This article is referring to Transcript by Insider Paper(with timeline).
There are parts of them that differ from my transcript.
(ex. "doing hard but...(mine)" → "doing the harbor...(IP's)" "Nord stream...(mine)" → "North stream...(IP's)" "William McShane" → "William McShade (IP's)" etc...)
-Charlie Kirk [Host, Turning Point Action]
All right, everybody. What you've all been waiting for. The fire marshal says that we are at capacity and we couldn't find a venue big enough for the man who fought for all of us who won the surprise election in 2016 and did everything. He said he was going to do the 45th president of the United States. President, Donald J. Trump.[Movie clip]
[God bless the USA♪]
-Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Well, thank you very much. Thank you. And thank you to Charlie for that introduction, which was so beautiful. And for your Fearless leadership of Turning Point action and turning point USA. Thank you. Charlie very much.Let me also express my incredible appreciation to the thousands of bold young and proud, American Patriots that are with us today. What a crowd, what a grand.
And you think this is a lot of people, you know, to look outside. It's about a hundred and ten degrees or something.
I said credible group. So thank you. Thank you to the people outside. We love you.
You are the pulse of our movement. So true. And you are the ones who will make America great again.
I started saying "make America Great Again Again," think of that, thanks, think about that, because nobody's done what we did in four years. The greatest economy will be talking about it. We have plenty of time. Does everybody have some time, yah?[Approval]
I said, "I look forward to the speech."
They said, "oh good."
I said, "how long a flight is it about five and a half hours?"
So I said, "Oh, can we maybe do it by Zoom?"
But Zoom will never replace the real thing. Do we agree especially for our great young students, cannot it cannot replace being in the classroom can it? With your help, we will stand up for democracy and for justice. We will fight for truth. Transparency and accountability and we will not stop until we have restored. Our American birth. Right of honest! Free and fair elections![Approval]
We're gathered here in Phoenix to show our support for election integrity, and for the Brave, and unyielding, conservative Warriors in the Arizona State Senate. Thank you.
You created a movement all over the country. This is now starting all over the country. I'm hearing Texas wants to do a forensic audit.
I just Even though I won Texas by a lot, I said you should do it because you'll find out what's going on in this country. It's it's crazy. You know, when you hear defund the police when you hear no IDs of course now they're trying to get into the oil. We never really said that. It’s crazy. But when you hear open borders, how about open borders? All this stuff.[Booing]
My opinion. There's no way they win elections without cheating. There's no way. There's no way no Second Amendment there against energy. We were energy independent, two months ago. Energy independent. Now we're not energy. Independent I saw where they're negotiating now with OPEC again. Here we go again then negotiate, they are negotiating right now with OPEC and with Russia we had so much oil. We didn't know what the All to do with it, it's not even believable, they closed up so many sites today. I want to send our profound and everlasting gratitude to every Arizona Republican who had the fortitude and the backbone to defy the lying media, the look of that. It's a lot of media.
A lot of media, see the red lights are starting to go off now. They're going to cut cut, he's at it again. He's talking about the media now, it's easy. Hey, look, some of the, some of them are down almost 80%. Can you believe that? And that's because they lose credibility, but I want to just to finish it. We want to demand a full forensic audit of the results of Maricopa County. I particularly want to thank Arizona Senate President, Karen Fann. She's been brave. And I predict when the votes come in and that's her and the Senate, I think they're going to be so horrible that she's going to go three steps further than she ever thought you'd have to because they will be in my opinion. And again, I'm not involved, they're involved. This is the Arizona State Senate. I think the results will be so outrageous, you've already seen some of them come that they're going to go many steps further than it would have Judiciary Committee chairman, Warren Peterson. Where is Warren? Thank you Warren. Thank you, are. He's here someplace. Thank you, Warren. And said we did when we really did, not me, we all won. We won everybody.
You know, when you looked at election night, we were up by so much. It was over at ten o'clock and then all of a sudden, they close the tabulation areas, they closed everything and we wake up and all of a sudden it's tied, or will losing and nobody believes it. They'll believe it. I tell you right now, they don't believe it. State senators, JD Mesnard, Kelly Townsend, Kelly, you've been so incredible. Kelly JD, thank you. Where's Kelly, Kelly? Thank you. Great job, tremendous courage, you have appreciate it, the whole country appreciates. It really a lot.
Nancy Barto! Nancy, wherever you may be, let's see. Thank you. Thank you very much. Great job. Thanks Nancy. Nice to meet. You see, they all think I'm involved. I'm not involved. These are people that did this by themselves. They wanted to do it. They had to do it. They saw what was going on and they did it.So, I'm meeting some of you for the first time. Senator Kerr, where is Senator Kerr, Senetor Kerr. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Somebody who's been a warrior again? I don't know him. Sonny Borrelli, He's great. There he is. I recognize that man from television, but I don't know, Sonny. But Sonny, you're really an amazing guy.
And a brave guy, and a strong smart guy. Thank you very much.
Vince Leach was. Vince, Thank You, Vince. Thank you. Thank you very much for this. Great job.
Somebody else who's really been out there? That's been brave wants to go many steps further than anybody, Wendy Rogers, right?[Clapping]
Thank you, Wendy. You knew the answer early on when they were waiting for results. But you knew the answer and I think Kelly Townsend is around someplace Miss Kelly. Where's Kelly's good? Okay good. I just could I didn't see you in the audience now I want it. Okay so by the way Kelly has to get a special really great. Wendy, Kelly, Borrelli what a group I wouldn't want to fight. I wouldn't want to fight you. Thank you.
I like that Wendy. You know we just have a new one, Wendy, Kelly, and Borelli that's going to be a very famous. That's going to be a very famous statement someday. I suspect good great to meet you, right? Republican party Chairwoman somebody that has tremendous courage. I will tell you somebody that's been fighting so long and so hard, and she never stops and some people love her. And some people don't like there's much. I happen to love her, but she is, she's really a fighter. And she fights your governor who doesn't do a damn thing and she's fighting Chairwoman, Kelli Ward! Kelli? I called up Kelli recently. I said, "why wouldn't the governor want an audit?" It shows, you know, I mean, maybe, maybe everything will prove to be correct which we know won't happen.
I said, "why wouldn't this Governor Doug Ducey?" You know, when I did rallies, what I did rallies, he always wanted to be in the front row. "Sir, could you mention my name please?" "Sorry, I'll mention." And I did these rallies, and he wasn't very popular, but he won by a lot because he ran against a very defective candidate, which they found out after they nominated that Democrat. But I'd introduce him and I wouldn't get much of an Applause and they get a lot of booze. And I kept saying, you know, this guy's not very popular. But now, you know what, he's not popular with me either.They came to see me. They said, "sir, would you like him to run for the Senate?" I said, "he's not getting my endorsement." I can think the Mitch, the Mitch McConnell is another Beauty. By the way, the Mitch McConnell Republican. The Mitch McConnell, the old crow. You know, he was losing his election in the I'll tell you, Kentucky is a great place. I love Kentucky. They love me and I love them. And I was way up, and he was losing by two points and he said, "sir, I'd like to see you comes over. Would you give me a big endorsement and could you do a television commercial?"
And I didn't love the idea because I'm never, I'm not too high on him, but it was between him or a woman named Amy McGrath, the Democrat. She had 93 million sitting in the bank and it was two down and he was going to get blown away and I endorse them and he went up 20 points. 20, she didn't even spend her money. She had no chance because of my endorsement, he went up 20 points, and then he got up and said that, nastiest things about me. And that's the way politics. I'm like, that's the way politics is, I guess, sunny. It's not that way in, Arizona isn't? Oh, yeah. I think it is Kelly I think it is now, it's not as bad now, that was amazing. You know you're somebody help somebody. I don't want any praise, I don't want anything but I don't want to have that kind of a thing happen so it's one of those things. But what you're doing here is incredible, is everyone here fully understands the 2020 election was a total disgrace. It was the most corrupt.And I tell this to people, I tell it to Republicans and a lot of them are very good people and they say, well, sir, we have to get on to the Future. Let me tell you, you're not future. First of all, our nation is being destroyed, but you're not going to have a future in 22 or 24. If you don't find out how they cheated with hundreds of thousands and even millions of votes because you won't win anything, you walk win anything.
And you know, I tell I tell Republicans, I say you don't realize because some of them had their good meaning, really a lot of them. Most of them we have certain people that are not good. I mean they don't have they don't have the Mitt Romney's. The little Ben Sasse has of the world they don't have I could name a few of them little Ben Sasse could I have your endorsement? Yes, the day after he won because of such going after Trump but you know what, that's the way it is. But you know, I tell people this is the biggest issue, there is.
