I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


テッドクルーズが「HR1法案」についてマイケル・ノウルズの番組「Verdict」で解説 日本語抄訳



 テッド・クルーズ上院議員は、民主党の貴重な「汚職政治家法」に46件の修正案を提出しました。これは民主党にとって最優先事項なのだろうか? S.1とH.R.1は、アメリカ議会に提出された法案の中で最も危険なものの一つです。
 また、"ゴーストガン "とはいったい何なのか? 民主党の議員たちは、架空の問題を説明するために架空の用語を作ってしまい、ついには混乱してしまったのかもしれません。
 さらに、クルーズ議員は将来、ヒル・デジタル・ディレクターの仕事に就くのでしょうか? ツイッターでは「イエス」と言っています。







 その日はまず、テレビスタジオに行き、朝のFox Newsで、HR1またはS1のマークアップについて話しましたが、これは選挙に関する連邦政府の大きな買収法案です。この法案は民主党の最優先事項であり、今日はそのマークアップ【仕上げ】が行われました。
「民主党がひどい選挙資金調達法案を出してきたら テッド、君にはこの戦いをリードしてもらいたい」

「The corrupt politicians act = 腐敗した政治家の法令」

 まず、この法案が何を意味するのかを考えてみましょう。HR1またはS1? 誰もその意味を知りません。

 この法案は、あなたが指摘したように、私たちの多くが「腐敗した政治家法」と呼んでいます。これは基本的にすべての州の有権者保護法を廃止するものです。これはどういうことでしょうか? いくつか例を挙げてみましょう。有権者証については、29の州が投票の際に何らかの身分証明書を要求していますが、これは常識的な規定です。


 超党派の委員会で、民主党の委員が3人、共和党の委員が3人います。なぜそうしたかというと、FEC【選挙管理委員会の略】が行動を起こすためには、超党派でなければならないと考えたからです。超党派の合意が必要だったのです。少なくとも4人の委員を集めなければなりませんでした。つまり、対立する政党から少なくとも1人は集めなければならなかったのです。腐敗した政治家の行動はどうなるのか? 党派的な組織にしてしまうのです。民主党の委員が3人、共和党の委員が2人しかいないことになり、FECは実質的にチャック・シューマーの攻撃用の犬になってしまいました。
 そして、おそらく選挙の1、2ヶ月前にそれを行うのでしょう。彼らが傷つきやすい時期に。10月のサプライズでは、何が起こると思いますか? すべての共和党員が接戦になっています。チャック・シューマー連邦選挙管理委員会は、彼らのスキャンダラスな側面に関する調査を発表するでしょう。これは本当に良くないアイデアで、この法案はそれを実現するものです。驚くべきことに、私はこの法案の見出しを読んでいたんです。でも、実際に見てみると、すべての要素が盛り込まれていて、とても重要な法案なんです。

 おそらく、平等法(equality act)【現代版の「平等法」は第114回米国議会で初めて提案された。第116議会では、2019年5月17日に超党派の236-173票で米国下院を通過。しかし、米国上院は法案を受け取った後に行動を起こさず、仮に行動を起こしたとしても、トランプ大統領は拒否権を行使することを示唆した。2021年2月18日、第117議会で同法が再提案。下院は2月25日、224対206の投票で、3人の共和党員の支持を得て同法を可決した】などに匹敵するものだと思います。マイケル、この法案はシステムを不正に操作することを目的としているため、平等法よりもはるかに危険です。腐敗した政治家法【HR1】で最も危険な条項は2つあります。

 この法案は、これらの不法滞在者を自動的に登録することを目的としています。それだけでなく、多くの州では、犯罪者は投票権を失うことができるという非常に合理的な規定を設けています。恐ろしい犯罪を犯した場合、多くの州が投票権を失うことができるとしています。堕落した政治家の行為とは? この法律は、それらの法律をすべて打ち消します。犯罪者は刑務所から出所した瞬間に投票できるとしています。
 この法律の一部は、不法に投票登録された 不法滞在者に恩赦と免責を与えています。自動登録のため、法案は何百万人もの不法滞在者に恩赦を与え、投票登録されると予想しています。彼らには責任がないとしています。刑事責任はありません。刑事責任も民事責任もありません。完全に免責されています。合法的に登録された投票権を持っているからです。
 合法的に投票登録している人のために特別な恩赦を作ることにどんな価値があるのでしょうか? 民主党員は全員投票しました。いや、彼らは犯罪者に投票したのです。

 本当に、なんで民主党なんだ? 民主主義が良くなると思いますか?




