I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a


ジュリアーニ ルディのコモンセンス Ep. 132 『「1984年」と「すばらしい新世界」からの警告は必聴です』 全文日本語翻訳






 私は自分が別の世界に住んでいるように感じ始めました。数ヶ月前に「1984年」と比較したことが役に立ちました。「1984年」に見られたことの多くが起こっていることを示しました。大きなものは検閲ですね 今、私たちは検閲を受けています。政府による検閲ではなく、巨大で強力な機関のグループによる検閲です。政府と同じくらい強力で、ある意味もっと強力で、現在の政府と密接に連携しています。
 自分たちに何が起こっているのか、もし気づかなかったらどうなってしまうのかを知りたい。私たちの個性が奪われ、ビッグ・ブラザーに飲み込まれていく。あるいは、世界や世界秩序がどうなるのか? 「すばらしい新世界」を運営する世界機関。オーウェルもハクスリーも、もちろん非常に高い教育を受けています。ハクスリーは実際にオーウェルの教授でした。彼らは聡明な人物で、マルクス主義やその分派であるトロツキー主義、炭鉱労働者やスターリニズム、ナチズムを非常によく理解していました。オックスレイは教授として、また軍人として参加していたので、非常に近い理解をしていました。スペイン内戦にも参加しました。
 オーウェルやハクスリーもそうですが、彼らは多くのことを組み合わせていますよね? もし彼らがそこにいるとしたら? もし、あなたが小説家や哲学者であり、深い思想家であり、また、すべてのケースにおいて、熱心な反共主義者であったとしたら……?


 ここで、「1984年」や「すばらしい新世界」が、これを達成するために、本当に、本当に的を射ているということです。人の国への愛着を壊さなければなりません。私はアメリカを愛して育ちました。幼稚園に入った日から学校を卒業するまで。特にグラマースクール、ハイスクール、ハイスクール、そしてカレッジでは、毎日が忠誠の誓いと祈りの2つで始まりました。それが何十年後かには身についている。 人生で何が起こっても、それはあなたの財布の中、魂の中にある。自分の国を愛し、自分の宗教を愛していることは、あなたの深い記憶の中にあります。あなたは神を愛しています。彼らは私たちからそれを奪うために懸命に私たちを深めます、唯一の方法です。祖国を憎むように仕向けるためだ。それが共産主義のプログラムです。国を乗っ取るには、市民と国の間に存在する絆を壊すことから始めなければならない。そしてこれは、まさに古典的なマルクス主義の乗っ取り理論、ソウル・アリンスキーの乗っ取り理論、パトリスの冷戦の乗っ取り理論で起こることと全く同じです。

 これらの概念はすべて、ショーを超えたものであり、民主党を超えたものです。なぜなら、彼らは自分たちが望むものすべてを手に入れることはできないという考えを持っているからです。ギブソン それが邪魔をして、金と権力に対する彼らの貪欲さによって曇ってしまうのです。そのため、国旗を燃やして国歌を汚したり、銅像を悪質に破壊したりすることが何年も続いています。中には、悪い人もいるかもしれないし、悪い欠点を持った本当に素晴らしい人もいるかもしれませんが、おそらく全人類を代表しているのは、イエス・キリストでしょう。

 彼らは皆、一つのことについて彼に助言していました、彼らは皆、一方の側にいました、そして、大統領は彼らに耳を傾けていました。あなたは聞いていますか? そして彼は、「これはこの部屋に集まった中で最も高いIQレベルだ」と言いました。トーマス・ジェファーソンがずっとここで言っていたので、彼らは唖然としました。そして、彼らはそれを理解したのです。知識人であり、作家であり、実務だけでなく政治を勉強した男が言うのですから。

 続けることができますよね? つまり、アメリカ、グランドコース、すべての南部連合の人々とどこで、あなたは歴史を理解するためにそれらを保存することをお勧めします。それが1984年とどのように関連しているのか、YouTubeで使われているオリジナルの引用文を読んでみましたが、とても素晴らしいドキュメンタリーでした。これは現代の話なのか? これは、ビッグブラザーの支配下にあった架空の国であるオセアニアでの1984年についてです。あらゆる記録が破壊されたり、改竄されたりしている。すべての本は書き直され すべての絵は塗り直され すべての彫像と街の建物は名前が変えられた すべての日付が変更されています。

