I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


NewsMax トランプ大統領インタビュー全文 文字起こし 日本語訳 「ワクチン」「サーフサイドの建物」「メラニア夫人」


人物; Linkedinより

 ロブ・フィナティは、ニューヨーク州ニューヨークのNewsMaxで「Wake Up America」のホストを務めている。彼は、フロリダ州タンパのマーケット11「WTSP 10 News」の元モーニング・ニュース・アンカー。2016年には、ニュースルームベースのスタジオで全く新しいフォーマットの朝の番組を立ち上げた画期的なチームの一員である。この番組はローカルテレビでは他に類を見ないもので、瞬く間に視聴者がマーケットのローカルテレビニュースを消費する方法の基準となった。

人物; wikipediaより


 グレネルは、ジョージ・W・ブッシュ政権下で、米国国務省の国連スポークスマンを務めました。国務省勤務の後、政治コンサルタント会社であるCapitol Media Partners社を設立し、Fox Newsの寄稿者でもありました。グレネルは2012年の大統領選挙でミット・ロムニーの外交政策のスポークスマンを務めた。








 やあ、リック。あなたの聴衆に伝えなければならなかったリックの仕事とは? 彼はスターでした。




 信頼についてはどうでしょう? 4万5千人も5万人もの人が集まっても、国を失うことになれば、彼らは本当にそうは思わないでしょう。つまり、彼がサークルを埋められなかったのに、突然、奇跡的に1つではなく、たくさんのサークルができたということなんです。このテーマについては、いろいろなことが起こっていて、それがどのように解決するかを見守りたいと思います。しかし、リックはスターでした。彼は素晴らしかったよ。彼を迎えることができてよかった。彼は個性的で、本当に仕事ができる人です。そして、あなたと一緒にいられてよかった……リックは?






 私は彼らの対戦相手を助けることになるでしょうが、私は、非常に優れた人物であればいいと思っています。 必ずしも私の意見に賛同したりする必要はありませんが、本当に能力があり、仕事を成し遂げることができる人物であればいいのです。
 そして、何を知っていますか? 私は政治家ではなかったので、ワシントンに行きましたが、リックのことは知りませんでした。私は政治家ではなかったので、リックのことも知らなかったし、非常に有能な人たちのことも知らなかったんです。私は他のことをしていたので、今ではみんなのことを知っているし、その人たちのことも知っているし、良い人も悪い人も知っている。


 マックス・ミラーは、酷い下院議員のアンソニー・ゴンザレスの対抗馬として出馬します。マックスは優秀な男ですよ。 政権時代から知っているでしょう、彼は傑出している。彼は若くて、強くて、活気があって、アイデアがあって、オハイオ州を愛していて、国を愛していて、きっと素晴らしい人になるでしょう。



 大統領閣下、ロブ・フィナティです。私は国境について話したいと思います。政権は 明らかにリーダーに従っています。彼らは毎日のようにドナルド・J・トランプ前大統領のことを考えているようです。

 しかし、彼らはすぐに復活させました。キャッチ・アンド・リリースの意味を知っていますか? 空っぽの刑務所を作るために、非常に凶悪な犯罪者でも捕まえることができるんです。アメリカに任せましょう。これらの人々の面倒を見るのです。私たちは誰か犯罪者を捕まえても、他に何もできません。私たちにできることは、彼を捕まえて名前を聞き、アメリカに釈放することです。
 犯罪者 殺人者 強姦者 麻薬の売人 女性の人身売買 主に人身売買です。彼らは悪質な人間であり、賢い人間であり、お金をたくさん持っています。彼らはたくさんのお金を稼いでいます。そして、もっと大きな理想を持っていた人はいないんです。










 ザッカーバーグ【Facebook CEO】に言われたことがあります。フェイスブックで1位になり、ホワイトハウスで夕食を共にした これ以上ないくらい親切だった 彼はあらゆることをしてくれました。彼は私に親切にするためにできる限りのことをしてくれました。それはいいことだと思います。

 でも彼がロックボックスでやったことは違法のはずですよね。私はそう思います。ックボックスには5億ドルをかけています。そして、彼らはしばしば非常に遅れて入ってきます。ロックボックスはどこにあるのでしょう? そして、バイデンに97%の票が集まり、トランプには3%の票が集まることになります。私は、彼らが3%の票を投じたことに驚いています。






 さて、コロナウイルスは明らかに今日でも大きな問題です。あなたは、メディアや、私が言っているビッグテックのメディアは、意図的に共謀したと思いますか? 彼らは意図的に共謀して、選挙に影響を与えるような情報をアメリカ国民から隠したと思いますか?










