I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


トランプ大統領2021年8月8日FOXインタビュー全文文字起こし 日本語訳 「国境」「経済」「ワクチン」「学校」「スポーツ」

 一部のニュース・サイトが、このインタビューをもとに「トランプ大統領が支持者にワクチンを打つように言った」などと飛ばし記事を書いていますが、切り取りと偏った翻訳です。トランプ大統領はあくまでワクチン接種をお薦め [recommend] しただけで、接種は個人の自由としています。

English transcript is page bottom.



 閣下。2020年4月に国境で緊急事態を宣言しましたよね? コロナウイルスの問題を認識した時には、国境での逮捕者数は1万6千人にまで減少しました。その決断をした後の1万6千人です。バイデン大統領は正反対のことをして、国境での逮捕者数は20万人を超えました。これは完全な失敗ではないでしょうか?


 大統領、あなたは下院議員選挙で私のキャリーを支持し、大勝利を収めました。2022年、2024年についてはどうお考えですか? 民主党の明らかな行き過ぎた資金提供を気にしないのであれば、警察は手に負えないほど膨れ上がっています。私たちにはもう南側の国境さえありません。2022年についてのあなたの気持ちと、民主党がどう転ぶかについて。

 まあ、とてもいい気分です。テキサスでも大きな勝利を収めました。3ヶ月前に大勝して、共和党員が2人出馬したわけですが、民主党員はいませんでした。そして投票した民主党員はもちろん私に反対票を投じましたが、どうでしょう? 驚異的な勝利です。


 まず第一に、もし私が今の大統領だったら、コロナウイルスによる大規模な攻撃を受けたとしたらどうでしょうか.? 新しい名前や別の名前で呼ばれていますが、まさに私たちが経験したことと同じです。同じことが起こったのです。もし私だったら、何てひどいことをしたんだと言うでしょうね。
 今、学校で行われていることもそうです。どこを閉鎖するかもわからないし、何をしているのかもわからない。教員組合は? 今は流動的で、いろいろなことが起きていて、人々は子供たちのために、学校に戻らなければなりません。信じられないようなコロナウイルスや、私が「チャイナ・ウイルス」と呼んでいるものに対しては、非常によく効きます。それは、研究室から来たものだからです。




 彼らは、どこから来たのかわからない人たちだ。この国に何が入ってきているのか? 彼らが何をしているかなんて誰にもわからない。しかし、私は先日の彼女を見て、その憎しみを感じました。
 ニューヨークで起きていることを見てください。ニューヨークの犯罪を見てみましょう。路上でお年寄りを殴り、警察は何もせず、検察官は共和党員を追いかけ、検察官をリードしている。一番の問題は、ニューヨークやその他の地域の検察官です。彼らは共和党員を追いかけますが、もし人を殺しても大丈夫です。不名誉なことですが、どうなっているのでしょうか? この国がそれに耐えられるとは思えません。ずっと前からやっていた、彼らはうんざりしている。不正選挙が行われ、有権者の乱用や誰も見たことのないような不正投票が行われ、それに基づいて、そして起こったことに基づいて、彼らは国を破壊しています。軍隊の指導者たちを見ても、地元の軍隊の指導者たちを見ても。私たちは偉大な軍隊に注目しなければなりません。ロシアや中国など、私たちを愛していない非常に強力な国から私たちを守るために、私たちは軍に注目しなければなりません。






 私は、サッカーチームの若い女性たちが、どんな困難にも負けずに堂々と立ち上がったことをとても誇りに思いました。私たちのサッカーチームは金メダルを獲得することができず、率直に言って、それに近づくことさえできませんでした。好きですか? 私は好きではありません。


 学校が開校しなければならないことに関して言えば 若者たちは人生の大きな部分を失っており、そこから立ち直ることはできないでしょう。
 彼らは仕事に戻りたくないのですか? 狂っています。子供たちは教育を受ける必要があります。コンピュータは素晴らしいものです。でも、大学や学校、学部で学んだことの1つは、コンピュータの画面を見るよりも、学校にいるほうがずっといいということです。これが一つのポイントです。ほとんどすべての人が、子供たちが学校に戻らなければならないことに同意しています。





驚いたことに、Fox Newsはトランプ大統領の発言を編集して変更し、不正選挙を正確に表現した45秒間をカットしていました。


It's a disgrace, what's happening? And I don't think the country is going to stand for it. Much longer did it, they're disgusted. You have a Fake Election, you have an election with voter abuse and with voter fraud like nobody has ever seen before and based on that and based on what happened they are destroying our Country, whether it's at the border, whether it's on crime, I could say, in plenty of instances including military, you look at the leaders of military. The The local leaders of military. We have to focus on our great military. For what it's supposed to be to protect us against very powerful countries, like Russia and China and others who don't exactly love us.

