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トランプ大統領 フランク・スピーチ・ラリーでの演説 トランプ大統領部分のみ全文文字起こし&日本語訳

 映っているオフィスはあまり馴染みがないのですが、どこでしょうね? ニュージャージーでしょうか?

人物紹介:wikipediaより ダイヤモンド&シルクtwitter

 ダイヤモンド&シルクとして知られるイナイタ・リネット・ハーダウェイ(Ineitha Lynnette Hardaway)とハーネイサ・ロシェル・ハーダウェイ・リチャードソン(Herneitha Rochelle Hardaway Richardson)は、アメリカのライブストリームビデオブロガー、政治活動家、セレブリティ、Newsmaxのホストであり、そのコメントは通常、ドナルド・トランプ元アメリカ合衆国大統領を支持している。
 2018年4月26日、下院議員のスティーブ・キングの招きで、彼女たちは証言を行いました。スティーブ・キングの招待により、彼女たちは検閲について議会で証言した。 その後、共和党の議員たちは、マーク・ザッカーバーグの米国議会での証言で、2人の女性の検閲の主張を取り上げた。 2020年4月、2人はCOVID-19データの正当性に疑問を呈したことで、Fox Newsから解雇された。

人物紹介:wikipediaより チャーリー・カーク twitter

 チャーリー・カーク(1993年生まれ)は、アメリカの保守派活動家であり、ラジオのトークショーホストでもある。2012年にビル・モンゴメリーと共にTurning Point USAを設立し、以来、同団体のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターを務めている。カークは23歳のとき、2016年の共和党全国大会で演説し、ドナルド・トランプ大統領を支持。2018年のForbs紙の「30歳以下の30人」の法律・政策部門に掲載された。

人物紹介:wikipediaより ディネス・ダースーザ twitter

 ディネス・ジョセフ・ダースーザ(Dinesh Joseph D'Souza)(/dɪˈnɛʃ dəˈsuːzə/、1961年4月25日生まれ)は、インド系アメリカ人の右派政治評論家、挑発者、作家、映画監督である。ダースーザは12冊以上の本を書いており、そのうちのいくつかはニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のベストセラーとなっている。
 2012年、ダースーザはドキュメンタリー映画『2016』を発表。2010年に出版した著書『The Roots of Obama's Rage』を基にした反オバマである。この映画は3300万ドルを稼ぎ出し、保守系ドキュメンタリーとしては史上最高の興行収入を記録し、あらゆる種類のドキュメンタリーの中でも最高の興行収入を記録した作品のひとつとなった その後、4本のドキュメンタリー映画を発表している。America: Imagine the World Without Her』(2014年)、『Hillary's America』(2016年)、『Death of a Nation』(2018年)、『Trump Card』(2020年)である。
 ボンベイに生まれ、交換留学生としてアメリカに渡り、ダートマス・カレッジを卒業。1991年に帰化し、現在に至る。2010年から2012年まで、ニューヨークにあるキリスト教学校「The King's College」の学長を務めていたが、不倫疑惑で辞任することになった。



人物紹介:クリス・コックス公式サイト twitter


「Bikers for Trump™」の集会やイベントを全国的に宣伝・調整し、アメリカが直面している問題について有権者に情報を提供すること。 ドナルド・トランプ氏を米国大統領に選出することを唯一の目的として、愛国心に満ちたバイカーたちを結びつけること。「Bikers for Trump™」は暴力を推奨せず、Trump for Presidentの会場で有料の抗議者と対立することを推奨しません。「Bikers for Trump™」はアメリカ合衆国の憲法修正第1条を信じており、デモや抗議をする人々の平和的な権利を信じていますが、お金をもらって真実ではないプロパガンダを提供されている抗議者を糾弾し、アメリカ中のバイカーが平和的な方法で「Bikers for Trump™」の集会に参加することを奨励します。