 彼らのポリシーとは何でしょうか? 彼らは壁を作らず、国境を開放したいと考えています。何百万人もの人々がこの国に押し寄せることを望んでいる。そして彼らは、刑務所が空になっていく中で、どんな人たちがいるのかを知らないのです。




 絶対に馬鹿げている。そんなことは……そんなことはできない。 私たちはそんなことはできないし、するつもりもない。

 彼の信憑性を知るにつれ、あなたは彼と親しく仕事をしたり、彼があなたの下で親しく仕事をしていたことを、特にウイルスの初期の頃に考えているのではないかと思います。彼はアメリカ国民に対して不誠実な態度をとっていると思いますか? もしかしたら意図的にやっていたのかもしれませんね。









 この12階建てのビルは、ハリケーン「アンドリュー」【1992年】の影響を受ける前に建てられたもので、90年代初頭に建築基準法が施行されました。これをどう思いますか? 副大統領に聞きました。こんなことは言いたくありませんが、彼女は今日、国境に行くのをやめるべきでしょう。そして、南フロリダに行くべきでしょうか? それとも、それは今の時代にはふさわしくないことなのでしょうか?

 建物はロン・デサンティスと彼のグループによってうまく処理されていますが、信じられないような救急隊員以外にできることはあまりありません。しかし、誰も建物の残りの部分には近づけません。コンクリートのフレームで作られているので、非常に興味深いものです。躯体を見てみると、とても軽いのです。あなた方がそれに気づくかどうかはわかりませんが。床のスラブの薄さを見ましたか? そうですね。そして、その柱の細さを見て、私たちの元偉大な大統領夫人は「とても弱い建物のようだ」と言っていました。




 そして、彼女はバッグを持っていたのですが、そのバッグにはスニーカーやスウェットスーツなどが入っていたんですね。そして彼女はハリケーンにそのように行ったことで叩かれました。などなど、ハイヒールは大きな話題になりました。とにかく、人々はファーストレディーを愛していたんだ。そして、あなたはそれを読んでいない。あなたはそれを読まないでしょう。そして、ニュースは彼女を排除するのが好きで、それは構いません。はっきり言って、彼女とは それは絶対に大丈夫です。
 わかってくれたかな、リック。彼女は自信を持っているんだ。自信に満ち溢れている 。








 大統領、最後の質問ですが、2024年についての決定に近づいているかどうかをお聞きします。私は知っています もしあなたが王にならないと決めたとしても 中間選挙と次の大統領選挙が近づくにつれ あなたは必ずキングメーカーの役割を果たすでしょう 2024. 今、あなたはそのことについてどう考えていますか?







ジョージア州は大勝利だったし、アリゾナ州はここまで来ている。上院議員たちは偉大な愛 国者たちです。カレン・ファンやボレリなど、上院議員は皆、偉大な愛国者であり、彼らが行っている法廷監査は評価されるだろうし、それが始まっている。ペンシルベニア州には素晴らしい議員がいますし、ウィスコンシン州でも始まっています。ウィスコンシン州でも始まっていますが、ミシガン州で上院を運営している人たちは倒されると思います。




文字起こし原文 (English Subscript)

-Rob Finnerty
Good morning. Welcome back into wake up America. I'm Rob Finnerty, alongside the former Director of National Security, Ric Grenell. Joining us right now is the 45th president of the United States President Donald Trump, mr. President good morning, such a pleasure...

-Donald J. Trump
Good morning,

-Ric Grenell
Mr. President, it's Ric.

Hi, Rick. What a job Rick did I have to tell your audience? This guy was a star.
So I love talking to Rick called he said, would you do the show? I said, absolutely Rick. They did a great job.

Well thank you mr. President greetings. From Matt. I hope Melania is doing well. We want to get right into so many questions. I know you're going back to the mega rallies which is very exciting for so many people. I know we're going to start in Ohio, then you're going to go to Florida. Can you tell us why you're doing these and are they going to continue through the summer and through the next couple of years?