 彼らは何をしているのか? それも同じ理由からです。私は今、破壊するために説明したことを述べました。市民の祖国への愛。その英雄と歴史を その伝統や価値観を しかし、単に破壊するだけではなく、彼らに嫌われ、評判を落とすためです。そうすれば、彼らが別の経済や政府の形態、つまり共産主義の社会主義を受け入れることが容易になります。ああ、私たちは記録を破壊されてきました。私はあなたの記録のためにそれらをリストアップする必要はありません。偽造されたものもあります。彫像や絵画、通り、建物、通りの名前が改名されたり、取り外されたりしました。私たちはただ、それらの束をリストアップしただけで、あとは本当にくだらないものばかりです。くだらないものとしては、Dr.ポッター、Dr.スースの変更【人種差別的なイメージがあるため、6冊のDr.Seussの本が印刷されなくなります】などがあります。ワシントンの「マイマー・チェンジ」もそうですね。コロンビア大学がどうやって名前を維持しているのか、私にはわかりません。あなたはどうですか? コロンビアの国名を冠した大学は? コロンビアの国名はクリストファー・コロンブスにちなんでいます。









 共産主義独裁国家への進撃を警告したオーウェルの言葉が、今まさに起こっているのです。架空の国オセアニアでは、真実省の役人である主人公のウィンストン・スミスが、真実とは正反対のことをしているのですが、その国全体で、看板や言葉や写真が氾濫しているのです。そして、この大きなビッグブラザーが あなたを見ています。これはあちこちにある。これがビッグ・ブラザーです。彼こそがリーダーであり、何も言わない。私たちのようなものかな? そうですね。
 最初のものは「1984年」からのもので、単に経験の妥当性だけでなく、彼らの哲学によって暗黙のうちに否定されたと外部の現実の存在そのものが、異端の異端は常識だった。だからこそ、私はこの名前をつけました。社会主義者、共産主義者、独裁者、寡頭主義者、全体主義者があなたから奪おうとしているものが常識だからです。常識があれば、あなたはそれに反論し、それを止めるための人生を与えられるからです。私はハクスリーの 94年よりも前に書かれた『すばらしい新世界』。1931年に書かれたディストピア小説で、私たちに未来を警告しています。全てを網羅した世界政府の。1984年に行われたキャンセルに似たパーソナリゼーションに頼らない、ソロスの夢のようなもの。ビッグ・ブラザーがあなたを常に監視していることに頼らない。恐怖に頼ることもありません。ほとんどの場合、技術的な監視によるプライバシーの侵害はありますが、それはここでも同じです。しかし、彼らの社会は、子宮の外で市民を実際に繁殖させることで管理されており、彼らを双子として生み出します。そして、彼らは4つか5つのカテゴリーに分かれていて、社会を動かすアルファになるように育てられた者から、ただ下働きをするように育てられた者まで、様々な条件で育てられます。抑圧され、指示され、コントロールされることで、幸せになることを楽しむ。そして、閉じこもる必要がないのに閉じこもるように言われたり、予防接種を受けた後に、科学や論理や常識に全く反することを言われたりするのは、すべての権力を手に入れようとする権力が、あなたに対してそれを主張し、それが可能であることを示したいからなのです。

 さて、中国共産党の党首である習近平氏の発表に間に合いました。氏の発表に間に合いました。2048年までに、アメリカではなく、世界を支配するという大胆な予測をしています。これらをまとめると、非常に優れたEpoch Timesの記事を見ていただければと思います。自分が何をしているのか分かっていないか、社会主義共産主義の原因に同調する人々がいるかのどちらかで、これらのことは実にうまくまとまっているように見えますが、何年もの間、私たちは政府内に少数派を抱えてきました。
 社会主義や共産主義に共感している人たちは、より良い政府の形であると同時に、神を排除するものでもあります。それがマークの考えで、プロレタリアートの「アヘン」の一部であるとした。つまり、資本主義に服従するように私たちを騙す方法だったのです。『すばらしい新世界』にソーマ【快楽薬】とかいう薬が出てきますよね? あれはそのために使われています。だから、できることなら、時間もないし、そんなことにはならないと思っています。でも、高校や大学で読んだことがある人も、まだ読んだことがない人も、2週間前に読んだ人も、この2冊の本を読むべきだと思うんです。

