I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


トランプ大統領インタビュー v デビッド・ブロディ 全文文字起こし 日本語訳 (+ English Subscript)


il Presidento's interview with mi David from The Water Cooler from il Donaldo Trumpo on Vimeo.

 ようこそ、ウォータークーラーへ。皆さん、お集まりいただきありがとうございます。素晴らしい週末を過ごされましたか? フロリダでの休暇の後、今日は2021年6月21日、月曜日です。ニュースメーカーの中のニュースメーカーである大統領、ドナルド・J・トランプから始めます。


 では始めたいと思います。あなたは先週、ショーン・ハニティに、あなたが敗北を認めたことや、2020年の選挙では 勝てなかったと言ったことが見出しになっていましたね? その見出しは正確ですか? あなたは見ることを認めたのですか? 私はただそれを理解したいのです。


 ですよね? ジョージア州とアリゾナ州の監査についてお聞きしたいと思います。あなたの考えではどうなるでしょうか。もしジョージア州だけが不正投票の証拠を完全に検証して戻ってきたとしたら。どうすべきだとお考えですか?

 そうですね、彼らは証拠を持って戻ってくると思いますし、他の州も証拠を持って戻ってくると思いますし、それが決定されるでしょう。何が起こるのか? それは私が決めることではなく、多くの国民が決めることだと思います。

 そうですね。ここではっきりさせておきたいことがあります。彼らの記事の見出しは馬鹿げています。MAGAの信奉者の一部には、こんな話もあります。彼らはあなたが8月にどうにかして復職すると本気で信じています、実際に朝の世論調査もあります。コンソールを引っ張る。これはアメリカの30%、失礼、共和党の30%が実際にそう考えているということです。そこで、あなたに記録を整理してもらえませんか? その時点であなたは潜在的に述べられる可能性があると信じています。あなたの見解は?


しかし、復権の部分はどうでしょうか? それはインチキなのでは?










 私はニューヨーク・タイムズ紙を聞きたくないのですが、彼らはいつもあなたとマイク・ペンスとの関係について書きたがりますが、今の私たちにそれを説明してもらえますか? ウジ虫のような群衆の一部がいるのですが、その人たちは契約をしていますよね。
 彼らは副大統領がキックしなかったことを決して許さないでしょう。選挙結果が争われた場合、その結果をアメリカの州議会に戻さなければなりません。あなたはどうしますか? マイク・ペンスとの関係をどうします?


 私を信じてください。今週末にクリーブランドで 集会を開くそうですね。アンソニー・ゴンザレス議員【元NFLの共和党員】が弾劾に投票した人物に挑む候補者を応援するとか。あなたにとっては国中を回るリベンジ・ツアーのようなものですね。あなたはどう思いますか?


 あなたの福音派について聞いてみましょう。彼らはこの国であなたをとてもサポートしています。彼らに何を伝えたいですか? 今、彼らは文化が失われていくのを目の当たりにしています。人種論やトランスジェンダーの用語が、まるで人を産むように使われています。いったい何を? アメリカの教会を目覚めさせるには何が必要なのでしょうか、大統領閣下?










 最後にここでお聞きしたいことがあります。トランプ支持者だけでなく、明らかにこの国に希望を失っている忠実なアメリカ人がたくさんいます。あなたは彼らに何を伝えますか? どうやって、どうやって彼らに伝えますか? この厳しい時代に信じさせてください。


 さて、それはどういう意味ですか? あなたは、私はあなたにその続きを聞かなければなりません。




文字起こし原文 (English Subscript)

-David Brody (show host)
Welcome to the water cooler. Everybody, thanks for joining us, hope you had a great weekend, gladly back in the anchor chair. After some time off in Florida, it's Monday. June 21st 2021. We begin with a newsmaker of newsmakers President. Donald J Trump. The 47th The United States is with us on the water cooler. Today may not be sitting in the Oval Office, but you can easily make the argument that he's just as influential today. Here's our interview with the president.
Mr. President, we've known each other over a decade. We've interviewed, countless times, it really is an honor to have you on the water cooler today. Thanks for being here.

-Donald J. Trump
Well, thank you, David. Thank you.

I want to start with something. You told Sean Hannity last week, the headlines were about how you admitted defeat and the 2020 election when you You said we didn't win? Is that an accurate headline? Did you admit to see? I just want to understand that.

No, I never admitted defeat as we have a lot of things happening right now. I think that was an election, that was I don't think defeat. All you have to do, is read the newspapers and see what's coming out. Now, you know, I never used the word is concede, I have not conceded.

Right? So I want to ask you about Georgia and Arizona, the audit going out there. What should happen in your mind. If that only in Georgia come back with fully verified evidence of voter fraud. Then what do you think should happen?

Well, I think they will come back with that and I think other states are also going to come back with that, and it's going to be determined. What's going to happen? That's not up to me, that's up to the public that's up to a lot of people, I guess. But if the election was determined to be a fraud and it's looking more and more like that is the case, I mean people are going to have to make a determination Even as to what's going to happen.

