach, and very happy married life, but right next to those life. There are kind of direct life. And I am so shocked because we should know that United States have this kind of problem. So that we can maybe help or we would have an idea of what it's going on.

[Chuck Holton]

[Masako Ganaha]
I cannot understand why the media because I've been covering this issue so much.

[Chuck Holton]
Yeah, allright. So hiding it not right.

[MAsako Ganaha]
Yes, not showing.

[Chuck Holton]
I agree. Now you got a chance to go see the there was a comfort women Monument or Memorial there for people who are not familiar with the Comfort women issue my understanding Standing now. I don't have a I haven't done a ton of reading on it. Michael Yon is the real expert there, but I understand that during World War Two Japanese soldiers brought in prostitutes for lack of a better term from other countries, Korea and China and Burma and Thailand and places like that and they established our office. There were similar brothels that Americans visited I would say my understanding is the This was the brothels that Americans visited over there were staffed by volunteer prostitutes and I don't mean volunteer. I mean women who were not there against their will. But many of the women that were in the Japanese brothels were put there against their will and held there against their will I could be completely wrong about that tell me what you understand about it and what you saw with the memorial.

[Ganaha Masako]
The memorial is not only based in Glandale, California but also many other places and it's been calling many problems because first of all this six slave idea is completely untrue. It's a in it is a story. It's basically propaganda and information there. So I'm so grateful to be able to visit that place with. Mr. Michael Yon. Because he's being visited almost over 13 countries in Asia to find the truth. And there is a monument. There is a to chair and one chair a girl very young girl is sitting. And she has short hair and then she's are sitting like this with fists and each of these detail has meanings. And those are again to express its the way to count problem between Japan and Korea. So according to them. About 200,000 girls were kidnapped and made to be a sex slave in Japan and saying that they have to and they get old and now They need money from Japan to recover from this star in the past.

[Chuck Holton]
The reparations.

[Ganaha Masako]
Reparations, Yes.
No, they are cleaning this and actually Japan had paid that money before even though that was not true. They were paid to serve a job like this but at the time but it's a not only Korea and Japan issue. Behind Korea, there's CCP information operation...

[Chuck Holton]

[Ganaha Masako]

[Chuck Holton]
So you're saying that this is propaganda that is put out by China to sort of damage the reputation of Japan and cost Japan money.

[Ganaha Masako]
Yes, not only money but also to divide Asia so that you would not come together so then China can take over both because they wanted to do divide and conquer strategy in many country.

[Chuck Holton]
Well, yeah, but shining the light on what on the CCP and their plans and their Espionage and that sort of thing for a while now have you receive any pushback from them about this? Have you ever felt threatened or been smeared in the the media in China or in Japan or anything?

[Ganaha Masako]
Do you asking about myself?

[Chuck Holton]

[Ganaha Masako]
Oh no, I'm not receiving anything like this, but other people who've been living in Glendale where the structure is created. They are suffering the real bad reputation from the but reputation because for example cheats who goes to Japanese kids who live in Glendale when they go to school. In school other kids would say, oh Japanese did bad thing and you are the descendant of this Japanese people so we have to be a shame of what your answers to do that kind of thing. And actually the people who live in Glendale that Japanese Community tried to remove the statue and they went to court but suddenly they didn't have enough information about time. So they did not win so the statue remains there and actually I met one of the person who got involved to this court case last night and he handed to me this important information. Can you hear me?

[Chuck Holton]
Yeah, I hear you.

[Ganaha Masako]
Okay, and he explained to me how the most and it's it's kind of What should I say the foreign Ministry of Japan? They are not willing to fight. So what they do about Japanese history is very Left Behind, they did not try to look for the information. They just think if Japan paid money to Korea the problem will be solved. That's how this problem issue got bigger and bigger and bigger. And causing problems still now so he is saying that they had the information that they have now, maybe they could we court case.

[Chuck Holton]
Okay, so there's been more research done on this since that happened.

[Ganaha Masako]
Actually, yes, and yeah, and there's a famous War correspondent. Mr. Yom has been helping Japan with day with those issues or what not I have been but he has been discovering the truth a lot from American side... Yes.

[Chuck Holton]
That's very interesting. So how long are you planning to stay? And what other things are will you be reporting on while you're there.

[Masako Ganaha]
Today, I'm going to report on 442nd regiment and Japanese-Nisei. Japanese people Japanese American who fought move over to against in Europe Italy. There is a monument. We're near I stayed so I'm going to visit there and learn history.

[Chuck Holton]
That's great. How much longer will you stay?

[Ganaha Masako]
I think maybe a couple more days and then.

[Chuck Holton]
Go back to Japan?

And then I'm going to go to Ohio. Oh go back to Ohio.

[Chuck Holton]
Okay, well good. I'm so glad that you're getting to tour around America and bring the news from your perspective to your viewers in Japan. We're happy that they're getting that news. That they're interested. It means a lot that so many people in Japan are interested in what's happening here in the United States. So thank you for sharing it with them.

[Ganaha Masako]
Thank you very much, Chuck. Your video that you address for that Japanese people on the other day about the covid robot. I found it. It's very interesting and I treat we treated in many people loved it.

[Chuck Holton]
That's great. Well, I guess I'm going to have to do more videos for Japanese people now because there's so many that are following me on YouTube. Thanks to you so.

Thank you very much.

[Chuck Holton]
That's great. And I'm going to have to find a reason to go to Okinawa. Now and go see Japan.

Yes, please.

[Chuck Holton]
I'd be great. Okay. Well, God bless you. Thank you very much for coming on the show. And have a great rest of your trip.

[Ganaha Masako]
Thank you very much. Youtube.

[Chuck Holton]

Posted at 2021/02/12(Fri) 16:47:28

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