人物紹介:wikipediaより クラーク保安官 twitter


 保安官としてのクラーク氏は、予算などをめぐってミルウォーキー郡の他の職員と頻繁に衝突し、受刑者の死亡事故や虐待の疑いで批判を浴びた。ある男性は喉の渇きで死亡し、検視官は殺人と判断しました。また、妊娠中の女性は陣痛中に手錠や足かせをかけられていました。クラークは2018年2月までフォックス・ニュースにゲストとして頻繁に出演し、2016年の共和党全国大会ではスピーカーを務めた。2017年8月に保安官を辞任した。ドナルド・トランプ大統領の声高な支持者であるクラークは、物議を醸すような、時に扇情的なソーシャルメディアへの投稿で注目を集め、トランプ政権での役割を検討されていました。保安官を辞任した後、クラークは親トランプ派のスーパーPAC「America First Action」にスポークスマン兼上級顧問として参加したが、2019年に同団体を脱退した。






 とても光栄なことです。私たちが行ってきたことは信じられないほど素晴らしいものです。国境の問題や、軍隊の再建など。他にも様々なことをしてきました。例えば、44年間に渡って承認を得ようとしてきた「治験」は、末期の患者がいるのに、非常に有望な薬を使わせないというものです。このように、私たちは様々なことを行ってきましたが、不法な国境通過については、私たちの国に何が起こっているのかを考えてみてください。現在、不法な国境通過は1400%以上増加しています。1400%で、さらに悪化しています。これは私たちが捕らえた人々だけですが、もちろん彼らは釈放されています、なぜなら私たちは「メキシコに留まれ」というポリシーを持っていたからです。メキシコに留まらなければならない。彼は素晴らしい人物です。彼にとっても良いことはありません。ラテンアメリカや南米だけでなく、中東を含むあらゆる国から人々が集まってきているからです。人が来ているわけですから。あるレポートを見ました。スウェーデンの犯罪率は非常に低いですね。ドイツは犯罪に関して非常に悪い結果となっています。ヨーロッパで最も安全な国と言われていましたが、今では非常に治安の悪い国になっています。最も安全でない国はどこでしょうか? なぜ、彼らは途方もない混乱を引き起こす人々を自国に受け入れているのか知っていますか? 私たちは、スウェーデンのようなレベルで人々を受け入れています。


 しかし、基盤が非常に強固であったため 今では他のどの国よりもはるかに良い状態で復活しています。以前は、「インドの成功を見よ」と言われていました。確かにインドは誰よりも打撃を受けていますが、それを言い訳にしていたのです。他の国がどれだけうまくいっているかを言い訳にしていましたが、今では信じられないほどひどい状況です。
 私たちは国として素晴らしい成果を上げており、特にこれらの地域ではそうです。特に、フロリダのロン・デサンティス、テキサスのグレッグ・アボットのいるような地域は好調です。共和党が運営している地域では、信じられないほどの業績を上げています。このように、私たちは2度にわたってこの国を再建しました。復活したのです。最初はこれまでにないほどの強さを発揮し、その後パンデミックに見舞われましたが、信じられないような仕事をして、早期にワクチンを開発しました。誰もが可能だと思っていたよりもずっと早い時期に予防接種を行いました。亡くなったのは、やはり9ヶ月よりも短い期間でした。私たちはこうしました。もし、4年、5年、6年と時間がかかるとしたら 実現しないと思っていた人もいましたが、私たちはそれをやり遂げ、とても誇りに思っています。




 本当のアメリカ大統領は ドナルド・トランプです。彼には神の祝福があります。彼は約束を守りました!