 そしてその後 中国の共産主義者だけでも、ナチスよりも何人もの人を殺しています。自国民をより多く殺した国は他にありません。中国では虐殺されていて、その数を数えることはできないでしょう。女の子の赤ちゃんを産まないという理由で殺された若い女の子たち。強制収容所に収容されている300万人の警備員たち。私たちはスターリンを知っている。スターリンは至って安泰だった。ヒトラーの盟友であったが、ヒトラーは彼を追い出した、なぜなら彼は凶悪だったからだ。凶悪な殺人者として、彼を追い出しました。



Hello everyone. This is Rudy Giuliani and I'm back again with another edition of Rudy's, common sense. And I must say this is what I'm looking forward to. Because it's going to be a combination of literary analysis and where we are today, and it's also going to be an analysis, that demonstrates not only is sometimes fiction Stranger Than Life, Sometimes fiction predicts life better than history philosophy. Political science. Prognostication. Commentariat. Or just people sitting around their living rooms trying to guess what's going to happen. Recently, over the last several weeks, there have been more than a few Discussions and comments, some brief some in more depth about the comparison between Orwell's 1984, George Orwell's, novel 1984, which was written before about 1984 which was then in the future and the present drawing comparisons and distinctions between the two. There have been some there, been some rather serious treatment of it on YouTube youtube.com. They picked out five or six quotes from, from 1984, good quotes. I mean, strong ones long ones, in-depth ones, that get you to, give you the sense of it, and then went out at the street. And demonstrated, they've already taken place. And Dave Rubin engaged in a discussion of it on the book club, in some depth from a number of different angles, mostly finding Harrison's with where we are today. There were other discussions of it shorter and nature. But still basically saying that night 1984 and Orwell's dystopian novel seems to have pretty well predicted that the 2021 that we're in or at least Where we're headed more than I guess where we're in now. A dystopian novel just in case, that's not a word that's used. Very often means a novel about the future futuristic imaginary but very very cruel unjust world with someone is living in the truth that I would guard is the very best written. Although there are some others that are very good. Would be, of course, George Orwell's "1984" and another One written several decades earlier. Aldous Huxley called "Brave New World", they different similar and different. They get to a similar results, which is a submissive people under the rule of a state with the state, possessing, the control control over their rights, their lives, their income, their Choices for Children. Who in both cases, actually, don't belong to them any longer and then there are differences and we'll, we'll go. We'll go into that. And I think it's interesting to bring Huxley into the discussion with or well because both of them saw different aspects of what we're living through now and I think it will illustrate to you something that many of us are at pains to show you which is things have gone very very far.

Further than I think we're capable of really describing to you, unless we do comparisons like this. We are well along here in vitally America. We are well along to the road to socialism and we have over the course of the last year and a half in particular, lost a lot of our rights. And when you lose them,

You got to get him back right away. You can't remain laws for too long or they become permanently lost. And I'll give you an example. When we first went into the pandemic lockdown about a year ago, the I observed, although II agreed that it was probably necessary. I didn't know, didn't know really the facts about covid and I visited the decision-makers no fault of theirs. I mean, they were operating on the best advice they had at the time. And I saw that, maybe. Necessary to have such a shutdown, would all the mortality rate than and predicted. And the

Contradictory ways in which fauci was describing. It seemed like it could attack us and all the first, you know, don't wear a mask, then wear a mask. And yes, you'll you can't get it if you touch something but yes, you can great deal and was quite obviously didn't know what they were talking about, particularly fauci, and they were making it up as they were going along, maybe making it up into dictatorial. Way, more humility. More willingness to say, I really don't know, but in any event, The world and the country was locked in.

