あなたのピューリッツァー賞はどこですか? あなたは、あなたとソロモンと他の何人かの人と並んで持っているはずです。あなたは、間違ってしまった人々とは対照的に、あなたのことでそのピューリッツァー賞を受賞するべきです。それは信じられません。――サラ
そして、あなたが素晴らしい素敵な一日を過ごされたことを願っています……【トランプ大統領の相づち】。よかった、よかった。早速ですが、あなたにお話ししたいことがあります。なぜなら、私たちは>ジョン・ソロモン【干されたトランプ派FOXキャスター】に起こったことを見ているだけでなく、あなたがそれを持ち出したからです。ルディ・ジュリアーニに起きたこと。つまり、左派はあなたを標的にすることをやめていないのです。左翼だけでなく、左派もです。左のストリームメディアは それを呼ぶ。私はもうメインストリーム・メディアとも呼ばない。ここで起きていることに対するあなたの反応はどうですか? このような偽情報の氾濫を止めるためには、何をすべきでしょうか?――トランプ
大統領は、司法省がこれらの人々を拘束することに失敗したとお考えですか? アンドリュー・マッケイブ副長官のような責任ある人物に情報を提供しました。私たちは、FBIの調査と、憲法や法律に違反していることを知ったのです。ダーラムの報告書はまだ見ていませんが、何が起こったのでしょうか?
さて、多くのアメリカ人が つまり、それが私への最大の質問なのです。ジョン・ソロモンに対する最大の疑問もそこにあるのではないでしょうか。私はそれを何度も何度も聞いています。どうして正義が果たされなかったのか? どうして誰も一歩先に進めなかったのか?
そうですね……そして、大統領職は大成功でした。このようなことはかつてなかったことです。私たちは最高の経済を手に入れました。軍隊を再建しました。例を挙げると、「Right to Try法」【試用権法とは、米国の州法および連邦法のことで、末期患者が、第1相試験を終えたもののFDA(米国食品医薬品局)に承認されていない実験的な治療法(医薬品、生物製剤、機器)を利用できるようにすることを目的として作られた法律】があります。歴史上最大の減税を行ったことで、多くの人々が生活できるようになりました。今起こっていることとはすべて正反対です。ものすごいインフレになるでしょうね。経済は大きな問題を抱えることになるでしょう。私たちが今目にしているものはすべて、ほとんど正反対のものです。歴史上最強の国境があったのに、今では歴史上最も弱く、最も危険な国境になってしまいました。何が起こっているのかを見るのは、とても悲しいことです。-サラ
実際、メキシコの失業率は4%にまで下がりました。彼は私に、援助ではなく貿易だと言い続け、バイデン政権に対して、基本的にこのような混同したメッセージを送り、あなたの政策をすべて覆したことに怒りを感じていました。これが殺到の原因となり、今も私たちを苦しめています。アメリカへの移民の数は膨大です。あなたは何をすべきだと思いますか? 国境と国家安全保障を守るために、あなたが作ったものを保存する方法はありますか?――トランプ
では、なぜバイデン政権がこのようなことをしたのだと思いますか? スーザン・ライスは、オバマ政権にいた人たちと同じように、バイデン政権を探しています。オバマ政権では、2013年から2014年にかけて、6万7000人以上の同伴者のいない未成年者が米国に入国しました。オバマ大統領がDACA政策【子どもの頃に米国に連れてこられた後、不法滞在となっている一部の人々に対し、更新可能な2年間の国外退去処分の猶予を与え、米国での就労許可を得ることを認める】を開始するや否や、すべてを後退させ、移民政策を正常な状態に戻すことができました。
なぜなら、国境が開かれているということは、国がないということであり、人々が殺されるという途方もない危険を意味しているからです。私たちは荒っぽい人たちが入ってきて、ものすごく危険です。なぜ彼らがそれをやりたがるのか、理解するのは難しいです。誰が国境開放を望むのでしょうか? 誰が警察の資金不足を望んでいるのでしょうか? 私たちの都市では誰がこのようなことを望んでいるのか、彼らに聞いてみる必要があるでしょう。
このことが、これから行われる中間選挙で民主党に影響を与えると思いますか? 中間選挙での民主党にとって最大の反発のひとつ『国境危機』です。――トランプ
ところで、私の得票数は1,200万票も多かったんですよ。そうでしょう? 誰かが言った、その違いは何だったのか? 私は、私たちのほうがうまくいったと言いました。2回目の選挙では、私たちは実際にもっとうまくいった。2回目は1280票で、7,500万票と6,300万票の差があり、これほど多くの票を獲得した大統領はいませんでした。通常、大統領の得票数は少ないものですが、オバマ大統領は2回目の投票で得票数を減らしました。通常はもっと少ないのですが、2回目の投票では1200万票も増えました。そして、これは非常に大きな問題になると思います。――サラ
はい、私もそう思います。ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルの記事やその他の記事を読んでいると つまり、あなたに投票した人の大半が、統計を見ることができたのです。2回目の投票では、ペンシルバニアではかなりの数の人が投票しました。ウィスコンシン州では、投票したことがない人もいました。実際、彼らの多くは民主党員でした。中には独立系の人もいて、彼らはこれまで投票したことがなかったのですが、参加することにしました。彼らはあなたに投票してくれました。
これは、最初の選挙と2回目の選挙の両方で、国境が大きく関わっていました。そして2回目の選挙では、G7サミットについてお聞きしたいと思います。私はこのサミットを見ていて、とても興奮しました。バイデン大統領は非常に大きな反響を呼びました。今、彼は実際に笑われています。これについてあなたがどう考えているのかはわかりません。あなたの専門は 経済やビジネス、G7サミットで起きていることを見たとき、あなたは何を考えますか?何を考えているのでしょうか?――トランプ
多くのことがうまくいったはずなのに、民主党はそれを不可能にしてしまいました。ロシア・ロシア・ロシア。そして、彼らが中国に対してそのような話をしないことはご存知でしょう。気づいていますか? それはとても興味深いことです。彼らは中国についてそのようなことは言いませんが、バイデンはあちらの状況に対処するのに非常に苦労しています。率直に言って、見ていてちょっと怖いですね。-サラ
共和党が上院や下院を取り戻すためにはどうすればいいですか? そのためにあなたは何をするつもりですか? そして、それに対応していた、共和党を統一することができないようなクレイジーなRINO【共和党の裏切り者】たちはどうするの?――トランプ
彼女は災難だよ、ほら、終わり無き戦争です。そこに留まろう。アフガニスタンでは1年間 兵士が殺されていません 我々は素晴らしい仕事をしてきたことを理解していない。つまり、彼らは21年ぶりに帰ってきたのです。私は19年、19年、19年と言っていました。それは2年間の話だ。私はずっと言ってきた。21年経って、もうすぐ22年になるが、私たちは軍隊を帰還させている。彼女は無限の戦争を望んでいる。彼女は自分が何をしているのか分かっていません。彼女はリーダーではないし、私たちの党を代表していません。――サラ
そうですね。私が思うに、4つのポイントがあります。私が最も重要だと思うことの1つは、 多くの人が理解していないことです。大統領、あなたは在任中、この問題に非常に強くこだわっていました。国防総省に何度も何度も「計画を持ってこい」と要求していました。