Well, people wanted them. They want hope this country again. it's got its so troubled with the Ation with the gasoline prices, with the fact that in a very short period of minutes, we will no longer be energy. Independent something we were for the first time ever under our great administration and so many other reasons. You look at inflation what it's doing to people, and what it's going to do, everyone knows it's inevitable. It's sitting there with a, with a hatchet in it stands, and it's a very dangerous thing. A very bad thing for our country. We never had it so good as we had it wreck, you know, that we had and then, Covid came in and then we built it back up again, and did an incredible job and came up with a vaccines, which was done in less than nine months. It was supposed to take anywhere from three to five years. And it wouldn't happen.
It wouldn't have happened. So, we did this job and people just the election was a diss. It was a disgrace it. As far as I was concerned, probably the most... Probably the most dishonest election we've ever had in this country. I don't think probably is even a, the Appropriate word and the people really want to have hope they got cheated on the election was rigged. They did so many different things to, you know, to make sure that when we got a record number of votes, we got 75 million votes, 12 million, more than last time that never happened before. For a sitting president, either of those two numbers. 12 million more, they said we needed 1 million more, I got 12 million more we got 63 than 75 and that was you know really need to a lot of people.
And they have so many people asking for the rallies. The rallies are something that we can do that. Nobody else can do because if somebody else calls for a rally to have 12 people show up that's including Biden.


And what about trusting? You know, you you have 45,000 - 50,000 people show up to these things and then you lose the state they'll really, I don't think so. So you know, it's just one of those things he couldn't fill up the circles then all of a sudden they miraculously one no but a lot. Out of a lot of things are happening about that the subject, and we'll see how that all works out. But Ric was a Star, Rob. I'll tell you, he was great. We loved having him. He's a character, he's a real piece of work and that's okay. And it's great to be with you, Ric?

Yeah. When I come is present, you know, you are still the most popular Republican in the party and an endorsement from you goes a long way. I know when we look behind the scenes there are so many people trying to get your endorsement, people pretending to have your endorsement, in some cases in Ohio. And what we need to understand is what are the criteria that you use? I know people on your team are all lobbying you. Others are trying to get to you, but what is the criteria that Donald J. Trump uses in order to give that coveted endorsement.

Well sometimes it's just a touch your feel, it's a you know, feeling that you have for somebody that, you know, for a long time like like you and Robert who you had on before was terrific terrific guy to. And you know, if you were running for something Ric, I don't know what you're running for. I hear all sorts of things about California.

Mr. President, don't give anything away. Okay.

Yep, you'll let the you let me know. I don't know. I hear a lot here. A lot that's a big mess out there, that's for sure. But no, it's a feeling that you have to have somebody. But, you know, I can tell you when criteria that is - is anybody in there? Aren't many of them. Anybody that voted for the impeachment hoax, they don't get the endorsement that I can tell you...

And I know that you went on this weekend?

...Trump, And fake, you know, fake Republicans, anybody that voted for the impeachment hoax doesn't get it. But there weren't too many of them. And I think most of them are being, if not all they're being primaried right now. So that's good. I'll be, I'll be helping their opponent, but I feel that just somebody that's very very It doesn't have to necessarily agree with me and everything, but somebody that's really capable and can get the job done. And you know what? I went to Washington having not been a politician, I didn't know Ric. And I didn't know a lot of very, very capable people because it wasn't my thing. I was doing other things and now I know everybody, I know that people and I know the good from the bed and there are a lot of great people in Washington, and a lot of people that are unsung, you know, the great.
And you don't you don't fear speak about you don't hear about too much and we have a lot of great people in Washington and they don't get the credit and some bad ones, get the credit wrong, kind of credit, but you hear about them. So I...

Mr. President, this weekend, you'll be endorsing Max Miller?

I will be endorsing, Max Miller is running against this Anthony Gonzalez. Who's a terrible Congressman, terrible. And Max is outstanding guy. You knew him from the administration. He's outstanding. He's young, he's strong, he's vibrant, he has ideas, he loves Ohio. and he loves our country and he'll be great.