This is bigger than the Border, this is bigger than anything. This is the biggest issue. And I see it just here and I said, "make a speech and I'll talk about the Border because we strongest the border with the strongest border and history, we strongest out the border, and that's a big deal." But when you look at all of the death and destruction that this election has caused, and wait til you see what's happening with inflation way? Do you see the real numbers on inflation and what's going on? And wait till you go to the pump today and you see Since we were dollar 87 for a gallon of gasoline, it was the most corrupt dishonest and unfair election in the history of our country.
The Democrats know it the corrupt media right back there, a lot of people, they know.[Booing]
The Big Tech and most importantly, we, the American people know it. We know it but because of the steadfast conservatives all across our nation and that's really happening. Now, if you look at what's going on all across, they've come, they've come from so many different states to look at your audit procedures. They go back, and I'll call them and say, "how did you like it? What do you think?"
They said, "we don't believe it."
And then they're starting their own audits. Now, that's what's happening. They're coming and looking are looking at what Karen and Kelly. They're looking, what? They all set up here and they can't take it. Wendy, what you've done Borrelli. I love you, but really you Italian. I hope you, you're all Italian Borrelli. That's why I get along. Okay, that's why I like him. Good. He's tough as nails too. But you know what? They're coming and they're looking and they go back to their state and they say this is the most incredible thing that we've seen any time. Why wouldn't somebody want election Integrity? Why wouldn't they want to know? And I would be very happy won't happen but I would be very happy if they did it and everything was perfect but you're not going to find that. In fact, the preliminary numbers are a total disaster and we're going to go over those numbers. The facts are coming out, the truth is being uncovered and the crime of the century. [the crime of the] century is being fully exposed...[Applause]
Thank you.
[Crowd: USA! USA! USA!]
A friend of mine said to me, very smart guy said, "it can't be the crime of the century, nobody died."
I said "no, people are dying every day at the border, they're going to be dying with what inflation is doing to our country."
The crime is never been higher than it is.
Now, you have in Chicago, hundreds of people are being shot every weekend in Afghanistan. You know. We haven't lost one soldier in Afghanistan for the last year and a half in Chicago. They have a Jordan eighty eight people shot over a weekend, many of whom died. That's worse than any war zone, anywhere in the world, Chicago and New York, what's happening in New York, the crime in New York and Rudy Giuliani was the greatest mayor in the history of New York City.[Aproval]
And they going after him because he understands it and they going after him and he's a true patriot, what they're doing to Rudy is a disgrace greatest mayor and the greatest prosecutor. I mean, he was a crime fighter, he was a crime fighter. But this was the greatest mayor. And you know, if I would have said that five years ago, ten years ago wouldn't have meant this much. Now you realize what? Having a great mayor's all about because when you look at, what the hell is happening to our cities, run by democrats.
It's a crime wave, the likes of which we've never seen before. It's scary, people are afraid to walk down the streets of New York and nobody gets prosecuted except Republicans. By the way, in every fake news story about the election, they always begin by stating that "claims are unproven," there's the fake news. Those claims are unproven given out as you read a story and you're reading about massive fraud. You but then, all right about that too much. You know the biggest thing is they do. All right, but they always say while "this is totally unproven." And you saying, "but wait a minute, we collect thousands and thousands hundreds of thousands of people." And then they go while "there's no evidence," you know. They have these little sound bites but the craziest of them all is and always done in unison because you know, they work together, If this...If this were business that be put in jail because it would be called a monopoly, but the biggest in the craziest of the Big Lie, they call it. You know, what's the Big Lie? The opposite is the Big Lie. The election was the Big Lie.
And I've got to tell you, I've got to say this. I've never said it before, but I've always thought it. If I lost the election, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with it. Seriously, if we lost the election, we lose an election. I'll go home. I'll start building buildings. I'll do something. I'll keep myself busy. But you know what? If we lost the election, we know when we lose, you know, enjoyed your, they had an election, we did so well and everyone knew we won by hundreds of thousands and they stole it from us. And what happened is we had two senators running a couple of months later. And you know, what happened to them. The Republican said, "we're not going out to vote because this was rigged, this election was rigged." And they know it, "you know, when you win, when you lose." If I lost this election, I could handle it pretty easily, when they steal it from you and rig it. That's not easy. And we have to fight, we have no choice.
And it starts right here with the amazing Patriots and Arizona and you approving the fake news media wrong. You're proving them wrong because the evidence is Monumental just like Russia, Russia, Russia. Remember people would come up to me during the campaign the first campaign and they said, you know, anything about Russia know what he has going on. Just as curious, you know, there was like these rumors, another one. Come up a month later, sir, do you have anything to do with Russia? No, I never even thought of it but after I got asked that question four or five times I said, what the hell is going on with Russia? And it was a fake deal made up by Hillary Clinton with a fake dossier with a pay.
They play a different game, but you know ultimately, we're much bigger than them. We have many more people, because when you go over their policies, the fact is those policies are not a 50% of the vote. We have many, many more people.
They're tough, they're mean, but the and they stick together, they do stick together but their policies are so bad. They're so pathetic. If they ever had our policies, maybe there'd be no Republican party. I must be honest with you because we haven't until now, and it started with these incredible people, many of whom are sitting right here. The state senators from Arizona, it started with them. And now it's turning out to be a revolution in this country because people are saying, even some Democrats are saying, no knowing what happened in the election. Action is a good thing. Not a bad thing, it's a good thing. And what are they trying to hide? Why wouldn't they want it. Now, they're trying to hide at a level. That's why I don't understand. Guys like Ducey and your Commissioners. These Commissioners are so bad.[Booing]
But, you know, you have the Witch Hunt. Remember the great Witch Hunt and the impeachment hoax. Number one and impeachment hoax. Number two, and it shows you how the Republicans can really stick together. We have great Republicans. You have Jim Jordan, you have. I mean, I'm gonna get in trouble, but you have Jim Jordan and Devin [Nunes] and so. And by the way you have three of them here tonight these guys are going to I hope you love them all because those three are fighters but we'll introduce. Submit a second. They've already probably spoken. I hope they are. That way they won't take up any of our time, right?
But they're great.
Here's just some of the shocking information, the Auditors in Arizona have already reported.
So this is reported, this isn't coming from Trump, this has been reported more than 74,000. Now, I lost by about 10,000. We didn't lose, we won by a lot but they say we lost so we need more than 10. So here we go and we have numerous categories. Almost all of which are much more much more than we would need to win the election. And again, remember the word determinative if I lost by 10 and we found out that there were only two dead people, okay?
But there were, there were thousands and thousands of dead people that voted in different states, thousands and thousands some even applied for an application to vote. You believe that. So not only did they vote they applied for an application but if we had to People who were lost by 10,000. I don't consider that. I don't. I only talk when it's much more than you need. So think of this 75,000 mail-in ballots were counted with no clear record of them being ever sent. Other than that, it was very good. They were, there's no record of them being sent, but they were counted, so nobody knows where the hell are they, but we would count them. The county has refused to disclose. How many of these 74,000 were in person early votes? And how many were magically appearing in a mail-in ballot Box near you? How about those boxes? How about those boxes? How about those boxes where they were coming in and Biden was getting ninety-seven percent of the vote? No, I don't think so.In all fairness, we'd come... We came for rallies. Here, we had 42 thousand and forty four thousand and he came and he couldn't fill the eight circles. They had to use the fake news. No, they were calling the news. "Please, would you please stand over here, please?" They getting newspaper reporters and reporters to stand there distended with cameras. They couldn't fill the eight circles. The only thing I liked about his campaign because he didn't really campaign, the cabal campaign, lots of people campaign for, but I Did like the contractor and it wasn't Hunter Biden with his artistry. The think of that know the contractor, those circles were so beautiful, the way they were done, you know, I'm very good at building buildings and painting and all these different things so painting, like I know what a good paint job is and you're not getting it from Hunter. But no, no, that it was so professionally. It was so professionally done. It was incredible. So good. In fact I probably won't do it yet but at some point I'm going to find out the name of the contractor that they do circles because I want to use them for some.
But what about Hunter Biden getting a half a million dollars for painting and he never painted before. Could you imagine if my kids did that? Could you imagine? And now they're justifying it? Well, we want to make it non transparent. No, actually. You should make it transparent, I guess. But actually, you shouldn't make it a real because it's a bribe. It's a bribe, a hundred percent, right? You know, you have good painters for 250 dollars, you can have a portrait done on Central Park guys with pencils. They do so incredible. They're Geniuses. They're just Geniuses you go to Central Park and they have all these artists line. You negotiate a deal, they'll do it for 250 dollars, they're unbelievably Talent. Some of them are beyond belief, what they could do in a short period of time, Hunter Biden's getting $500,000. It's a bribe, it's disgraceful and the fake news media is talking about it like it's okay, but we should have transparency. It's unbelievable and the laptop... And the laptop. I miss you, too. And the laptop from hell, it's a laptop from hell. When you look at that, laptop people are writing about it. Meaning a very tiny group of people are writing some books at coming out some books by some very good people. But you know what? When you look at the laptop from hell and then you watch the interview. It was Russia that did his laptop. Then they say, was it Russia? Well it may have been me. It may have been them. I think that's the end of that one. It's always Russia. You never notice. It's China because they're all getting rich from China.