 私が公聴会で話したことは、「ゴースト・ガン」と呼ばれるもので、ゴースト・ガンとは何か? 正直なところ、ゴーストガンのような本当に怖い現象を聞いたことがある人はいないでしょう。



 私たちは「あなた方には関係のないことだ」と言いました。私たちは自分たちが持っている銃器を知りたいだけなのです。夜に家に来てください。私たちがどんな銃器を持っているのかを知ることができます。しかし、大きな政府のリベラル派にとっては、ありのままの姿がいいのです。彼らは登録を求めていますが、その理由は 歴史上、銃器を没収した国を見ると、必ず登録から始まっている。マイケル・ノウルズがどんな銃を持っているかのリストだ。ノールズさん、ライフル、ショットガン、38口径リボルバーを持っていますね。私は登録制度と徹底的に戦っています。ゴーストガンというのは、でっちあげだ。


 フォースはテキサス人でした。彼はイスラエルでパレスチナ人のテロリストに殺された退役軍人でした。テイラー・フォース法とは、テロリストに報酬を与えるいかなる組織にも、我々の税金を使わせないというものです。テロリストの家族に報酬を支払うような組織には、アメリカの税金は使われません。ジョー・バイデンは就任後の数ヶ月間、何をしていたでしょうか? テイラー・フォース法を基本的に無視し、パレスチナ自治政府に何億ドルものお金を支払い始めました。つまりジョー・バイデンは皆さんの税金を送っているのです。私の税金はハマスのテロリストへの支払いに充てられ、テロリストはそれを見て「よし」と言うのです。

 そして聞いてください、私は今週ツイートしました。なぜ国会議員がハマスの報道官をしているのか? 半年前には中東で歴史的な平和が実現していたのに、なぜ? なぜか?


 民主党の皆さん。私は、民主党の同僚たちがなぜ私のキャンペーンに2,400万ドルも? 連邦政府の資金で。
 民主党は、有権者が自分たちを落選させる力を持たないようにしたいと考えています。どうやってそれを実現するのでしょうか? 何百万人もの不法滞在者を登録し、犯罪者にも投票権を与え、連邦選挙管理委員会を共和党をターゲットにした党派的な武器にしたのです。共和党員をターゲットにした党派的な武器です。これは有権者の権利を奪うためのもので、ジム・クロウ【人種差別法】のようなものです。

This is unadjusted, I don't guarantee accuracy.

—Michael Knowles
A lot went down on Capitol Hill today. A lot of which you probably didn't hear about but one man was there to do the job of many. He refuted the Democrats are Arguments for upending our election system. He shot down. The Democrats are Arguments for taking all of our guns and most impressively of all. He tweeted the whole time. I'm Michael Knowles is verdict with Ted Cruz.

Senator Cruz. I want to hear everything that happened today. It seemed as if you were in multiple places at once hearings on guns hearings on the corrupt, politicians act. And there was a charge that while you were tweeting during all of this, that it was just your staff sort of tweeting on your behalf while you were in the Senate. You, I have to ask, I know, you'll shoot straight here. Were you the one tweeting?

