I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


医師「コヴィドは100%『薬で治療』できる。PCRは嘘っぱちだ」Health and Freedom Conference 2021 = 健康と自由の会議2021、4月16日(1日目) 日本語訳 NTDライブ分


NTD LIVE;The 2021 Health and Freedom Conference (April 16)(embedできないので、サイトを踏んで下さい








 これからすることは、恐れの精神を殺すことです。そこで、私が登場させたいのは できればロブ・マーシュ【検索すると整形外科医と出てくる】医師を。できればジム・ミーハン医師も。できればリチャード・バートレット【World Missions Alliance メディカル・ミッション理事】医師 キース・ローズ医師、オクラホマ州上院議員 ネイサン・ダーム、退職した看護師のセシリア・Kさんを紹介します。
 私が彼らを連れてくるように。私はそれらを提起するつもりです。私はあなたがメモを取ることをお勧めしますポイント。私はクレイジーです。これはリバイバルとアウェイクニングに関することなので、このウェブサイトを書き留めておいてください。ここにいるみんなに、自由のために高圧的なMLM販売員になってもらいたいみたいなんだ。紹介者を探しています。で、ここからが本題なんですが.、220万人が死ぬと言ったモデル。あれは嘘です。それらはアブドゥル・ラティフ・ジャミール研究所【ジャミール研究所は、ジャミール研究所所長のニール・ファーガソン教授のリーダーシップのもと、2020年に、インペリアル・カレッジCOVID-19対策チームの一員として、COVID-19パンデミックの数学的モデリングを発表し、注目を集めた】が資金提供したもので、いつも様々なニール・ファーガソンが彼の名前を知っています。彼はあなたの一年を台無しにしました。ニール・ファーガソン……ターゲットを発見しました。 ニール・ファーガソン、アブドゥル・ラティフ・ジャミール研究所 手を挙げて! 何人がニール・ファーガソンが220万人が死ぬと言ったことを知っています? 彼が間違っていたことを知っている人は?
 もしかしたら、ボートで輸送する必要があるかもしれません。もしウイルスが超致死性であったとしても、220万人が死亡するというモデルは これは間違いです。意図的に偽ったものです。PCRテスト、covid-19テスト、PCR簡易covid-19テストです。あなたも検査を受けるべきですし、私たちも検査を受けるべきです。致命的なウイルスに感染しているかどうかを確認するために、私たちは皆、検査を受けるべきです。


 1984年にDr.ファウチに投票したことを覚えている人はいますか? 1984年のメンバーDr. ファウチです。彼は、あなたはマスクをつけるべきではないと言っています。着用すべきではないと。
 そしてトランプは、立ち上がってくれないかと言いました。Dr.ファウチ? 彼は私が立っていると言っています。
 私は医者ではないので、信用を得られません。医者が必要です。あなたは医者ですが? あなたは医者ですか? あなたは医者ですか?
 国境を封鎖すべきではないかもしれません。国境を封鎖するべきではありませんが、国境を封鎖するべきです。あなたは医者ですか? あなたは医者ですか? だから私は何人かの医者を連れてくるつもりです。まずは、リチャード・バートレット医師から始めましょう。こちらはDr. リチャード・バートレットです。











 病院は大忙しだったのではないでしょうか? オックスフォード大学によると、救急車で運ばれることもなく、緊急医療機関に運ばれることもなかったでしょう。去年、45万人の死者が出たとすると、アメリカでは45万人の死者は出なかったということになります。主がどのように提供してくださるのか、どのように祈りに答えてくださるのか、どのように問題が起こることを知っていて、起こる前に答えを用意していたのか、だから神は私たちの味方なのだという話を聞くことができます。私たちは無力でも絶望的でもないのです。



 私はあなたが私のおじさんだと思うの! あなたの顔が見たい、だからアップしてください。【ふざけた声色で】




 今、あなたは誰が40サイクルで100%偽陽性だと言いました。もう一度言っていただけますか? 申し訳ありません。私は主要なメディアに耳を傾けてきましたが、アメリカのニュースでは一度も聞いたことがありません。アメリカのニュースでは見つけることができませんでした。私がCNNを見ていたのは、きれいな人がいるからです。私がABCを見ていたのは、きれいな人がいるからです。






これらの権利を確保するために、人間の間に政府が設置されると書かれています。 なぜ政府は私たちの権利を確保するために作られたのでしょうか?政府が私たちに権利を与えるのではありません。神が私たちの権利を保護することになっているのですか?
ファウチ博士は私たちが何をしてもいいというわけではありません 彼は私たちのために働くことになっています。メディアは私たちの権利が何であるかを決定しません。神がそれを決定し、憲法がそれを保護します。 しかし、私たちはそのことをしばしば忘れています 州レベルでも多くの人々がそれを忘れています、ねえクレイ。



 私はただ、皆さんに真実をお伝えするだけです。私は気にしません。トランプ大統領はヒドロキシクロロキンについて言及しました。暗黙のプランでも気にしない気にしないと手を挙げている人は何人いるでしょうか? ヒドロキシクロロキンを飲んだことがある人は何人いるでしょうか? あなたは死んでいますか? 服用した人のうち何人が死んでいますか?


これらの権利を確保するために、人間の間に政府が設置されると書かれています。 なぜ政府は私たちの権利を確保するために作られたのでしょうか?政府が私たちに権利を与えるのではありません。神が私たちの権利を保護することになっているのですか? Dr.ファウチは私たちが何をしてもいいというわけではありません 彼は私たちのために働くことになっています。メディアは私たちの権利が何であるかを決定しません 神が決定し、憲法がそれを保護します しかし、私たちはそのことをあまりにも頻繁に忘れています 州レベルでも多くの人々がそれを忘れています。



 それは交通事故というものです。毎年25万人が病院で亡くなっていることを知っていますか? それは、実際に病院事故で死んだ人よりも多いのです。病院に行って、あのバカどもの言うことを聞いていると、統計的には死ぬ可能性が高いのです。



