バイデンは20日に何らかの形で宣誓しますが、それは許されるでしょうし、良いことだと思いますし、その他のことも含めて、神はそれが多くの攻撃を受けていることを知っているでしょう。順番は特にありません。彼が出てきた場合の順番です。さあ、始めましょう 私は、トランプ大統領がマー・ア・ラゴ【訳註:トランプ大統領の別荘】に行くとは思っていません。
戦略的に演劇的にレイアウトされているため、会合でのトランプと中国の大統領の1枚の写真の撮影のための写真は、むしろ明らかに外側に写真のカラットと1つは、その胸像を見ることができます。もし歴史のいくつかの文字といくつかの他のビットと爆弾についての話の中で、金曜日の興味深いことは、就任式のリハーサルが行われなかったことです。月曜日にもバイデンは就任式のリハーサルを行う予定だったのですが、それもキャンセルされてしまいました。私はいくつかの重要なポイントがあると思います。彼らは非常に明確に“我々は余裕がない”と言ってきました。私たちのタイムラインは、答えを望んでいる何百万人もの人々によって指示されたり、影響を受けたりすることを想定しています。さて、正義の味方と呼ばれる人々は善良だと理解していますか? もちろん、彼らは全ての人々と混ざっているので、必要性を理解し、何が起こっているのかを理解していますが、このゲームをしているのは彼らであり、私ではありません。
だから、彼らはそんなことはしないでしょうが、彼らは認識していて、同情しています。本当のニュースに人々は何かが起こることを望んでいる1と何度も何度も何度も彼らが私に言うことです。あなたは忍耐強くあることを人々に伝えなければなりません。あなたは穏やかであることを人々に伝える必要があります。ただ、あなたが知っていることを彼らに伝えて、トランプ大統領は白い家の中で何年もやっていないし、恐ろしいことのすべてを取っています。彼は騙された選挙に騙されるように取られているだけで、広くトップサークルで今信じられています。トップサークルは、すべての区画化された必要性に基づいている同じ情報へのアクセスを持っていないことを覚えておいてください。ですが、基本的にはトップです。ティアは今、大統領トランプは2020年に全体の投票の75%程度を確保したと信じています。また、トランプ大統領がカリフォルニアをひっくり返したと考えられています。カリフォルニアの慧眼な共和党と、私たちの正しい心の中で、トランプ大統領であると信じています。大多数の州議会の議長が何を言っても、彼らの正しい心の中で誰が正しいと言うでしょうか? オーケー、私はこの仕事を4年間やってきた。
今回の選挙は完全に騙されて奪われた。私は黙っています。 マスコミはトランプ大統領が敗北宣言をしたと言っているが、敗北宣言などしていない。トランプ大統領が譲歩していた場合、就任式に行くでしょう。さて、トランプ大統領は今はそうしていません 私が持っていた情報の可能性を望んでいたものは、私がそのガムを出してきて、私が持っていたすべての情報は、私たちは明日の日曜日からいつでも何かを待ち受けなければならないということでした。今の言葉は残念ながら、それはかなり大きな時間スケールですが、それは私が持っていた最初の1つであり、私は1人の人からしか得られなかったので、私はトップではなく、私は彼と一緒に公にするつもりはありませんでした。しかし、第二に、私たちは金曜日にはこれがなかった、月曜日にはこれがなかった、何かがなかった、ということはありませんでした。
だから、私の理解はこうです。私が昨夜の金曜日に話した人たちは 彼らの理解では20日までに行動を起こすと言っています。その日程を超えることはまずありません。
議会は無理なので、どこかのスタジオか最高裁判所の部屋でやるでしょう。それが何の意味があるのか質問してみたのですが、もしそうなって、偽の就任式が行われていることを知っていたら、国民にとって何の利益があるのでしょうか? 彼らから何が得られるのか? 彼らは非常に慎重でした。 私は公然としたラインにいるので、それは理解しています。私は安全ではありませんが、彼らは安全です。つまり、ハッキングされる可能性があるということです。だから彼らは常に非常に慎重なのです。
悪者は何をコーディネートしているのかというと 悪者は現実味があるように見える行動を提示できるので、多くの人がそれに納得してしまうのですが、それとは関係なく メディアはこれを見せます。メディアがフェイク放送をして バイデンがホワイトハウスに車を走らせて、入場を拒否されているところを見せます。そして、これは、私が思うに、善良な人たちは、実際にホワイトハウスへの入場を拒否され、追い返されることを楽しみにしています。
途中で降ろして、どうする? よく分かっていると思うが、ホワイトハウスのゲートでバイデンが追い返されるのを見たい、まさにその通りです。私はその放送の12時間以内に、彼らが違法な就任式を行ったという事実だけに基づいて 主要メディアのすべてを倒すことができます。彼らはとにかくそれらをテイクダウンするのに十分な十分な量を持っていると述べたが、それは意思決定の一部の人々が非常にユーモラスでかなり興味深い飛行を旋回させた何かである。私は個人的には、そこまで行くのを見たくないと言いました......コネクティング・コンシャスネスの会員は、そこまで行くのを見たくないと思います。世界の人々のことは言えません。でも、もし私がそのための形を持っていなかったら? 私たちは、人々がそこまでして欲しくないと思っているかもしれません。
私はそれが正しいと確信しています。そして、私が話していた人が私のところに戻ってきて、私もそこまではいかないと思います、と言いました。しかし、もし悪者側が何らかの方法で、主流メディアが流した偽の電子式就任式を公表することができたとしたら その時は別の問題として対処します そこから来ているんですね 私は、この話を信じています。議会や国会議事堂には行かないと思います
そして、あなたはなぜメディアが15,000州兵について話しているのか知っているので、私はその数字を実行しましたが、メディアを全く信じることができませんでした、そして、それは私が連絡先の聞いたことを確認していなかったと私はこれを言われました15,000ではなく、それを正しく取得します。それは20 1421 何かそのようなものです。だから21400だ。15000じゃない。メディアが認定しているか、または言われているよりも多くのことがあります。そして、多くの見解は、なぜ犯罪者の一団が、 共和国に非常に忠実な21,000人の兵士がいるところに、犯罪者の集団が行くのです。憲法に、大統領に、本当の大統領に。ところで、それはドナルド・トランプです。21,000人の兵士に囲まれて、二度と外に出られないかもしれない場所に、犯罪者はどこに行くのでしょうか?