—Ted Cruz
Oh yeah. That was me. I was live-tweeting. The look when you're in a room with Senators who are droning on and on and on particularly, when they're reading from like staff has written a couple of pages of like text for them to read. It's a little bit like the student and Charlie Brown listening to the teacher and the teacher goes want. Want, wow, wow. Wow. Wow, wow. Wow. And the truth of the matter is what most senators are on their phones and our Scrolling through email or text, or this being the social media world that it is. I was on Twitter and then, of course, some Lefty Publications, saw me on Twitter on C-Span and so tweeted about me being on Twitter on C-Span and so I promptly retweeted them and said. Yep, that's exactly right and they were sort of surprised going. Holy crap. Is he retweeting us? It's like, yes I am and and in fact, they made fun of me because Amy Klobuchar was giving some long long speech that I suppose somebody somewhere, listen to, but, but nobody in the room did and, and, and they were shocked that I was on my phone for that.
And I said, well, she still reading her statement even after your Tweet. Well, you obviously, wear many hats, you're a senator, you're a podcast host. You are often the booking producer on this show. So I'm not at all, surprised to hear that. It was actually you on Twitter. So you were covering it actually. I mean, we're joking about the Twitter of it all but it is important that you were communicating this. In shedding light on what was going on youyou were in multiple places. Yeah, look. And and there's value to that I was. So the day started off, I went to a TV studio and did did Fox News in the morning to talk about the mark-up that was coming on on HR1 or S1, which is the big election Federal takeover of Elections. Bill that is the top priority for Democrats and and what we had today was

It's called the mark-up. The mark-up is when you actually take the bill and you consider amendments to it and and the rules committee in the Senate is the committee that has jurisdiction. I'm on the rules committee actually, interesting, bit of trivia. I was put on the rules committee as a brand new baby freshman which is relatively unusual for newly elected Senators. My case, nine years ago, to be put on it. And actually the reason Mitch McConnell asked me to To serve on the committee is that the rules committee has jurisdiction over campaign Finance, reform legislation. And he asked me at the time, he said, look, when the Democrats come with some horrible campaign, Finance legislation. Ted, I'd like you to lead the fight against this and and that's sort of like, you know, throw me in that Briar Patch. I am eager to defend the First Amendment to stop the Democrats efforts to undermine democracy and so I was happy to do it then and this is the most dramatic time. And so,

The mark-up started at 10 a.m. and it wrapped up about 7:00 p.m. so it went about nine hours straight. And during the course of it, we had oh, I don't know. 30 or 40 different amendments. I filed 46 amendments. And so we brought up Amendment, after Amendment, debating the bill, the bill is a really bad Bill and I do hope and think that the mark-up today highlighted just how extreme, just how partisan the bill is. And, and I think the Democrats ended up casting some really bad votes today, that that underscores their top priority, Yes. In power what this bill is all about is keeping Democrats in power for the next hundred years and they're really trying to rig the game to do that. And I think the most important function of the mark-up today was to highlight how they're doing. So, you mentioned here, the campaign Finance angle, it actually sort of surprised me because I had forgotten how broad this bill is. When I think of s 1, HR One were calling it. The corrupt politicians act. The, in my mind, this Was about changing the rules for Congressional elections and federalizing those. Those rules that would ordinarily be made by the states, but then you're reminding me. There's a campaign Finance aspect to it. There's could you just take us through a little bit of specifically that portion, but sort of all the, all the pieces of this legislation? Sure the show this thing is nearly 900 pages long and it is, every bad idea every left-wing advocacy group has had over the last 20 years to try to

Change elections to make sure that Democrats always win. So what is the bill do? Let's start with what does it mean? HR 1 or S one? Nobody knows what that means. HR 1 means it is the very first bill filed by Democratic Leadership in the house. S1 means is the first bill filed by Democratic leaders and leadership in the Senate, it means there. It's their number one priority. Yeah. And and so, just pause for a second and think about what the Democrats are telling you, their top priority isn't covid, it's not vaccinations. It's not jobs, it's not reopening schools. Their top priority is staying in power and, and that trumps everything else. Now, what does this bill do? Well, it federalizes elections, it puts the federal government in charge of Elections across this country. One of the things that does is, look, we've got 50 States states, generally administer elections, and they pass laws governing. How elections are handled. This bill, which many of us are calling as you noted, the corrupt politicians Act. What it does is it essentially repeals virtually every state voter Integrity law. Now what does that mean? Here's some examples. Voter ID, 29 states require some form of identification to vote, you think about it, it's a common-sense provision. 75 percent of Americans support photo ID for voting by the way. That's true. Sixty percent of Democrats support photo ID for voting. Yes, 77% of Independence support photo ID for voting, 60 percent of African Americans support, photo ID for voting What is the corrupt politicians act? Do it repeals every one of those laws. It makes it illegal for a state to require voter ID likewise ballot harvesting. All right. What is ballot harvesting? It is a particularly corrupt practice, where you send in a paid political operative to collect the ballots of other people's what, why is that corrupt? Well, because let's say you have an operative from the DNC, the Democratic National Committee Who goes into a nursing home, where you have a bunch of people who are elderly, some of whom may not even be capable of making decisions with ballot, harvesting these operatives help them fill out their ballots, including people, that may not be competent to make those decisions and it invites voter fraud. Because number one, they can prompt the people to vote the way the operative wants them to number 2. If the operative sees how they vote, let's suppose you have a senior who stubbornly votes for Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden.