 ありがとうございます。ジーザス! ローマ人への手紙1章18節、不義が彼の真実を抑圧します。今、私たちの国はそのような道を歩んでいますが、それを目の当たりにしているのがCovid-19です。私は情報機関の一員ですが、2003年に発生したSARSに関する事後報告書がありました。それは非常に詳細なもので、我々が何をすべきかについて素晴らしいアイデアを与えてくれましたし、博士はその委員会を率いていました。ファウチ博士はその委員会のトップでした。ファウチ博士はその委員会を率いていたのですが、「SARSに関する事後報告書」の提言の一つに従わなかったのです。私は海外で仕事をしていたので、インドの友人に電話をしましたが、インドのムンバイではソーシャル・ディスタンスを取ることはできません。そんなことはあり得ません。


 彼らは何の問題もありませんでした。国家情報長官(Director of National Intelligence)が地理空間情報を提供していました。その報告書が出ています。実際に見たかどうかはわかりませんが、私たちは医療情報をまったく見ていないからです。第三世界の国々にはサッカー場があります。私たちは大量治療地域や大量の墓がどこにあるのかを知りたかったのですが、何も見つかりませんでした。これは最も治療可能な病気であり、彼らのそのような対処法がこの国を押しつぶしているのです。今、真実を求めて。

 本があります、本があります、見てください、どうしてこの本を手に入れるのかメモしてください。これは私のバッグです。青い本です。クラウス・シュワブ【ドイツの技術者・経済学者であり、世界経済フォーラムの創設者・執行委員長】が書いた 『COVID-19 グレート・リセット』【内容はダボス会議の陰謀通り】と言う本で否定されています。皆さん、エジプトの川だけではありません。このバカどもは実際に『COVID-19 グレート・リセット』という本を書き、これが彼らの窓であると語っています。これがそうです。


 奥様。ここに来てもらえますか? これは自然発生的な真実の話ですが、この女性は私のところに来ました。彼女は泣きそうな顔で私を見ていました。私も彼女を見て、今にも泣き出しそうです。私たちは泣いています。まだ話してもいないのに。それで、奥さん。あなたが私に話していることを教えてください。




[NTDライブ、マイク・トラブル -音なし-]





















 そしてヴァネッサ、オーケー、それは結婚のためのクローゼットということですね? そうか。

 でも、私たちはこのクローゼットから出てきて、何を失ってもいいんです。さあ、さあ、あなたの権威を使ってください。私たちは何を買おうとしているのでしょうか? 地球はすでに天国で縛られているか、解放されています。




 父なる神よ 我々のクローゼットにお入りください クレイのクローゼットには祈りが込められています……

[NTDライブ・マイク・トラブル -音無し-]



 ここがキリスト教国であるという現実を否定するような人は 彼らは自分の脳を不支持で訴えるべきだ。彼は何かがおかしい。この国が全能の神に祝福されていないと信じるには、ママの地下室で大量のメスを吸わなければなりません。だから、牧師である私のところに来て、「あなた方牧師は説教壇にとどまり、政治に関与するべきではない」と言うのです。それこそが教会の悪いところであり、政治の悪いところでもあるのです。皆さん、このことについては長い間話し合うことができます。



 私たちは、このような男たちが数珠つなぎで足の悪い説教師を雇っていますが、彼らが言うには、皆さんがすべきことは、これは安全についてのことであり、これはコンプライアンスについてのことであると理解することです。これこそが権威主義なのです。今年は実験的なドレスリハーサルに過ぎないのです。彼らは誰をコントロールできるか知りたいのです。これから問題になるのは?私は確信している オーティス・オン・ユーとデビル・アイは 問題にはならないとね 紳士淑女の皆さん。私は問題を起こさないと言ったんだ

 そうだな 我々の自由を取り戻すために立ち上がろう

 アメリカで礼拝所が閉鎖され、教会がそれを容認する日が来るとは思わなかっただろうか? そして、メガチャーチのアンディ・スタンレーが私に怒って言いました。
 Janaは車を売る詐欺師です。私はアメリカのすべてのローカルチャーチはオープンすべきだと言っているのです。ここで何が起こったかというと CNNが現れて「なぜあなたがそんなに傲慢なのか知りたい」と言ってきました。

 こんな馬鹿げたことでいじめられるのは嫌です。私たちはやめません。実際のところ、私たちは教会を始めたばかりです。私たちはまだ始まったばかりです。私たちは教会を温めているところです。温めているところだ 座った方がいいわよ 私の時間に食いついて 彼はもういないんだから あなたのおかげで私はとても興奮しています。ジョンになった気分だ 拍手してくれたら嬉しいな。さて、ここからが本題です。私たちはこの小さなウェディングチャペルと教会を持っていますが、この小さな建物には350人ほどの人々が住んでいます。それにもかかわらず、人々はどんどん集まってきて、あちこちから車でやってくるようになりました。今、この部屋にいる人たちの中には、日曜日のテント・リバイバル【リバイバル集会、ヒーリング・クルセード、チャーチ・ラリーなどのために特別に建てられたテントの中にキリスト教の礼拝者が集まること】に来た人たちがいます。私たちのテント・リバイバルに参加した人たちの手を見ると、400人くらいの人が集まるテントを用意しました。私は、これは死んだような夏の暑さで、誰も教会に来ないだろうと思いましたが、彼はどのミドルテネシーを選んだのでしょうか? 炎のように暑いんです。





そして、もし私たちが最後の一人だったら、スーツを着て「This Means War」を起動しようと言います。私たちは沈黙によって降伏することはなく、反撃し、反論し、必要であれば精神的に賢い口をきき、立ち上がって「もう十分だ」と言うのです。この国を取り戻すのです。そして、生ける神の教会が復活するからこそ、この国は戻ってこないのです。バプテスマのヨハネ。この私は、岩のような性格の持ち主でした。バプテスマのヨハネと流体コーヒーの会話を続けることはできませんでしたが、聖書には彼について、エルサレムのすべての人、サマリヤのすべての人、周辺地域のすべての人、と書かれています。ヨルダン周辺のすべての地域がヨハネを聞きに来た。彼がなぜ声であったかはご存知の通りです。


 おい! これは教会のための戦争を意味する! 今こそ戦う時だと私は言った!!! 今こそ戦う時だ!!!

 教会を開けろ! 教会を開けろ!  開放せよ! 私たちは福音を伝えなければならない、もしあなたがそれを信じるなら、私に言ってください。

 ワオ、ワオ、ワオ。手を挙げてください。タッカー・カールソン【Foxの番組ホスト】を見ている人は何人いますか? タッカーはこの番組を見ていると思いますが、もしタッカー・カールソンがアメリカに鞍替えしたら、何人の人が喜ぶでしょうか? それは面白いと思いませんか?