文字起こし原文(English Transcribe)

I want to thank you and I want to thank all of the people that are in Wisconsin.
A place that I love and we won the first time and we actually won the second time with you. Take a very close look and we didn't even have a very close race if you want to know the truth. If you remember the Washington Post, ABC, they came With a poem that I was 17 points down. That's called the suppression of all, because we actually, were even by their count, pretty close to even. And by the real count, we won very easily. So, how do you come up with a poll 17 points down? But if you go back for years, they had the same poll. I was 17 points down, and we ended up winning. So, all that is is suppression by the fake news media and its suppression by Big Tech. And frankly, the Democrats because the Democrats are their partner. But I just I love Wisconsin, I love the state. I love this country in Wisconsin. As you know you're building ships, big ones, big big contracts, three billion dollars because of me, I made sure it went to Wisconsin and very happy about it. And the people of Wisconsin, a very happy.
Mike, I want to thank you. You're a courageous Patriot and some of the people, you have my friends there, Diamond and Silk. We love Diamond and Silk, Charlie Kirk, Chris Cox, Bikers for Trump. I'll tell you, I didn't know Chris but every time I went four years ago and more recently, thousands of bikers show up and I felt extremely safe. They are great people. And Dinesh D'Souza. He treated him very badly, we gave him a pardon, they treated him very very unfairly, he's a talented guy, a brilliant guy in another brilliant guy. And a friend of mine is Sheriff. Talk, I feel very, very comfortable around Sheriff, Clark nothing that happened to me around Sheriff Clark, he's about Law and Order and that's what we need. If you know we put out a statement just a little while ago, a lot of people are commenting. We do press releases now because we were banned from Twitter and Instagram and Facebook and others, they want to silence us. And the reason they want to silence us is because of the election. It's not because of other things. It's because of the election, Cancel Culture, call it what you will. But the reason is because of the election because they know the results, they know what really happened. That's why if you go to any place You see the kind of fight that the Democrats put up. They don't want Recaps, they don't want forensic audits in particular, they don't want it. But in Arizona, you have incredible people. Karen fann, Senator, Sunny Borelli, Senator, so many others. These are incredible, American Patriots. And let's see what they do. That's their audit, is not my audit. I have nothing to do with that's their audit. They have done an incredible job. They are Really being pushed by the people of the state because the people of the state, don't understand the election. And that's a good thing to be doing what they're doing, because they have to understand the election when they don't believe in the election. That's a very, very bad thing for our country and for democracy. And I just don't think people are going to let that happen. They want to know how the election turned out, and why it turned out that way, and if there was cheating, if there was fraud, they want to know about that.
But I just put out a statement and I said we were right listen to this on the hydroxychloroquine and it works. You saw the reports just came out the virus came from the Chinese lab, the China, virus. Hunter Biden's laptop was real. They tried to say, well it was made by Russia. Russia, Russia, Russia, Hunter Biden's laptop was real.
Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op that just came out. And I was Want to thank the Inspector General for Having the courage to come out with the truth. They were saying, Lafayette Square was a big deal by the way, they tried to burn down. These insurrectionists, they tried to burn down the church, which was built at the same time as the White House and they almost got it. Interestingly, they did. Fireproofing work a week before if they didn't do that by was luck or maybe it was from God. If they didn't do that fireproofing work the church would have been burned down. The Russian Bounty story was a fake. Remember that the Russian Bounty. It was a total fake. We did not produce, and think it is.