最高裁には2人の判事がいる 残りの判事はあまり良くないと思う。それで会話が発展して、私は言ったんです、すみません。"10日間の暗闇 "は好きじゃない 恐怖を煽る言葉だし、10日間の暗闇を演出する悪者のように聞こえるし、憤慨する。私はそうするつもりはないし、私はいつも10日間音信不通の10日間で電話をしてきました。私は連絡先に尋ねた。イギリスでは何が見えますか? そして、返事は、よく、あなたたちが実際に避けようとしているのは、非常に可能性の高い7日間の混乱の5日から7日かもしれません。また、連絡先は、おそらくいくつかのクリーンアップがあることを私に言った、イギリスが必要としている国は、興味深いことに最後に来るだろうが、最後に5日から7日の間であれば、他の国ではもっと長期化する可能性があります。停電はどこにでもあるはずだという理由は、停電がある場合はどこにでも長時間開催されるはずという、本当の実質的な理由はありません。本当にありません。
それはすべてのこの多分アメリカの特定の部分の兵士の大きな部分です。全体の問題ではなく、アメリカ東海岸、おそらく西海岸、おそらく今、何が面白いのかもイギリスイギリスイギリス具体的に理由としてcovidウイルスを使用して、首相。私は基本的にイギリスを半ロック状態にして、人々が出入りするようにしました。月曜日からイギリスに来た場合は、実際にDNA検査を受けて、ウイルスに感染していないことを確認しなければなりません。重い罰金が課せられる 黙っていれば 罰則が科せられます 重要なのはDNAが採取されることだ 悪いことだと思わないでください 誰かが何かを鼻にかけようとしてきても、私の意見では受け入れないでください。スワップを鼻に突き刺されるくらいなら、飛ばない方がいい。彼らは、あなたがここでそれを押し上げたい場合は、ここの領域だけを行うことができます。私のアドバイスはノーサンキュー、それもやるつもりはありません。ということで、今、空の回廊がロックアウトされた状態になっています。
英国が最後の国の一つになるのは 理解していますが... ...何か行動を起こすことになるでしょう
権力のある立場にいる悪人の中には、何が起こるか分からない人が、かなり多くいると思います。彼らは、何が起こるか分からないと、かなり良い推測をしています。文字通りの意味ではありません。私が言いたいのは、それは生き方の存在のための戦いであり、双方の側は、悪者には彼らの生き方があることを認識するでしょう。彼らにとってとても重要な生き方です。それが彼らの生き方です。そして、それは真っ直ぐな戦いです。まっすぐな戦いだ もうフェンスの上に座ってはいけない 彼はグレーゾーンではない 片方の側につくか、もう片方の側につくか... 最終決戦です。 悪者の槍玉になるのは、メディアです。何度も言っていますが。
生物兵器が悪者に使われたのか?3年前に話したことがありますが、特殊部隊が入ってきて、私の知る限りでは、最初の試みでした。そうではなかったかもしれませんが、私には、それが最初の試みでした アメリカを破壊するための中国の作戦の一環として アメリカでウイルスを放出しようとしたのです 確かにトランプ大統領を破壊するために 失敗しました。あなたの国でウイルスを作っているならば、あなたが望む最後のことは、あなたの国で、その自己同一のウイルスをリリースすることです。まあ、それは通常の状況下ではそうなるでしょうね...なぜなら、中国は非常に支配力があるからです。彼らは他の全ての組織に影響を与えてきましたそれを追跡したことを知っていますか?中国はウイルスを自国で放出することを 望んでいませんでした 密輸されることを計画していましたがそれは非常に強力な感染力を持っていて 感染力が非常に強いので 少量で済みました しかし、その量を採取して、それを複製してもっと多く作る可能性もありましたが、それがうまくいかず、中国で壊れて紛失してしまいました。
これは、大統領に対する根強い憎しみの別の段階であり、彼は何を支持しているのでしょうか。これは文字通り、善悪の問題です。サタンと神と言ってもいいでしょうが、一般的には、根本的に善良な人と根本的に邪悪な人の間にあると言えます。一般の人々や若者に行われた悪事を裏で聞いて政治的なことをするには、目の前にいなければなりませんが、実際には、彼らは正気ではありません。彼らはただの悪魔崇拝者だ それが彼らの正体です。彼らは悪魔崇拝者で、それが人生の道なのですが、私たちが熱望し、認識している普通の人生、そして悪魔崇拝的な人生の道は、あまりにも長い間、ハリウッドを支配してきましたが、今では、あまりにも長い間、あらゆる形の娯楽を支配してきましたが、今では、広告映画やテレビを支配してきましたが、あまりにも長い間、ノーマンの娯楽産業に忍び込み始めています。それが、ここで争われていることです。そして、あなたは誰もがこの長い闘争の後にトランプ大統領と彼の周りの人々は、少なくとも1963年の事実に戻って、彼は産業軍事複合体の話をしたあなたの前に大統領に戻って行くことを考えるだろう場合。今、もちろん、私たちはその中から軍を取り出すことができます、それは素晴らしいことですが、それはすぐにさかのぼります。誰もが、人類の歴史のタイムラインを考えています善人はそう言うでしょう オーケー、彼らは私たちを打ち負かした。奴らは地獄のように騙して75%の票を得た でも私たちは彼らに勝てるわ 我々はただ消えて、4年後には戻ってくるだろう。主要メディアはそう言うだろうな 良い人は4年後に戻ってくるだろうということは、良い人は知っている。彼らがそんなことをしたら、4年後にはアメリカはなくなってしまうだろう。彼らはここまで来て何もしないで、静かに隅っこに行くためだけに来ていません。
すぐには実現しないと言っただろう。すぐには無理だと言いました 今すぐにでも実現させましょう、しかし、私は計画を立てているわけではありません、あなたは知っているでしょう、私はいくつかの情報を受け取り、私はあなたに伝えます、だから私が話したかったのはそれです。他にできることはあまりないんだ......待つしかない。他には?他には?さて、トランプ大統領は支持者に 銃を持って街頭に出ることを望んでいません なぜなら、それは少し難しいようですが あなたは実際に邪魔になるだろう。彼らはそれを持っていると感じていると思います。統制が取れているので、民衆の大規模な革命は必要ありません。