 不名誉なことですが、どうなっているんでしょう? そして、この国がそれに耐えられるとは思えない。ずっと前からやっていた、彼らはうんざりしている。不正選挙が行われ、有権者の乱用や、これまで誰も見たことのないような不正投票が行われ、それに基づいて、そして起こったことに基づいて、彼らは国を破壊しているのです。軍隊の指導者たちを見ても、地元の軍隊の指導者たちを見ても。私たちは偉大な軍隊に注目しなければなりません。ロシアや中国など、私たちを愛していない非常に強力な国から私たちを守るために、私たちは軍に注目しなければなりません。

文字起こし原文 (English Transcript)

-Dan Bongino
Welcome back to unfiltered joining me. Now is the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump. President Trump, thanks so much for joining us, really appreciate it, well...

-Donald J. Trump
Thank you very much, Dan, good to be with you.

-Dan Bongino
Sir. So when you were in office, you declared an emergency at the Border in April of 2020, when you realize the problems you're going to have with the coronavirus, apprehensions at the border drop to 16,000. 16,000 after you made that decision. President Biden's done the exact opposite and apprehensions at the border upwards of 200,000. This is a total failure, isn't it?

There has never been anything like it. We had the safest border, the most secure Border in the history of our country.
Now we have by far the worst hundreds of thousands of people are pouring into our country, on a monthly basis. And we're talking about millions of people. Millions ,and millions, and the worst of all is other countries are emptying out their jails. And prisoners are coming in and these are rough prisoners.
These are the toughest prisoners. You'll find anywhere and they're coming into our country. Totally unchecked. And it's a disgraced. There's never been anything like it. They're destroying our country.

Mr. President, you had a big win and endorsement of my carry for congress, big win for you and your endorsement over there. What are your feelings about 2022, and 2024, if you wouldn't mind giving the Democrats obvious overreach the funding the police inflation out of control. We don't even have a southern border anymore, your feelings on 2022 and where the Democrats are luck, maybe.

Well, I feel very good about it. We also had a big win in Texas. So we had two Republicans running, we won three months ago, a big one and we got two Republicans running, no Democrat. And the Democrats that voted of course, voted against me but what was it? Tremendous win. And then we had the big win in Ohio. That was more of a normal election and Mike won by really a lot. I mean, he what he did was fantastic and he drowns the opposition and some very good people in that opposition, by the way. But my care is going to do a fantastic job. He's got an election coming, he's got an election coming, but I think he's going to do very well in it.

Mr. President, where do you stand on this explosion and re-emergence of mandates? You know, we get it. We've heard the science on the vaccine. We get it. It's a serious threat to virus to at-risk groups. Everybody understands that you didn't have as much information. When you got an office, it was a new virus, obviously,. Where do you stand on these mandates?

Well, first of all, could you imagine if I were president right now and we had this massive attack from the coronavirus you know know they like to call it the they have new names, and they have other new names but it's exactly what we had. We had same thing. If that were me they'd be saying what a horrible thing. What a horrible job I don't ever hear that you know and these are numbers in some cases that are equivalent to what it was but we don't hear that. I think this I have to be a big vaccine fan because I'm the one that got it done so quickly, got it done in less than nine months. It was supposed to take five years, they would have never even gotten it done. So I'm a big fan. At the same time, a big fan of our freedoms and people have to make that choice for themselves.
And I would recommend that they get it and they get it done and they're being protected and the vaccines turned out to be a tremendous thing. And I also do feel strongly, there are some people that do not want to do it and I really believe in somebody's Choice, somebody's freedom, and that's the way it is. The mandates are crazy. And what they're doing with schools now. Now they don't know where they're going to keep them closed or what are they doing? The teachers union? Now, is in flux, all of the things that are happening, people have to get back to kids, have to get back to school. They do very well against the coronavirus to do unbelievable or as I call it the China virus because that's what it is, it's the China virus. That's where it came from, came from the lab.
I said, "it came from the lab now."
They're all saying well I guess he was right about that but they used to take people off. They probably still do that. Take them off Twitter to take up the deep platform people when you said it came from the lab but it came from the Wuhan lab and to disgrace what happened, frankly, a real disgrace,

Mr. President, that my next question. I was going to ask the media coverage during your Administration was an Abomination and that may be selling it sure. I mean, it was really atrocious, whether it was the Wuhan lab leak which looks likely at this point. And accurately, you said that in the beginning and pointed that, that could be a likely scenario, but what are the other things I find odd is, you know, you were very gracious to Democrat Governors during the crisis, whether it was governor Murphy, you had at the White House or a Governor Cuomo, even though you have obvious political differences. You sent the Comfort up there and these Democrat Governors had a really terrible record, their deaths per hundred thousand, people are the worst in the country in New York and New Jersey. And yet now it's the opposite approach by the media. Sir, now Joe Biden's in the white house has his own crisis to deal with and Republican Governors. Ron DeSantis all of a sudden are the enemies odd know, yeah.