The corrupt operative can take that ballot and throw it in the trash. It is dangerous. When you have an employee of a political campaign handling, the ballots of other people. That's why 31 States either prohibit or restrict ballot harvesting. What is the corrupt politicians act? Do it repeals every one of those restrictions and it mandates ballot harvesting. Likewise this bill mandates, Universal mail-in, ballots it mandates. Drop boxes everywhere both of which are very susceptible to fraud. It also provides for welfare for politicians as this one of the more egregious elements of it, that it provides for a 621 federal government match for money, raised in increments under $200. So, if you raise $200, the federal government gives you 12 Dollars to match that that is a particularly idiotic proposal as I observed at the hearing today, if you think of all of the populations in need of welfare and need of subsidies in need of supports, politicians are really near the bottom of that list. Yeah, and I'll tell you Michael the, the provision that I think is most naked that makes most obvious, what the Democrats are doing, is the Federal Election Commission. It was established after Watergate. So Watergate was a big scandal. Full campaign Finance. Handle, they created the Federal elections Commission in the 1970s. It's a bipartisan commission, there are three Democratic Commissioners, three, Republican Commissioners. The reason they did that is they wanted it to be for the FEC to act. It had to be bipartisan agreement. You had to get at least four Commissioners, meaning you had to get at least one from the opposing party. What does the corrupt politicians act? Do it turns it into a partisan organization. It it leaves it with three Democratic Commissioners and only two Republican Commissioners, which means the FEC becomes, essentially the attack, dog for Chuck Schumer and and it's designed what, what the intention of this would be, is to use it to Target, to persecute, to investigate Republicans. And by the way to do it in all likelihood a month or two before the election, right? When they're vulnerable. To have an October surprise of guess what? Every Republican in a close race. The Chuck Schumer Federal Election Commission is going to announce an investigation into some scandalous aspect of them. It's a really bad idea, and that's what this bill does. So it's amazing because I've been, you know, reading the headlines on this bill. And but when you see it, all laid out, all of these things, it's such a major Bill. And yet, that's not all you

We're doing today, there was Trying to Ram down, which I think you put it very well, the most radical legislation you've seen in your, in your time there. Perhaps Perhaps rivaled only by the equality act or something like that. And Michael, it's much more dangerous than the equality act because it's designed to rig the system. So two of the provisions that are most dangerous in the corrupt politicians act. So one is automatic voter registration. So Any individual that has any interaction with the government. So, if you get a welfare check, get an unemployment check. If you get a driver's license. If you go to a state college or university, you're automatically registered to vote. Now that is intended to and will. In fact, if it's enacted register millions of illegal aliens to vote.

Because there are anywhere from 11 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country, the estimates vary a large, a significant percentage of that group. We don't have an exact estimate but it is in the millions by anyway, you assess. It is interacting with the government and all of these who are interacting with the government, this bill is designed to automatically register them. Not only that a number of states have very reasonable Provisions that provide, that criminals can lose their right to vote that. If you commit, a horrific crime, a number of states have said you can forfeit your right to vote. What is the corrupt, politicians act? Do it strikes down every one of those laws. It says, criminals the instant, they're released from jail, can vote. And and the reason for this is is Democrats have decided, and I think quite reasonably