それが必要なのではありません。支持者ができる最善のことは、ただ黙って座っていることです。そして、大統領を信頼して、いつもしてきたことをすることです。この4年間で何が達成されたかというと、最も困難な状況下で、トランプ大統領はこの4年間で、機械全体が彼を助けたどの大統領よりも それはそれはそれはそれは信じられないほどのことです この大統領が達成したものでさえ、ほとんどそれに対して働いているすべてのもので それは驚くべきことです それは驚くべきことであり、あなたが知っているように、非常に多くの真実が出てくるようになったのです。彼と彼が達成したことについて、何かがあることを期待しましょう。この人が刑務所に入るとか、この人がこれをするとか、そういうことに焦点を当てるのではなく、 それは、わずかな証拠でしかありませんでしたが、16年の選挙ではそうでした。彼らは全く同じことをしましたが 支持を完全に誤解していました それは全てのドミニオンマシンが全てのタイプのマシンであり 全ての偽装投票はヒラリーを獲得するために行われました だからこそヒラリーは勝つと確信していましたが 彼らはトランプへの膨大な支持を過小評価していました それで2020年に向けて動き出した時、彼らは2つのプラントを持っていました。アルゴリズム的な計画と、ヒラリーの時のように、二度と追いつかれないようにするためのフォールバック計画です。今回もまた、トランプ氏への支持の潮目は2016年よりもさらに大きく、コンピュータが実行していたアルゴリズムが入れ替わったのです。
レオナルドの衛星が前後に通信していた時です 彼は必死に票を倉庫に移動させていました
時には、遠く離れたニューヨークやカリフォルニアからも、投票所に立ち寄って、票を運び出さなければなりませんでした。これが彼らの予備の位置でした。それは、このようにトラブルへの支持が非常に大きいことを学んだからです。そして、それは彼らが計画を行った方法です。さて、あなたは正直に尋ねるだろう。トランプ氏とチームが最初の選挙でこのことを知っていたならば なぜ2回目の選挙では何もしなかったのか?彼らは話題にしたくなかったのは、彼らがやったことを正確にやって欲しかったからです......悪役たちは、期待されたことを正確にやっていました......そして、トランプがティナの中に入って、それをクリアしていたのです。彼らには政府が残っていなかったでしょう。作戦もできなかったでしょう 4年後の今 政府全体の75%、多分80%を奪う準備ができています。 彼らは十分な量を得ました。おそらく、ちょうど十分な量ですが、非常事態で宣誓した後、
双方の計画がある ここがポイントです。双方が計画したことは、善側が行ったことです チェッカーの頭のゲームやチェスのゲームを見てきました 片方は2手先を見通せる一方、片方は3手先を見通せる一方、善側は3手先を見ています それで、何が再生されているかというと、何が再生されているかということです。人々がイライラしているのは知っていますが、どうすればいいのでしょうか?私は言われた事しか言えません 私が真実だと信じている事だけを伝えます もし私がそれらの情報源からそれを確認しなければ 私はあなたにさえ伝えません しかし、昨夜は1つの電話でした 私はそれが真実であることを知るために確認を必要としない人々からの電話でした だから、私たちはそこに行く。日曜から当日までの間に 何かを期待していた方がいい。
いいですか?承知しました ありがとうございます 俺は悲観的ではないが 箱に食料の缶詰と 数ガロンか数リットルの水があれば ヨーロッパ人であれば プレッパーであれば 半年分の価値があるから大丈夫だが、お金がないので、万が一のために何かを用意しておくといいだろう。ただ、今はごめんなさいよりも安全である。私はまた、私が話したいと思っている間、こんにちは話をしていたときに、大統領が唯一の1つの大統領であったときに、金融システムの変化があった覚えている大統領トランプ大統領は、大統領が力の小さなスムーズな転送があると述べています。彼は二つのメッセージを伝えています 一つは、彼から彼への移転です 私がフリン中将の話をした時、多くの人が反対したことを知っています 左のフリン中将に何をすべきかを 伝えようとしているのを知っていますか? 我々の人々はそれが本当に嫌なんです 気の毒に 残念だわ 私が聞いた話では、フリン中将はトランプ新政権で副大統領の地位を希望し、希望しなければ、別の政府の役職に就くことになっています。もしジョン・F・ケネディ・ジュニアが生きていれば、彼は州から州へと巡回して、教会の男女を集めて、公開集会を開いたり、個人的な集会を開いたりします。……そう、もし。ジョン・F・ケネディは生きています。彼の仕事は、銃が棚に戻された後、彼の仕事はなくなりました。分かった、それでいい これは、金融の変化の面では、他のどこにも聞いたことがないような話です。少なくとも、昔のように、悪くても昔のように、リセットされているわけではありません。チャーリー・ウォードは、特に金融の変化に関連した知識を真に理解しています。トランプ大統領が権力の円滑な移転について話しているときにも、現在の銀行システムから新しいシステムへの移行について言及しています。ケネディ大統領は、それを入れようとしていたし、それのために殺されました。両方ともです。ケネディが殺されたのは、彼がUFOのものをたくさん発表しようとしていたからではありませんでしたが、彼が殺され、殺されたのは、彼がアメリカを金本位制に戻そうとしていたからではありません。彼は、アメリカを金本位制に戻そうとしていたからです。一部の人々は、金本位制を受け入れる準備ができていませんでした。
私は、私が他の人から研究していることではなく、私が言われていることを あなたに報告します そして、私は理解しています 35は、これを正しく理解しています 34クイン兆34クイン兆が押収されました バチカン銀行から今、私はそれがドルポンドユーロであるかどうかわからないことを知っています。私は聞いていません その34クイン兆が電子マネーであれば その34クイン兆が紙幣なら価値がない。価値がないんだよ。金の34クイン兆なら そんな金があったとしたら、それは非常に価値がある。しかし、電子的には現物資産に裏付けされた34クイン兆だと思います。つまり価値があるということです。ですから、34クインが金とは限らない現物資産を担保にしているのであれば そうすると、それは実際には現実的な通貨になります。このマイニングが収集され、アメリカが金本位制に行くと信じて準備をしました。私はレンガが標準に戻る良さに期待しています。私は多くの国が変更されることを願っています。あなたが利息を請求される方法を変更します。自動車を買うと、銀行やクレジットカード会社から利息を請求されます。余分な利息を払わなければならないのですが、それが変わることになります。また、人々の課税方法も変わることになります。それはブロードとジョージ王でしたが、王の一人が戦争を望んでいました。
古代イギリスは常に戦争をしていたので、彼は十分なお金を持っていませんでした。そこで彼は素晴らしいアイデアを思いついたのですが、賃金をもらっている人々のお金にポンド税を課すことにしました。他の国ではどう呼ばれているのか知りませんが、その年を除いて、一度も法律に批准されたことはありませんでした。あなたは知っていますか英国議会英国の議員は、彼らが新しいパートナーを持っているたびに彼らが制定する最初のものは、我々はこの法律を通過した毎回それは我々が銃のために税金を上げることを承認することを通過した非常に最初の法律です。まあ、私たちはこのような財政的な変化を得る場合は、そのようなものと、新しい概念とそううまく座るつもりはありませんので、私たちは新しい自由を見ていると思います。トランプ大統領や共和党、民主党だけの問題ではありません。そうではなく、人類の開花と発展のことなのです。主の名の下に、どのようにしたら、システムに四方八方で押しつぶされている時に、 その仕事が何であれ、私たちはお金を手に入れますが、システムはそれを奪い取ることを望んでいます。暖房費を払わないといけないし