Well it's a great way of phrasing. It's very interesting. You know I used to do a weekly call. We would have a weekly call with Governors and all governors Republicans. Democrats would have 50 Governors on plus because would have people from the islands. We'd have others, but we had 50 Governors, and they were very gracious, and they would say, what a great job. We did. An unbelievable job and then some of them would go out and do a press conference and say exactly the opposite. It was disgraceful. But I could end, by the way, we could write a book on Governor's. I am the king of Governors because I could tell you the good ones and the bad ones and you have some very good Good ones. And you have some really, really bad ones, both parties but you have some good ones and some really bit bad ones but I noticed the way they're going after DeSantis. I noticed the way they're going. After our great Governor from Texas and he's done, Greg Abbott. He's done a, you know really good job runs done. A really good job but they're going after Republican Governors. I to a much lesser extent did that unless I thought they were doing a bad job. Some obviously did a horrible job. I mean, they've destroyed their states. It's going to, it's going to be years before they can really come back but no, it's a, it's a total double standard and the Press understands that, but the Press has been unbelievably dishonest and corrupt.

Yeah, I mean it's incredible. How the governor's again we're heroes in your Administration despite being goats and now the opposite story cuz you're out of office I'll let me move on to a different topic of. I'm a Cori Bush member of the squad. She's a congresswoman, she came out this week in reignited calls to defund the police. This has been an absolute apocalypse for the Democrats even though Joe Biden during the campaign against you was on the record saying. Yeah, he'd be for reallocating some money away from police. This is going to be a disaster, for them in 2022, isn't it?

Well, I think it's going to be, I think we're going to do very well. We've done a great job. Look, we had the strongest border, the history of our country. Another two months, we would add the wall completed. Now they're paying billions, and billions of dollars not to build the wall. Not to complete it. We would have had it done in two months, maybe even less than that. Got to be painted, or it's going to rust. They know that, but they don't want to do that either. They are just who knows where they're coming from. Look what's coming into our country? Who knows what they're doing. But I will tell You, I watched her the other day, I watched the hatred. I watched the statements that were she was making and know, she wants to defund, and they want to defund, you know, it's not a popular issue, so they're trying, some of them are trying to back off it, but they wanted to fund the police. They want like the voter ID, they don't want it. They don't want voter ID now, every once in a while you'll see them coming. Oh absolutely. We love voter ID because they're seeing poll numbers. It's 88% positive. So some of them are now saying, look, we can't ruin our political career over it. So, all of a sudden saying, will accept voter ID, it's disgraceful, but they want to defund the police and tell me that make sense. Look at what's going on in New York. Look at the look at the crime in New York. Look at this, the incidents that happened where they're beating up elderly, people in the streets, beating them up and the cops aren't doing anything and our prosecutors there just after Republicans guys, lead the prosecutors. They should be the by the, the biggest problem is our prosecutors in New York and other places. They go after Republicans, but if you killed somebody, you're okay. It's a disgrace, what's happening? And I don't think the country is going to stand for it. Much longer did it, they're disgusted. [You have a Fake Election, you have an election with voter abuse and with voter fraud like nobody has ever seen before and based on that and based on what happened they are destroying our Country,] whether it's at the border, whether it's on crime, I could say, in plenty of instances including military, you look at the leaders of military. The The local leaders of military. We have to focus on our great military. For what it's supposed to be to protect us against very powerful countries, like Russia and China and others who don't exactly love us.

Mr. President you stay with us through this brief break.

Yes. Go ahead and sure.

Thank you, we'll be. We'll be right back with former President Donald Trump. Stay tuned.


Welcome back to unfiltered and we're back with former President Donald Trump, mr. President, you've always, when you give speeches and you see an American flag, you made a point to grab the flag Hub, the hug the flag, and brace yourself, and I could've been very proud of our country. Yeah, we have athletes in the Olympic, supposedly, representing our country deciding. It's a good idea in front of a Nation International audience, to embarrass the country and take a knee. And you see ratings plummet as a result, your thoughts on that?