That having millions of illegal aliens, vote, and thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of criminals, and felons vote that those individuals are likely to vote for Democrats and it will benefit Democrats. This is all about keeping Democrats in power. So during the course of the day, in the markup, as I said, I had 46 amendments. I introduced an amendment to provide that before. Anyone is automatically registered to vote. You have to verify citizenship that You're not registering someone illegal of course, every Democrat voted. No that amendment was voted down. I introduced another amendment. So, portion of this law, grants amnesty, grants, immunity to any illegal alien, who is illegally registered to vote, because of the automatic registration, look at the bill anticipates. Millions of illegal, aliens are registered to vote and so it grants amnesty. It says, they're not liable. There's no criminal liability. No civil liability there. Completely immune from any exposure. For being a legally registered to vote. I introduced amendments to just strip that, that is so radical and I feel people may not appreciate that. On the one hand, Democrats are saying this spill absolutely will not register illegal, aliens to vote. And also when they are, they'll get amnesty for it.
That's in the same bill, it is in the same bill, the Democrats argued, no illegal. Aliens will be registered to vote. I said, great then you should vote for my amendments if it's not registering anyone. Then you ought to welcome. These amendments are like, no, no, no. We can't. We can't have the, have the Amendments. So I introduced a narrow Amendment. Just say, let's get rid of the amnesty. If nobody's registered illegally to vote. What's the value of creating a special amnesty for people who are legally registered to vote every Democrat voted? No, they voted it down on the criminals.
All right, here's a very funny thing. So, I had a whole series of amendments allowing states to prevent criminals from voting. The amendment that got called up was from Senator hyde-smith and it was an amendment focused on child molesters. And it said people that commit crimes against children states can prevent them from voting. And one of the things I did going into this meeting, I sat down before the before the mark up, with, with Mitch McConnell, I sat down with Roy blunt, who's the ranking, Republican on the committee and we laid out a strategy for fighting this.
And so I drafted a whole bunch of amendments and one of the things I did as she is gay. Gave a number of amendments to other Republican Senators for them to drive forward. So, Cindy hyde-smith senator from Mississippi introduced this amendment. That that said, if you've committed a crime against children states can prevent you from voting miraculously Michael, this amendment passed and Angus King, who is an independent from Maine, although he votes exactly like a Democrat, he voted. Yes, he said I'm a parent. And so if you commit a crime, against Kids states can say, you can't vote. And I argued for really like,

Why is it Democrats? Think our democracy would be better? If child molesters were voting aye, when I think of what the country needs, the enlightened views of child molesters is not high on the list. So once Angus voted for that and he's like, well, you're not going to have a whole bunch of other amendments on to other crimes. And I said, well yeah, I do have a whole bunch of others, but I'll just do one. So, I pulled up mine, which was murderers. I said, okay, you've agreed, child molester states can say they can't vote. How about murders people convicted of the felony of murder. Angus, King voted noted that the Democrats voted it down. So, every Democrat on the committee voted that it should be illegal for states to say murderers, can't vote. That's how radical these guys are. Well and it's not even to say his people will you know, confuse the federalism of it. All, all you're suggesting here is that states should have the right to determine whether or not murderers can vote that. We even that was too much for the Democrats.

Yeah, to be clear. My amendments were not requiring a standard, whether it is photo ID for voting whether it is boring criminals from boating under the Constitution, the principal responsibility for those decisions of the states. Now, I will say this, in discussing it, there is an argument that some on the writer making which is that this whole bill is unconstitutional. I actually think that argument is probably not right that the way the Constitution is drafted. The states have significant responsibility for structuring elections but Congress also has the authority to promulgate standards and so it's a concurrent jurisdiction. So I think it is a, don't think it's a valid argument to say congress, can't legislate here. What I do think is a valid argument is that Congress shouldn't be repealing the laws of 29 States when it comes to voter ID, 31 States, when it comes to restricting ballot harvesting, that Congress should respect the state laws that in turn reflect the values of their citizens. This is an important point because there are a lot of conservatives, I think who just want to say, oh, well, we don't need to worry too much because because the courts will strike it down and so you're making the point, actually, that might not be a bulletproof argument. But then there's also the Practical political reality here, which Is that when we rely on the courts very often we're disappointed. So probably we're going to want to fight against this now.
Well and it's worse than that. I don't think the courts will strike this down and and here's why if the corrupt palette politicians act passes into law? It will be. Because the Democrats have ended the filibuster, because they have rammed it through on 50 votes, it will be because Joe manchin and Kristen Cinema gave in If that happens, the Democrats will also pack the US Supreme Court, they'll put for left-wing, justices on the court and a packed Supreme Court with for left-wing justices will. Uphold the corrupt politicians act. So write the current Supreme Court would certainly strike down. Significant elements of this bill But a pact Supreme Court with four. New left-wing justices will rubber-stamp this. And and so the filibuster is the whole ball of wax in terms of stopping this. And this is really about, you know, Michael, if you look at what the Democrats are trying to do, I'd really break it into two baskets. What is bad policy? They want to do things that are just bad policy. Massively, high taxes, massively High regulations, open borders, Mass trillions of dollars in spending. All of that is bad. It's harmful.