でも、戦争屋がいて、そうなりたいと思っている人たちは、どの国でも戦うことになるんです。私は軍隊を再建しましたが、私以上に軍事力を信じている人はいません。しかし、その強さを失わせることになるのではないでしょうか? 私たちが何をするか? 世界中で様々なことが行われていますが、誰に対しても親切にしようとし、善良であろうとしていますが、ほとんどの場合、彼らは私たちを必要としていません。
まず、ミッチ・マコーネルと上院の後任として、党の本質を理解した現代的な発言力を持つ人物を獲得することから始めるべきだと思います。なぜなら、ミッチは今、それを理解していないからです。もし誰かがいたとしたら……チームが彼と同じことをしたと想像できますか? 彼のようなチームがいたとしたら、チームは大統領のために戦ったでしょう。
彼らは我慢しません。2024年については? この質問をするつもりはありませんでした。誰もが聞く質問ですが、何度も何度も聞く質問ですが、自分でも聞かなければなりません……。
あなたは戻ってきますか? 何らかの形であなたが戻ってくるのを見ることができるのですか? 2024年の選挙に出馬するかどうかを決める際の基準は何ですか?――トランプ
もうちょっと押してほしいのはわかるけど、わかってるんだけど、それで譲ってくれないんですよね。あなたが得られないのはわかっているけれど、私はできますか? 私はできますか? 大統領閣下。――トランプ
原文文字起こし(English Transcribe)
-Sara Carter
Hello, happy birthday, President Trump.-Trump
Where is your Pulitzer? Are you should you should have you and Solomon and some others. You should have that Pulitzer on your thing as opposed to the people that got it wrong. It is unbelievable.-Sara
It is unbelievable sir. And, and that was part of the reason why I wanted to talk to you first. I wanted to wish you a big happy birthday.-Trump
Thank you.-Sara
And I hope you had a wonderful wonderful day... [President Trump nodded...] Good, good. And I wanted to talk to you right off the bat because we are not only seeing and you brought it up, you know, with what's happened with John Solomon. What's happened with Rudy Giuliani. I mean, the left has not stopped targeting you. Sir, the leftist as well as the left. The left stream media is. Call it. I don't even call it the mainstream media anymore. What is your response to what's going on here and and what? What needs to be done to kind of stop this like push of this disinformation?-Trump
Well, it's a shame what's going on? It's sad, Nobody seen anything like it and everybody's being targeted much different from the people that were in Washington. I will say that much different from Republicans. Nobody seen anything like it with Rudy, and with so many others, what they're doing is very, very unfair,-Sara
Mr. President, do you believe that that there was a failure with the Department of Justice to hold all these people. Accountable people like deputy director, Andrew McCabe the information. They, we found out regarding the FBI's investigation and and the all of the trampling of the Constitution, the laws that were violated. We still have yet not seen the Durham report, what happened?
What Happened with Durham what happened with William bar. Why wasn't anyone ever held accountable?-Trump
It's beyond description, it's beyond words that they weren't held responsible. The two lovers, the, the whole gang it was, nobody's ever seen anything like it and you'll have to ask William bar exactly. But it is a it's a very sad day. They were so bad, such bad. Bad player such bad actors. If you look at the Horowitz report that was a great report that was a report that could have been used. They didn't need any other report as far as comilla's concerned and you take a look at the Horowitz report, even the New York Times was, it was scathing in the New York Times, nobody's ever seen anything like it and you'll have to ask them. But that is a that is a terrible thing and then you always said, I say I go to speeches and I say where's door mm? What happened to Durham? How can it be possible?
