これはキャリーさんへの質問です。PCRの誤用をどう推定していますか? 想定されるフリーウイルスRNAがあるかどうかは別にして。――キャリー・マリス
キャリー・バンクス・マリス(Kary Banks Mullis、1944年12月28日 - 2019年8月7日)は、アメリカの生化学者。ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)技術の発明が評価され、1993年のノーベル化学賞をマイケル・スミスと共同で受賞、同年の日本賞も受賞した。彼の発明は生化学・分子生物学の中心的な技術となり、『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』紙では「非常に独創的で意義深く、生物学をPCR以前とPCR以後の2つのエポックに事実上分けている」と評された。
This is to Kary. How do they misuse PCR to estimate all these? So supposed free viral RNA that may or may not be there...-Kary
I think misuse PCR is not quite. I don't think you can misuse busy right now. The results, the interpretation of it. See if you, if you, if you can say, if they wanted, if they can find This virus in you at all. And with PCR, if you do it. Well, you can find almost anything in anybody. It starts making you believe in the sort of Buddhist notion that everything is contained and everything else, right? I mean because if you can model amplify one single molecule up to of to something that you can really measure which PCR can do then, there's just very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of them and your body, okay? So that could be thought of as a misuse of it, just to claim that its meaning Awful. But the real misuse of it is is that you don't need to test for HIV. You don't need to test for the other 10,000, retro viruses that are unnamed. Also, in the subject Society has got HIV. Generally is going to have almost anything that you can test for, because they have definitely been HIV, is a fairly rare virus. There's only 1 million of us out of 250, 300 million people in America that have that virus. So you have to get around either, your mother had to have it and pass it to.You are you have to really be paying a lot of attention to people that do have it as being only attention to them and get a pretty good chance of getting it that way. It's hard to get it, but if you have it, there's a good chance. You've also got a lot of other ones because you've been in the, in the market, from you've been has been possible for you to get a lot of its to test for that one and say, that has any special, meaning is what I think is the problem, not the PCR has been misused. It's like It's not an estimation of hit some real. It's a really quantitative thing. It tells me something about nature and about what's there. But it it allows you to take a very miniscule amount of anything and make it measurable and then talk about it in meetings and stuff like it is important. See that? That was not a misuse. That's a sort of a misinterpretation.
Even after all the PCR, there's quantitative PCR that if you just get down to a basic virologic account, its still one in a thousand one in 10,000 HIV HIV in one to one in a thousand one in 500 to one in, a thousand T cells.-Kary
it is now that there's very little of what they call HIV and what's been brought out of here. But Philpott, and he say already the measurement for it, Is not is not exact at all. It's not, it's not as good as our measurement for things like apples and apple is an apple. You know, you can get something that's kind of like you got enough things that look kind of like an apple. You stick them all together, you might think it's an apple but in the end HIV is like that. The tests are all based on things that are invisible and they are the results are inferred and says, PCR separate from that. It's just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. That's what's so nice is not. It doesn't tell you that you're sick. It it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that. That's what it's not.
Posted at 2021/05/30(Sun) 23:40:34
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