They're not getting rich from Russia. It's always Russia, Russia, Russia did it. Russia! Russia! Did it again? No, it's a disgrace. By the way, I stopped their pipeline. It was stopped, they have a pipeline going into Germany. Going into Europe, I stopped it. I put sanctions on all these states are all of these, all of these companies who are building it, Biden approved, it. And then, as you know, you've heard this before, he stopped the key. Keystone XL pipeline.[Booing]
And the real number is 48, not eight. They said, 8 thousand. 48 thousand jobs and they lost all over the country people sold their home. They were so excited. They were going to be building this pipeline environmentally, much better than a truck, and a much better frankly than a train railroad. Much safer. They were building it and he stopped it like in the first week. He stopped it and yet he approves the biggest pipeline in the world, going from Russia to Germany and we're supposed to protect Germany. I Good. I said, by the way, you would have never even heard about that pipeline. If it wasn't for the Nord stream two, Nord stream, nobody ever heard of that. Nobody ever talked about it until I came along. Nobody did look, I get along with Putin because that's a good thing. I got along with him. He got along with me, but nobody was ever tougher on Russia that I was. This pipeline is the biggest thing they've ever done. This is billions and billions. I asked Angela and I get along with Angela to but she's doing what she's doing. In for Germany, although I think the pipeline is a big mistake for Germany because they might as well just wave the red flag or the white flag because it's over... It's over. They're going to get 60 70 percent of their energy from Russia. So I said so let me ask you so we're spending billions of dollars to protect you from Russia and you are paying billions and billions of dollars for energy to Russia. What the hell is that all about, right? So I stopped it and within a couple of weeks, he approved it. And now they're going to Restarting. It they'll have it finished in a couple of months and they're going to make billions and billions of dollars. But the American pipeline is stopped ,and I can only say that's called America First versus America last. I mean, it's just they're destroying. Look, they are destroying our country. And, you know, if the election were the way it were.
And, and let's say they were doing a great job. Number one, you probably wouldn't be as enthusiastic, let's say, they were doing a great job, by the way, your Arizona border, which I put up the wall and it was great.
It was the best that ever was and now, And now, what's boring into your state is not even to be believed not even to be believed, but you know what? If instead of doing hard, but they saying, "it was the worst six months in the history of the presidency." I don't know that that's true, but I would say, "it is, if you look at what's happened to the economy."How about the vaccine? I came up with the vaccine. They said, "it would take three to five years, gonna save the world." I recommend you take it, but I also believe in your freedoms, a hundred percent, but just so you take it. But it was a great achievement. It was a great achievement then and we started we're doing a million people a day. And then they said, "we're going to put a pause on one of the vaccines."
What that did, that set it back so badly. And so now they're saying what a wonderful job he did. They don't say too much anymore with respect to giving the vaccine now, it's turning out that they can't say that anymore and what they've done is because they don't trust the president people aren't doing It and that's as simple as it can be. We did such an incredible job with covid with getting the gowns to surprise the ventilators, The Mask, everything and the Press did nothing but kill us. They would say look how well in the is doing compared to the United States House. India doing how is India, doing India is going through hell, they said, look how well South Korea's doing. They would always try and pick the best country anywhere in the world. That had the least problem, though countries now are being ravaged by this plague that was sent to us by China. And by the way, China has to pay us retribution.[Applause]
All right. There were nearly 4,000 people who voted with a registration date. After the cutoff on October 15th, you have a cut off, a legal cut off, but thousands of people voted and that's illegal. Why did 4,000 people vote? Additionally, there were more than 11,000 individuals who were not on the voter rolls the day after the election. That they weren't on the voter rolls the day after the election, but who were on the list of Voters that was published one month after the election. So they weren't there for the election but a month later they happen to find them, okay?
This alone is more than the supposed margin that you needed, it's ten thousand four hundred and fifty-seven votes. We beaten in every category, there were 18,000 people who voted in Arizona, in 2020, who were then, Purge, From the rolls, immediately after the election.
Why didn't they Purge him before? Sonny, could I ask you that question? I mean, you know, it's funny that they cheated Haiti they cheated. We're like we're becoming like a third world nation and it's happening. And then a hundred and sixty-eight thousand ballots were found to be printed on unofficial very thin flimsy paper. In other words sounds to me like they were short of ballots, and they just made them up because you have what's called quote voter secure paper. It's very heaviest like the dollar bill. It's like, you know, it's very complex stuff, but they didn't have that. And so they had a hundred and sixty-eight thousand votes, and that's required, it's required. You have to have it, and they found it on paper and the reason they noticed it, I guess, number one, it was very light, but they saw that when you hit it with a certain pen, it went right through the Were they said what the hell kind of paper is this. That's a hundred and sixty-eight thousand votes. And so that also would have been invalidated, they wouldn't have allowed it to be on Election Day. They wouldn't have allowed it hundred sixty-eight thousand votes. I wonder who they voted for tell me? I wonder who they voted for. Would you say it was a hundred percent for Biden or 97%?
It was also revealed in a recent hearing that there are thousands and thousands of duplicated ballots that do not have a serial number. But suggesting that votes may have been fraudulently, duplicated and counted multiple times time after time, after time, you saw it in Georgia, you saw those people go in. They said, there's a water main break, everybody leave, everybody leave. Everybody got the hell out. They don't want to drown, they don't want a water main break and a few minutes. I'll short while later a woman, a political operative, we all know her name, we all know her name and it should have been taken care of, which should have been Been taken care of, but woman comes in, but it is now, it's in court and it's a big deal. She came in with a group cheating, go back to her machine, they went for the table, they lifted up the skirt of the table and lo and behold. It was loaded up with ballots, but they weren't ballots that were in boxes. That ballots come, they were in other, whether were suitcases who was totally different, they took those, and they started putting them in sometimes three times.
Sometimes, five times. And they stood there, and I tell you what, when people looked at that they got sick. People threw up looking at it and law enforcement did very little. But now what's happening is I believe the courts are going to do a lot. It's a big deal going on. That was total Criminal Behavior.
So you hear those hundreds of thousands of votes. We won the State of Arizona and we wanted to say sadly and we one other of these days, isn't it amazing? Barack Hussein Obama.[Booing]
He beat Biden all over the country decisively. So did Hillary except in five swing states, where Biden wiped him out with the black population. So I think that he's not going to be Obama but only of these states these states. So he did poorly except in these states, he had Meza victories.
We're really smart people. We can't let this happen. We can't let this happen yet. This is only the beginning of the irregularities. The Arizona ordered isn't uncovering the authors and the Auditors have collected, a sworn affidavit stating that county election workers lowered, signature matching standards from 20 points of comparison to 10, to 5 and eventually down to zero. In other words, they abolished all Signature matching entirely.
In other words you have a bad signature. So the machine was picking up a lot of bad signatures they said, this is no good. Let's lower. It, lets lower. They brought it down to zero so you had no signature matching perhaps. This is why the county has refused to comply with an official subpoena. Sent out by your great Senate to provide images of the envelopes, which would prove whether they counted ballots.
And whether or not they had signatures at all, because we think many of them had no signature at all because you can't sign them all during the night. We think they didn't, and you know, what else? They didn't have, they didn't have Falls in order to have a ballot count, it has to be folded. But so many of these pages are laying flat without a crease without a phone cyber Security. Experts have also testified that the logs for the election management system software were wiped under highly suspicious circumstances this Them saying it not me with more than 37,000 requests made to the server and a single day. Think of that erasing, the data permanently, for the entire period surrounding the election. Gee, I wonder why they erase the data surrounding the election. I wonder why...
The county has for whatever reason also refused to produce the network routers, we want the routers Sonn, Wendy. We got to get those routers. Please routers. Come on Kelly. We could get those routers. Those routers, you know what, it was, so beyond the routers, there's so many fraudulent votes without the red, but if you got those routers, what that will show and they don't want to, give up the routers, they don't want to give them, they are fighting. Like hell, why are these Commissioners fighting not to give the routers, how simple could it be? That will tell the truth. What are they trying to hide unbelievably? The Auditors have testified that the master database for the election management system. Sorry to tell you has been deleted. I wonder why it was deleted. I want to Sonny why it was a deleted Place? Meaning the main database for all of the election related data and Maricopa in 2020 has been illegally erased. It's been erased.