人は奴隷として作られた 彼らは私たちを奴隷にしたのです 彼らを支配する者たちによって 恐ろしい扱いを受けました その後、反奴隷制の廃止が可決され、奴隷制度は廃止されました。彼らはもはや無意味に働かなくなりました。それが2020年2021年になり、私たちは働き、奴隷にお金を払ったのです。領主や主人の周りで、しかし、状況が変わったので、今では、その奴隷制度のために支払われています。大多数の一般人の間では、私たちには自由があると思っています。私たちは自由を持っていません。そして、この政府の反応ウイルスは、実際には、私たちの自由は、薄っぺらいもので、私たちの概念や、本や、その内部にある大きな文書は、博物館に閉じ込められていますが、現代の政治的なティコにとっては、それは無価値です。なぜなら、私たちは純粋に、機械の継続性の機械を養うためにここにいるのですから。より良いものを求めているのです。だから、私たちはメディアと戦わなければなりません。疑念を回避するための戦いなのです。銃を蹴るという意味ではありません。道徳的に戦わなければなりません。この地球上では、今のところ慎重に戦わなければなりません。私たちは、自分たちが正しいと信じなければなりません。だから、これらはエキサイティングな時代であり、非常に困難な時代でもあるのです。周りが怒っていても気にしないし、彼女がおかしいと思っていても......ただ耐えて待っていて、もし全てが必要な方向に進んで、行きたかった方向に進んだら........
なぜ私が真実を見たと思うの?そして、あなたはしなかった 私はあなたに言ったと言って欲しくないので、私は多くのあなたを期待していますが、あなたが言うことができるのは、なぜあなたは私がそれをすべて見抜いたと思いますか、あなたはしました、そして、あなたは彼らに言うことができます行くと、自分自身に尋ねることができます自分自身をオフにして、1週間考えています。なぜあなたは真実を見なかったのか?なぜあなたは何をしなかったのか、それが停止していることは何ですか?あなたは真実を参照してください?そして、あなたは何を知っている - 私たち。
もう誰も君たちのことを見下したりしない 誰もあなたが狂っているとか 陰謀論者だとは言わないわ 誰もあなたを責めない あなたが話せば 人々はあなたに耳を傾ける この狂気の海の中には、数人の人間がいて、何百万人もの人間がいるが、何十億人もの人間がいて、あなたが聞かないだけで、何百万人もの人間が実際に持っているのだから。
そして、あなたのように、私にとっての大きなゲームは、主流メディアです。それが落ち着くのを見るのは、何と嬉しいことでしょう。真実が明らかになり、真実が明らかになって、また元の状態に戻るのは、何と嬉しいことでしょうか。そして、誇りを持って、地域社会に出て行って、人々の顔を見て、 だからこそ、私はあなた方の多くを知っているのです。実現して欲しいと願っていて、それを理解しているし、それに見合うだけの価値があると思っています。私はそのメッセージを 意思決定をする人々に伝えました そうしたら、私はあなたに言ったのですが、返ってきた返事は、とても友好的なものではありませんでした。人々が行動を求めているからといって、スケジュールを変更することはできません。しかし、人々は理解してくれているので、私はこの視点を伝えました。正義を貫きたいからだ。どんなことがあっても、悪人には責任を取らせたい。彼らに責任を負わせて、善が悪に勝利してほしい。それが善人の信念だから。
そうですね お時間をどうもありがとうございました。
Simon Parkes Jan.6.21 movie's all text.
I'm just to let you know that so welcome. It's the 16th. and we just a few days before things get incredibly exciting.
And I was hoping to do an update bit earlier, but the people that I needed to speak to when not available sometimes when they are required to leave their mobile phones at the desk.
I have that meeting and then they will then come out pick their phones up at some hours later. There is one location that I'm aware of where they can keep their phones because this facility of this room is so special that they're absolutely no electronic communications can penetrate in or penetrate out but the result is the same that I'll have five six seven hours if new communication with that particular group, Well, so what happened is that had a call saying which I think came in at about two o'clock three o'clock in the morning UK time.
And it just simply said might call me. Does it matter what time just call me and I did but unfortunately person cell phone was off. So there is a lot of meeting I had that conversation that conversation finally took place last night so I want to talk to you about that, and I also want to talk to you a little bit about all of this stuff that's going around on the internet regarding that Biden will somehow be a sworn in on the 20th.