All right, mr. President, the rallies against the Republican Congressman, did vote for impeachment, which I know, as he said, it's part of the reason that you're going to be there just outside Cleveland tomorrow, we'll cover that throughout its entirety here on NewsMax today is day, 155 of Joe Biden in office. I don't remember critical race Theory prior to January 20th, but my goodness how quickly things have changed the by the administration is forcing. this, this woke indoctrination into our military. I know you have an announcement about that coming soon. Also into our schools, you've got a yunsung baron, if they have their way, this is going to be in every single school in America.

It's a disgrace and you didn't have to have it or hear it but it existed during us and I ended it. I would terminate it everywhere it popped up, its ugly head, we would terminate it and we terminated it very strongly. I mean, we really went after it and it ended and as soon as they came in their back to putting it up and general milley, and I watched his statement, it was pathetic. I watched the statements of some others.
Our head of the Navy it was pathetic and they didn't talk that way. When I was around, I can tell you, they didn't talk that way. Or I would have gotten rid of them and two minutes. But in particular Navy military just sad pathetic statements.

Mr. President, it saw its Rob Finnerty. I want to talk about the border. The administration. Clearly is following the Leader. They have the former President Donald J. Trump on their mind, it seems like every single day. Kamala Harris visit the Border today. Why do you think that you play such a big role in how they govern?

Well in the Border we had a border that was the best in the history of our country. Not very few, people came through and when they did we got them and we got them out, we stopped "Catch and Release" which is not easy to do Ric and tell you. That was a hard project we had to go through quartz. We had to go through a whole legal system. They immediately reinstated. You know what catch in releases rub? You catch somebody even a very vicious criminal because as you know, they're letting their people out of the jails because they want to have nice. Lean empty jails. Let the United States. Take care of these people. So we catch somebody a criminal and we have no nothing else. We can do, we catch him, we take his name and we release them into the United States. We have stay in Mexico, which I understand, they're losing. If they do that, we're finished. This, this country is being destroyed by what they're doing and you're talking about millions of people coming into our country and we have no idea who those people are. And many of them are Are serious serious? Criminals murderers rapists, drug dealers, human traffickers of women, mostly human traffickers. These are vicious people, smart people and they got plenty of money. They've made plenty of money. And there's nobody that had a bigger upsides, you know? I kept Russia down. I was the one that stopped a pipeline to Europe.
Nobody thought that could be done, you know, they were so Trump is so wonderful to Russia. There's nobody that's been tougher on Russia and I along very well with put. We got along very well but I stopped the pipeline Ric and tell you that nobody could believe it.


And Biden comes in. He opens up the pipeline, he got nothing for.

Nothing, nothing.

He did stop the Keystone Pipeline and the real number is 48 thousand jobs stopped it cold and that Union should be dissolved, they want to presented him so badly. They actually supported Biden, and the first moving made was to destroy the people in that union. Now, the workers are better. Voted for me. But the union heads should be they shouldn't pay dues. Anybody listening? Don't pay your dues because that Union did one bad job of representing you.

And we have a Supreme Court decision that allows them not to pay their dues and keep their job. So this pressure on one issue that we spent a long time talking about in the Oval Office was Big Tech. And their March towards what they're doing against conservatives and others. Do you think it's time to break up Big Tech?

Well, watch next week, you'll see next week me do something about Big Tech. And people have wanted me to do it a long time. And it won't be too surprising. They don't love me to talk about it early but watch what I do next week on Big Tech. I think you'll find it to be very interesting.

Mr. President, and it's Rob Finnerty, do you, would you support say, for example, Facebook being forced to sell off, Instagram, or Google being forced to sell off, YouTube, would you support something like that?

Well, the problem is, they don't get hurt. I've watched all of my life I've wanted Watch these people come in and they have to break up the companies. And now they start selling the companies and they make a fortune. A lot of times, they make much more money than they would have made without it and then they just go a different way. No, but something harsh has to take place when they when they can censor conservative voices. Look at me, I had hundreds of millions of followers. Okay, number one on Facebook.


Is there coming to Zuckerberg told me. I was number one on Facebook, number one had dinner, you know, he'd have dinner with me at the White House. He couldn't have been nicer. He would do everything. He could to be nice to me. And that's fine. That's fine.
But you know what he did with lockboxes should be illegal? I mean I probably think it is. You put a lock box has spent 500 million dollars on lock boxes. And then they come in, often times very late. If they where's the lock box? Where is it? And you'd have 97 percent of the vote for Biden, and 3% of the vote for Trump. I'm surprised they gave us three. That was the again, the most corrupt election in history. But what he did there, I think should be illegal, you know, you're allowed to give $5,700. He gave five hundred million dollars. Now, gave it through different ways.