The county has also refused to provide the Authority for the information. We want the information needed to access vote tabulation devices. To top it all off. They have reviews a hand over the all-important chain-of-custody, documentation for Maricopa, County ballots. They don't want to give it, why don't they want to give it? Why I stand before you today to demand nothing less than full and complete cooperation from Maricopa County and from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors who have fought your senate, it at every single turn, incredibly. Why? Why...[Clapping]
Why? Why are Republicans fighting it? All they have to do is hand it off and they're either going to be right? They're not even saying they're right, they just don't want it, they don't even say they're right, they know, I think they know a hell of a lot about what happened, but, why don't they want to do that the citizens of Arizona, and incredible state that as you know, I won four years ago and I want it again. Somebody came in..., Somebody came in from a Media Group of air, Good Media Group actually said, "what was the difference between 2016 and 2020?"
I said, "well, the difference was I actually did much better in 2020 stroke."
We got 75 million votes. We got 12 million votes [plus 63 million votes, 2016 election] for no president in history, has ever gotten anywhere close to 12 million more votes and that's with them doing counting. So you can imagine what the real number is okay. Now you can imagine because the easiest way of cheating is to throw them away, that's easier. The postman don't have to deliver them. The post office doesn't have to deliver them, you know, it's a very Democratic group and why not? They have the greatest pension plan that anybody's ever seen why not?Okay. But you know a lot of them didn't go to their location and when they were signed, they didn't get brought back. But when you think about it and when you think about the corruptness, why don't these people want to find out the truth?
The citizens of America deserve answers that we're talking about America. You know, we're not talking about Arizona anymore. We're talking about the United States of America because this has gone on, and I hate to say it, but this is because you're really bad, but this is gone much worse in Detroit, Michigan, much worse. We have a bunch of RINO, Senators up there, the exact opposite. You have one or two, we have whole bunch of them up there, but we have a bunch of RINO Senators. This is not as bad anywhere near, in my opinion as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A you take a look at Philadelphia. They what they did to our poll. Watchers were incredible. We had poll Watchers, nice people. Great people. They love our country. They were Republican, but more than anything else. They want an honest count that. These just wanted to be a good tournament. Either way, they were physically thrown the hell out and they couldn't get in four days.
So, during that period of time, vast numbers of things happened that are terrible. And not only did they throw them out? They boarded up the windows, so they couldn't even see inside. And then, we got a quarter outer and they wouldn't obey the court order. And then they kept them 60 feet away. You know what 60 feet? That's like me looking at a vote with the lady in the beautiful red dress right over there, right? That's 60 feet and I’m saying, "Oh gee, how's that ballot? I'm 60 feet away."They were threatened by thugs thugs. In Georgia recent review of ballot images has shown that the error rate in the hand audit of Atlanta's first and County was a whopping 60 percent. Would you say that's high including outright fabricated vote totals, as well as obvious to Applications of ballots amounting to potentially thousands and thousands of extra votes for Joe Biden. All of this is in addition to the recently, discovered 35,000 illegal votes that were potentially cast by people who did not live in the county in which they voted Minor Detail as well as 100,000 people who were purged from the Georgia roles. After the election, think of this. I lost by like 11,000, you know? 11,000 they have a hundred thousand plus, they were purged, they were deleted after the election was over far exceeding. The margin needed for a Republican presidential victory for that just that one item. That's only one, but we have many. In other words, it is determinative. It's a wonder that Joe Biden. And the radical Democrats are going absolutely crazy screaming about * voting rights * ranting about democracy. They want democracy and resisting every effort to look into the massive fraud in 2020. Just so you understand you know we talked about cancel culture, the biggest thing that they want canceled as they don't want you talking about the election that just took place, because they say, "holy shit, they caught us, they caught us."
"They caught us!" And, you know, we've seen it, it's a scandal, the likes of which we've never had, but the only way you get away with the Scandal is if they don't talk about it, they don't want to talk about it, but they're going to have to, if your votes are like people to thinking, they're going to be and when you get up and announce, whatever it may be, it's not going to be able to Not going to be able not to talk about. The Press is so dishonest. They don't want to talk about it, but if you think about cancel everything about cancel culture, they want cancel culture, but what they don't want to do is anything having to do with the 2020 election? They almost got away with it, they may have gotten away with it. We're going to find out because something's going to have to be done, but I don't think so. I don't think so. You know, if somebody robs Tiffany, a beautiful jeweler, 57th and Fifth, good location, excellent location. And they steal the diamonds and then they get caught. They have to turn the diamonds back. It's very simple. Amazing the way it works.
And I only wish that my friend, Mike Pence [Booing] had that additional courage to Send to send the results back to the legislators because it all happened so quickly. You know they schemed in this plan for four years, this all happened so quickly if he would have sent it back to the legislature. Somebody gave him bad advice, you know the great Thomas Jefferson, you know, what happened, Georgia? They couldn't count their votes accurately hear, ye hear ye the great state of Georgia cannot accurately. We counted votes. You know what Thomas Jefferson said, "long time ago," he said, "then we will keep the votes from the great state of Georgia." He didn't say, we're going to send it back, he didn't do I'm saying just send it back, maybe it comes back. But when you have more votes in some places by a lot, then you have voters, I think Mike would have had the right to say excuse me, we have more votes than we have voters. If you don't mind please take a look.
Look at it. So, I wish you did that. I wish he did that, the radical left Democrat Communist Party rigged and sold the election, and we caught them the time to hold them responsible and fix this broken, and corrupt system is not in 2022 where it may be just as corrupt. And if it is, you're not going to win or in 2024. The time is right now here in Arizona![Applause]
Right now!
Right now. And you know what? If you don't get down to it and if you don't find, I hate to say this because it's terrible for our country. But you're going to have Republicans in, aren't going to want to vote. They're not going to want to work for Kelly. They're not going to want to have to work for Wendy and for Borelli, mr. Italy. They're not going to work for you now. Thank you know, they're going to say... They're going to say, "We're not going to let it happen again." And that's what happened to the two senators and not going to work for you, and you got to get going. It's the most important issue you got to get going. We don't have the luxury to sit back and to wait until the next election. We don't so many people and there's such good. I said it before. Sure, take to the Future. You're leading in the polls. We just got back from CPAC. I was at 98% approval rating in the phone 98%. Sonny, what am I here? I don't know. You think we're at 98%? I want to find out. I don't know, 98%, 98%, and they said, "sure you're leading in the polls, Sir," you're way ahead of everybody running. 24, sir, you're going to win, and I say, "wait a minute, I just won six months ago."
The survival of our nation depends on holding these responsible and We have to hold these responsible elections. We have to hold those that are responsible for the 2020 presidential election scam.
There was a scam, greatest crime in history.
And we have to hold these people accountable. And hopefully, and I say this, and I have confidence in it. Hopefully, your attorney general Mark Brnovich your State Attorney General, take information. This incredible information given by these incredible Warriors and Patriots, he's going to take it and he's going to do what everybody knows has to be done. If he doesn't do that, it would be so sad and your Governor Doug Ducey, he will be of no help to you.... No help to you. It's incredible. He doesn't want to know the answer. But more is being found out and uncovered every single day. Not only in Arizona but all over the country, numbers like you wouldn't believe just this month to former US attorney for Philadelphia William McSwain.
Okay, you know, Did you ever hear of William? William McSwain who previously, prosecuted much ballot stuffing, many cases in Philadelphia published a stunning letter and he did it. I think from the heart stating that his office received allegations of large-scale voter fraud, this is Philadelphia. An election irregularities all over Philadelphia. And also one of the most corrupt places from a voter standpoint another along with Detroit and some others, one of the most corrupt places, but he found and he wanted to investigate all of this. But the Attorney General Bill Barr ordered him to stand down and McSwain, wasn't the only one and it makes way in his very angry about it. Then Bill Barr went out and said, "there was not fraud in the election of any consequence." Look at the numbers, I'm giving you today. Look at the numbers and, you know, we need two large ones or three small ones. We have many, many to look at, but we're two large ones, but in other words, we're right there. So it is of consequence. It's only because... It's only because sadly, he just didn't look for fraud. When that letter came out from McSwain. That was a sad day for this country Sad day and I was wondering because he was all excited. McSwain was all excited. He was going to go in there then one day it was like he it's like somebody died. There was no more excited. He was told not to do it one day. I noticed that the fake news media was calling Bill Barr a puppet of Donald Trump, and he wasn't a puppet at all. They had a picture of him with strings where I was totally controlling him. Just not true. They were saying that Bill Barr, you have to go against him, Bill Barr, then they started saying, there we go. In to impeach him and they were what's called playing The Ref, you know, that is there doing it with the Supreme Court to their nasty? You see? Now again, they want to impeach Cavanaugh. Not that. They want to impeach him, they want to scare the hell out of him. So he votes along the liberal lines because if he votes along the liberal, and they're playing The Ref better than the great Bobby Knight of Indiana ever, played the room. Remember with the chair that this they said, "Bobby, Bobby, you're not going to win that call." He said, "yeah, but I'm going to win the next strong."