Right. So I want to clarify something because I have to tell you, and I the last time I checked, I don't want to listen to the mainstream media. Their headlines are ridiculous. There is talk out there by a certain segment of the Maga faithful. They truly believe you're going to be somehow reinstated in August, there's actually a poll out of morning. Console pull. This is 30% of America, excuse me, thirty percent of Republicans actually think that as well. So can you set the record straight to you? Believe you could be potentially stated at that point. What's your view?

Well, just so you understand, there is a large, I've been seeing the same polls and I might, polls are taken by, I guess, media, and others, and there is a tremendous percentage much higher than that think the election was rigged installing. And I don't, I don't speak for other people. I can only tell you what I say. And, you know, frankly this is an unique because Hillary Clinton went around saying it. And Stacey Abrams is Still saying about her race in Georgia. So this is nothing, that's totally unique, but I will say that. In this case, there was, they had no evidence. In this case is massive evidence. It's coming out of Georgia is coming. I mean, just take a look at what's happening read the papers. A lot of the mainstream media, in fact, almost all of it refuses to cover it. And they why I don't know. It's all Pulitzer Prize material, but they refuse to cover it but Take a look at the numbers coming out of Arizona. Now they're doing anointed right now, I have nothing to do with the audit. The audit is is taking place, it's the state senate. And I think that great Patriots frankly if you want to know the truth but the state sedative Arizona, they're doing an audit, I don't know what it's going to be released a numbers but I would imagine they'd be very revealing and Georgia. Likewise, and Pennsylvania is from what I heard starting an audit because they They've found things that they are not happy with no, these numbers I think are going to prove to be massive.

Yeah, but what about the reinstatement part? Is that is that bogus...

I'm not going to comment on that. I'm going to just see what happens if the election was fraudulent. People are going to have to make up their own minds. It's not going to be up to me. It's going to be up to the public. It's going to be up to perhaps politicians. I don't think there's ever been a case like this, where hundreds of thousands of votes will be found. We'll have to see what happens.

Okay, fair enough. And 2024, you've always been seems 2024 if I should. I know you're getting tired of it. So there's been talk. Now about, you becoming Speaker of the House in 2022, is that something that you would seriously even consider or can you say right here, right now that you don't have any interest in that?

Well, I've heard the talk and it's getting more and more, but it's not something that I would have considered, but it is certainly there's a lot of talk about it. I have a good relationship with Kevin and hopefully we will do everything traditionally, but the the election was a horrible. Horrible thing for our country. The whole world is watching and it's been a horrible, you know, we were always known for free and fair elections. Well, it turns out they weren't free and they weren't fair and the world is watching. So I have seen talk about that but it's nothing that I've ever considered.

Right. Okay, fair enough, And 2024, by the way, here's my take and I'm curious to get your take. Would it be accurate?
For it to say that if a super majority of the candidates that you're supporting right now, if they win in the midterms and Republicans, take back the house and the Senate that would make it more likely that you would run at that point. Is that true? What do you think?

No, I don't think so. But I think that's what is going to happen. My endorsements have meant a lot almost undefeated very close undefeated and hundreds and hundreds of endorsements people win. We just had Republican party chair. Are in North Carolina and Georgia and other places we just had congressional candidates. But I mean, hundreds of endorsements. And our record is, I think unmatched anywhere at any time. So I'm working to gain the majority first. And I think it would be if I think it's very important that we do that, I don't know. That would have any impact on my decision, however.

Would you have an impact on your decision. What what's going through your mind on that? A lot of people want to know,

Well, I think I'm just looking at what's going on. I'm very unhappy with what's going on. I look at the border where people are coming in by the millions. It's going to be by the millions very soon, it already is. And I look at other things, how our country is really its America Last. I was America First. I look at it and I see what's happening and I'm not happy about it. So we'll make that decision. And I think people will be very happy with the decision, I make.

I know there's a lot of people that have been about you running 2024, and you look you know the deal there's a lot of people talking about Ron DeSantis in the job he's doing in Florida. What are your thoughts about DeSantis running in 2024? What do you think of that?

I think Ron is very good. I endorse them. And when I endorsed him, he went up like a rocket ship. He understands that, and he's doing a good job. We have a number of people that are doing a very good job. Runs a friend of mine. He's been, he's been great and we have by just endorsed as you know, the governor of Texas. I swear that race of men and we have a lot of other endorsements out there, we have some great people in the Republican party.

You know. I don't want to listen to the New York Times, They always like to write about the relationship between you and Mike Pence, can you explain that to us right now there's a portion of the maggot crowd, you know, the deal. They're never going to forgive the Vice President for not kicking. Those certain disputed election results back to US, state legislatures. What's your, what's your? Take on Mike Pence and and, and how what's the relationship life?