The vaccines. All of the vaccines were safe. Aving frankly, I believe in Freedom you have to make your own choice but the vaccines are saving, not only the country, they're saving the world. This would be another 1917 where you lost almost a hundred million people with the Spanish flu. So the vaccines that we did it in less than nine months. Everybody said it was going to take three four years. Dr. Fauci, your favorite person, said it would take three, four, five years, don't even do it because it's going to take so long. The FDA does not like me very much that they can tell you. They don't like me even a little bit because I pushed them like they've never been pushed. It was supposed to take three to five years and I got it done in less than nine months.
So the vaccines big deal, that's a really big deal. And then we brought billions of dollars before we knew it even worked. Otherwise you wouldn't have had the vaccine till October of this year. Here. So, nobody, all of the people that have been able to get their shots. Nobody, nobody would have had it yet, but remember, it's also about Freedom. So it's your choice Blues State. Lockdowns didn't work, they were a disaster. You look at New York. You Look at California. You look at Illinois. You look at the Blue States, run by governors of certain party called the Democrat Party. They didn't work there were disaster. Then you look at Texas and our then all of our great representatives and governors that have done such a great job.
The schools have to be opened. We've been saying that for a year open up the schools and our border Security Programs were vitally, important and successful. All Biden had to do, all he had to do, is just leave it alone.
So, we went from the most successful, the safest Border in the history of our country, think of that, to the worst and most Dangerous border, and it's not just people coming in, frankly, in many ways. That's the least of it. Drugs are flowing in, at a point that we've never seen before levels that we've never seen before. If you look at the human trafficking, mostly trafficking unfortunately mostly trafficking in women, nobody's ever seen numbers like this. These are killers. These are thugs. These are people that are being released from the Jail's of other countries. I stopped payment to those other countries. I get along very well with the heads of those countries. I stopped payment to those countries and they accepted all of their MS-13 people back. They were not taking it back for a long time and I said, well, how much do we pay? And they said we pay them. 500 million years, I said, stop payment immediately. The next day, I was called by the heads of those countries saying we would be honored to take MS-13 back into our country.
It would be a great honor. So you know, What we've done is incredible, what we've done in terms of the Border in terms of rebuilding our military. So many other things right to try as an example, right, to try for 44 years, they've been trying to get it approved, that's where somebody's terminally ill and we won't let them use a very promising medicine. So we've done all of these things, but the illegal border crossings look at what's happening to our country. Now, illegal border crossings are up more than 1400%. That's 1400% and getting much worse. And this is only the people that we capture and then they release them, of course, because we had a policy, stay in Mexico. You have to stay in Mexico, we won that in the courts and we want it with Mexico and we get along great with Mexico and the president. He's a terrific guy hits. No good for him either. It's no good because people are coming in from all over the world, not just from Latin America, South America, they're coming in from All sorts of countries including the Middle East. So we have people coming in. I just saw a report. We're Sweden is doing very bad on crime. Germany is doing very bad and crimes. Easiest to be the safest countries in Europe, and now they're becoming very unsafe. What are the most unsafe countries is sweet? You know why they're letting in people into their country that are causing tremendous disruption? Well, we're letting in people at a level that Sweden,