That it was allowed to go this long, and again, if you look at the Horowitz report that was such a well done. Well done thesis on what the hell was happening, and then nothing happens. It's a very, very sad situation. They were caught and nothing happened. And you could say the same thing about the election, the fraudulent election, the election was a disgrace, and you could ask that. The same question. So one of those things, it's they fight a different way, they fight a different way, and it's not good. It's not good for our country.-Sara
Well, so many American people. I mean, that's the biggest question they have for me. I know it's probably the biggest question they have for John Solomon. I hear it over and over again. How come Justice was never served? How come nobody took it One Step Beyond. We saw the IG report now on Lafayette Square where you were exonerated. You were exonerated not only with the Michael Horowitz's report, but as well as Devin Nunes. He, you know, there was a number of reports out there that exonerated you yet. The media never changed course, on that. It was a constant targeting. Do you feel that is still ongoing? Is there anything that you'd like to express? I mean because this just wasn't the four years of your presidency. It's still an ongoing situation.-Trump
Well and the presidency was a tremendous success. There's never been anything like it. We have we had the greatest economy. We Rebuilt the military. We get "Right to Try Law" as an example. So many people are now living because of right to try biggest tax cuts in history. All the opposite of what's going on right now. We're going to have tremendous inflation. The economy is going to be in big trouble. All of the things that we see now it's almost the opposite. We have the strongest Border in history and now we have the weakest Border in history and the most dangerous border. And it's, you know, it's very sad to see what's happening.-Sara
I was just recently in Guatemala and I had the opportunity, Hannity to interview, President Giammattei, he actually praised your Economic Policy, he brought up the fact that under your presidency, the Mexico. Canada agreement was a huge success. It actually help lower the unemployment rate in Mexico to 4%. He kept telling me it's trade not Aid and he was angry and tried to the Biden Administration for basically sending these mixed messages across the bow overturning, all of your policies. Which caused a tsunami and is still causing us. Mommy of migration to the United States. What do you think needs to be done? Now, is there any way we can save what you built in an effort to protect our borders and the National Security of this country?-Trump
Well, after winning, lawsuits are two and a half years which is what it took us to win all the lawsuits. Many of them caused by Congress and Pelosi. Many of these lawsuits we were just about finished with the wall and then it was just finishing it up. It could have been just a couple of months and they decided to stop the wall. And so we have little sections of wall. We have openings and they could have cleaned it up. They could have fixed it up. They could have done it now. I understand they want to do it but they don't know. I really believe they don't know what to do, all they had to do, we had stay in Mexico. We had policies that nobody thought would be possible. Now, it's not stay in Mexico. Now, it's flood into the United States. And remember this one day, Sarah, this is so important. When they come in today. They're emptying their prisons, their rep during it, if you will.