Well, the ratings, do it plummeted for the NFL, it plummeted for baseball, you see what's going on. But look at the soccer team, the Women's Soccer Team, all of a sudden, they're not like they were, they were supposed to win the gold medal but you know, the word woke means loser. If you awoke you're going to lose. And ultimately we're not going to let woke make this country into a loser, but you watch that. And I watch some of the people and I was very proud that some of the young women of the soccer team stood up proudly, and they stood up proudly Against All Odds, with what they have to put up with on that team, but the word woke is looser. In our soccer team did not get the gold medal and they frankly didn't even come close to it and we are look, the country. Does it like it? I don't like it. And a lot of people have turned off to sports. LeBron James, they don't like him. The NBA didn't do great, but they did better after he was out. They don't want. This is enough of it. They want to watch sports.
They want to watch great athletes, they don't want politics and the middle of this sports games and that includes the announcers to. I hear some of these announcers that they're not big shots that I can tell you, but I listen to what they say and you just want to turn off the game, and many people. Do you see the ratings how bad they are?

Mr. President, I appreciate your time and very generous with it. One question for you about school closures, this is a hot issue right now. The teachers unions remarkably. We saw a story out of Fox news about the Chicago's teachers unions, which is implying. They could shut down the schools again. Now parents understandably are really fired up. This could be upwards of three years of their children's lives. Taken away from them though. Social interaction, no school. It's just not the same on Zoom [Podcast aplication]. That's just not the same thing. Your thoughts on that as a father yourself.

Well, first of all, you mentioned, Chicago, let's talk about crime before we talk about that but they're both just horrible. But we're 70 people get shot over a weekend, 70 people, and many of those people died. In Afghanistan, we haven't lost a soldier in a year and a half because of what I did in a year and a half. And yet, in Chicago, you have 70, 80 people being shot some weekends. It's a disgrace. As far as the schools that the schools have to open. These young people are losing a big part of their life and they're not going to recover from it.
The schools have to open what they're going through socially. I mean they are not dealing with people. I don't think they ever it's going to leave a scar on their lives. It's going to leave a psychological scar. We have to open our schools. I see, let the teachers get the vaccine. They should get the vaccine. I hope they do again. It's something I'm very proud of.
I think if we didn't come up during the Trump Administration with the vaccine, you could have a hundred million people dead. Just like you had in 1917, you take the Spanish Flu, a hundred million people up to a hundred million people died.
I think would be in that territory. This has been great for the world but the teachers, let him go get the vaccine. I don't know how they're being dealt with have different unions, but they have one in particular.
They don't want to ever go back to work? It's crazy. Our children need to be, they need to be educated, you know, it's turned out, computers are wonderful, and all of that. But one thing we've learned through college and school the undergraduate everything, is that being in the school is much better than looking at a computer screen. That's one thing. Almost everybody universally agrees to and the children have to go back to school.

Mr. President, last question and we'll let you go again. Thanks for your time. The by De ministrations, taking a shot in your economic record, which is kind of hilarious given, how awful of the job they've done. They're claiming they're comparing the rebound from the coronavirus, the lows to your record. Now, when you got an office GDP grew well over the average of the eight Obama years.
That's got to upset. You given everything you did to juice the economy, the time tax cuts and everything else.

So the reason that it's our economy is doing well right now relatively well, is because of the foundations that we built, what they're doing in the numbers that you're seeing there because of us, not because of them. Plus, what they're doing is a lot of artificial stimulus is being added in which makes numbers look a little bit better. But the reason we're doing well is because of what we did, if you look at just prior to the virus coming in from China, we had the greatest employment numbers we've ever had. We had a hundred sixty million people working.
African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, women people with diplomas without diplomas, high schools without, and with diplomas everybody at the top of the line, in the history of our country, it was the strongest and again we've never had a hundred and sixty million people working not even close right now. So we had the best numbers we've ever had. Then we had the virus come in and then I rebuilt the economy a second time and they're just going North. What? I rebuilt. That's all they're doing because they're killing the economy. You're gonna have inflation is going to eat Us Alive. We were energy independent, with no longer energy and independent. I don't know if you saw Dan, but they went to sea and they had meetings with Russia and OPEC to see if they would get us more energy. We had so much energy, we didn't know what to do with it. We were dollar 87, a gallon for gasoline and now we're up to four dollars and fifty cents and it's going much higher. So what they're doing is going to destroy the The economics of our country and maybe more importantly, what they're doing at the border and other places that with a lack of respect that other countries have for us, our country is being destroyed.

Mr. President, thanks for your time. It's an honor to speak to you. Thanks a lot.

Thank you very much Dan. Bye.

Posted at 2021/08/09(Mon) 08:30:19

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