It's going to be allowed and it's good and all the rest of it and you know that that God's making some Headway in terms of it's getting a lot obviously quite correctly my view it's getting a lot of attacks, but it's being debated and I wanted to give you the information I have and what it's about. So again in no particular order. Order just as the way if he comes out. Here we go with it. I don't believe that President Trump will go to Mara Lago.
I think that that's what the media are being shown and I think the unawakened unaware of being shown that I do believe could get a Texas. If you look at the pictures that mainstream were carrying then it's literally for years worth of boxes of New York Post and New York Times.For strategically theatrically laid out for the take picture of one photograph of trump and Chinese president in a meeting rather obviously carats of the picture outwards and one can see that a bust if some character of history and a few other bits and bombs in a talk about theater and stage managing that that's interesting on Friday by was not Going to go for his rehearsal for the inauguration that was cancelled on coming Monday. Biden was supposed to is slated to go in and do some rehearsing and that's been canceled as well that interesting so I don't really know how this guy is going to learn his words if he's not really going to go in and have a practice. I think there's some key points them All right, what what I know what everybody wants and I've said to the people I talk to you know what the situation is and they've said quite clearly that we can't afford. Our timeline are planning to be directed or influenced by millions of people who want an answer.
Now, you know that the people who we would call white hat they are good people and do you understand? Of course they do because they mix with all the people actually the understand the need and the understand what's going on, but they're the ones who are playing this game not you know, I they're the ones who have to make the decisions and if they did what you and I wanted at my really sabotaged the whole of that plan.
So they're not going to do that, but they are the are aware and they are sympathetic. To the real news the people want something to happen one and again and again and again what they tell me is. You must tell people to be patient. You must tell people to be calm. Just tell them that you know, President Trump has not done for years in the white white house and taking all of the horrible things. He's taken just to be tricked by a cheated election is widely believed now in the top circles. Remember the top circles don't all have access to the same information that's on a compartmentalised need-to-know basis, but basically the top.Tia now believe that President Trump secured something like 75% of the entire vote in 2020. It's also believed that President Trump flipped California that California Acumen Republican and who in our right minds and I believe President Trump is in his right mind no matter what majority house Speaker says who in their right mind would actually then say, right? Okay. I've done this job for four years.
I've been completely cheated and robbed of this election. I just go quietly. No, he would never have lasted the length he has lasted and the media. I'll say that chompers can see.
No, he has not President Trump has not conceded if President Trump had conceded he would have made it known that he was going to go to the inauguration. Okay, he's not conceived right now that what wanted potentiality the information that I had a load on come up that gum and say all the information that I had was that we should expect something anytime from tomorrow Sunday on words now, unfortunately, that's quite big time scale, but that was the initial one that I had and I only got it from one person and I wasn't going to be public with him firstly because I'd only got it from one person not the top person. But secondly, you know, we weren't there wasn't this on Friday wasn't wasn't something on Monday.
So here's my understanding. The people that I've spoken to last night Friday. Yeah Friday night have said that it is their their understanding that action will be taken before the 20th.It is unlikely to go beyond that. But here's where some of this talk about Biden having an inauguration as come from it is believed that there's a real possibility for the people behind by to create a CGI stroke analog reality. In other words, perhaps in one of the rooms in scotus. Remember that You justice Roberts is not our favorite cup of tea here in Great Britain all your cup of coffee in America. So maybe one of those rooms could be used maybe a completely cgi'd backdrop. We know that Tom Hanks part of the club wants to come and do some sort of introductions and be the presenter and compare and do all this stuff. And so the people I spoke to said there is a real possibility that mainstream media may carry an illegal inauguration.
So that's where I think all this talk about binds going to go in and be inaugurated that's where I think it's coming from now. Let's just say and and it's not my understanding. I'm only now addressing some of the things that people are talking about so it's not my understanding, but I'm only just my point of view across based on what I've heard others saying about buying let us just assume there is this which is quite possible to CGI fake Inauguration in not the White House. Is he never going to get in there?
Not the Congress because you know, that's not going to happen. So some studio somewhere or some room in Supreme Court when it's all done. What is the point of that I mean I asked that question said if that was to happen and you guys know that there's a fake inauguration going on what benefit is there to the people to you? What is there out of them now? They were very cagey on that and I understand that because I'm on an open line. I'm not secure my end, but they're secure their in which means it can be hacked this in. So they're always very very careful. But the point was and I hadn't I hadn't anticipated. I hadn't even thought about it was that the world sees the world sees this fake inauguration over by the way. I said don't you think people are going to know it's fake don't do anything. We'll see it and the person on the other end of the phone said to me we'll you think so. We talked about 9/11 and how well that was orchestrated and so many other things and yeah the me.
Working with what coordinate the bad guys do have the ability to present a action that seems so real that many people will buy into it but regardless of that so the media then we'll show this if this is what occurs is fake broadcast by the media and then it will show Biden driving up to the White House and being refused entry. And this is what I think the Good guys, actually looking forward to actually being refused entry into the White House and being turned away, which is unheard of unheard of and the other thing was that I said look if this does go ahead and they
produce this fake inauguration through the media CGI trick photography Etc.
What are you guys going to do? You're going to take it down halfway and sit know well that that go through if that's what happens if that gets that point and we want to see Biden turned away at the White House Gates and then within 12 hours. That's exactly the figure. I was given within 12 hours of that broadcast that allows us to take down all of mainstream media just based on the fact that They Carried an illegal inauguration. The said they've got plenty of plenty enough to take them down anyway, but that that's something that some people in the decision-making circled flight quite humorous and quite interesting. I personally said I don't want to see it get that far my membership of connecting Consciousness don't want to see it get that far. I can't speak for the people of the world. But if I haven't it any shape for that? We could people wouldn't want it to get that far.And I'm sure that that actually is the right point and then this person I was speaking to reiterated came back to me and said look, I don't think it's going to get that far either. But if the bad side were able to get out somehow this fake electronic inauguration which then mainstream media carried. And then then we would deal with that, you know as a separate thing. So that's where that's coming from. I believe that all this talk about buying having an operation. I don't believe that by will go to the Congress or any of the Capitol Hill buildings.