 私は起業家であり、クラウド。ファンディングの機会を得たのですが、タッカーが乗り換えるのを見たいです。タッカーを見つけるためには、Foxのトイレを通らなければならないようなもので、みんな同じエリアにいます。彼はいいよ タッカー・カールソンの番組を見ていたら、フロリダの看護師の話が出てきたんです。彼女がニューヨークに行くと、フロリダで使っていた治療法が禁止されていて、震源地ではなぜか看護師が最前線にいるんです。


We've got some difficult days ahead Mountaintop.

Now Ford consider their threats and enable your service to speak your word with great boldness.

My nation

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce to you Amanda Grace.

Praise the Lord glory be to your name. Oh Lord. We just praise the Lord first and foremost for us Gathering today.

Clay wanted me to talk a little bit about why we blow the shofar and why it's important. It's in the word of God. And many. Are you seeing Joshua you've seen judges with the Battle of Gideon. I'm going to read from Joshua chapter 6 verse 5 and this is what the word of the Lord says in Jesus name it shall come to pass when they make a long blast with the Ram's Horn to the shofar and when you hear the sound of the trumpet that all the people shall Shout

A great shout than the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up every man straight before him. The shofar it was commonly used a to signify to troops that it was time to go to battle.

It signified praise the Lord the coming down of strongholds. Praise the Lord. And it is a sound that when God's people blow it it goes to the throne of God and the god of the impossible shows up on the scene. And we see the impossible happen and I promise you we cannot win this battle without the Lord leading it this battle is the Lord's and we are his soldiers and we are there to follow the lord and let him lead us in battle and to let him guide us because it is the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom and surrender to the Lord and allowing him to lead these great men and women that are fighting for this country is going to cause a turn in a

Going to happen in this country. The likes of which the wicked will never stop in Jesus name praise the Lord.

Just bear with me a minute because I can feel the presence of the Lord. Praise the Lord

By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ by the spirit of the one true Living God may only the truth come forth father in the name of Jesus Christ Lord. I ask you fill my mouth and Krista's mouth with your words father God your wisdom knowledge Revelation pinpoint precision and accuracy and prophetic Insight an utterance discernment and Discerning of spirits Council my power in the reverential fear of the Lord the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in the joy of the Lord. Let me see you by the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord. Brother Hassan durable And the spirit of the Lord says this day. Fear not my children fear not have I not said and will I not do says the Lord for I am the Alpha and Omega. I am the beginning and the ending. I am the first and last and I am he that liveth and died and behold my children. I Am Alive forevermore and I the Lord Rule and Reign on the throne. Not the enemy and the Earth is my footstool in the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof says the spirit of the Lord the spirit of the Lord says Rise up my children, right?

Is up rise up in your face take the word and the sword of the spirit put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles and schemings of the devil for the wickedness attempt to advance in this country. I the Lord see ahead. I the Lord see the end of the battle because the battle is already won vengeance is mine. Saith the Lord and I will raise up my children in this hour and I will pour out a double portion of my spirit on the Of this country and my children shall speak with a greater boldness at this hour as you see things begin to turn as my children cry out to me says the spirit of the Lord this day as my children speak my word and Faith as they stand rooted in their faith knowing I can do exceedingly abundantly above anyone could ask or think because I am rocking him the spirit of the Living God. I am the creator of all things I

Speak it and it is says the Lord I am. Praise the Lord and The Great I Am says this day.

I am raising up soldiers and Generals. And those in business and those in the prophetic and those in the military and those that Health to come together says the Lord into agreement for such a time as this for this will be unlike any other time says the Lord For The Wicked thinks they think they have a Holt and I the Lord say this day I shall break that hold and I shall shake the wicked and I shall shake the ground that they're on and I shall shake their camps and I shall shake their feelings and I shall

Jake whatever could be shaken in this country because they are going to let this Covenant Nation go says the spirit of the Lord this day. This is not the enemies to take and this is not the wickets to rule. This was a nation. I created says the Lord to be a brother to Israel and to send forth the gospel into all the Earth. Amen And the spirit of the Lord says this day. As you my children present to me I shall present to you. As you speak with a faith that you know that I am that I am that you know, what I the Lord can do that. Nothing is too difficult for me. You are going to see first small shakings and cracks and pushes. You're going to see it begin as a tremor. And you're going to see that Tremor turn into a shaking that is going to move mountains in this country says the spirit of the Lord this day for I am not done with the nation of the eagle. I am not done with the United States of America. I am not done with its purpose. I am not done with my people and my people in this our need to believe this and they need to walk and step into their call because as I gather my people as I gather my Remnant as I gather the faithful to Either you are going to see them leave. Battle with those at the Forefront in this nation you are going to see those I call back says the Lord you are going to see those that are not done with their commission that I the say the Lord shall I call back to finish their task? And I the Lord say this day to you my children. Not only do I love you with an everlasting love. But I am ever present in an ever-present help in times of trouble and you shall see that now more than ever in this nation. And this today what my children are doing Gathering and coming into agreement is going to help shake the chains of bondage in this country says the spirit of the Lord and they will break says the spirit of God this day they will fall and they will crumble and I the Lord God shall have my way. No it believe it walking. It says the Lord in the precious name of Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Amon and Amon. Hey, man. Thank you Amanda.

Thank you. And now to sing the national anthem. We have Iva Kelly, Iva Kelly .

Hello Patriots. Are you ready for this day? Okay with that hand wave. I want to see all the veterans in the house all of the veterans and the house active duty military raise your hand for us active duty. Wow, thank you military families all the families. Are you in a military family? Thank you so much for serving our country Lon.

Horsemen raise your hands

We love you. Patriots put your hands up. We're going to honor our flag that has suffered so much persecution in the past few years. We're all going to salute the flag.

And sing with me. Oh say, can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the pain.

Have been realized fight. O'er the ramparts. We watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets me.

Mom's face tea They brew proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh say does that Star-Spangled than o'er the land of the free?

And the whole yes, yes. Yes, and yes, let's super Iva Kelly put your hands together for play Clark.

Okay. I'm honored you guys are here. Thank you for putting up with me. We're going to start up by killing the spirit of fear.

We're going to start off by killing the spirit of fear.