But, all of that can be undone. If Republicans take majorities again, we can cut taxes again, we can cut regulations, we can try to cut spending all the historically, that's harder to do, but bad policy can be undone. There's a whole separate separate category that the Democrats are trying to do. That is rigging the game that is changing the rules and and what falls into that HR 1, the corrupt politicians act making DC a state to get to New Democratic senators and Unpacking the US Supreme Court, and those are designed to change the rules. Because I think, Democrats believe if they enact those, they stay in power, the next hundred years that Republicans can't win. If millions of illegal, aliens had millions of criminals are voting and that's why they want to do it. Particularly if you have a partisan Federal Election Commission that that is a political weapon going after Republicans at the behest of Chuck Schumer. They believe,

I think quite reasonably that will ensure they win for a long time to come. That's why this is the leader at Senator. You've sufficiently. Depressed me about the corrupt politicians act so now because A wise man once said that it is always darkest before it goes totally pitch black. We have to address the other topic that you were working on today, which is the gun. Grab, Democrats are trying to pass big gun control. You were there, you were in the room. What's it look like and how do we stop it? Well, it's the constitution subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I've been the chairman of that committee Committee for a number of years. I'm now the ranking member because we're the minority. So, Senator Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut is now, the chairman he had a hearing on, so-called ghost guns, and then you said, it's always darkest before it goes pitch, black, I guess it's fitting that pitch black is when the ghosts come out, I showed up irritatingly enough this hearing was at the exact same time as the mark-up for the corrupt politicians act. So, what I talked about on the hearing unquote ghost guns and what is a ghost gun? I mean, to be honest, who the hell is heard of a phenomenon and it's designed to be really scary like ghost guns. What, what what the heck are those? They're handmade guns.
They're their people, their hobbyists, who make handmade guns. They make guns from kits. They said that they order different kits, online, and they assemble them. And the reason this is a made-up problem is, there is zero evidence like like nothing NADA that handmade guns are producing any violent crime at all. Like it's a totally We made up and so I kind of unloaded on the Democrats this morning. I said, look, you've got a hearing on a totally bogus threat but it's designed to be scary at frankly, they're taking advantage of ignorant liberals. Who don't really know anything about guns and a ghost gun that they want to use a term that sounds really frightening.
Yeah. But I said, what are you next going to hold a hearing on, on Civil War, replica cannons? I mean, they're not being used in crimes, you hearing you want to hearing on gun crime, gun crimes a serious problem? How about have a hearing on Chicago and New York and Philadelphia and how left-wing gun control laws aren't working? That's actually a real real hearing, but they don't want to do that. And what I talked about also in my opening comment, as I said, listen, why is it the Democrats are trying to do this? Because number one, they're objective is not going after actual gun crime. It is stripping, the Second Amendment rights from law-abiding. Citizens, the people that build homemade guns Our collectors. Frankly, if you're a gang banger in Chicago, you're not making a homemade gun, you're buying an illegal gun on the black market. That you're murdering people with, I mean, that that's where the guns come from. But here's what this is all about. And it was interesting Blumenthal what his opening statement. He said, look, these are untraceable and untraceable is meant to be scary.