And you know, why because the media are talking about 15,000 National Guard I ran that figure could never believe the media at all, and that wasn't confirming what I'd heard of Contact and I was told this not 15,000 get it gets right. It's 20 1421 something like that. So it's 21400. Something's not 15,000. There's a lot more than the media are either allowing or be told and a lot of the view is why would a bunch of criminals that's you know, these people wanted. A bunch of criminals go where there's 21,000 soldiers who are very loyal to the Republic to the Constitution and to the president the real president. By the way, which is Donald Trump. Where would they go in there and have 21,000 soldiers around them and maybe never get out again.
So that's the reason the probably won't go to Capitol Hill and they'll do it in some back alley in some studio or maybe the Supreme Court part from two justices.Two justices on the Supreme Court. I think the rest of those justices are you know, they're not going to be looking too good. Alright, so then this conversation developed and I said, look, excuse me. I'm never happy with ten days of darkness at don't like that that is a fear mongering term and it sounds like bad guys at producing ten days of darkness and that and I resent that type of thing. I'm not going to have it and I've always called at 10 days of no communication much better term 10 days of no communication and I asked specifically for the United Kingdom. I asked my contact. What do you see in the United Kingdom? And the reply was well, you guys actually going to get away quite likely you might have seven days five to seven days of disruption, but also the contact said to me that probably there is some cleanup Nation needed Britain at that will come last interestingly last but
five to seven days you got you guys might get about quite likely other countries might see more prolonged periods. There is no real substantive reason why power outages should be long held anywhere there really isn't if there are power outages as part of their operation by the way outs.They are very aware that these are ordinary people who are suffering and they will keep it to a minimum. So don't believe that's going to be too horrific. What will be horrific for anyone under the age of 30? Maybe he's 40 now. I don't know it's a loss of their cell phones and their mobile phones that is slated to go down as its television, you know, we've moved on from a sort of a electronic lock down over United States too much more of a global one. I don't think every country world, but there'll be many cups what I was told and I know Skippy the words as if you put your television on no matter where you chew it, too.
Depending on your particular operation your country it will either automatically default back to one channel coming from America or all the other channels just don't exist. And there's only going to be one broadcast channel and what they're talking about is live courts martials being screened over seven days or 10 days testimonies being on a loop.
So people you have a decided to buy their freedom on part Freedom by being open and honest consenting to having their confession filmed and that then being shown to the world. So all the people that we we really want to wake up and show the truth show that we're not all crazy, you know, we know we believe this and we're not all that they will actually have it in their face.
That's a big part of all this maybe just soldiers in certain parts of America. Not the whole problem America the East Coast perhaps the West Coast perhaps now, what is interesting even Great Britain United Kingdom England specifically using the covid virus as the reason the prime minister. I was basically put United Kingdom into a semi lockdown as people going out and coming in. So now if you come to Britain from Monday you you must actually have had a DNA test to show that you're free of the virus you you must little be checked have an address to go to and then you must have another test five days or six days later. There's a heavy fine. If you don't tell this is going to be enforced. But the point here is that DNA material is taken. So don't look on this as a bad thing. If anyone tries to put something up your nose don't accept that in my opinion. It's better not to fly than have a swap stuck right up your nose. They could just do this area here if you want to push it up here. My advice is no thank you not going to do that too. So there is now becoming an air Corridor locked out.
And I do understand that Britain is going to be one of the last countries that will have any action taken so.
I understand. Lots of people are hugely frustrated, you know, getting more and more thought and desperate as we get towards this date, but look at what's happening. I'll look at the mainstream media. Look at how it's not being portrayed as in normal transition. Those of you old enough to think about Obama and Clinton Bush and Reagan think about those transitions. Look how the media would doing this and doing that and how the incoming president was doing this doing that and compare it to what is occurring.
And you know the I believe there are an awful lot of bad people in positions of power who if they don't know what's coming to them have a pretty good guess in you think that it's always been him meaning Trump him or that one of the two sides and only one of the two sides can cut the finishing tape and come through the other side and if I said to you It's a fight to the death. I don't mean it literally like that. What I mean is it is a fight for existence of a way of life and both sides and they're going to recognize that the bad guys have their way of life their way of life, which is so important to them which is basically in a day are the Lords and Masters and all the rest of this is just a humble servants that go around doing what they want. That's their way of life. And it's a straight fight. It's a straight fight. Don't sit on the fence anymore people. He is no gray area. You're either on one side or you on the other side and what we are playing out is this final battle and the spear point for the bad guys is the media that is their major weapon of choice because it's their only now weapon of choice. I've said many times.Was that the biological weapon was used by the bad guys? I've talked before three years ago when special ops went in and recovered the first to my knowledge the first attempt. It may not have been but it to me it was the first attempt to release a virus in the United States as part of the China operation to destroy America certainly to destroy President Trump that failed and then we had this upon which also semi failed because during the struggle was released in China, you know, if you are making a virus in your country. The last thing you want is to release that selfsame virus in your country not least because it's traced back. Well, it would be under normal circumstances of because China is so much in control. They've been able to influence all the other organizations that would normally have Have you know traced it back to them? So China never ever wanted that virus released in their own country who worked the plan was that would be smuggled out.
And it was so So powerful in terms of its ability to infect it's very very contagious that only a small amount was needed. But also there was a possibility of taking that amount and then sing they could replicate it make more of it and that went wrong it was broken and lost in China.