What we are going to do now is kill the spirit of fear. So I would like to bring up. Dr. Rob Marsh if I can. Dr. Jim Meehan if I can. Dr. Richard Bartlett if I can dr. Keith Rose if I can Oklahoma state senator Nathan Dahm if I can and Cecilia K when retired RN as I bring them up. I'm going to bring up. Points I encourage you to take notes assume. I'm crazy. Okay, right this website down, please write this down because this is about a Revival and Awakening. It's like I want everybody here to become a high pressured MLM salesperson for freedom. Looking for referrals. So here's the deal the models that said that 2.2 million people would die. Those are false. Those were funded by the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute and the always the various Niall Ferguson know his name. He ruined your year Niall Ferguson get find a Target Niall Ferguson Abdul Latif Jameel Institute how many by show hands know that Neil Ferguson said that 2.2 million people would die. Who knows that he was wrong by 25 times I've explained this often. My wife is 5 feet 3 inches tall five, four three and a quarter. If I were to tell you, my wife is a hundred and twenty five feet tall and we need to make some precautions and we need to make some adjustments to this Arena to this facility to make room for her arrival one could see maybe we need to build a Javits Center read retrofitting as a hospital. Maybe we need to ship in boats. Maybe if the virus was super deadly but the models that said the 2.2 million people would die. Those are false. Intentionally false the PCR test the covid-19 test the PCR test the instant covid-19 test. You should get tested we should get tested. We should all get tested to see if we have a virus so deadly we don't know if we haven't the PCR test are falsely calibrated. Those PCR tests are supposed to be set at 17 Cycles. Ladies and gentlemen in Tulsa County. Those are set at 40 Cycles 40 Cycles, which means the models that said that 2.2 million people would die or false the PCR test false.

And the treatments for covid-19 are a hundred percent effective. And you might say well how do we have all the deaths? It's called misattribution of death. Dr. Scott Jensen our good friend of the senator from Minnesota has talked about this who's seen this have you noticed it covid has cured the flu. Nobody dies of the flu in Oklahoma now because of covid nobody dies of a heart attack because of covid nobody dies of pneumonia because of Co but in Oklahoma, there are two rules about covid to protect yourself from covid. I want you to write these down for him.

You walk into a restaurant. You need to wear a mask when you're in the lobby because covid can get you in the lobby. Once you sit down you duck underneath the height of the tall virus and you, you, you duck you don't and you have to duck how many of you are under 5 feet 3 inches, you're safe. You're good. You don't even wear wear masks. You got it done who noticed that last night went out to eat mask in the lobby danger these sit down. It's fun to the virus comes out at night. That's Why are wise Governor decided to do a you know kourt you've got a curfew 11 1101 folks the virus comes out at night. It's a scary by virus. It looks like dr. Fauci. It chavnges its mind all the time.

Who remembers voting for dr. Fauci in 1984 member dr. Fauci? He says you shouldn't you shouldn't wear a mask. You shouldn't wear them and Trump says could you stand up? Dr. Fauci? He says I am standing up. You gotta wear them mask. Maybe you shouldn't wear a mask of he's on 60 Minutes wearing a mask. Definitely does not help you and I and a pandemic it and they make you feel like the droplets, but they're terrific temperature. Then you gotta wear a mask. You gotta wear it.

Masks I'm in favor of him wearing eight masks. The guy is in the various moron.

Dr. Fauci is a criminal. Dr. Fauci is a criminal. Dr. Fauci is a criminal. Now if they want to arrest me for spending medical misinformation, I'll start a prison ministry. Dr. Fauci is a criminal. Now since I'm not a doctor because that's the first step to discrediting you you gotta are you at are you a doctor? Are you are you a doctor? Well, maybe we shouldn't shut down the Border. We shouldn't shut down the but we should shut down upon a they're going to ask you how many of ask you. Are you a doctor. Are you a doctor? So I'm going to bring up some doctors. We're going to start off with. Dr. Richard Bartlett. Dr. Richard Bartlett. This is dr. Richard Bartlett who is a former top medical advisor for the governor of Texas for seven consecutive years Governor Perry.
He got one of my channels kicked off of YouTube. He's responsible for getting me banned from LinkedIn. I got banned from Instagram because I was sharing that he has treated covid-19 patients with zero deaths and it's very affordable. Dr. Bartlett sure how?

Well it's a cheap readily available is the best kept secret about covid in the United States and it's because there's been a concerted effort.
Friends like Clay and and Mike Smith and others who have tried to spread this good news. This useful information have been D platform have been punished in many ways...

iPhone got banned. I can't call my wife. I just switch phone number. My phone got banned for literally budesonide.

Budesonide, budesonide, and so back in March last year. I was praying and as an ER doctor in between patients and and had him Moment to take a nap in the call room. And as I was waking up from a dream, I believe lord gave me a winning strategy and when I started using it people who were on to form had two forms of blood cancer lymphoma on chemotherapy had radiation a month before lived and didn't die that wasn't supposed to happen...

And can we cheer for people life? Come on people.

And they kept living and living and living and I got excited about that and I thought this would be excited about it too. But you're going to see when I speak when I uncover this later that Anthony Fauci personally targeted budesonide because it was a threat. What was it a threat to why did he enlist Matthew McConaughey and A-list actor to get this message out that it doesn't work that budesonide is a placebo. But he said that had it doesn't really help. Why would he Target budesonide because it is I made the mistake a year ago of using a term Silver Bullet. I said it was a silver bullet for covid year ago and I got attacked for that because that's supposed to be a medical term and so doctors who didn't want that Anonymous complaints were turned into the medical board saying that's a question.

I have a problem. Medically speaking. I will make sure I get the terms right is dr. Fauci an idiot.

So my my As a doctor my second opinion is I concur...

Okay. Just try to clarify the language. I want to make sure we're on the right track. I'm a silly person. We the people are simple people, I everyone here.

In case someone doesn't come back later Oxford University a year later after five hundred thousand deaths according to the experts 90% of those people that were if they were treated early with budesonide would not have been in the hospital.
I think the hospitals were overwhelmed weren't they? And and they wouldn't have even been an ER visit and they wouldn't have even been an Urgent Care visit according to Oxford University. And and so just think about what this would have looked like last year 450 thousand deaths does that mean 450 thousand deaths wouldn't have happened in the United States. You're going to hear how the Lord provides how he answers prayer how he he knew the problem was coming and he had an answer before it came and so God is on our side. We're not helpless or hopeless.

