🔴 LIVE: President Trump Speaks at Sendoff Ceremony at Joint Base Andrews/Arrival in FL 1/20/21
ありがとうございます、そして、私たちはあなたを愛していますし、心の底からそれを伝えることができます。信じられないような4年間だった。一緒に多くのことを成し遂げました。ここにいてくれたスタッフや何人かの人たちに感謝したい。私はあなたの努力に感謝したい。この家族の仕事とあなたのための彼らの努力は、はるかに楽な生活を送れた可能性がありますが、彼らはただ素晴らしい仕事をしました。私はただ感謝したいのです。ここにいるマーク・メドウズに感謝したい。こにいるマーク・メドウズに感謝したいのですが 私たちが多くのことを成し遂げたことは とても特別なことでした。神に感謝したい。私たちのファーストレディーは、気品と美しさと品格を兼ね備えた女性として とても人気がありました。
本当に。ハニー、ちょっと喋ってみないか?メラニア夫人「あなたのファーストレディになれたことは 私の最大の名誉でした。あなたの愛とサポートに感謝します。あなた方は私の思いと祈りになります。神のご加護がありますように。ご家族を祝福します。そしてこの美しい国を祝福します」
私たちは打撃を受けました 誰もそのことで私たちを責めませんでした 全世界が打撃を受けました その後、私たちは再びそれを築き上げました そして今、株式はパンデミックの前の最高地点よりも 実際には大幅に高くなっています 本当に、二度建てしたと言えるでしょう。すべてが放っておけば、信じられないような数字が出てくるでしょう。非常に複雑なので注意して下さい 注意してください、しかし、あなたはいくつかの信じられないようなことが起こっているのを見ようとしています、そして、あなたがこれらのことを見たときに私たちを思い出してください。
私たちの経済の要素を見ていますそれはロケットの上にあると言われています それは、ロケットの上昇です 私たちには世界で最も偉大な国があります 我々には世界で最も偉大な経済があります パンデミックと同様に、私たちは大打撃を受けました。世界全体が大打撃を受けたように、世界は大打撃を受けました。彼らは今、苦しんでいます 私たちは、医療上の奇跡と言われるようなことをしました。彼らはそれを奇跡と呼んでいますそれはワクチンです 9年、5年、10年、長い時間の代わりに、9ヶ月でワクチンを開発しました。ワクチンの開発には何年も何年もかかると思われていました。2つのワクチンが出ました。もう一つのワクチンはすぐに開発されますが、これは本当に素晴らしい成果です。これから数ヶ月の間に、本当に良い数字を見ることができるはずです。この数字は急上昇すると思いますが、私たちは一生懸命働いてきたとしか言いようがありません。アスリートが言うように、私たちは全てをフィールドに残してきました 私たちはフロリダに座っているときに私たちが来て、私たちは1ヶ月で言うことはないだろうと言う必要はありません。私たちはお互いを見て言っているつもりはありません、もし私たちが少しだけ頑張れば、あなたはもっと頑張れるでしょう。
非常に誇りに思っていたことの一つは、300人近い連邦判事と3人の偉大な最高裁判事の選出です。これは記録に残る非常に大きな数字です。それで私たちは多くのことをしてきましたが、まだまだやるべきことがあります。最初にしなければならないことは、チャイナ・ウイルスで重篤な被害を受けた信じられないほどの人々とその家族に敬意と愛情を払うことです。恐ろしいことです それが世界に広まったのです どこから来たのかは分かっていますが 恐ろしい恐ろしさです だから、非常に注意してください......非常に注意してください しかし、私たちは大きな愛を捧げたいと思います... ...被害に遭われた全ての方々に... ...重篤な被害に遭われたご家族の方々にも... だから私はただ、あなた方は素晴らしい人たちだと言いたいのです。これは偉大な偉大な国です。あなた方の大統領になったことは、私の最大の名誉です。私は常にあなたのために戦います。私は見ていますし、私は聞いています。そして、この国の未来がこれまで以上に良くなったことはないとお伝えします。新政権の幸運と大成功を祈ります。彼らは大きな成功を収めると思います。彼らは本当に壮大なことをするための基盤を持っています。それにもかかわらず、今までにないような状態にしました。100年以上前の1917年以来の、最悪の疫病の襲来にもかかわらず... それにもかかわらず... 我々が行ってきたことは 信じられないほどのものでした。だから、さよならです。愛してるよ また何かの形で戻って来ます。
そして、もう一度。副大統領のマイク ペンスとカレンに感謝したい。
Thank you. Thank you very much.Thank you very much. And we love you and I can tell you that from the bottom of my heart. This has been an incredible four years. We've accomplished so much together. I want to thank all of my family and my friends and my staff and so many other people for being here. I want to thank You for your effort your hard work people have no idea how hard this family Works work and their works for you could have had a much easier life, but they just they did a fantastic job. I just want to thank I want to thank Mark Meadows who's here someplace right there. I want to thank God, but it's been it's been something very special we've accomplished a lot.