They want to be able to trace every firearm in America because they want a registry of every firearm in American. I put it out I said listen Heidi and I own a number of firearms. There is no government list of the Firearms. We oh it's none of your damn business what Firearms? We only want to find out what Firearms we own come into our house at night. You'll find out what Firearms we have but like like it is and for the big government liberals. They want a registry and the reason they want A registry is. If you look at countries throughout history, that have confiscated Firearms, it always starts with a registry, a list of what guns does, Michael Knowles own. So that when they come knock on the door, they say, Okay, mr. Knowles, you've got a rifle, you've got a shotgun and you've got a 38 revolver, produce the guns. Now we're seizing them and so I am fighting tooth and nail against a registry. This whole ghost guns. Thing is a made-up BS topic.
Yeah, because what they want is a registry of every gun to be able to come before we go. I wear as always pressed for time before we go, we've got to touch on this Israel issue. We have to touch on it because I don't understand anything about it, and I think most people, frankly are looking at this conflict, the israel-palestine conflict. It seemed to have been fine, everything seemed to be going pretty well for the past four years, you had lots of new peace treaties. We happen to be Doing episodes.
We were in DC during those peace treaties. You were there at the signing of them and now everything's gone to hell in a handbasket. What went wrong weakness causes violence and aggression. Terrorist like weakness, they're encouraged by weakness. You know, I had dinner I think week before last with David Friedman who was the former US ambassador to Israel under President Trump? David is a good friend.

Four years of President Trump, you saw the Palestinian attacks on Israelis on Americans dropped dramatically. And it was because I believe, President Trump drew a line in the sand and says, we stand with Israel. There was no ambiguity about what did Joe Biden do when he came in immediately, put ambiguity immediately. One of the things Biden started to doing is he sent over a hundred million dollars to the Palestinian Authority. Now, the Palestinian Authority is the Quasi-government of the Palestinians within Israel. It is in what's called a Unity government with Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization. It's explicitly a terrorist organization Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. They paid bounties to terrorists. So if you're a Palestinian terrorist and you strapped Dynamite on a best and you walk into a mall and you detonate the dynamite and you murder, women and children.

A mass of the Palestinian Authority. Pay your family, a ongoing, stipend for the rest of their lives. And it's a major budget item that they want to encourage. So, it's the government spending money to pay the families of terrorists as rewards for them, murdering Israelis and murdering Americans. Yeah, a couple of years ago, Congress passed a law called the Taylor for sack Taylor. Force was a Texan. He was a veteran who was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in Israel. And the Taylor Force Acts says, us tax collet dollars will not go to any organization that rewards terrorists. That pays the families of terrorists, as a reward for them committing Terror. What did Joe Biden doing the first couple of months in office? Basically ignored the Taylor force act and started paying hundreds of millions of dollars to the Palestinian Authority. So Joe Biden is sending your tax dollars. My tax dollars to fund Hamas in their payments to terrorists and you know what the terrorists, see that and say, okay.

Despite the administration is weak, they won't stand with Israel. So let's start firing rockets and they're firing Rockets. They're firing hundreds of rockets at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv all up and down Israel. And by the way, not only is the bite Administration, not doing anything, meaningfully about it, but you've got Democrats like, ilhan, Omar and and Rashid to lie. Omar accused Israel of carrying out acts of terrorism because it's trying to defend itself. Against rocket attacks, aimed at civilians and its trying to take out the terrorists. And listen, I tweeted this week. Why is a member of Congress acting as the press secretary for Hamas? And and this is contrast it six months ago, we were seeing historic peace in the Middle East. Why? Because the president of the United States and the US government was clear and unequivocal we stand with Israel and no one wanted to screw with us now because Biden is not able to be clear and unequivocal suddenly they want to screw with Israel. They want to with us.