But that's illegal. Well, I know they did it would lock boxes.

Facebook, mr. President...

We were fighting people. That did things. Very, very illegally.

Right. Right. We know the Facebook is a Nig supporter of the Poynter Institute and political fact, as well.
The coronavirus obviously is still a big issue today. Do you think that the media and, you know, the media I'm talking about in big Tech? Do you think that they colluded deliberately to hide information from the American people to have an impact on the election?

Oh absolutely look. Pfizer is a very, very I don't want to use the word owns but, you know, essentially they are very close to the FDA. They couldn't stand me because I forced drug prices down. I did "Favorite Nations" and able to keeps, it will have the lowest drug prices anywhere in the world. Nobody could believe I did "Favored Nations". "Favored Nations" means for the audience that take the nation that has the lowest drug price of a certain drug so, by a company. We had to match meaning, we match them. So who's ever in the world paying the lowest price? That's the price we get. Nobody could believe I did that. They dislike top. So that was number one, and the FDA. No. But they never got pushed like they did with me. They used to sit around for 12 years coming up with a vaccine and vaccines, take on average three to five years. And they came in and they told me what their schedule was. I said you got to be kidding, we have people, millions of people dying.
And I pushed him as, you know, risk because you were there, you were there with some of the screaming but we got we got that done in less than nine months, which is a record and we did something else. We bought 12 billion dollars worth of vaccine before we really knew it worked. But we thought I thought it was going to but you know, based on knowledge. And if we didn't do that you wouldn't have been getting shots until October November of this year. So there's nobody would have had their shots. It was risky and that included the bottles and the needles. And all of the things that went with of actually, we would have never been equipped to put that into people's arms. And we were able to do that. And, you know, I think it was one of the greatest bets made ever in history because we were heading toward a 1917 Spanish, flu,


Where, you know, perhaps a hundred million people died that that's what would have happened and it's been, you know, look, it's been a miracle. I don't that children should get it. And I think people should have freedom on getting it. They can't be forced because they do have rights. Yep. But look how Mom the vaccine person. I hate to say to some people and other people. I'm so proud to say. But, you know, there's a group of people that don't like the concept of vaccine and, you know, he should have that freedom. I think people should get it. But I don't think young people, you know, with young people, their immune systems very strong. This must be very nice, but they're mute. It's very strong, the immune system of the young. And you can look at this one area, 35,000 people died and a certain State and they had nobody believed below the age of. I think 16 died. Nobody, they had one person, I think had serious, had a serious condition, a precondition. And that came pretty close and I think died.

Mr. President... you've been right...

Essentially, nobody dies, it's, you know, it's a 99.999%. And so I just feel the young people shouldn't get it. They don't need it.

Yeah, well, I can attest to mr. President, being in the Oval Office, no matter what we were doing, you would stop everything. If there was a question about the vaccine process, it was a priority and you would immediately take the time to keep the ball moving. So on behalf of the American people, thank you for making that a priority. I want to read a list of issues where you were right and The media was totally wrong and then I want you to respond hydroxychloroquine works the covid-19... Covid-19 probably came from a Chinese lab Hunter Biden's laptop was real. Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op. The Russian bounties story was fake. We did produce vaccines before the end of 2020 in record time. Blue State, lockdowns didn't work. Schools should have been opened earlier. Critical Race Theory is a disaster for our schools in our country. And the wall worked, what do you have to say to the media who completely got all of these stories wrong and the echo chamber in Washington, just kept pounding on erroneous misinformation?

But look, you know, I like to be non controversial but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. The media in this country. Most of it we have some great people too but most of it is corrupt, its corrupt, it's not free. They say, and they coordinate with each other in order to help Biden, which is not easy to help, they coordinate like crazy. Look, he got away with that thing with the basement where they he wouldn't talk and he wouldn't come out for weeks and weeks on end and he got away with that. Can you imagine if I did that I'm going to stay in the basement for the next six month.

[Laughing.] Until the stay in the basement.

That's not about.