That getting their finest people and we are getting people that they've been wanting out of their country. You know, we brought a lot of those people back. We MS-13, we brought the gang members back, thousands and thousands, and now they're heading back into our country. If they haven't even already got here, we had the tightest border, the strongest Border in the history of the country of the United States. And now you look at what's going on with the floods at thousands and thousands of people right now as we talk to heading up. It's really a terrible situation.-Sara
Well and it's a parent...-Trump
You know what I had to do Sara all they had to do is leave it the way it was don't touch anything, it was so good, it was so perfect. Leave it the way it was and and I think they regret their decision and frankly I don't buy that they want to have open borders because it's not possible that it's just not you know drugs are coming in human traffickers are sending in, they deal in women, mostly women the human, Traffickers are having a field day, making a fortune and the drug dealers more than they've ever done before, you know, we were stopping more than just having a strong border. We were stopping drugs. We were stopping the human trafficking. We were doing things that nobody's ever seen and then now it's just it's just like an open. It's like an open. Seems it's terrible.-Sara
So why do you think the Biden Administration did this? I mean, you know, Susan Rice some of the same players are looking for the Biden Administration that were in the Obama Administration and remember during the Obama Administration between 2013 and 2014, sir over 67,000 undocumented, unaccompanied minors, came into the United States. As soon as a President Obama Started, pushing the DACA narrative you were able to move that, move everything back, put into place, the migration policy able to have some semblance of a normal. Immigration policy on our border that actually stopped the flow but they went right back to it. They overturned everything. Some Republicans are saying look they want to bring in. They want to bring in boats. They want the Border open. What's your assessment of it?-Trump
Well, I find it hard to believe because they cheat with the votes. Are you just have to take a look at the last election they cheat? They don't need people coming and they just add up. They figure what do we need? But year, and you're seeing the things coming out the same things that you're seeing coming out of origin, Arizona and other places where they have in some cases more votes than they had voters, you know. So I don't think they're doing it for that reason. Maybe they like open borders, but nobody can understand that. Because open borders means we don't have a country and it also means tremendous, danger, with people being killed. We have rough people coming in its tremendous danger. It's hard to figure why they would want to do it. Who would want open borders? Who would want defund the police who would want? Our cities who would want this stuff so you're going to have to ask them. I don't believe it's just for the votes because you know, they get the votes away, they want to get them. I do believe that I believe they don't know what they're doing. Maybe maybe it's gross. Incompetence, it could very well be gross. Incompetence. It's the only way you can understand that.-Sara
Do you think this is going to affect the Democrats in the midterm elections that this is going to be? One of the biggest backlashes, the Border crisis for the Democrats in the midterm.-Trump
I don't think it's going to. I don't think it's going to help the Democrats for sure. You know, I want in 2016, I think a large portion of that was the border and then I did such a good job that it played less of a role in the second election. Which by the way, I got 12 million more votes. You know? Somebody said, well, what was the difference? I said we did better. The second time, we actually did much better. The second time, you think about it 1280, we had 75 [million] versus 63 [million] and no president has ever Ever gotten that many more votes. Usually, they get less, Obama got less votes to second time. Usually, they get less, we got 12 million more votes the second time, but the Border played a lot to do with the victory of the first time. And I think it's going to be a very big issue.-Sara
Yes, I think so too. And reading the stories from the Wall Street Journal, and everywhere else. I mean, you could see the stats that the majority of people that voted for you. The second time a good chunk of them in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin had never voted before. In fact off them were Democrats. Some of them were Independence, they had never voted before, they decided to come in. They voted for you and that was a and the Border did have a lot to do with both the first election. And the second election, I wanted to ask you about the G7 Summit. It's been, I mean it's been wild, I've been watching it. President Biden has had an enormous amount of gas. He is actually been laughed at right now. I mean I don't know what your thoughts are on this. Your expertise is. Economics and business, when you see what's happening at the G7 Summit. What's going through your mind?-Trump
Yeah, stealing our country. He's going into deals that are disaster, costing us trillions of dollars and we have to rebuild our own Bridges and our own roads. He wants to rebuild the world and he's going our country. And obviously, people are looking at what's happening and they're watching him, and it's not a good situation. not good, not good for our country.-Sara
Well, the keystone XL Pipeline, you know, look at that. And then, and then he supported, obviously the Russians on this, you know, one of the big questions, it's like, who was Stronger, who is weaker on Russia? But if you look at what's happening with President, Biden, President, Biden appears to be weak on Russia.-Trump
So I was the strongest ever on Russia and yet I got along very well with President Putin. That's okay. That's a good thing. Not a bad thing. We could have done great with Russia. They have, you know, tremendously valuable land resources.