Their rights were taken away church services for Holy Week. Nobody could go services for the high. Holy days of Jewish religion. Nobody could go and seems to me, the people went along with him very very meekly and the churches and synagogues went along with it, very, very meekly.

I said to my friends or the few you could see in those days seems to me like they're going, why like sheep to the slaughter. They probably have to do, it wouldn't be better to do a little protesting along the way to make the point that maybe we can salvage something out of this. I mean, after all, if they're 20 feet apart and they're wearing mass and they forego communion or they get it in a way that's completely sanitized. Or they forgo being too close together at the Passover dinner, or at the synagogue. But no, no, that was tried or attempted. And there's no real attempt made to see if we could salvage some of these businesses. Although some businesses turned out to be winners and some businesses turned out to be complete losers. And some of the rationale for that is going to have to be re-examined, but in any event as that moved along

And then the the the as we were coming out of it, some of the governor's started to take on, I'll say a dictatorial atmosphere at feeling about it. I mean, it's one thing to warn people about mass and things like that. The see them dragged away and see them put in jail and to see threats of if you don't, if you don't if you go out for frivolous, things like going to a hairdresser, you'll make it rested again to find the mayor of Chicago goes and goes and does it with it. Governor of The Calfornia tells people they must wear mask their, he's sitting there tremendous crowd of people, very, very rich restaurant. Having having social occasion or dinner, you know, watching all these hypocritical events and then if the harshness of the Governor's, in New York, and in Pennsylvania, and in Michigan, and in particularly in Illinois, California. I think I said, you know, as you move towards socialism immediately coming toward you as a sense of authoritarian power because he got to control the masses. You've given them lots of benefits, but you got to make sure you keep them under control and you keep them in your control. Keep doing your political control and you make them politically obedient to you, which is what the Democratic party has done over the years through the use of welfare. For example, or Now, by allowing illegal,

In Mass scale or inviting in Mass scale. So I began to feel like I was living in a different world and it was helpful to me, a few months ago which I did do a comparison with 1984 and to show that many of the things we saw in 1984 were happening, you know, the big one was censorship. We now have censorship, we have censorship, not so much by the government, but with a massive, strong group of Institutions. That are, as powerful as the government and certain ways more powerful and are Allied very closely with this present of these are people who elected and donated hundreds of millions of dollars to have this present government in Office of Joe Biden's there, there his there, his arm, his extension, they have gone so far as to censor major damaging articles when the, when the hard drive of Hunter Biden came which I can assure, you contains evidence. Serve at least 30 or 40 Major Crimes. That American people weren't allowed to see that by virtue of the dictate of Big Tech. Which makes them really an arm of the Democrat Party and armor of Biden, and the idea that they can operate in the furious over there private

They're working in coordination, with the Democratic National Committee, the White House, Joe Biden. That's why the White House Democratic Congress does nothing about them. Their Monopoly power is extraordinary. It's beyond any river seen their violations of Restraint of trade, a criminal, but they're like, Biden and Pelosi and they're allowed to commit crimes. If you were, I'd be in jail for for long periods of time. So let's go back now to 1984 and I'll just huxley's, Brave New World world and much of what they wrote and predicted and many commentators, say really wasn't so much in particular case of oral or the so much predicting as warning.