Once again, ladies and gentlemen, if you go to "timetofree america.com" URL, if you can pull it out "timetofreeamerica.com" the models that said the 2.2 million people would die. Those are false. The PCR tests. Those are false. The treatments are a hundred percent effective in are being banned for false reasons. I read let's try that again. It's got a interactive game here the models it to the 2.2 million people would die. Those are the PCR test that tells everybody to have covid those are and the 100% effective treatments are being kept from you for reasons that allright, it's unbelievable. It's all right there "timetofreeamerica.com". Dr. Bart. Let's hear from dr. Bartlett folks. I'll be back later. Thank you. Okay now because I'm not a doctor because I'm not a doctor. I thought well, I should call my friend who's a doctor so I called our good friend. Dr. Rob Marsh. We met through this because he's a critical thinker. I'm a critical thinker. I'm not wearing a mask. He's not wearing a mask. I'm thinking... What a fellow but how many of you've met sort the supermarket that's not wearing a mask and you know have a love connection.

I think you're my uncle you have a face. So do up.

I remember is like night looks like 2019 it was okay. So, dr. Marsh is a medical doctor and I would like for him to explain how the PCR test work and as he explains how that works. Again. If you go to time to free American Icon my documented for you in great detail how the case inflation happens. Okay, and it's all free information right there for you. Dr. Rob. Marsh's ever director, Rob Marsh, super dr. Rob Marsh.

Thank you. So who knows how a PCR test works?
Our PCR test who knows how it works. I think of it as a magnifying glass and if you keep magnifying something even in our house, eventually, you'll find a speck of dust. It's a clean house. So the all it does is it Cycles think so every time you cycle it. We saw cycle threshold it magnifies whatever it's looking for in this case. We're magnifying something that's a virus and at we're magnifying it so much. It's always positive. In fact, the World Health Organization came out in January and they said at a 40 Cycles. It's a hundred percent false.

Can I repeat we repeat that in Tulsa County be covid-19. PCR tests are set between 37 and 40 Cycles. You just said what?

At 40 cycles per the who it's a hundred percent false.

Can you repeat that again? I'm sorry. I've been listening to the mainstream media. I've been I haven't been able to tune into one American news. I haven't be able to find one American news. I've been watching CNN because there's pretty people I watch ABC because there's pretty people I like to watch pretty dumb people on television. I'm sorry. I was watching Jimmy. All I was watching Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel. How you doing? So the thing is if you repeat that again that the PCR tests are false at what level.

So it's set at 40 and 40. It's always going to be a false positive because you don't know so if it's positive at 40, it doesn't mean you've had it. It doesn't mean you're getting it and it doesn't mean you had it. In fact, I just saw this has been a God thing. So I met several virologist through this this virus actually can insert it. Looks like a little bit of its RNA hence the reason that if had AP coronavirus for up to eight weeks you can remain positive. So it doesn't mean you've been sick. It just means you may have had a coronavirus in you and it's still lingering. It doesn't mean you're contagious and....

If we had a massive number of cases of a super deadly virus, we should also have a massive number of... Oh, what happened everything...

What how this month so a peer review article just came out looked at the data for March. I said a hundred ninety one thousand people died to covid in March when they looked at the data because member dr. Burke said anybody who has symptoms or a positive covid test is going to be listed as a covid death when the peer-reviewed journal looked at. It actually could only find 9,000 deaths of the hundred thousand. Ninety one thousand that were truly a Corona death.

I want to thank the government for not closing down the scarf stores during the shutdown. That was apparently essential as a new scarf every day who noticed that new scarf everyday impressive now, let's just say and by the way, let's hear from dr. Marsh. Dr. Marsh. Thank you for being here sir. Now, let's say let's say let's just let's just throw out this this is a crazy idea. Let's say that you had covid-19. Okay, and you said I call you up I say, you know, hey, what's going on Carl? And you say I don't want to go outside. I've got this upper respiratory infection. I'm gonna quarantine I'm not going to visit you. Problem solved the people who are sick could quarantine themselves how many of had that thought before I let's round up all the healthy people and make them easy. Just what it's just jackassery. It's fear porn. It's called mainstream media.
I'm Now even if the model said 333 million Americans might die if I was governor I'd say keep it open. Let it RIP. I'm being serious. I'm an entrepreneur. I wasn't guaranteed success most don't hit most don't succeed. I've had a lot of success God has a plan. But if I fail, I don't need somebody to give me money. I don't need you to give me a hug. Just get out of my way. Don't shut down Ian Smith. Jim don't shut down his gym. And so we look around. And during times of Crisis to see where the morality and the morals and the foundational principles are of our elected officials and Oklahoma. We have state senator Nathan Dahm Nathan Dahm happier, sir. This guy absolutely believes that a pandemic does not suspend the constitution of these gray United States. Ladies and Gentlemen. Let's hear it for Nathan Dahm.

Thank you Clay. I know it's a novel idea that a coronavirus or a novel coronavirus does not has superseded the constitution in this day and age of all things but what people don't realize is when [inaudiable], Comes to you and tries to push back and say well where in the constitution does it say that the government can't do this your answer is that the constitution is a document to restrain government that is the intent of the Constitution.
We don't ask permission from the government the government asked permission from us. That's the way this works. And if we go back even before The Constitution to our founding document it says that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, right government does not grant us rights. Our creator does we are endowed by our creator with certain rights among which are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, right? We all know this but we sometimes forget the next portion of the Declaration of Independence. What does it say?
It says that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men why our governments created to secure our rights? They don't grant us our rights. God does they're supposed to protect our rights?
Dr. Fauci does not allow us to do whatever we want. He supposed to work for us. The media doesn't determine what our rights are God does and the Constitution protects that, but we forget that too often even at the state level so many people forget it Clay.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Let's hear it for Senator Nathan Dahm. Thank you. God bless you. All right fighting for your eyes.

Thank you, sir.

Now as this year's going on I've been looking for other doctors who've been effectively treating covid-19 patients without killing them. How many of you saw President Trump get up there and try to thoughtfully carefully and compassionately lead the nation by suggesting that hydroxychloroquine was effective. How many of you show and I don't care about HIPAA I don't care about being sued. I don't care about anything because Jesus did not have a 501c3 ladies and gentlemen, I do not care about being sued. I do not care. I'm just going to share with you the truth. I don't care. So President Trump mentioned hydroxychloroquine. How many people are show hands that I don't care if it's implicit plan don't care. How many of you have taken hydroxychloroquine. Are you dead how many of you who have taken are dead.