We a lot of a lot of things could have worked out well, but the Democrats made that impossible because it was always Russia. Russia Russia. And you know they don't talk that way about China. Do you notice? That's very interesting. They don't talk that way about China, but Biden is having a very hard time dealing with the situation over there. It's, it's a little bit frightening to watch frankly.-Sara
Well, speaking of which, I mean, China is probably one of the biggest threats right now. Globally. They've increased Approached in Central America, their encroaching in Africa. They're moving across the globe and the Biden Administration appears to be very weak on China. Do you have any suspicions about that? I mean, look, you were right about a lot of things. President Trump the media tried to go after you, on Hunter Biden's, laptop. I mean, you gave a list of things that the media is now having to explain themselves for because you were right on it. What do you think, how do you think this Administration is going to handle the very real National security threat of China in our country today.-Trump
Yeah, well, I appreciate first of what, you're a real professional and I appreciate that an incredible reporter and you dig deep and you find out what's going on. And we did, we had many, many from The hoax, the Russia hoax, the impeachment, hoaxes, the whole thing, we went through everything and still did the numbers and the job that, nope, we went a hundred and sixty million people working. Nobody's ever had that number of people working, nobody is every, and then we did it twice. We really we built it. Then after the China virus came in, we rebuilt it again. I think that the media has disgraced themselves. I think people know it. It's almost like they have no shame. You know, it's people people see what's happening. They can't believe what's happening and they know it. They get it and put the media will never admit, it's not a question of being wrong. They're corrupt, you know? That they're corrupt, they know instead like all-thing wrong. They know that you have to and that to them, then when they do have to admit things, like the most recent, whether it's hydroxychloroquine or the lab in Wuhan and all the things I said, you get really, they don't do anything. They don't, they don't apologize to the country, they don't apologize. Look, their ratings are now the lowest they've ever been in history the media approval ratings of the media, the mainstream the lamestream media as I call it, but the ratings are Are the lowest the approval ratings ever, ever. And so people get it. But I think we had, I know it started off at 10 or 12 and now it's up to 19 things about me that they were so wrong about. And, you know, that's, I think the country's gotten used to it. Frankly, I think the country's got news. I mean, how else would I have gotten 75 million votes.-Sara
Right. So. You're saying like the American people are not idiots. The American people are frankly, smarter than the media. And I think they can see right through that, which is...-Trump
Why American people are getting it. They're getting it and it's too obvious. Like, you know, when they talk about what a wonderful job, Biden's doing over there, he's being taken to the cleaners. Our country is being taken to the cleaners. You know a lot of people...-Sara
aren't about most over there.-Trump
Well, I read about most think that I look at these transactions, I look at the cost of of the Paris. Accord, as an example, it's going to cost Trillions of dollars and yet China. Exempt from it and Russia it to, and India to. They're all exempt, we're the ones that are bearing the brunt of it. It's disgraceful. It's a total disgrace and you know, when I terminated that I got a lot of credit people get it, people get that too. It is a ripoff of our country and it keeps us away from energy, the kind of energy that we have that other people don't have and, you know, we want to have a clean Planet but other other Countries, they agree with us. Let's have a clean Planet but they don't do anything China's doing nothing. China is doing all brand new coal, plants all over the place. Building hundreds of a brand new spanking, clean new, coal plants and yet we're getting ready to go. We're going to wind which is killing all, our birds and destroying our Fields. And what I mean, when does a disaster and by the way, they're all made in China and Germany, the windmills are made in China and Jerry's. Yeah, it's and it does Don't have the stability that you need to fire up our great factories.-Sara
Absolutely. And we're seeing in the inflation, the inflation rate in the United States, we went from having one of the best economies to know looking at high inflation. Unaffordability, the job market is lagging...-Trump
Not energy independent and we're not at we were energy independent gasoline was a dollar eighty seven when I left a dollar, eighty seven, a gallon and Now, it's over three dollars, and it's going a lot higher and that's, you know, big inflationary stress. But you have that with Lumber, you have that with food food prices are through the roof. It's all things that should have never happened...-Sara