Wanting what was happening to us and what would happen to us if we didn't become aware of how alright would being eroded and a personage. Our individuality taken away from us and subsume by Big Brother. Or will the world or the world order? The the world Authority, running Brave, New World. Both Orwell and Huxley were, of course, Very well-educated Huxley was actually a professor of Orwell's. They were brilliant men, they had a deep understanding of Marxism, and it's offshoot trotskyism Miners and stalinism Nazism very, very close. Close understanding of it Oxley as a professor and all well as a participant as a soldier. The Spanish Civil War. And they knew and observe the marxist-leninist here, clear plan for how to create a country under their dominion and how to turn it into a communist country. So much of what they're writing is written with those guideposts in mind that the guideposts, you have to reach so that you can totally take over the country. And frightening thing to me, is as we go through both of these books, here are these men who had a particularly or well, what a great fear of Communism. We've That and exceeded some of those guideposts, we're going on the road to socialism and communism. That is a political rhetoric. That is if you bother to take the time to read angles and Marx and Lenin with the history of Stalin, took a look at Hitler. Now take a look at, wow, not now. But miles government and his successes e. And the ones in between, we take a look at all of that and we're hitting those guidepost. We're doing the things that prepare you To disintegrate. Your government turned it over to a new government. And to seed a lot of it to the central government, the more, you see that to the central government or the central government, begins to contract into one group, one cohesive group and then one person we see that a little more in the state. We also see that in what Congress is doing trying to create a one-party country and trying to take away on the one hand, the power of the And destroy the court. See, see if they get the other two branches of government and one, which they feel, they can control through politics and maybe through mental incapacity, or well, and Orwell and Huxley. Are, they were a combination of a lot of things yet? If they're there? If your fiction writers philosophers deep thinkers and In the case, of the case of all well committed anti-communist. And in the case of Huxley committed authoritarian committed against authoritarian, government and worried about it and they're accurate in their predictions. And and and the things they fear happening in moving a democracy in a clear and determined way toward first of form of complete discussed with the government that exists in the way of life that exists and then the desire for a new one, in the embracing of a socialist one that seems purely purely fair. And we're going to be the same and then, of course, the human nature intruding and everybody doesn't become the same, and people have to direct it. People have to run it in the people who directed and run, it become the more powerful people and then they become very wealthy and then they become oligarchs. As we say today. Day and then one of them becomes the chief guard. That's both history. If we have a tort that again to her children and it's human nature if you ever taught that. To our children. Again this would be a good time for a short break.

I accomplished a lot in 2020, exposing the truth, establishing the relationship with you working, tirelessly for America. And I came to know the work and value of the people at American Hartford gold. You see you buy gold, not only for what you know, but you buy gold for what you don't know. American Hartford goal is to company. You can trust. Rust when it comes to buying gold, they sell physical gold and silver delivered, right to your door or inside of your IRA in the precious metals industry. They are the highest rated firm in our country with an A+ from the Better Business Bureau and thousands of satisfied clients. Give them a call and tell them resent you and be sure to ask them what I bought.
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Thank you, for returning the common sense. So here's where here's where 1984 and Brave New World really, really are right on point to accomplish this. You have to break down the attachment of a person to their country. I was brought up to love the United States of America. From the first day I got into kindergarten until I got out of school. Particularly grammar school, high school, high school and college every day began with two things to Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer. Well, that bills into you by the time that you know number decades later Whatever happens in your life, it's in your purse in your soul. It's in your deep memory that you love your country and you love your religion. You love God. They deepen us hard to take it out of us, only way to do it. This to get us to hate our country. That's a communist program. To take over a country, gotta start with Breaking the Bond that exists between Citizen and Country. And this is exactly what happens in classic Marxist takeover Theory, Saul Alinsky takeover Theory, Patrice cold War's takeover Theory.

Has to be Sorrows takeover Theory, or you wouldn't create this chaos in all of these cities. You wouldn't sit by and just say nothing about the burning of our flag, you only burn the flag of a country. You hate or deserves hatred. You only dishonor the national anthem against the wishes of men who have sacrificed arms and legs for their country under under under the Aegis of that flag in that national anthem. We ask you, please don't dishonor us, you only do that. Want to generate hate for this country or have acquired it yourself.
If you believe it deeply in your heart, that America is a systemically raced as country that many more Americans are racist. And not as the President of the United States has proclaimed on numerous occasions, his vice-president, numerous members of his party. And of course, to uniformly, puts them in complete alliance with black lives matter, Antifa and the other similar groups who also believe that this country is an essentially raised his country. If you believe that, then that leads you to hate this country as it is today or feel the moral obligation to overthrow it as it is today because it's an evil country, country that systemically racist. Is it evil country racism is evil. Biden has said it so often,