So this is just another phase of a deep-seated hatred against the president and what he Stands for It's not about Democrat Republican. This is literally about Good and Evil. You know, you could say it's Satan and God but you know just generally say it's between those that are fundamentally good people and those that are fundamentally evil when we hear through back channels of the evil that had done to ordinary in it people and young people and you think you'd have to be insane to do some of these crazy things is evil things.Political things you'd have to be in sight and I actually say they're not insane. They're just satanists. That's what they are. They're Satanist and that's the to way of life, but the normal life that we aspire to and we recognize and a satanic way of life which for too long now has dominated Hollywood too long now dominating all forms of entertainment too long now has dominated advertising Cinema and on television too long now has begun to creep in To Norman entertainment Industries. And so that's what being fought for here. And if you anybody would think that President Trump and the people around him after this long struggle, which goes back at least to 1963 fact, he goes back to the president before you who talked about the industrial military complex. Now, of course, we can take the military out of it, which is great, but it goes right back. So anybody thinks that timeline of human history the good guys are going to say yeah. Okay, they beat us. They tricked like hell we got 75% of the vote. But you know what, we could beat them. We will just go away and maybe in four years time will come back. That's what the main media will tell you that that's what we'll do. Is that the good guys will try and come back in four years a good guys know. They'll be no America in four years time if they do that not as we understand it anyway, and they're not going to do that. The haven't come this far just to do nothing and to go quietly way into the corner.
That's not what scheduled okay, but I appreciate that the closer we get to it. The more energy is produced and the more we feel that and all I can tell.
It's what I've been told which is we have a plan. We working together several but we working on an overall plan and we cannot afford to be pushed by people who are in desperately making a lot of noise because they want they want to be justified. They want to see that they were right they want to tell their neighbors of the brothers and the sisters of their mothers fathers that they were right.It will happen it will happen. So, you know, there was a very useful conversation. And again, I'll come back to the point that I want to keep hammering home. Is that the people I've spoken to have made it very clear that they don't think it will get that far to the bad guys putting out in fake holographic or CGI mocked up in the back of some of the don't think it will get that. For that but if for any reason they can't then, you know, there will be entertainment to see the Cavalcade of beat up old cars because the Bible's not had access to anything really so be cars that Hollywood stars of lent them or big Bankers of length and all gonna drive up and not be given an entrance into the White House and I think it's just about that. Now I've said, yeah, but The medium of going to cover that would show that so there's the vision and the view of those planning the operation and there's what we the ordinary people actually want to happen.
And I've said it can't come soon enough. It can't come soon enough. Let's have it now this very minute, but I'm not making plans, you know, I receive some information and I pass on to you, so that's what I wanted to talk about.We just there's not much else we can do we have to wait. What else? Can we do? Okay, President Trump does not want his supporters out on the streets with guns because although it sounds a bit difficult. You actually going to get in the way. I think that they feel they've got it. So well controlled they don't need a mass revolution of the people.
That's not what's required. They do believe they think the best thing that the supporters can do is just sit tight and do what you've always done which is trust your president you've trusted it and if we look back on the four years, it hasn't actually let you down, you know, those don't get into Party politics, but if weWhat's been achieved in those four years under the most trying circumstances that man President Trump achieved more in these last four years than any president who had the whole Machinery helping him. That's that's that's the incredible thing that what this president has achieved even with everything almost working against it is astonishing it is astonishing and you know, there's so much truth got to come out. Let's just hope that there's something about him and what he's achieved rather than focusing on this person's going to jail or that person's going to do this that we just need to remember that, you know, this is one individual that the Americans voted in and the evidence that I was shown. It was only a small amount of evidence was that in the sixteen election. They did do exactly the same thing, but they totally misunderstood the support the it's all the Dominion machines are all the type of machines and all the fake voting was done to get Hillary and that's why Hillary was so confident that she would win but they underestimated the huge amount of support for Trump. So when we came around to 2020, they have two plants. They are algorithmic plan and then a fallback plan because it won't want to be caught out again as they were with Hillary. So again this time the tide of support for Trump was Even bigger than 2016 and it's swapped the algorithm that the computers were running.
And that's when this Leonardo satellites were communicated backwards and forwards and he desperately had to move these votes for warehouses.
Sometimes as far away as New York Heaven's Sake or California had to stop at the voting and get these things Trucking Bustin get them out. And this was their fallback position and it was because that they learnt Thus the support for trouble so great. And that's how they did the plan. Now, you would honestly ask. Well if Trump and team knew all about this in the first election. Why didn't they do something in the second? They didn't want to talk the subject up because they wanted these people to do exactly what they did these Bad actors did exactly what they were expected to do and had Trump gone in in Tina cleared it out. They wouldn't have had a government left. They wouldn't have had an operation. Now four years later. They're ready to take out 75% maybe 80% of the entire government and they got enough probably just enough but enough to go in sworn in very emergency and run run the show.
So both sides have planned. Here's the point. Both sides planned to what the good sides done is they've seen a head game of checkers or a game of chess one side can see two moves ahead one side can see three moves ahead and good guys are seeing three moves ahead. And so what is playing out is what is meant to play out? And I know people get frustrated across, you know, and what can I do about it? It I you know, I can only tell you what I am told and I will only tell you what I believe to be true and if I don't get confirmation of it from those sources, I won't even tell you but last night was a the one phone call the people that I don't need confirmation from to know it's true. So, there we go.Anytime between Sunday and the day itself. We should expect something.
Okay? All right. Thank you. You know, I'm not Doom and Gloom at but if you have got a box with some tins of food and a few gallons or liters, if you're European of water, you don't need loads and loads and loads those of you who are Preppers. Yeah, you've got six months worth so you're fine, but those You don't I don't have much money you able to do that because get something in in case you like, I don't know a day without electricity or something like that. Just be safe rather than sorry now. Hello talk while I wanted to also talk about was the change in the financial system when the president was only one president of remember President Trump when the President says there's a small smooth transfer of power. He's then you two messages one is it's transferring from him to him and I know a lot of people got crossed when I talked about Lieutenant General Flynn. Do you know you're telling left General Flynn what to do in our people really don't like that one. Sorry. It's too bad. It's tough because what I've been told is that letter General Flynn will be offered the position of Vice President in a new Trump Administration if he wants it and if he doesn't he'll be offered another government position. And if John F Kennedy jr. Is alive he will go around from state to state healing holding open air meetings private meetings bringing Church men and women together with with people talking to local governments Senate's the lat. So ifJohn F. Kennedy jr. Is alive his job after all of this of the guns of been put back in the racks is gone is job is cut for his job is to actually go out there and heal the country and then in four years time, he will stand as president of the United States. Okay. So there you go. That's something you won't hear anywhere else in terms of the financial change or at least according the bad or good old days the reset Of course Charlie, what is quite rightly an expert on this and I do like talking to Charlie we got on very well. Charlie Ward has a true genuine understanding the knowledge particularly in relation to financial change when President Trump is talking about smooth transfer of power is also referring away from the current banking system to a new system. On the President Kennedy was attempting to put in and was murdered for it. Both of them. Kennedy was not murdered because he was about to release UFO redacted documents say he was he was going to release a lot of UFO stuff, but that wasn't the reason they murdered him and murdered him because he was about to put America back on the gold standard. And there are certain people that weren't prepared to have that and so here we are again 50 years plus.