Even could imagine so people are just flowing. Was up or is we hadn't stopped, who built almost 500 miles of border wall and it would have been finished in four weeks and then inviting decided to stop it. So now we have openings and now I understand, they want to stop it but they're having a hard time with the contractors. I know contractors better than anyone. They are very brilliant. They may not read or write in some cases, but you know what they're smarter than the rest is what? So I just want to thank everybody. I'm apologetic because gas prices are sky rocketed. If you look at your gasoline prices when I left it was a dollar eighty seven, a gallon and now it's way over three dollars in many cases and by the way I hate to say it but it's going up and really going up the Keystone Pipeline 48,000 people. The real number is 48,000 people out of work almost immediately. Now Biden never said that During the campaign I told you he would do that but he never said that during the campaign, so the Keystone Pipeline a disaster and yet he allows Russia. You know, why stop there is. I stop the Russia of pipeline. Probably the biggest pipeline in the world. Going into Germany and other countries in Europe. It was stopped. He approved it and he let it be built. So he let them have a pipeline in Europe by Russia but he doesn't let us have the Keystone XL pipeline and all of those people.

All are out of work. And the union heads, believe it or not they supported Joe Biden. They're going to get rid of those Union heads. Right now, I will tell you the workers supported me, but they supported Joe Biden.
You look at so many other things like China and the China virus, they have to pay reparations. We've been hurt so badly in terms of death, human life. And in terms of monetarily to a level that they have to pay us. And frankly if they paid us 10 trillion, Dollars that wouldn't cover it but they really have to pay the world because this is started in the world. The entire world has been not only disrupted but it's almost been destroyed. And we're doing well, because we built such a great economic Foundation. We created the most jobs of any president ever made a hundred and sixty million people working. We were never close and then we got hit by the pandemic and like every other country we had some very tense moments but we did an incredible job. But because the foundation was so strong. We're back now far better than any other country. They used to say, oh, but look how well India is doing. Well, India has been hit harder than anybody now, but they used to use that as an excuse. They used to use other countries as an excuse about how well they're doing, but now they're doing unbelievably badly. And we're doing great as a country, especially those areas. And in particular areas run like Florida, Ron DeSantis and Texas. Greg Abbott and other places. Aces, if you look at the places run by Republicans are doing unbelievable. So we really built it back twice. We built it back. The first that we were stronger than ever before, and then we had the pandemic, we did an incredible job, we came up with a vaccine early. We gave shots much earlier than anybody thought possible. Died, again, nine months less than nine months. We did this. If we're going to take four, five six years. Some people thought it would never happen, but we did it and we're very proud of it.

Honestly, we've saved our country, we've saved the world. What we've done for the world will be written about later on maybe not right now because they don't want to give us credit but it'll be written about and again I want to thank everybody. That's there you are incredible. Incredible people the election was rigged. The election was rigged like never before we got them by surprise for years ago and then we got 12 million more votes. Think of it. We went from 63 million Votes and we won 275 million people and they say we lost but we didn't lose 75 million votes. They say that we lost. Now I was told by John McLaughlin is considered just about the best poller. I would say the best pulse is a few of them out there towering. There are few of them out there that ingrate sir, you got 63 million, if you can go up to 65, you can't lose the election. Well, you know what happened?

We went up to 75 [million votes]. and they say, we lost the election. If you win Miami, if you win Florida, and you take out and win, and we won by a lot, Florida and Ohio. And then you add Iowa. Nobody's ever won those dates and lost but we won those dates in Virtual landslides and they have us losing and there are so many we held every state house. We held Congress. You know, we were supposed to lose 25 see Seats and we ended up dating 16 in the House of Representatives and it wasn't for me right now. The Senate would be 60 40 against because I made teleconference calls they call them Town Hall calls. Spoke speaking to tens of thousands of people for congressional candidates and senators and we would right now be at 60/40 against because I made teleconference calls they call them Town Hall calls speaking to tens of thousands of people for congressional candidates and senators and we would right now be at 60/40 against instead of 50/50 and unfortunately Mitch McConnell with what he was doing hurt us. Very very bad.

In Georgia, we lost those two seats. We should have never lost those two seats but we did, but we also lost them for other reasons. I'm not sure that no matter what you did, you could have one, they signed a consent decree in Georgia. That was so bad. It basically was a decree that said, Republicans aren't going to win. They should have never been allowed to sign it. Regardless again I want to thank Mike as being a true patriot. I want to thank people like Rudy Giuliani who is out there? Fighting. And there are Them. And they want to take them down. They want to take us all down. There's never been a time. Like this. There's never been its weaponize. Its weaponize.

And the Republicans were very nice. Our people were very very nice and very, very respectful. And I said this would happen, but Rudy is a great Patriot, he was the greatest mayor in the history of New York and a great great Patriot and what he's done. And what Mike has done what so many other people have done. These are incredible here Rose and they're going to go down as Heroes someday. And I think it's someday in the not too distant future. So I look forward to being with you Mike. Congratulations on this. Unbelievable crowd. That crowd is incredible. I mean, you set that up so quickly and look at the number of people that showed up and that'll happen all over the country because it's all over the country. People want to know what happened. And I want to know what happened because that was an election that was won by us easily.

It was one easily. Thank you very much enjoyed the day. Thank you, Mike. Keep it going. Mike, you're a fighter and you're a winner. Thank you all very much. I love you all.

-Mike Lindell
A real president of the United States. Donald Trump. God bless him. He kept his promises.

Posted at 2021/06/13(Sun) 21:35:56

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