He either believes it or he wants us to believe that he believes it and worst of all he's delivered it up as a card at playing card leveraged to our enemies. You know, you never criticized, a family outside, the family for a reason, so you can't be leveraged. So you can't be divide and conquer. All these concepts are Way Beyond show, they are and the way beyond the Democrat Party because they get into the idea that they can't have quite everything they want. Gibson. It gets in the way, it's clouded by their Greed for money and power. So we've seen years of flag burnings dishonoring, the national anthem, vicious destructions of statues. Some, some of maybe people that have bad people and some that are really great people with some bad flaws would probably represents all Humanity, but Jesus Christ. So, I'm not going to mention them all, but we take down the statue of the man who discovered Of America. Oh gosh, a flawed man, but hundreds of centuries ago in a man who made a great accomplishment. He was the first one that really put out put on the map America, Colombia, the new world Columbus. We go further than that though. We dishonor, the founding fathers of this country, George Washington, as a slave owner, and as a brutal, brutal soldier in the French and Indian War, who should have been Dismissed done away with or executed then because he was too cruel. In the way, he treated the French and the Indians. We dishonor and destroy the reputation of Thomas Jefferson. We tear down. Statures we point out everything about his life that we believe to be negative, particularly on a personal basis, his personal sexual life, which about which there's, it seems to be fairly accurate. Historical fact, although you never can be sure about that one wonders, if that were examined for all heroes, even heroes of our Antagonist, if anyone would pass the test, that's now applied, certainly, the revelations that we've seen come out over the last three or four years, and become more sensitive. That makes one wonder if there's a real understanding and perspective of human nature, but any event Jefferson did have slaves. It is believed and fairly well, prove. The Jefferson had illegitimate children with one of the slaves, who he was very close to and apparently, in love with, okay, put that on one side, on the other side, Jefferson Jefferson wrote. The Declaration of Independence which is the basis for Liberty throughout the world. It's a brilliant document without which many nations say they might never become free or much longer. He was the architect of many of the brilliant.

Diaz that under, - along with Madison and Hamilton. And, and, of course, Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, although he was in France at the time, they were negotiated. Many of his letters to Madison are at the core of the Constitution that we put together. He was our first Secretary of State and guided us through a perilous time when a war would England. Could have happened again and with his friendship with France, was able to help that ghetto laid. He was involved in the first content really contentious presidential. Election with Aaron Burr. And then, of course, when he became president, there was a fear that, as a person who didn't believe in a strong central government and believe it writes, it only be preserved kept the stage, and not taken in by a strong central government, he did some of the more Bowl things. Any American president has done, Louisiana Purchase, you know, backing down Pirates. He actually was an activist wrong, president and a great man and then his correspondence with his former friend and enemy then friend.

Adams over such a long period of time until they died on the same day in 1825. On the fourth of July is With is a contribution enough to make both of them famous men. Although they had already become famous by the time they were doing it, so you can't just condemn this man. You condemn this man for that. Pink not page anybody. John Kennedy a Democrat sitting sitting in. I believe the cabinet room with his with his cabinet that you put together, which was called the best and the brightest some of the most intelligent people at the time. He had brought in which for which he was very much credit and short of it. And he knew they also had a certain level of arrogance as I did often when I ran the US attorney's office and put together what I thought was a very, very strong team and mayor's office.

Never before their sentence sense of arrogance. And I really appreciate this because I did this in my own less Artful. Way at times. They were all advising him on one thing, they were all on one side and and and the president will listen to them and he was listening. Are you listening? And he said, you know, This is the Highest IQ level assembled in this room. Since Thomas Jefferson said here all along, And they were stunned. And they got it. Coming from a, from a intellectual himself, a writer, a man who studied politics not just practiced it. That's quite a compliment and accurate one. Because then if we go into the realm of Science and we go see his home at Monticello, we see the pain that he invented in it. How he the architecture for the University of Virginia and motor shallow itself, the concept of the University of Virginia, the laws, and the rights that were created for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Which became the basis in large part for our constitution.