That's what they're doing. The great Bobby Knight who is one of our great endorsements. I will tell you when Bobby Knight endorsed, Trump Indiana, was we were doing well there before you have to see after Bobby and I Grievous. That's a piece of work but he said, "it may not work this time, but it's going to work the next time and the refs were afraid to say anything."
Sure that's what they're doing with uh Supreme Court. They're trying to scare Kavanaugh, they're talking about a impeach. I just saw it again this morning in the paper. Were they want to impeach Kavanaugh again it's not that they do, they want him to rule for them and if you rules for them that they were going to impeach him. There's not but if he rules against them like he's supposed to because he is a conservative then, but they also don't want to have a pact horse. So they're saying we're gonna pack the courts, we're gonna pack the courts and they did the same thing to Barr. They said Trump controls him. As soon as I saw that I said, here we go. Because how does he get out of that? Very simply Just do things like the vote was intrigued and he stopped them from doing it. And I'm so saddened by it, but I also understand it because Nobody Does it Better than these crooked Democrats. Nobody Does it Better. So, I don't blame bar. I don't blame a lot of people, but they become weak, and they become ineffective and they become frightened. Why do not? We are becoming a communist country. That's what's happening. That's what's happening?[Booing]
We are Beyond socialism, you know, when you have no press, when you have no pressing, you can talk to that's how a communist country begins. They have no press, we find things in Arizona, and other than a couple of great networks, we have no press, we have no voice. I only have voice because I get great ratings, you know, ultimately ratings are very important. But even those lights, what happens if they still have those lights going? That's good. I'm very impressed. Very impressed. That's good. Thank you.
And if the Democrats get some of the things they currently want past, including the election of corrupt politicians act and infrastructure which is not infrastructure, it will get even worse. What they're asking for is incredible. The Green New Deal going to destroy our country. There's Green New Deal. It's Green New Deal. Okay, that's what it is, for sure.[Clapping]
No more windows in buildings because environment, and I always did great with these buildings at the bigger, the window. The better I did the bigger those when I wanted floor-to-ceiling windows But they say, you can't do that anymore. We don't want any more windows. It's gonna be real hard to sell Apartments. I think we have a beautiful apartment and for environmental reasons, we have not put Windows in the building, okay? That sounds good. These people are crazy. Whatever happened to cows, remember, they're going to get rid of all the cows? They stuff that people didn't like that? Remember?
You know why? They were going to get rid of all the cows? People will be next. People will be next.
Sadly, even in many red States. The RINOs are letting the radical left have their way on everything. You know, that in fact, I have to say this, in many cases these week, Republicans are RINOs these week, Republicans are worse. They're worse than Democrats. And you have a couple of examples right here in Arizona, and don't nod and Say it, because I don't. Get you in trouble, maybe you can convince them to do, what's right? But you have a couple of them right here in Arizona and nobody knows and I'll tell you what they're going to be defeated, as sure. As you're sitting there going to be defeated in the primaries by real Republicans.[Clapping]
And it's not so far off your secretaries of State Certified election results that were highly inaccurate and even fraudulent their certifying elections where the numbers are fraudulent. You have poll watches, as I said, who will legally block from vote counting and Philadelphia, Detroit, and many, many other cities in certain areas, there were more votes than they were voters. Think of that one. That was so easy. You know, you say all these different things, a lot of people talking about the machines, I say, "you know, too complex. you don't need them."
It's so many different forms. They cheated in so many different ways. You don't have to get complex. You don't have to be a great scientist from MIT, they cheated in so many different ways. People were caught on camera illegally running ballots multiple times through voting counting machines and remember, I am not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I'm the one trying to save American democracy and trying to save it.
Our country is being destroyed by people who have no right to destroy it. People that run and election illegally people that should not have been elected. They lost in a landslide.[Crowd]
Joe Biden and the radical Democrats are wrecking our nation. I don't even believe it's him. I honestly don't believe. I don't think I don't think Joe knows where the hell he is. You want other? I don't think it's him. Crime is surging. Inflation is selling, the border is gone. We went from the strongest border, ever to the weakest border ever. The border is non-existent illegal. Aliens are pouring in and record numbers. Critical Race Theory is being forced into every facet of our society. Free speech is being crushed. Men are being allowed to compete in women's sports. How do you like that?
Think of that. How fair is, did you see the weightlifter? I hate to tell you this women, but he shattered your long-standing record. This guy gets up Boom, Boom, like a nine-year record, Sonny, a nine-year record Boom!
Did he do it with one hand? It's so unfair. It's so unfair so ridiculous. I'll be honest I'll look we all like to win. If I were a coach, I'll tell you, I wouldn't be talking to too many women as we know women. I'd be getting somebody's people that are women.
Somebody said that, "if LeBron James ever decided to get the operation, how would he be, how would he be on the court?" And by the way, LeBron James, you can have him.[Applause]
Did you see the basketball ratings? Which were terrible but they went up after his team was defeated. And that's happening it's in sports and people don't want to see it. They want to see athletes, they want to see competition but the last thing they want to see is men competing in women's sports because very soon you're not going to have women competing anymore. I hate to say it, okay? I hate to say you're gonna have a coach have a full team and that team is going to win the national championship. Championship so easily. You're not going to have women competing, they're taking away your rights, that's really a women's rights movement. You can't let that happen.
And now they just allowed it to happen in the Olympics. The Olympics has gone bad too. Our infrastructure is being hacked by foreign countries left and right. Thousands of rockets are being fired at Israel. And Joe Biden is allowing America to be pushed around and left at all over the world. This didn't happen when I was president. This didn't happen when I was president. In addition to all of our work to hold them, accredits accountable for their election fraud, which is massive, we must fight harder than ever before to win a colossal victory for America First Republicans, next year, we have to, but again, you have to solve this problem, we're going to work our our asses off, right? But you have to solve this problem, I have to solve this problem. We must reclaim the house. We must reclaim the Senate State legislatures wherever we did. So, well last election and Governor's Mansions all across the nation last year. Republicans, made massive games. I got no credit from these people. None that make I made 58 phone, calls, 58, they called teleconference calls everybody. I made it to did so great. I was responsible for getting these people elected in the house. We were expected to lose. 25 to 35 seats, and instead of losing 25 to 35 seats, we lost for the first time in many decades is zero seats.[Approval]
And in fact, we shockingly gained 16 seats, 16 suit, And in the Senate without my involvement, it would right now, be 60/40 with the Democrats in the lead. Nobody likes to talk about that. We had such an incredible evening in the election. We did so well in the election. You know, they like to say, say you had a gentleman here, a legislator here, who said, "thank you and I love you, too."
He said, "sir, I was prepared to lose my election people that No, I was prepared. I didn't know him."
I spoke to him for the first time.
He said, "I was prepared to lose my election, two months before, I was prepared.
Then I went to one of your rallies and I saw the level of enthusiasm with thousands of people unable to get in 42,000 people, thousands unable to get in. I saw the enthusiasm, but I was very much prepared. I assumed, I was going to lose."
He has been there for a long time, then he said, and then the night before the election, I walked outside with my wife. And there were all these Trump signs. Trump. All over the place, "Elect Trump," "Trump Pence." They had "Trump Pence," and "Trump," but they had all of these signs and they had the American flag and everybody was going wild. I said, you know, darling. I think I'm going to win the election and the next day. And the next day sir, I won the election and I wasn't my district by a lot and you lost my district and there was no way that I got more votes than you. You got far more votes than I did, Sir. There's no way possible and I said to my wife, "this election is rigged."
This election is rigged. And what the fake news goes around saying is the reason we did so well in legislators the reason we did so well in congress with not any loss, but 20 all of these games, I guess it was 16 all of these games and the Senate we did very well even though Mitch McConnell shouldn't have said, we won't give 10 cents more than $600, in other side, same will give you 2000 like it or not, that's not good politics, okay? And frankly, they were going to get it anyway. It was a disastrous thing he did ads where he was in the end and he's not a popular guy. So we should have won those seats. But if you just forget those two suits, we would have been 60/40, what we did and what they try and do is say well the reason we won all, can we win every legislature in the country, right?
The reason we won is because the legislators were far more popular than Trump. Now, it's not that. That's why I tell you that rather long story because we carried them in, but they didn't give me and the presidency. They didn't give us the votes. That's all it is. It's very simple, and they're liars and they're scoundrels and they're very bad and very dishonest. But that's just the way it is right here in Arizona, we must fire one of the most extreme leftists and Congress your radical Democrat Senator Mark Kelly.[Booing]
And it's not that he's leftist, it's that he doesn't care about the Border. I never there all the time, I spent winning the legal stuff. I think we had 11 lawsuits, we won them all, and then I could start, it would have been so much easier but I never heard from him. He never said, "how can I help?"