Our first lady has been a woman of great grace and beauty and dignity. I'd so popular with the people.
So popular with the people.
In fact, honey, would you like to say a few words?Being your first lady was my greatest honor. Thank you for your love and your support you will be in my thoughts and Pryers.
Great. God bless your families and God bless this beautiful.What else has to be said right but what we've done that's true Honey great. What we've done has been amazing by any standard. We rebuilt the United States military. We created a new Force while space force that itself would be a major achievement for a regular Administration. We were not a regular Administration. We took care of the Vets ninety-one percent approval rating. They've never had that before the Vets have given us the VA the Vets have given us an approval rating. It has never been before we took care of our vets and beautiful vets. They were very badly treated before we came along and as you know, we get them great service and we pick up the bill and they can go out and they can see a doctor if they have to wait long periods of time. We got it so that we can sadly get rid of people that don't treat our vets properly. We had we didn't have any of those rights before when I came on so our vets are happy. People are happy. Our military is thrilled. We also got tax cuts the largest tax cut and reform in the history of our country by far. I hope they don't raise your taxes, but if they do I told you so and if you look at the regulations, which I consider the regulation cuts to be maybe even more important that's why we have such good and have had such good job numbers a job now. I said been absolutely incredible. What we started had. We not been hit by the pandemic we would have had numbers that would never have been seen already. Our numbers are the best ever if you look at what happened until February that year ago. Our numbers were at a level that nobody had ever seen before and even now we really built it twice. We got hit nobody blames us for that the whole world got hit and then we built it again and now the stock It is actually substantially higher than it was at its highest point prior to the pandemic. So it's really you could say we built it twice and you're going to see you're going to see incredible numbers start coming in if everything is sort of left alone. Be careful very complex. Be careful, but you're going to see some incredible things happening and remember us when you see these things.
After they give you would remember us because I'm looking.
At I'm looking at elements of our economy that are said to be a rocket ship up. It's a rocket ship up. We have the greatest country in the world. We have the greatest economy in the world. And as bad as the pandemic was we were hit so hard just like the entire world was hit so hard places that thought they got away with it didn't get away with it. They're suffering right now. We did something that is really considered a medical miracle. They're calling it a miracle in that was the vaccine. We got the vaccine developed in nine months instead of nine years or five years or 10 years or a long time. It was supposed to take a long time many many years to develop a vaccine. We have two out. We have another one coming almost immediately and it really is a great achievement.So you should start to see really good numbers over the next few months. I think you're going to see those numbers really Skyrocket downward and I can only say this we have worked hard. We've left it all as the athletes would say we've left it all on the field. We don't have to we don't have to come and say we'll never say in a month when we're sitting in Florida. We're not going to be looking at each other and saying, you know, If we only worked a little bit harder you get work harder. And we had a lot of obstacles and we went through the obstacles and we just got 75 million votes and that's a record in the history of in the history of sitting presidents. That's an all-time record by a lot by many millions in the history of sitting presidents. It's been really just an honor. One of the things were very very proud of is the The selection of almost 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices. That's a very big number that's a record-setting number. And so we've done a lot and there's still things to do. First thing we have to do is pay our respects and our love to the incredible people and families who suffered so Gravely from the China virus. It's a horrible thing. That was
Put onto the world. We all know where it came from but it's a horrible horrible thing. So be very careful be very very careful. But we want to pay great love great loved all of the people that have suffered including families who have suffered so Gravely. So with that I just want to say you are amazing people. This is a great great country. It is my greatest honor, your president.
I will always fight for you. I will be watching I will be listening and I will tell you that the future of this country has never been better. I wish the new Administration great luck and great success. I think they'll have great success. They have the foundation to do something really spectacular. And again, we put it in a position like it's never been before despite. The worst plague to hit since I guess you'd say 1917 over a hundred years ago and despite that despite that the things that we've done have been just incredible and I couldn't have done them done it without you. So just a goodbye. We love you. We will be back in some form.
And again. I want to just in living, I want to thank our vice president Mike Pence and Karen.
I want to thank Congress because we really worked well with Congress at least certain elements in Congress, but we really did we've gotten so much done that nobody thought would be possible.
But I do want to thank our because I don't want to thank all of the great people of Washington DC.
All of the people that we worke to put this miracle together.So have a good life. We will see you soon. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
Posted at 2021/01/21(Thd) 00:58:20
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