It is Affordable. It is safe. It is a malaria medication that it's been around for four decades who knows these words to be true and it is never a wrong time to share the truth. And so dr. Keith Rose is a guy that I kept seeing over and over and over and over coming up and it's like another covid patient treated no death another one treated no desert. I started thinking if nobody's dying then he's treating perhaps that's a good thing.

So then that gets you banned from Facebook who's been banned from Facebook this year. Who's been banned from Facebook? Who felt an initial Facebook guilt? He like I don't know what I did. I felt bad. People are girl. You got shame. He got shut down girl girl. You gotta play it safe. You can't be talking about the coona can't be using China virus. That's offensive. We might know someone who's Chinese they might sell us girl. You can't be saying corona we gotta we can't be drinking a Corona because that's going to offend somebody with the corona you can't be making fun of the virus because somebody died of the somebody's gonna die.
It's called car accidents. Do you know 250,000 people die every year from hospital? Which is more than actually died from covid hospital accidents. You are statistically more likely to die by going to a hospital and listening to those idiots that you are.

So, this is a Doctor Who's a critical thinker Dr. Keith Rose? Let's hear from dr. Keith Rose to share with us about the 100% effective covid-19 treatments.

Thank you, Jesus Romans, 1:18, unrighteousness suppress his truth. We have a nation that is just kind of gone down that road right now and we're seeing it with covid-19. We knew I'm part of the intelligence Community another side, but we had an after-action report on SARS covid-19 2003. It was very detailed it gave us great ideas on what we should do and dr. Fauci headed up thick that committee. He did not follow one of the recommendations from sorry covid-19. I was working overseas and I called my buddies in India because in India you can't socially distance in Mumbai. It's not going to happen.

Who's been on a Boston Mumbai who's gonna be awesome. They look at you. That's what they want you to share a synk with him right there Mumbai.

I called A buddy of mine and I said hey, how are you guys dealing with this and he goes we're fine, you know hydroxychloroquine sold for 10 cents over the counter. They had no problems. They the dni the Director of National Intelligence had a geospatial. You'll report that came out. I don't know if they actually looked at it because we look for medical intelligence at all. The third world countries the soccer fields. We wanted to see where these Mass treatment areas would be or mass Graves and we didn't find any because unrighteousness suppresses the truth. This is the most treatable disease and it's being it's that way that they're handling it that is crushing this nation and it's done intentionally and it's sort of change to rise up and starts. Seeking truth now.

I want to make sure we know is there's a book there's a book. I want you to write down, how we do get this book owned this book and maybe you can pull down my back Juliet's in my book. That's my bag. It's the blue book. It's called covid-19 the Great Reset written by Klaus Schwab and denials. Not just a river in Egypt ladies and gentlemen, these idiots have actually written a book called covid-19 The Great Reset talking about how this is their window. Here it is. It is a plan that Chris is the book Klaus Schwab, head of the world economic Forum right here. Get the who's seen this book. This is a real thing. Now, let me tell you about why we're doing this event and thank you. Dr. Rose. I appreciate you brother will see her from you more a little later. Thank you, ma'am. Can you come up here? This is some spontaneous some spontaneous truth-telling this lady came up to me. She looks at me like she's gonna cry. I look at her like I'm gonna cry now. We're crying. We haven't even spoken yet. So ma'am. Can you share what you Telling me.


Who you are.

Hi. My name is Emily Peterson. I'm a mom of four. I have a special eyed child in the Ankeny, Iowa school district. It has been a long year to say the least and I know so many of you are probably parents to actually loves to see hands how many of you are parents our grandparents? Yeah. Awesome. We are the biggest advocates for our children and we have to be right now. I have started from the beginning of the school year to try and get this mask lifted off my child. I was taught. They're her disability has to be proven to cause her problems with her learning so over and over. I tried she did so bad with the mask her learning plummeted. Her emotional well-being is not well right now to say the least so after months and months finally I went and I said you will take this religious man or this religious exemption. It is the lawn Iowa and you will take it and so they took it but not only did they take it but they isolated my daughter. Water in a glass cubicle six feet apart from every other child and that classroom making her feel like a leper and I know it's happening to children in this country. I know it is and we need to start rising up and telling the school board no more.

[NTD live mic trouble -no sounds-]

I think 22 okay. Here we go. I'm not you just share with the birth of the folks. I hear what you do.

Well as a Jenks elected official my citizens expect me to give them the truth, the best truth that I can appreciate that might therefore, and that's when I started discovering the problems within the test that's going on in Oklahoma. We tried to call the Oklahoma State Health Department and the answer we got from the Oklahoma State Health Department Is All We Do Take whatever the labs across Oklahoma sent to us. There's no standard. Absolutely. No standard across the state of Oklahoma. There are 77 counties in the state of Oklahoma to the County's is not under the direct supervision of the Oklahoma State Health Department. Can you guess which two maybe Tulsa and Oklahoma City, they report to the administration as in the Mayors so there's a discrepancy in how this reporting system is even done to and how it done because they do surveillance has here in Tulsa and it goes through the Tulsa County Health, but then Tulsa County help sends it on up to State we call it .

In our Republican mayor is funded by Bloomberg. That's right. Great Reset. He's a communist GT Bynum.

Sue me.

I'd like to show evidence. So you're fighting back be getting any persecution. Are you receiving any persecution for fighting back?

Actually the citizens that have stood behind me because I've been a Jenks resident for 56 years, so that tells you people know me they are.

All right. Well, thank you for fighting. I appreciate you. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Alright, so now we've killed the spirit of feared. We all know the models that said 2.2 million people would die. Those are false. The PCR tests are falsely calibrated covid-19 is hundred percent treatable. Hopefully you can say it that fast. You win a copy of the home game. Okay. Now we're going to introduce passed early on Benjamin who I wanted to bring him up here. And this gentleman I watch him on YouTube. He's opened up for President Trump quite a bit was part of President Trump's advisory Council there and every time I watch the guy I get stuck in a doom Loop of watching. It over and over again because this guy's an Unapologetic lover of this country on him Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior ladies and gentlemen here for Pastor. Leon Benjamin.