He couldn't care less about your border and your Border in Arizona is one big. We did such a great job but he did absolutely nothing. Kelly has done nothing to Protect your state. And if you look at the Biden border crisis and it is beyond a crisis you know they're saying don't use the word crisis. Well now that's like a nice word he's completely owned and controlled by Pelosi and Schumer and the open borders left. Now the Socialist Democrats and Communists are trying to include amnesty in their reconciliation bill which would turbocharge, the this would turbocharged the crisis and neither Mark Kelly. Or anybody on the Democratic side, they're all fake moderates, you know they're fake, they say they don't say a word about it. You having if this changes in made soon, Arizona will never be able to recover from what's Happening. You're getting it worse than most because you're on the border. So big On the Border taking back, America begins with kicking Mark Kelly, the hell out of the United States.[Clapping]
With us today are few of the Republican candidates running to beat Mark Kelly next year. And maybe if you're around stand up.
Blake Masters. Where's Blake, Blake? Thank you, Blake, good you're doing well.
Jim Lamon, Jim! Thank you, Jim great job. Thank you, Jim.
General Mick McGuire, General! Thank you very much. Thank you. General.
Also with us are Arizona's gubernatorial candidates, Matt Salmon! Hi Matt!Kari Lake...
Wow! This could be a big night for you. Thank you very much. Kari, good job.
Steve Gayner, Steve, thank you Steve.
State Treasurer, Kimberly Yee. Thank you, Kimberly.And I have to tell you maybe the most pleasure I'll get out of any introductions tonight because these guys are warriors, they are warriors. They love you or state, they love this country. We're thrilled to be joined by several of our really best people in Congress. They happen to reside in a place called Arizona.
First of all, Andy Biggs! Where is Andy?[Applause]
So lucky to have these three guy is no games with these three guys, Paul Gosar! Paul.
And a woman that I've fallen in love with, and the first lady is very upset about it. She is incredible, what she did during the impeachment, especially the impeachment. Hoax number one, she made a name for herself and she didn't do it for herself. She did it for this country. Debbie Lesko! Debbie,
Right. Debbie those are three great people.
I actually said, "do we have our stars?"
"Yes, sir. They here. they wouldn't miss it."
But I appreciate it. You really are you Warriors, your warriors. You love this country. Thank you. When we win giant, Republican victories and reclaim control over Congress and really, reclaim it over our country. We will halt the radical Biden agenda in its tracks, by the way. Remember I used to say, it's going to be where it's not him. I really don't believe. But remember you used to say, was going to be worse? Bernie Sanders, cannot believe what's happening. He's the happiest guy said, "I never knew this was going to happen." Is that right, Paul? He said, "I never knew this was gonna happen."
He can't believe it. This is so much more radical. They never talked about this. They never talked about. Closing up the pipeline, the following day. He talked about, we're going to starting it. We're going to look at it. No, he did. That got some votes and he closed it. And how about the Union on the Keystone Pipeline? How about the union, where they endorse Biden? And I said, you know, you're going to get screwed but they've always been with Democrats. But you know what the voters are with me, the voters. Is are with me and the workers.[Clapping]
The workers are with me and with us will stop the federal takeover of Elections and stop the Democrat attack on voter ID. Did you see the disinformation campaign? So they do a poll the other day and it showed voter ID, and ID is at 88 percent, including Democrats, it's like 88%. Everybody wants voter ID who doesn't want it. You go to the grocery store, you give a picture. Do anything you do you give a picture.
Voter ID that 88%. So here's their line, all of a sudden. We don't want to vote idea, then one day they pass it on, in the Press plays along, we've always wanted voter ID, we've always wanted it. It's the Republicans who don't want to think it is.
And they had the same thing with defund the police, right? We wanted to fund the police. We will to fund the police. Now, crime is at the highest it's ever been in history. These police departments have been devastated. They have treated our great law enforcement. I just meant a lot of them backstage so badly, with so little respect, but it's a very unpopular thing. They didn't know that, who the hell would know that defund the police, who would not. I'm telling you, they've got advantages, but they're sort of dumb in a lot of ways that policy is so bad.
So now they're saying you guys see that it was the Republicans that wanted to defend the police. It's just like Russia. Russia, Russia. It's just they make up stuff. I watch that shifty shift, go up to the microphone. It's extremely important to save our country. President Trump is a paid employee of Russia.[Laghing]
It's unbelievable. And you know what they say if they say it over and over and over again, in a year from now, a lot of people are not going to remember who wanted to defend the police and who did it. And they're not going to remember about voter ID, Andy. And we got to be careful with that, Paul. We got to be careful with that, Debbie.
You're not going to let that happen. You're not going to let it, but that's what they do. And you know what it's called, disinformation, they make up a lot of Crap and they say over and over and over and one day, you say, oh, who was the one that wanted to defund? I guess, it was the Republicans, the Republicans are against a very serious and a very sick enemy. We will end Joe Biden's war on American Energy and ensure that the United States Remains the dominant energy superpower on Earth.[Clapping]
Can you imagine? They're out negotiated with OPEC again? I mean, it's not even, we didn't need OPEC. That's why I was taking everybody out of the Middle East because we needed the Middle East for oil. Now, we need the Middle East for oil again. We will break up the Big Tech monopolies.
And we will immediately shut down Joe Biden's border disaster. And we're going to end by the way, Catch and Release. I ended Catch and Release you know what it is. You catch a criminal and you take his name, whoever you take his name, her name and you release them into our country. You release them, we did something. Slightly better, stay in Mexico, we have stay in Mexico.
Are we will restore our Southern border? We want to remain, let them remain in Mexico, you know, these the people they are all over the United States, your border but and you're getting hit hard, probably harder, much harder. But all over the country, you go to Iowa, you can go to all over the country, they're being hit and it's a crime wave, big crime wave is coming out of it, Go all over the country and you'll see you're being hit right here in Arizona, Joe Biden is utterly Demolished your border and cynically betrayed the people of the state because he never said he was going to do that. I told you he would in May alone. Border patrol encountered five hundred and forty percent more illegal migrants in the Tucson sector and fifteen hundred percent more in Yuma. Than the same period when I was ready. Think of that fifteen hundred percent more in one year. Now, that doesn't mean as much as this for everyone you catch. I think 10 commence. Some people say it's five or six. Let's say it's 10. You're talking about millions of people are coming into our country, we expedited removals and deported criminal aliens. By the thousands we took out MS-13 gang members by the tens of thousands We got them out. Thousands and thousands of these absolute killers and we built nearly 500 miles of beautiful border wall the same world that they wanted. I went with them. I said, "I don't want the anti-climb paddle on top." You know, the paddle on top that you see? I said, "I don't like it. I don't want it."
They said, "Sir, it's anti-climb."I said, "oh, and that case I like it, right." And they got to paint the wall.
By the way, it sounds not-so-nice of the speech. How can Churchill make a great speech and say, "paint the wall," right? Pretty basic. Remember what I used to say? There are two things that will never get obsolete. Everything's absolutely. You have a new computer, three days later you read. It's obsolete, two things.
What are the two things? The wheel and the wall? We achieve the most secure Border in US history. Biden's open border policies, that blown it all up and Shred so fast and they've enriched the drug cartels. The child Smugglers, the woman Smugglers, and the vicious MS-13 gang members. They have, they are making more money with human trafficking now and drugs. The sale of drugs, we had fentanyl down to the lowest. It's been in 15 years because Not just people it's the drugs that come across we had it to the lowest this drug is a killer a small amount can kill a thousand people. A little amount can kill thousands of people we had it to the lowest level. It's been in 15 years it was going down and now he blew the thing up and I used to say it's incompetence but he must really want this to happen. Why wouldn't they have finish the wall? It would have taken two months. What are they doing? What are they doing? This is not just a A national security crisis. It's truly a humanitarian catastrophe. Last month alone, the remains of 43. People were tragically discovered along the Arizona border, just your border nearly 100. Migrant children were found stranded and the sweltering Arizona desert having been cruelly enticed to the United States by Biden's rhetoric. He said, "come in everybody come in, and they heard that and they all started walking up."
And I said, "you can't come in, you'll be stopped and we have 28,000 Mexican soldiers that are there."I said to the president of Mexico who I liked a lot and he actually likes me, he's from a different persuasion, he is a socialist, but he's a great gentleman and I said, "mr. President, you're going to have to stop them because we're building the wall and they're coming in." And I worked out a deal. I said, "I will not put tariffs on the thousands and thousands of cars you send over in a daily basis. You have to put 28,000 soldiers on our border free of charge."