It's a terrible thing that happened, that terrible terrible thing. And I mean you name it. I mean you're right, but we can name some that are really, really bad. You know, there are many things that are just as bad that they just don't talk about, you know, in other words it's not that they take a position but they won't talk about things that have to be talked about, because it's bad for their agenda, their policy. Whatever their policy is. You know, when you think about it.
What is their policy? They don't want a wall, they want open borders. They want millions of people pouring into our country. And they have no idea who the people are in the jails are being emptied out. They want a certain type of education that says our country's terrible and a certain race is terrible. A certain race of which you happen to be a member is terrible. They want so much. You, they want to lousy military, they don't want to take care of their military. They want to hand money away to the Green New Deal. Even though China, Russia, India, the other countries are doing zero, you know, China is opening up coal-fire plants by the thousand.

Right now, they are ya...

By this thousands. And then they're talking Green New Deal. They talk about it but they don't do it and it's you know, they don't do it. It's an interesting planet, right? We're here. China is right next door, relative to the world relative to the universe and if India, China, Russia, if they don't do it, then it's just it's just a hopeless situation. And I see these people, they want to spend. So Much more and we're always the ones to spend a big money. You take a look at this ridiculous Paris, Accord the environmental Accord. We will have spent trillion way to spend trillions of dollars. John is not going to spend ten cents, didn't even kick in for 10 years and in Russia goes by a different standard which is so low that they'll never have to spend money, but we have to go for trillions of dollars and will have to close businesses in order to meet the standard.

Yeah. mr. President...

It's absolutely ridiculous. We just can't... We just can't do that. We just can't do that, and we're not going to.

Mr. President, I'd like to talk to you about your, your former colleague, the good doctor dr. Anthony Fauci. Somebody who's been on TV quite frequently over the last 17 or so months... Almost every single Sunday. I'm wondering if you think now, as we learn more and more about his credibility and you worked intimately with him or he worked under you intimately, especially in the early days of the virus. Do you think that he's been dishonest with the American people? Maybe even deliberately?

Well, I think Anthony, who actually is. I, you know, I hate to say this, you might know that. You know, I got along with him. He said, sir just call me Tony. Just call me Tony. He was a very good promoter. I don't think is a very good doctor, but he was a very good promoter. Don't forget, you were the office Ric? When we were having the big argument about, should we close to China? And that was in January, that was really early, and I was the only one that wanted to do it. I think you were there too but it's not sure...

I want to make one point clear on that. The intelligence community told you that it wasn't necessary and you overruled them that is a fact. I don't care what the media says about that. That is a fact you overruled and moved quickly to to close because you had a gut instinct about it and read the intelligence towards that end. So I just want to make that point clear for all those revisionist media types.

Mr. President, are you surprised that dr. Fauci is still is still employed that he still has the same job when you were the president?

Well, they keep him because they think anybody that's against me, I don't actually think he's against me. I think he's just you know, he's very confused look. He's come along with so many policies. He just had one, he said no, no leave it open. Leave it open, leave it open, and then three months later, he said I saved thousands of lives. He did say that, that I say tens of thousands of lives by making that decision and we also reclose it to Europe, because I saw what was going on in Europe and we save tens of thousands of lives.
The decisions were very big but especially the China, one because that was so early nobody. Nobody would have even I think very few people would have done that, but that was a good decision. That was a very good decision. He he's been there for what 40 some odd years.
He is almost like a staple and I think frankly it was fun. Don't forget, I didn't listen to him too much. You know, had I listened to him, it would have been not so good. But I did listen to his opinion. I respect everybody, I want people's opinion. I listened to his opinion and then I did what I think was right, and we made a lot of great decisions that Anthony was against and then ultimately Anthony was with them. But then, you know, if you look at his views on masks and he was actually saying masks were bad thing that they don't play that clip for...

When it's people to go on a cruise in early March.

Yeah, yeah, no, he didn't want to. That's right, he didn't.
He didn't like masks. masks, a terrible terrible over sudden. He says he's a he became a radical masker, you know? It's a hard thing to do. Now anybody from our group brick could not have gotten away with it because they would have played those statements over and over and over again. And they don't do that with Anthony. But they feel that Anthony was against me. And I don't think that I've been again, it's sort of interesting. I had this relationship with him. I knew him, he's a character. He's a... He's an interesting guy, but he's a much better promoter for instance. He told me he was a very good athlete and then I saw him. Throw the baseball

Not a good pitch, not a good.