What are the Republicans need to do to take back the senate or the house? What are you going to do to help that happen? And what about the crazy RINOs that were dealing with that, that can't seem to keep the Republican Party unified.-Trump
Well, you have some leadership in the Republican party, that doesn't do a good job. Mitch McConnell should have never, lost those two seats in Georgia he lost them pure and simple and should have never allowed that to happen ever. But they were angry from the presidential in all fairness. To the Republican voters, they're angry at the governor in Georgia because he hasn't done the job. They're really, I mean, on the election stuff, what what he's done is so it's been so bad, but they're angry at Georgia. They were So in all fairness when you, when you go and you take a look at what's happened in many, many states, it could have been stopped so easily and the Republicans just need a philosophy that they get away from the Maga. They get away from America first, they get away from who we really are, and who the Republicans want to be, they've gotten away from it, and you take a look at some of the, as an example, In Georgia $600 versus two thousand dollars. Okay, that became the last two weeks of the campaign that became the biggest mantra' for the death of the Democrats. Now, would they have one anyway because they cheated, possibly? Okay. Would they have one anyway? In other words, would it have mattered because they cheated, but and the answer to that is quite possibly but they're offering $2,000 plus And the Republican leadership. We're leadership in the form of Mitch McConnell saying $600. Whether you like it or not, that doesn't play very well politically and they lost a lot of votes and they lost two senators.-Sara
That's absolutely true. And now and you also have Liz Cheney, how do you feel about that? And what's going on with disaster?-Trump
She's a disaster mean, you know, endless Wars. Let's stay there. And, you know, we haven't had a soldier killed in Afghanistan and a year. Don't realize that we've done a great job with that, we started the March out and couldn't be stopped. I mean they coming home after 21 years. I used to say 19, 19, 19. Well that was for two years. I've been saying it, it's 21 years were there almost 22 years and we're bringing our troops back home. She wants endless Wars. She doesn't know what she's doing. She's not a leader and she doesn't represent our party.-Sara
Right. I mean I think like four one. One of the things that I think is most important, a lot of people don't understand. Mr. President, it's something that while you were in office, you were very adamant about. You had asked the Pentagon over and over again, bring me a plan. Show me why we need to be in Afghanistan, and they never actually did it. Did they?-Trump
Well, they try and make excuses. They wanted to be there and not all of them. We have some great generals that frankly realized it was ridiculous at its nation-building. We want a nation. But we're going to build our own Nation on our own nation, has enough problems. And here we are buildings over you heard about the hotel, that was a thousand percent over budget. The gas station that cost a hundred million dollars to build and didn't work. We're doing this stuff over in Afghanistan and it was totally out of control, totally out of control. And you know, we were spending forty forty five billion dollars a year in Afghanistan and doing nothing doing nothing. We were like a police force and frankly, we were like a police force and they don't want to be a police force, but over the last Last year, we had nobody. That Afghanistan. None of our soldiers were killed in Afghanistan and they're heading home. But you have the war mongers, the ones that want to be, they'll be fighting in every country. And, you know, I rebuilt our military, nobody believes in military strength, more than I do. But would dissipating our strength? What we do? All of these different things, all over the world, trying to be nice to everybody, trying to be good and they don't want us for the most part. They don't want us and they don't respect us but they respect us now. But now again, they Don't respect us.-Sara
I was going to see because it's not an America First policy anymore is. Okay, America Last fall.-Trump
He is America Last. I mean if you look at these deals and he's talking about over there, it's ridiculous what he's doing. If you first of all, there's not enough money in the world to do what they're talking about doing and our country needs money. We need real infrastructure money for highways and bridges to fix Bridges. Forget about building new Bridges, fixed bridges. That are dangerous. That are really in day. It'll thousands of bridges are rated dangerous where they're literally in shape. I guess that means they can fall down. We got to fix our country and we had a going that way and then we had a rigged election and that's one of those problems in life, right?-Sara