And he said, "I will do that."And we had now they're gone and now they're all gone. And those soldiers knew what they were doing. I'll be honest with you. They were, there was no games, it was no games. We did a great job during the construction of the wall. Once the wall is up, you didn't need him. But you have to finish the little empty areas of the wall, the flood of illegal immigrants. Is also placing a crushing burden on communities across the state and throughout the nation. Depleting your already overcrowded schools and hospitals and Public Services of critical resources. You know that there's so Did now because there's so many people, many of them can't speak English, they can't. It's the whole thing is a catastrophe. Your kids are saying, what the hell is going on? Even before the Biden border crisis, Arizona taxpayers were spending a staggering 2.3 billion dollars a year to pay for the welfare education. Justice system course in illegal immigration, $1,000, per Arizona household every year and that's now going to be doubled and tripled in our movement. We believe that your taxpayer dollars should go to support truly needing emergency. You need, you have to take care of American citizens and, and look, we all have a heart. I see the same thing as you do and we want to help people but when you say come up, come up, come to America, our country can't afford it, our system is breaking down, we can't afford it, you just can't afford it the whole world, you know, this isn't Mexico and Guatemala and Honduras and El Salvador.
Our they're coming in from Yemen, they're coming in from all over the Middle East, they're coming in from Haiti, large numbers at coming in from Haiti, they're coming in from all parts of Africa, they coming in from Europe, they coming in from all over the world and our country's not know, country is set for that.
Number one, you can't afford it.Number two on a human basis. And even on a common-sense basis, it's going to destroy, they are destroying our country, they're destroying our country under my Administration. Ation America was respected again and respected. Like never before we withdrew from the United Nations corrupt.
We withdrew from the United Nations Corrupt, Human Rights Council. So corrupt, which seemingly existed to criticize Israel in the United States. That's all they did is criticize us but not only is Joe Biden. Re-entered, the shameful and ridiculous international tribunal. But just this month you saw this, the Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent them a pandering and very very strange letter begging to United Nations to come and is the gate America for its alleged, systemic racism.
So you have systemic racism. He says he wants it to be investigated. Systemic racism. I said... I said, "that's not really. That didn't happen. Did it?" I thought there's nothing it's a joke about it, but I said, "that's not serious, right, systemic. racism." Please come and investigate investigate. The United States, the Biden administration's action is an outrageous insult to the American people. And to our country, the United States of America is the most just and virtuous nation in the world and the history of the world. And I'll tell you, you're not going to have a country very much. Longer you're not going to have a country, we do not, you know, always I talk about. We can do this, we can do that. Three and a half years. It's a long time. Two years is all they need. They're going to knock out the filibuster you watch. I used to tell Mitch McConnell, you know what, you better knock out the filibuster and get everything approved because they're going to do it. They will never do that. Sir, why won't they do it? Because it's bad for America. Do you think they care about America? They don't care. And the first day, they announced that they're going to knock the hell out of it, you watch. The two senators are going to have a big problem, especially in light of all of the disasters that Biden is cause we shouldn't be apologizing to the world. We're apologizing for America just like Obama apologize. Remember he apologized?
They should be apologizing to America for what they've done to it. That's who should they should be apologizing to the Biden Administrations, America Last philosophy, because it's America Last, its America Last, that's all it is is also making a mockery of our country, right here at home earlier this year. Biden signed an executive order pushing toxic Critical Race Theory into our children's schools and into our military. How about our military this poisonous left-wing Doctrine is flagrant racism, plain and simple and it has no place in our schools. No place in our military. No place in our country.
You remember, I ended it very rapidly with a very powerful executive order, but that executive order was immediately repealed and terminated by the radical left, a republican Congress will defend it and ban it once, and for all, they're going to ban it, they will get it done in testimony before Congress lightweight. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley actually defended the teaching of CRT, a Marxist, Ideology to our men and women in uniform. Can you believe that these soldiers to the greatest to hearing the stuff? They're saying? I can't believe what I'm hearing. The soldiers are saying it. He said he wanted to quote, understand, white rage. He wants to understand white rage.
What the hell is he talking about that? For our generals should not be focused or learning left-wing ideology. They should be focused on defeating America's enemies and winning. Our future Wars, hopefully we don't have them but if we do, we have to win them.[Applause]
And I say it, and I'll say it whatever, the only reason I appointed Mark Milley in the first place is because two of the world's most overrated generals James Mattis, John Kelly could not stand him, had no respect for him and would not recommend him under any circumstances, they even tried to send him to Europe, so he wouldn't get the job. So when they didn't like him, I said, "let's give this guy a shot."
Last summer, when rioters were threatening to destroy Washington, DC, Milley practically begged me not to send in the military to stop the destruction. I was thinking about it. It's a big step to do it. Insurrection act big step to do it, but I was getting close, but he didn't want to do it. He didn't want to do that. Why would we ever want to do a thing like that after walking and I did plenty? I did a signed a new executive order on statues. You knock down any of us that use you go to jail for 10 years.
And it all stopped. It was a miracle right, Andy, it all stopped, Paul! That was great. We stopped it when they were pulling down statues and then it got crazy, they saw pulling down statues of Abraham Lincoln, you know, it would have never stopped but I signed that order.
And as soon as I signed that order, not one event took place. You get 10 years for even attempting to take it down.[Clapping]
All stop amazing, amazing. After walking with me to the smoldering Church, they tried to burn the church down the day before the smoke was still coming out of it. Millie issued a groveling apology because he caved to the Press, he was afraid of the Press and it was really in order to take off the pressure again, is what they do to these people is they come after them through the media, through every way they can and they end up being weak people. All he had to do was say that I'm proud to walk with anyone representing the president of the United States, and people would have understood that. He apologized, and that was the end of him when he did that apology, that was the end of him. Nothing to do with me.
It's the office that counts, as the radicalization campaign in our military illustrates. We are seeing almost every major institution in American life. Be taken over and weaponized by the extreme left including law enforcement, the military, the Corporate media. These people hear this, you know, just I hope they're more than anybody in this room. I hope they are listening because they're destroying our country, and especially the Big Tech Companies which are engaged in illegal censorship of the American people, is the first step to restoring free speech in our country, this month. As you probably read, I filed a major class action, lawsuit against big Tech problem.
If you want to join, you can We're suing Facebook Twitter and Google in federal court. And we will keep on fighting until we've reclaimed the sacred, right of freedom of speech for every single citizen of this nation, what they do to the conservative voice. And again, they say private, but they have section 230 which basically gives them immunity that gives them, no problems at all. We don't need lawyers. So once they do that, they have a right that nobody section 230 that no other company has anywhere in this country so that no longer puts them in. Category, and we can go after him. And let's see what happens. But far worse. That, even Big Tech is the lamestream media, which is no longer free. And with few exceptions is totally corrupt. And is truly the enemy of the people. That's all the you could say, you know, that And maybe I see it better because we can give them a statement. That's so accurate and so proven and then they write it the opposite. Whereas, if you're a carpenter, your electrician, you're a worker, you're a lawyer, whatever you might do, you don't know that, you know, you just think that what you reading, they have the lowest rating right now, approval rating in history, in the history of the rating business. They have their lowest rating because people have gotten wise to them.
And I think... I think it's something that in terms of Legacy, I'm very proud of what we've been able to do.[Clapping]
I'm very proud of it. Nobody had any idea, the level of deception and corruptors. The media doesn't report the news anymore. They only report bad things about us and make it worse. They report bad things, and they make it worse and good things about them and they make it much better, and they make it much better. If there's anything bad about the other side, they never want to talk about it. Look at Hunter bind, they don't want it. You don't see it. They don't want to talk about it. Can you imagine if that were a republican, if that were conservative and some high level as an example? The network nightly newscast hardly ever discussed the crime rate, which is at an all-time high, the disaster, taking place at the border or Joe Biden's very slow vaccine rollout is very slow, very slow.
They would. They actually tried to take credit for the vaccine that didn't work out too well. They don't blame Biden for anything, including the fact that the virus Is making an unexpected, come back and ravaging countries throughout the world. Only in a short time ago, it looked like it was going to be good, but nobody says it's bites. Is anybody say it's Biden's fault. None that. And I'm not even blaming him. But does anybody say it? Because the job we did was so incredible. That's why we're in the position were in today, so incredible, and that's all they wanted to talk about. They wanted to demean and it was a disgrace. The radical left is determined to ruin everything in America. That's what they're doing. Woke politics takes the life and joy out of everything. Woke is a makes you lose ruins, your mind and ruins you as a person, you become warped you become demented. The u.s. women's soccer team is a very good example of what's going on.[Clapping]
Earlier this week they unexpectedly lost to Sweden. Three to nothing.
And Americans were happy about it.