And I said, I said there's no good athlete that throws a baseball like that.

Yeah, certainly not, mr. President, you you come from a real estate background with your, with your dad. I was in one of your buildings in Manhattan yesterday. We had a tragedy just south of Marla go in the Bal Harbour area. Surfside Florida. This 12-story building built so before those Hurricane "Andrew", building codes were put into place in the early 90s. What do you make of this? Did to the Vice President. I hate to say this, but should she skip going to the Border today. And maybe travel to South Florida? Or is it is that something that that wouldn't be appropriate right now?

No, I think she should go to the border. And I think she should go to the real part of the boarder. Another part of the board of the seldom violated. And I think she should do it and then she could come back and do this. Look the border is Seeing Death at a level that nobody's ever seen before. You know, you have people dying in the desert sand to have no water in the coming in by the thousands and they're coming in sick. And is spreading disease to our country and just unbelievable, how bad it is. And then she should go. The building is being well handled by Ron DeSantis, his group, And there's not much they can do other than the First Responders who have been so incredible. But nobody can get very close to the rest of the building. It's a very interesting thing because it built out of concrete frame. And I looked at the frame it's a very light frame. I don't know if you guys recognize it. Did you see how thin those slabs are on the floor? Yeah. And how thin those columns are and you look at it and our former great. First lady said that they looks like a very weak building. Well, it was a very weak building. But when you look at that thin floor plate and you look at that those things, there's little columns it was and it when it crumbles. Building became almost dust. There was some bad work going on over there, some bad construction work. That was a, that was not a building that. If anybody saw that frame, that's not a building. People want to live in, especially in a place with hurricanes and other things so. Tthere's a lot of, there's a lot of thinking to be done. That's a terrible thing that happened. You see that you see that played over and over again to collapse. It was just a total collapse. But that was a structurally deficient building in my opinion.

Right now, a hundred and fifty. Nine people still I'm missing. So this could be just a cataclysmic tragedy for the administration and the American.

Absolutely. Absolutely right.

Mr. President, we're sensitive to your time. I know you don't have much time to give us but I want to ask you one more question at least, which is about our great first lady that you brought up. Can you bring us up to speed on what Melania is doing? I know the American people want to hear from her want to see her. And what is she up to?

Well. It's very funny. She's a very confident person. She was very successful as a model. She was very, very successful and she is low-key, but not actually locate, but she's low-key. And the people loved her. For instance, I'm making a speech on in Ohio, where they going to have big crowds. They already have a lined up. We're going to Big crowds to tomorrow night. And when I go there, there will be many, many signs. We love our first lady. We love our first and a lot of times they show up Picture of a high-heeled shoe with a high heel, that's when they scammed us when she went to a hurricane and in Texas and we left for Air Force One. And she feels an obligation to be beautifully, dressed representing the people of our country. So she walked into the plane, wearing it over looking great. And then she had a bag and the bag was sneakers, and a sweat suit at all the things, right? And she got hammered for going to hurricane that way you know etcetera etcetera and the high heels became a big thing. Anyway they love the first lady the people had. And you don't read that. You don't read that. And they the news loves to keep her out and that's okay. Frankly with her. It's absolutely okay. You understand, Ric. She got a lot of confidence. Got a lot of confidence.

-Rob, Ric
Make sure I send our love to her. What I really encourage. You want to see more of her.

Yes. Please.

I was telling Ric yesterday, she really great job, she loves helping people, she is very outstanding person and and the people get it, you know, she do those dish a decorations, a Christmas decoration...

I love to her, mr. President, I love to her..

she do such a job and then get hammered.

Well, when we take fashion advice from The Washington Post reporter, I don't think that you're on the right track.

That's right. Well, I agree. I've seen that and but, but she did such a beautiful job around the White House. And with the Rose Garden, she rebuilt, the Rose Garden, which was actually a much more difficult thing, that is sounds and it's now good for another 50 years, that included all of the wires and all of the everything under the Rose Garden that nobody sees. But it looks like the dashboard of a Boeing 757, it's a complicated stuff and she did a great job. And the people I can only tell you, the people get it, and they really liked our First Lady.