Now looking at the same thing. This transfer will be a remarkable transfer for Humanity. And finally she so much info comes into me now. I'm sorry. I can't put it in a nice, you know, nice even order just an ordinary guy working from home don't have a big office, you know, we don't have a good staff. We're not, you know, don't sit around and as I'm not a researcher so I don't sit.
Looking at 50 Presentations make notes put it all together. I meet people difficult moment with bloody locked up and I meet people I get messages and
I report to you what I am being told not what I am researching from other people and I understand that 35 get this right 34 Quinn trillion 34 Quinn trillion was seized. From Vatican bank now that I don't know if that's dollars pounds Euros. I didn't ask. If that 34 Quinn trillion is electronic money. It's worthless if it's 34 Qin trillion in paper money. It's worthless. If it's 34 Quinn trillion in gold. If there ever was that money, that's very valuable. However I think it's 34 Quinn trillion electronically that is backed against physical assets. That means it is valuable. So if it's 34 contrarian backed against a physical asset that may not necessarily be gold. Then that is actually a realistic currency. This mining has been gathered and got ready do believe America will go to the gold standard. I hope to goodness brick goes back on standard. I hope many countries do but that will change.Change the way you are charged interest. I am charged interest by the Banks or credit card companies or whoever it is you go buy a motor car. You've got to pay extra interest on that that that is going to change and the way the people are taxed go for job pay tax that's going to change to do, you know British people know this but most people don't know but tax in Great Britain is illegal. Well, it was Broad and it was Mad King George, but one of the Kings wanted a war.
Ancient Britain was always fighting Wars and he didn't have enough money. So he had this fantastic idea to charge a penny in the pound tax on people's money that they were paid wages were calling contact. I don't know what you call it your other countries and it was never ratified into law except that one year. Do you know if the British Parliament British lawmakers the first thing they enact every time they have a new partner is we passed this law every time it's a very first law that passed that we will approve the raising of taxes for the gun. Well, if we get this financial change things like that and not going to sit so well with the New Concept and so I think we are looking at a new Freedom. So it's not just about President Trump or the Republicans and the Democrats. It's not In its It's about the flowering and the development of humanity because how in the name of the Lord Can U flour and develop when you are being crushed on every side by the system, you know, most of us we do a job. Whatever that job is we get money and then all the system wants is to come in and take that off you until you're left with that much and you look at it and you think yeah, but I've got a I've Got a Car, you know, I want to buy food. I've got to pay for heating.
I've got to have clothes and that's the system that so many people. Don't understand that there is an alternative. It's what they were born into it's what they've grown up to in their parents were born to and the grandparents and instead of saying this is wrong they say, oh, well, you know that that's the way it is. What can I do about it? I'm just one person. The point is you know, what we can do is support those who want to fight against that in American history and in British history predominantly black.People created as slaves. They were made us slaves and they were treated horrendously by those who lorded it over them. And then the the anti-slavery all abolishing of slavery was passed and these people no longer worked for nothing. That's come forward to 2020 2021 we work and we paid so we paid slaves, you know, we are still working.
Around Lords and Masters, but because things have changed we now being paid for that slavery. So let's do buddy think amongst the vast majority of us ordinary people that we have much Freedom. We don't and this government's response virus has shown us that actually our freedoms our wafer thin and they're in our concept or in a book or their inner a big document locked away in the museum, but to the modern political Tico that is valueless because we are purely here to feed the machine the machine of continuity and what is changing our Humanity it is that people don't want to be paid slaves anymore. They want something better. And so, you know, we must fight against media. We must fight against that's a fight just for avoidance of doubt. It don't mean kicking a gun. I mean you must fight morally God you got to be so careful at the moment on this planet where must be sure that we don't give in we don't fall at the last hurdle. We have to believe that we are right, you know, that's it. So these are exciting times the very difficult times. I don't care if everyone around you thinks you're mad or think she crazy just hold on and wait and if it all goes the way it needs to go and wanted to go then you can say to these people.
Why do you think you could say you as I why do you think I saw the truth? And you didn't I don't want you to say I told you so do I expect lots of you will but what you can say is why do you think I saw through it all and you did and you can say to them go and ask yourself take yourself off and think for a week. Why is it that you didn't see the truth? Why didn't you what what is it that that stopped? You see the truth? And you know what -we.
Nobody will level off any of you again. Nobody will say you're crazy or conspiracy theorist. Nobody will hold that against you and when you speak people will listen to you. Because in this sea of Madness, there are a few people as many many millions of you but there are billions of people you don't listen there are many millions of you do actually have got it, right.
And like you the big game for me is mainstream media. Oh what a joy to see that calm down. What a joy for that to be out and the truth to come out and then to be re-established back on and you can proudly go out into your communities and look people in the face and say well, of course, of course, I knew it. That's why I know so many of you.Really wanting this to happen and I do understand that and I have for what it's worth. I have taken that message to the very people who make those decisions. I have done that and I told you that the response back it wasn't was very friendly it was we will do what we need to do. We cannot have our timelines changed just because you know, people want some action. But they do understand so I did put the Viewpoint across I had to put it because I want that. I want that to happen to I just want Justice. I want the bad people held to account no matter what it is. I want them held to account and I want good to triumph over evil because that's what good people believe in.
Right. Thank you very much for your time.
God bless.
Posted at 2021/01/18(Mon) 03:26:41
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