Hallelujah, let's give Jesus to praise right now. Come on. Let's give him the glory. Yeah glory to God.

Here is the moment. And we thank everyone. Yes. Clay Clerk, health and freedom conference We are here for a purpose. For reason last night the spirit of the Lord said that we are going into a prayer closet, which is called Clay's closet. I want you to take pictures right now. Make sure you get Clay in it and just of yourself and hashtag everywhere plays closet. And health and freedom conference want you to hashtag those things together. The word of the Lord says that when we pray and you all are going to participate in this so I'm hoping that everyone took a shower and brush your teeth. Because closets can get tight.

But we're going to Pro. No, please take your mask off in the closet.

Matthew chapter 6 says but when thou prayest enter into thy closet, but we're going to share Clay's closet. That's why all of you are here in Tulsa at Rhema Bible College another prayer closet.

Let's give it up for Rhema.

And when you enter into that closet and when thou has shut the door, this is what we're going to do in America because this is a message to America with going into the prayer closet. Through Jesus directive to shut the door on everything that has tried to destroy America. Every covid-19 Ferry every vaccine theory every politician Theory everyone that is trying to give us socialism communism Marxism. We are going to shut the door in this closet.

They can't say time. You cannot get in this closet.

So When you shut the door pray to thy father, which seeth in secret, here's the key to your prayer closet. You can tell God anything you want in your prayer closet. Because he sees In secret in other words secret things Are the main things that God loves to see? I'm gonna give you a big secret by his stripes America is healed. It's a secret.

So the secret things and when he sees in secret he shall reward us openly so the reward from getting in Clays closet. That we're going to leave from Tulsa coming out of Click. We're all coming out of the closet.

Place closet

And Vanessa Okay, so it's a marriage closet? Okay.

But we're going to come out of this closet and whatever we loose. Come on, come on use your Authority. What are we buying the loose end Earth is already bound or loosed in heaven.

We're gonna lose healing we're gonna lose Joy with an elusive Faith. We're gonna lose love we're gonna lose resources family. We're gonna lose salvation. We're gonna lose Deliverance, but we're going to bind Satan. We're going to bind covid-19. We're going to bind these fake vaccines. We're gonna bind fake news media. We're gonna bind fake politicians. We're gonna buy nymphs and demons and every type of disease in this closet.

Push a cutout of a suit or a big hit our about Santa. All right, here we go. Enter in. Shut the door.

Anybody texting you right now, tell him you're in the closet?

Father God We enter into our closet Clay's closet, which is a prayer.

[NTD live mic trouble ^no sounds-]

The left and so many in the cultural walk Church, which is a joke Church wants us to believe that well, you know, we just need to roll over and put talking about politics because the Bible is not that important in our history is not that important, but I'm here to tell you ladies and gentlemen, they are not taking our rights from us. We are gladly giving them away every single day. And I say no more. No more.

Anybody that would deny the reality that this is a Christian Nation. They oughta sue their brain for non-support. Something's wrong with him. You got a smoke a lot of meth in your mama's basement to believe that this nation is not blessed by almighty, God ladies and gentlemen. So they come to me as a pastor and they say well, you know, you pastors need to stay in the pulpit and stay out of politics. And that's exactly what's wrong with the church and it's exactly what's wrong with politics. Ladies and gentlemen, we can talk about that for a long time.

So they showed up at our church and they said why can't you just keep your mouth shut about politics why you got to talk about trunk? I said because I like him for one thing. Praise God. That's it. Why can't you just preach the Bible? Why can't you just preach about Jesus? And I said if I preach the Bible and I preach Jesus then I got a call out corrupt politics like Jesus did. Because what we don't recognize is if we don't call out corrupt politicians in Wicked politics. We're not going to have a platform from which to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are living in days when even right now over a year into this diabolical nonsense. And by the way, it was nonsense when it started it's nonsense right now. We're over a year into this. And sixty percent of the churches in America in America are still closed. Now look I didn't ask permission for I said this but I'm gonna say it. Anyhow, praise God.

If you go to a church, that is still closed. I want to tell you it is pastored by coward and you can tell him that Pastor Greg Locke set. So can I get a witness up in this house? There is no reason that any church in the United States ought to be close right this very moment. I say every Church ought to be open open them doors that open up wide left King Jesus come inside. Jesus wants his church back. I said Jesus wants his church back.

We got these man be paying bead limp-wristed preachers who say well what y'all just need to do is understand that this is about safety this about compliance is what this about. This about authoritarianism. You see this whole year has been nothing but an experimental dress rehearsal. They just want to know who they can control. And who's going to be a problem moving forward? Well, I'm most certain Otis on you and the devil I won't be a problem moving forward. Ladies and gentlemen. I said I won't be a problem moving forward.

Yes. We better stand up take our liberties back.

Did you ever think you'd see a day in America that they closed down the houses of worship and the churches are okay with it? And the megachurch Andy Stanley's get mad at me and say oh my goodness. You've shamed us. You better believe I've shamed you.

Jana sell cars you crook. I'm telling you every local church in America ought to be open. So here's what happened. CNN showed up on this whole thing went down and they said we'd like to know why you are so arrogant. Why would you be willing to kill every elderly person within 250 miles of Nashville? We ain't killed nobody yet, by the way. They said we're going to show up at your church. If that's okay course they showed up all masked up and they were freaked out. We weren't wearing I tell our folks don't you wear a mask at chuch don't you wear a mask at our church Christians been wearing masks far too long. Anyhow, bunch of hypocrites.

So they said we're going to show up and we'd like to get some b-roll footage for a story that we're doing about defiant churches. I said you have to write one. I can promise you that. Yes, sir. You are. And they said that do you mind if the cameras are rolling? I said not at all let em roll let him roll. So see and showed up had all their boom cameras, and I thought well, we got a pac-10. There's a thousand people here. We might as well just go out with a bang. Amen.
So they said we'd like a quote Pastor Greg Locke. I said just one. They said yeah, we just want one quote on why you would dare keep your church open when all the other compliant pastors have decided to close down. I said, well, I'm gonna give you a quote you quote me don't misquote me. I said and I quote they will be serving Frosty's in the Lake of Fire before crap Pastor Greg Long ever shuts down his local church because a buck wild demon-possessed tyrannical government told him to and I said there Is your quote we ain't closing. We ain't close in our church.
We hate being bullied by this nonsense. We're not stopping. Matter of fact we're just getting started Church. We're just getting started good. We just getting warmed up church. We just getting warmed up. Yeah better sit down your bite into my time for he's gone. You'll get me so excited. I feel like John. Hey you and you clap at me men. So here's what happened. We have this little wedding chapel tight church this little building six about 350 people, and I mean, they just kept on coming course, we'd always had a large social media platform and God used that and the devil tried to use it as well. But nonetheless people just started showing up and showing up and people just started driving from everywhere. There's people in this room right now that have been to our Tent Revival on Sunday. I see hands all over them into our Tent Revival and so we got a tent they would see like 400 people. I thought it's a dead Heat Of Summer ain't nobody gonna come to church that did he decide which Middle Tennessee? It's hot as blazes.