Mr. President, final question for you and I, we've got to ask if you're any closer to a decision about 2024. And I know, That if you decide not to be king, you will certainly play kingmaker as we get closer to what both the midterms and the next presidential election in. 2024. Where are you right now with that?

I think you're going to be thrilled. I think you're going to be very happy. We want a little time to go by. Maybe watch what happens in 22. We're giving tremendous, endorsements. I think we're a hundred and twenty eight, and two, and then door servants is everybody. We endorsed in some people go up, 40, 50, 60 points to Ron DeSantos. Has one It can, but I can tell you some bad ones. Okay. You know I gave endorsements to Kemp. He was in fifth place, he had no chance. I endorse them at the request of David Perdue and that didn't work out too well for for the great state of Georgia. But you know you give an endorsement sometimes and it doesn't work out. But generally speaking they've been really good and great people and it's a very big thing doing it and that they just about always when we I mean, it's almost I mean some Candidates go up, 40, 50 boys. You know it's very interesting if you have time for years. I've heard an endorsement means nothing. You get an endorsement for Ronald Reagan, it was a great thing to have very prestigious, very nice, but it didn't mean anything. It didnt, move you at all. And then we came along with MAGA. But we came along and an endorsement means, you know, can move somebody up, 60, 70 points, it's incredible. So, you know, it's an honor that that's that has And it's a great honor and I take it very seriously, but I'll be making an announcement in the not-too-distant future. Right now, I'm helping a lot of people get into office and we're fighting the Deep State and we're fighting radical left there, after me there. If the Rudy there after you, probably there after anybody that vicious, they are, they are vicious and they don't do a good job and they're very bad for the country.

Mr. President

Very very but I've been fighting them for five and a half years since I came down the escalator, I've been fighting them. They don't love this country, they don't love this country, they can't with what they say and what they do, they cannot love this country.

You know, Ronald Reagan had a quote, since he brought Ronald Reagan up, he had a quote, when he was running against Jimmy Carter. He said that a recession is when your neighbor loses his job and depression, is when you lose your job and 1980 is when Ronald Reagan is going to lose. Jimmy Carter is going to lose his job. Do you think Joe Biden loses his job in 2024?

Well, based on what's happening with inflation, if we had you haven't Seen the kill of inflation. You see inflation happening but you haven't seen what it does. I was there with Jimmy Carter meaning I was one of the people that was, you know, working in this country at the time and prime rate went up to 21% at the inflation was devastated. That was the worst. I mean, that was as bad as it gets you. We're gonna we're gonna top those numbers. Are we going to come pretty close to topping those? No, look, we're in for a period where Lumber costs you twice as much. Now we're, you know when I left it was dollar 87, a gallon for gasoline dollar 87. Now it's three and a half dollars and this is you know, six months or not a long period of time but the time does fly. I will say that and we're working very hard on it. And we're also very working, very hard, not only for 22 and 24 but we're working very hard to show the corruption of what took place in 2020. And then we see what happens. But Georgia is they had a big victory. Three yesterday in court. As you probably heard at her,

I watch a reporting.

Georgia was a big victory and Arizona is going here. Those senators are great, great Patriots. I'll tell you, Karen fan and Borelli and know, all of these Senators, they are great Patriots and they'll be recognized as such what they're doing with the forensic audit and it's starting. Now in Pennsylvania, you have some great Senators up there, it's starting, it's starting in Wisconsin. I think the people running the senate in Michigan.
They'll be overthrown because I really believe they are. There's something very, very wrong going on in. Michigan, Detroit was one of the worst places may be the single worst place in the United States. And they're trying to pretend that nothing happened. Detroit was so it always has been very, very corrupt with respect to elections, probably the worst in the country. And the Republicans there are trying to throw it under the law. So I think they'll be primarily in the get them out of there because they're no good. Good. But don't remember going on in 2020, about it to go forward.

Yeah, no one should be afraid of the transparency. It certainly shouldn't be a threat. Mr. President I know you have to run. Thank you so much for joining us here on NewsMax. It's always a pleasure to see you and all the best to Melania.

Well thank you for doing such a great job and I will see you soon Ric and drop and everybody have a good time. Thank you.

Thank you mr. President.

Posted at 2021/06/26(Sat) 15:30:32

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