Well, I had like Mike, and I'm very disappointed that he didn't send it back to the legislators. When you have more votes than you have voters. In some cases, and when you have the kind of things that are that were known. In many cases, they were known then, but they're certainly getting better and better known. Now, I was disappointed that he didn't send it back. I felt he had the right to send it back and he should have sent it back. That's my opinion. And I think if he did, I think those legislate look at Pennsylvania. Now look at, look at Georgia and look at Arizona and look at others are all now. Looking at what happened during that election, I think he would have found that you might very well have a different president right now. Had he sent them back.

Trust me. Listen, you're going to hold a rally in the Cleveland area this coming weekend. You're going to support a candidate who is taking on someone that Congressman Anthony Gonzalez who voted to impeach. You is this like a revenge tour across the country for you. How do you see it?

No I just don't think as Gonzalez is good. I do.
It represents the people I think he's not somebody that. Thinks the way I do and others do. And frankly, I think that the young men running against him. Max Miller's is excellent. I worked with him for a long time at the White House. He comes from the area, he was brought up in the area, he loves Ohio, he loves particular spot, and he is going to do well, I mean I he's been doing very well. I can tell you that. No I'm not a fan of Gonzalez.

Ask you about your the evangelicals. They support you so much across this country. What's your message to them? Right now they see a culture slipping away. Troop this critical race Theory transgender terminology now it's like birthing people. What in the world? So what is it going to take to wake up the church here in America mr. President.

Well the evangelicals have been better even now after the election because they see what's happening there. Being a fronted up on every single thing that they said for represent when Biden went in. He didn't say all of the things that were this Administration this was not what was discussed during debates and and during anything else. I mean nobody ever thought this was possible. Not only on religion on the border on Second Amendment on everything else, you can think of but including God and including life and including many other topics it's this was never nobody ever thought. This is a Bernie Sanders times 10, nobody ever thought. What's happening to our country, could be happening to our country and evangelicals and and Christians generally. You take a look at what's happening. Christians generally are feeling that way in there, feeling that way very strongly, much more. So now because now they're actually seeing things happen and you know, I have a supreme court that gave a very good ruling the other day as, you know. But but having to do with Christianity and having to do religion. I made was a great ruling, but, you know, I was fortunate. We got three Supreme Court, Justices approved, almost 300 federal judges. And you know, we've done a job. But nobody thought what was happening now? Could be happening. Nobody thought it was possible.

Yeah, I want to get to that Supreme Court. One of the Supreme Court's decisions just a moment on Biden. I remember what you were right during the campaign. I remember during the campaign, you said, Joe Biden was against God and Now we have the US Conference of Catholic Bishops through looking at the nine him as a Catholic communion even Pelosi. What are your thoughts about that?

Well, it's pretty unusual. It's not going to argue with them, it's pretty unusual. There's his stance on everything that they would have been a lot better off. Had I won this election that that I can tell you because very few, if anybody has ever done what I've done in terms of the subject that you're talking about and the subject that you represent so well.

Yeah. Mr. Trump, let me ask you a little bit about those Supreme Court picks. Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh, they Rule that the Liberals just recently in favor of saving Obamacare. What did you think of that about what they did?

Disappointed. And that's the way it goes. Very disappointed. I fought very hard for them. But I was very disappointed with the number of their rulings.

Yeah, it doesn't make you second guess some of those pics or we offer time will tell.

Second-guessing does no good. But I was I was disappointed with a number of rulings that they make.

Sure the way later this month you're gonna be going down to the Border in Texas with Governor Greg Abbott. If you had a few minutes to speak with Kamala Harris about the immigration situation. What would you tell her? Because after all Joe Biden put her in charge of the crisis? By the way, they don't even call it a crisis?

I'd say go back to what we were doing. It worked not so easy to get back there. However, I had to go through court cases, litigation. We had a win, a lot and stay in Mexico, was a very big deal. And we got that and we had all the other things and now it's all been blown up and you have millions of people coming into our country. Just in case, you're not aware of it, millions of people, and many of those people come out of Prisons. They allow them to come out of prisons and other places what's happening not bother is beyond the crisis. And maybe they won't call it a crisis, but it's beyond a crisis.

I've got to ask you here at the end. There's a lot of faithful, not just Trump supporters, but obviously faithful Americans who have lost hope in this country. What do you tell them? How do you, how do you have them? Keep the faith through these tough times?

I tell them to stay tuned.

Now, what does that mean? You, I have to ask you a follow-up on that mr. President?
Stay tuned... That's all I get?

That's all you got. That's what you get and it's, we'll see what happens. Our country is is in crisis. And we are what's happening with other countries, they're eating our lunch. They're destroying our country, at the border and elsewhere. So stay tuned. Let's see what happens. Thank you David very much David.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

【修正 6/23 8:25】

Posted at 2021/06/23(Wed) 06:14:20

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