...You're absolutely right, you're absolutely right, sir. And before before I let you go because I know I have limited Time with you. I wanted to talk about that because you know every time I believe that everybody has the right to defend and say what they need to say, this is the United States of America, we're supposed to be a nation based on Liberty and freedom. And you have been very adamant about the election. You have spoken openly about the election. And what we have seen is these big Tech oligarchs, like Twitter, Facebook, you know, Google come forward and, and try to punish you. They don't punish Ayat of Iran for saying he wants to destroy the state of Israel or kill all the Jews. They don't ban him. They don't ban the Smugglers that I saw. When I was in Guatemala advertising their human trafficking operations on Facebook. Yet they punished you. And Facebook basically said, well, you know, look, we'll bring him, will let him come back on in two years, what goes through your mind when that happens when you think about this? Because so many Americans are enraged about this and And what can we do to rectify this?-Trump
So what go through it goes through. My mind is we will win. That's what goes through my mind, the people get it. Look at Facebook 500 million dollar spent on lock boxes. You're supposed to spend 5,600 dollars, that's a maximum. They spent 500 million, he did 500 million on, lock boxes all over the place. And by the way, when the vote came in, it was massively. Biden votes, massively. It's not even possible. But massively. Biden was, how is that allowed to happen this election with the mail-in-ballots, with all of the things that happened in this election and it's coming out now bigger than ever before. And people in this country are very angry about it and very disappointed by it. Very, very disappointed, but we will end up winning in the end.-Sara
And how do we do that? What advice can you give the American people? What did the American people need to do? Especially if you're looking at conservatives or It's or you know, getting that America First policy back, what do they need to do in an effort to really unify either the party and move forward and take back the White House, or the house or the Senate?-Trump
Well, I think you start off by getting somebody to replace Mitch McConnell and the Senate you get somebody with a voice that that is a modern-day voice that understands what the party's all about. Because Mitch doesn't know right now. If we had somebody can you imagine team doing what he did? It would have been just the team would have fought for his president when they had all of the numbers in the kind of numbers and the kind of discrepancies and irregularities that they saw. But this guy didn't, you would have had somebody in the white house. That would have been vetoing. All of this horrible legislation that they're passing left and right because they stick together better than the Republicans stick together. Frankly, they don't have Romney's over there. They don't have guys that that are like little Ben Sasse of Nebraska, they don't have that they stick together. Either, they always stick together. And frankly, the couple of people that are holding out at least they do it in an elegant way but they won't hold out in the end. They never do. They won't hold him,-Sara
They won't hold out. And what about 2024? I wasn't going to ask this question. Everybody asks it everybody, you know, this is a the question that I hear over and over again but I have to ask it myself will, will you come back? Will we see you come back in one way, shape or form? What is the criteria that You will give and deciding whether or not you'll run for 2024 election.-Trump
I think everyone's going to be very, very happy. We're working very hard where endorsing a lot of great people, not endorsing some other people frankly but the endorsements have had a huge as you know, because you wrote about it but the endorsements of had an impact like it's almost unanimous where I endorse somebody they win. We're looking only at the good people, the really good ones and that's a big thing and as far as the election. And as far as the 2024 is concerned, I think everyone's going to be very happy.-Sara
Oh, it's so easy.-Trump
Including you. HAHAHA...-Sara
I know I wish I could just push a little bit more, but I know, I know you're not going to give on that. I know you're not getting. I can try? I can try?... mr. President....-Trump
At the right time, but not quite yet.-Sara
Well, mr. President, thank you so much for your time.-Trump
Thank you, Sara.-Sara
...I appreciate you. Coming on the show. And I know that all of our listeners will appreciate. We will not appreciate it but I sure do that's going to be a great story, sir.-Trump
Well you take care of yourself okay and keep up the good work, a great professional I mean that thanks Sara.-Sara
Thank you so much sir.I think that was probably one of the best interviews I've had with President Donald Trump, and I haven't interviewed him much. I've interviewed him a few times when he was running for election in 2016....
Posted at 2021/06/18(Fri) 05:38:11
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