[Crowd, laughing]
You proved that point before I even said it now, the left is in the process of destroying our national Pastime baseball. First, we saw the embarrassing spectacle of the commissioner of baseball bowing to the radical left on voter fraud. You saw what they did you so they moved the ulcer game. Now, one of the most beloved and storied franchises and baseball all of baseball. I watched it as a kid at Yankee Stadium. The Cleveland Indians. We'll be checking. Changing their name, a name that was filled with history and memories. The new name will be the Cleveland Guardians, which is terrible.
That Cleveland Indians, you know, that's such as if I were an Indian, I'd sue sue them Indians, I mean what could be better than you know they especially if you have a good team, the Cleveland Indians. It's one of the greatest names. One of the most incredible logos, people love it. They are going absolutely crazy in Ohio. Over the name, change the Cleveland Guardians, what's that all about the insanity of the left knows? No bounds, and both Indians and Baseball fans should be greatly insulted. They want to take away our history, Our Heritage, our culture, and everything that us together, by the way. Remember when Bill Clinton was in Arizona, you remember that is about a hundred and twenty five degrees outside.
I bring that up. And he has a bad heart and he said he was playing golf but actually he was meeting on an airplane with the attorney, general discussing Hillary.I wonder what they would discuss. Remember he said, "no, no, I was only there."
I was only there to discuss my grandchildren and golf remember them. He said, "he was out there to play golf, it was about a hundred twenty one degrees that day, which is a little hot."
What's happening to our country. And sadly happened to so many others. We are at the beginning of a communist system. Radicals are seizing power and destroying everything. We hold dear As Americans and it's happening. And I said, "it was going to happen." They dismantle the rule of law censor speech, take over the Free Press in. Then political opponents, you see that's happening all over, look at what I've been through four years and of course, hold fake phony elections. It was recently revealed that during the hand recount in Fulton County. Joe Biden had batches of ballots. Go for him. 100% for Biden. Nothing for Trump. I got nothing. I got nothing. Give me a one vote. One vote.Even Fidel Castro only got 99% of so many of our state and local offices have been overtaken by corruption. The radical left install partisan Democrat prosecutors who are not interested in Equal justice but political Justice. It's happening at a level that we haven't seen this happen in many, many years, they would wield law enforcement against, political opponents, inventing crimes, that never I've been prosecuted before while murderers and criminals walk free without prosecution at all. All over the streets of our cities. In particular, they've turned our cities into banana republics where the innocent are persecuted while crime sores. Just look at what they've done in New York City. Innocent people are beaten in the streets. Daily people are shot in Times Square, rapes and murders are totally out of control and yet what are the leftists and the attorney general and District Attorney's office is working on. So, diligently, this is what they're working on so diligently. And with such passion, it's get Trump they campaign On getting Trump, their campaign, we're gonna get drunk. We're gonna take down to, they don't talk about the murderers. They don't talk about no cash bail. They don't talk about all these dangerous, people walk in the street. So people are afraid to come to New York. They're still coming after me because I will never stop fighting and winning for you.
Going through it for 5 years! 5 years!
From the very beginning of our Movement, we have been fighting against some of the most corrupt, powerful, and entrench forces imaginable, the professional political class, the Deep State, the fake news media, the Russia hoaxers, the globalists are socialist, a communist, a lobbyist, the corporate special interests who are absolutely terrible. And now the critical race Theory, resists all of them opposed our movement for a simple reason. We believe in putting America First very simple.We believe in strong families, strong borders, and strong Sovereign Nations. We believe in fair trade for the American worker. Look at what we did with the worst trade deal, in the history of the world NAFTA. Now we have the USMC a and Mexico and Canada are not thrilled. That's a good sign by the way but it's a great deal for us.
And we and the stiff tariffs that I put on communist China. I tell you what all they wanted to do is not have me, put on tariffs, we were getting along. Absolutely great until covid game. The China virus came we were getting along great. Take it in billions and billions of dollars from China and Terrace and what was happening. Our Farmers with the trade deal that I made with China, we're doing phenomenal, they are doing now phenomenally because China is buying numbers at nobody he's ever seen before corn and soybeans everything they're buying, but you know what? Once the virus came in, I didn't even talk about that trade deal, it meant nothing to me. It meant nothing to me.
So, sad for what's happened to our country.
So sad what happened to the world?
So many people are dead. And so seriously injured, and they're going to have to pay. We believe in low taxes, low regulations, unleashing American Energy, and independants and putting we have to have independence with her energy, think of what they are doing, think of what they're doing. Look at what's happening at the pump. Nobody's ever seen anything like it's going up at a record pace and you're going to be at seven or eight or nine dollars a gallon.
And putting American jobs before the interests of foreign corporations, we believe in ending the endless. Foreign Wars rebuilding our military supporting our Warriors, taking care of our great veterans, and bringing our troops back home where they belong. Where they belong.[Clapping]
And as, you know, I started the move out of Afghanistan, I think it was impossible for him to stop it, but it was a much different to you. I told the Taliban, I spoke to the leader and I spoke I said, Let's call him Muhammad.
I said, "Muhammad, we're leaving." And we're going to get along but just in case, for any reason, you decide to do something terrible to our country, or Beyond what's normal, because they've been fighting for a thousand years in your country. We are going to come back and we are going to hit you harder than any country has ever been hit.[Clapping]
And I told him that. This is a telephone conversation, had a number of them.
I said we're going to get along great but I just have to make that step. We're going to hit you harder than any country is that. And he's a rough guy. You know what this guy's been fighting from the time, he's 2 years old. That's what they do. They fight. That's what they do. They fight Russia did very poorly against them. Russia is Russia now. Not the Soviet Union because of Afghanistan Afghanistan so they fight I said, "we're going to come back and hit you harder." And I said, "do you understand?" He goes "Huh?". It's a rough guy. Yeah, I started off the conversation. I said, "Muhammad, how are you President Trump, Huh?"[Laghing]
Not a lot of social Grace but you know, that was a nice. He was being nice. I think he was being as nice as he could be, Andy.
But the rough, you know, he's a rough if that's all they do is fight but I said, "we're going to come back." And hit you harder than any country has ever been hit and your village where I know you are and where you have everybody that's going to be the point at which the first bombs drop, I told him, I told him. And he said to me, and I think he actually meant it, he said to me, "I understand, I understand." And I believe Beyond a deal. I believe we had a real understanding and then we had the election rigged in stolen and now they're going wild over there. That would not have happened. If I were president would not have happened too bad. Too bad, we believe in patriotic education for our children and we strongly oppose. The radical indoctrination of America's youth. We're not going to let it happen. We are committed to defending innocent life protecting our Constitution and to proudly upholding, the judeo Christian values of our nation's founding.[Applause]
We Embrace free, thought we stand up to political correctness, we don't like political correctness and we reject the intolerance of left-wing cancel culture. We believe in Law and Order and we respect and support the men and women of law enforcement!
And above all, we live by the words of our national motto and it will never ever change, In God We Trust!
[Crowd: "In God We Trust!"]
Sustained by these Timeless American values and powered, by the strength of these Unstoppable ideas, we will press forward. We will have Victory after Victory. Never forget the Heart, Soul, Brilliance, Passion, and Patriotism of the young people here. Today, they're young, great people. And Charlie [Kirk, host], I want to thank you. What a job, you've done. What a job, you've done!
Answer the devoted citizens all across our country is so much greater than our opponents can even imagine we are there. We have massive majorities and were much stronger than them. Much stronger than them. We're much stronger than they are.
Because unlike their agenda, our movement is not driven by the lust for control, and domination of others. Our movement is driven by a love for America and an ironclad faith in the American people. I have that faith, and you have that faith. We are not fighting for socialism communism. We're not fighting for servitude. We're fighting for God for country, and we're fighting for Freedom.[Approval]
We know in our veins, That our American inheritance was passed down to us, by generations, of patriots who gave everything, they had their sweat, their blood, and even their very lives to build America into the most powerful nation in the history of the world. And we are not going to let it be taken away from us by a small group of radical left Marxist maniac.
So my fellow Americans, our movements is the greatest in American history. There has never been a movement like we have had, we won the most important election 2016. We did more than any other Administration has ever done. And we did it quickly, we're not going to let it be taken away from us.
The 2022 midterms are the next phase of the battle and we will not stop there, we will keep on going until we have made America great again with your help.
We will take back the House.
We will take back the Senate.
And we will take back that beautiful gorgeous White House.
And we will take back our country.So, working together. We will make America powerful again. Thank you. Thank you. The whole country is watching. The whole country is watching what you have done. Thank you.
We will make America wealthy again!
We will make America strong again!
We will make America proud again!
We will make America safe again!
And we will Make America Great Again![Crowd: "Make America Great Again!"]
Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for Turning Point. Thank you.
Posted at 2021/08/03(Tue) 05:41:26
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