And I just kept come we filled up the first 10 and a week. I thought that's crazy shooting angle keep coming. So we we stayed in it for a while. So then we took a 400-seat 10.
Right up on top of each other. And by the way, can I say this Airlines don't care about it either bunch of Hypocrites. They make you stay in six feet apart in the light and then put you in your neighbors lap when you finally get on that stupid airplane.
So they just kept coming. So I told our staff I said we will have to buy a bigger tent and so I called an evangelist and I said I need a bigger team and he said how big you need I said, I don't know maybe 800 people we put up a hundred seat 10. I said we'll never feel we filled it two weeks. I said we better get a net. We got a tent now seats 1,500 people at every weekend. I mean folks from 25 and 30 states around the nation are flying in and driving in hitch hiking and walking it. You know, why? It's not because the global vision Bible Church is not because of Pastor Greg look it's because people are hungry for bold courageous leadership. That's why that's what people are hungry for a pastor. That'll say something worth listening to.

So look, if you belong to a church that steal clothes one or two things you either get your password open on you find you a church that he is open and you go worship there. Because I've had a gut full of this nonsense in America.

And if you don't think, we are under religious persecution. It's because you are not paying attention to what is going on. Get your head out of the sand. People say well, you know, I came to this conference and I knew there was gonna be a bunch of political speaker, but then pastors my goodness. I can't believe they just gave that guy the microphone and he just started talking about politics. You have clearly never watched one of my Facebook videos and natural day in your life clearly ever if you came to this conference because you want to be comfortable you accidentally registered for the wrong one.

If you came here you thought man, I just get to go and get fed all day and I never gonna get mad and angry and my toes are never going to get stepped on and all my friends are going to like me. You have clearly misdiagnosed where you are this afternoon. But I like it because we better get uncomfortable Church. We better get uncomfortable and I believe that we're not praying for another Great Awakening. I believe we're going to see the greatest Awakening that God has ever given us. It's going to be politically and religiously bigger than anything. We have ever imagined anything that we can ever pray about because Ephesians 3:20 says he could do exceeding abundantly above all all o that we could ever ask or thinking. I believe it's here and I believe it's coming.

And I believe meetings like this are indicative of the hunger and the pushback of the craziness that is happening around us. And so Church. May I encourage you it's time to stand up and stand out speak up and speak out. This is your Shadrach Meshach and Abednego moment, my check your Shack in a bungalow. What have you call him boys, they stood for righteousness, in the midst of a politically corrupt organization. That was so PC nonsense that everybody in the church and the world bow down to the golden idol except three boys.

And I say if we were the last ones let's suit up and boot up This Means War. We will not surrender through silence and we're gonna fight back, we're gonna talk back, we gonna get spiritually smart mouth if we have to and we're going to stand up and say enough is enough. We won't this nation back. And it's don't come back, because the Church of the Living God gets revived. John the Baptist. Well this I'm through had the personality of a rock. You could not carry on a Fluid Coffee conversation with John the Baptist but you know the Bible says about him all of Jerusalem all of Samaria. All of the Region's round about Jordan came to hear John. You know why he was a voice.

A voice crying in the wilderness and people today are hungry for a voice. They're hungry for somebody that'll stand up and say serving Jesus Christ will not cost you something it will cost you everything and they're willing to pay the price and stand up and say we won't our Christian Nation back in the name of Jesus. We want it back. It belongs to us, it belongs to us. And yet when I'm the Baptist died. Jesus made the statement. He was the greatest Prophet ever born of a woman. I'm not real smart, but I'm not going to concede that. I'm real stupid either. If Jesus says you're the greatest preacher that ever lived you get a job anywhere. That's good recommendation right there for church. But all the people that say pastors and preachers out of stay out of politics. Can I remind you John? The Baptist was the greatest preacher According To Jesus and he got his head cut off because he equally preached the gospel and against corrupt politics. That's why they cut his head off.

So here's my encouragement to you. There's not one person in this vast audience and what a great crowd today. There's not one person here or one person online that will ever be able to tell me the name of the Executioner that lifted up an axe or a sword and cut off John the Baptist and But everybody in this room including people that know Jack Sprat about the Bible know about John the Baptist, you know, why because the people trying to silence us will never be remembered but those of us that stand for righteousness and stand for Jesus Christ will leave a legacy and we will never be forgotten and you hear me it's time that we pushed back it's time that we pray it's time that we stand up. Hey This Means War it's time to fight church. It's time to fight I said it's time to fight!!!

Open the churches! Open the churches! Open the charges! We got a gospel to preach if you believe it say me!!

Wow, wow, and wow. Quick show of hands. How many of you watch Tucker Carlson? I know Tucker will be watching this how many of you would love it if Tucker Carlson switch to one America. Wouldn't that be fun?

I'm an entrepreneur and I see a crowd funding opportunity. I would love to see Tucker make the jump because Tucker's like the only reason you still watch it. You almost have to go through the porta potty of fox to find Tucker and they're all areas. He's good. Okay, so I've been watching some Tucker Carlson and he brought on a nurse who explained that in Florida. She was effectively treating 100% of the covid-19 patients and then she went to New York where the treatments that she used in Florida were banned blot said you can't use them and then so the epicenter remember that the Why nurses at the epicenter of the front line? So this lady put on some of those Google Glasses, you know, the glasses that can film what's going on kind of freaks me out a little bit, but she wore those who sought nurse Elmhurst, Olszewski on Tucker Carlson whistle blow. And so now that he further ado, let's bring up nurse Marie Erin Olszewski.

Posted at 2021/04/19(Mon) 16:21:45

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