And this is, It's a manifestation of the failures of Biden's foreign policy. It's night and day. I remember when John Kerry, but before he was traipsing all over the world, stopping the sun monster when John Kerry, was the Secretary of State. He said that it is not possible to solve the israel-palestine conflict. It is not possible rather to solve the Middle Eastern conflict more broadly without first dealing with the Palestinian conflict and the Trump Administration. Ocean comes in and says, you know, I don't think that's true. I think we're going to just deal with all of these other Arab states, and we're going to get peace deals with, with those separate states. And the Democrats said, that was not possible, what happened for the, for the last several years. We've seen lots and lots of Peace treaties. Now, that seems to be falling apart. I have to tell you, Senator, a bit of a depressing show on the voting rights on the guns on the international diplomacy is, is there any glimmer of hope you're? I think the mark up today on the corrupt politicians Act was very beneficial in sense.

It showed, just how radical and extreme the Democrats were mean. When when every Democrat on the committee voted to allow murderers to vote, That's a pretty extreme vote when every Democrat in the committee voted to allow millions of illegal aliens to vote, that's an extreme vote. When every Democrat voted to maintain the amnesty for millions of illegal aliens voting illegally, that's an extreme vote. You know, there's another provision. We talked about the six to one match of federal funds, which is, you know, welfare for politicians. One of the things I did at the mark-up today, I went through what every Democrat on the committee had raised. In q1, in the first quarter of this year and I went through how much they would get under the match and some would get a million Angus King, I think would get like $750, he got virtually nothing, the Democrat, who got the most was, Jon Ossoff, who was just elected out of Georgia and he would get a little over 11 million dollars in federal funds. I mean that's a bunch of money, 11 million dollars. So the senator who would get the most on the committee was yours. Truly. And last quarter in q1 of this year, I raised 5.3 million dollars, 5.3 million dollars, 98 percent of that came from contributions under $100. I think the average contribution of remember writers either 41 or $47, I forget which one it was, but it was 40-something. 5.3, million dollars, six to one match. Now, there's a cap. So what it would have meant is I would have gotten 24 million dollars from the federal government and I asked the Democrats.

I said, why do my Democratic colleagues want to give my campaign? 24 million dollars. In federal funds. This is asinine, I don't want the funds, I'd like to go raise the funds by the way, if you're watching this go to tedcruz.org, make contribution, I welcome those funds, but I'm not interested in taking Federal taxpayer money and every Democrat Voted to give my campaign 24 million dollars in federal funds. I mean, it's asinine because their priority is staying in power and so they want billions of dollars of federal funds going to their campaign. So as incumbents, they have massive amounts of money and they can Crush any Challenger and I got to say Chuck Schumer began the hearing by giving the market by giving this, this sanctimonious speech and I responded shortly thereafter and I said, look, Chuck Schumer rightly talked about Jim Crow, Jim Crow was shameful, it was racist, it was bigoted. Jim Crow laws were written by democrats. They were implemented by democrats and the purpose of Jim Crow laws was to keep Democrats in power forever.
Now, I recognize today's Democrats and and the corrupt media their narrative was well that was the Democrats of a long time ago but not today. Day. I said, listen, this bill today is Jim Crow 2.0. This is designed for the same purpose, which is to prevent the voters from throwing the bums out. Prevent the voters from voting Democrats out when they Embrace socialism, when they Embrace open borders, when they pack the Supreme Court, when they Advocate abolishing the police,

The Democrats want the voters not to have the power to vote them out. How did they do that? They do that, by registering millions of illegal aliens allowing criminals to vote and making the Federal Election Commission. A partisan weapon to Target Republicans. This is all about disenfranchising voters, just like Jim Crow and I gotta admit to say Democrats didn't like that would be something of an understatement. And I think there is value to shining the light and Meaning what it is they're trying to do. I think that's true. And, you know, a guy who's going to turn down 24 million bucks, probably doesn't care what the Democrats say about am on the committee 24 million bucks. You know, I guess there is the Glam thing, I guess, the glimmer of hope is no matter. Hey, if they'd up to 225 I might have been up open to it, that's exactly it. I suppose there's got to be a number somewhere, but if you think you're having a bad day, you're looking at the politics all around the world, you say everything's going to hell in a handbasket. At least you didn't have turn down 24 million dollars today, like Senator Cruz. Did we have to leave it there? Senator, but we will be back soon. I'm Michael Knowles. This is verdict with Ted Cruz.

Posted at 2021/05/13(Thd) 16:37:20

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