Back to when he was a young man of 27 and introduced to build a free slavery in the House of Burgesses. Mental struggle with it. All his life. A man who had guilt about it that alone. Distinguished him from the people of this day. Didn't know the answer. You didn't know the answer. I didn't know the answer of people were ready. How it would happen with a be taken advantage of

Let me get to Lincoln Lincoln's gone. Lincoln was too demeaning. Nathan was actually a racist, because he expressed doubts about whether the African American or black slaves were ready for immediate and emancipation and immediate Freedom. That maybe a phasing in Period or some kind of program would be necessary to give them the skills from which I've been robbed from them for being in slavery for so long. But on the other hand, he made a decision to fight the war to keep the union together. When a lesser man might have made peace, he fought the War and through tremendous losses and defeat and incompetent. Generals, he maintained The Firm desire to win and he knew that he had to Win It. In order to make this country free, and if we were going through, this is the time to do it. No more delay and he signed the Emancipation, Proclamation, risky, risky that he could have lost a war doing it. Because there were northern states, some of, which were not comfortable with that. And there were border states, he could have lost or turned This man put everything at stake to free the black man and woman. And although its many years ago and it should never have happened, A lot of white men shed their blood to save black man along with black men who participated very brave in that war we lost more Americans than any other War because we lost him on both sides. And result even though it wasn't perfect. Never is results that ended and slavery was legally abolished.


Waitin cancel.

We can go on and on, right? I mean, the United States, Grand course, all the Confederate people and where, you know, you might want to preserve them to understand history. So how does that fit into 1984 and and hugs, I read You original quote that YouTube used and it's very fine documentary on this that might say to yourself. Are we talking about today? This is about 1984 at Oceania, which is the country in which the fictional country that was under the control of Big Brother. Every record has been destroyed or falsified. Every book, Rewritten, every picture has been repainted every statue and Street building has been renamed. Every date has been altered.

What do they do that? They did it for the same reason. I just described what I described to destroy. The citizens love of the prior country. Of its Heroes and its history. Of its traditions, and its values. But not just to destroy them, to make them hate them, and hold it in repute. So that it would be Easier to allow them to embrace another form of economy and government namely socialism in communist. Oh, we've had records destroyed. I don't have to list them for you records. Falsified my goodness. Statues and paintings and Street, buildings and street names, renamed, or taken down. And we just, we just listed a bunch of them and then really silly. Silly ones, you know, dr. Potter and dr. Seuss and change. And miner change, the Washington. And I don't think there's any that, I don't know how Columbia University keeps its name. Do you? Who's is named for the country of Colombia. Okay, the country of Colombia name for Christopher Columbus.

Colombian when you go to change your name of course I don't want you to change your name. We're about Manhattan not named after a Native American tribe. I don't know if this is fact or fiction who seemed to have been swindled out of New York island by being paid only 24 pieces of gold or whatever amount by the Dutch. But since it was the Dutch and then the English and now us maybe maybe maybe we don't have to take on the liabilities of the Dutch, who knows? But this is Go On Without End if you if you want.

But we are where I mean, we're headed on our way to what they predicted. Give you a couple of the signs. The massive spending without any consideration of who's going to pay for this is This is that the level of moving to the kind of irresponsibility of a Marxist, communist Financial system that then puts the pressure on to redistribute the wealth in a very, very dramatic and big way. So you have the trillions of dollars for the stimulus. Another trillions of dollars from the stimulus. You have trillions of dollars for infrastructure spending and when you examine it isn't about any of that.

It's about half paying off. Democrat unions donors constituents and setting up programs where, you know, they're going to make money. This is the doublespeak that we talked about in or that is talked about it or well, it's when you say the opposite of what, you know, to be true, because it's a form of keeping the subordinate class support the Biden tax increase.

Will be the highest accident history of country and we combine it with the Democratic states. Not the Republican states. We go over into 50% territory. Fact we go up to 56 and 57 percent of what you were in New York and and in and in California, the two states that the furthest along to socialism there there, we're getting pretty close to the government confiscating, your earnings. Certainly, the government is the senior partner in Earnest for every hundred dollars you are earned Get 57, you get 43, you see, you becoming considerably less and you're not working really at a lower rate than you're giving to them for all the wonderful things they do. Now if you agree with all the wonderful things they do and you're getting real value out of that fun, but New York is on its way to raising its taxes so it can be higher than California and California is already higher than New York and they're about 10 other states. That would have you in the, you are a junior partner in your wages. You take home less to your family, then the government takes out of your pocket, that to me is a big step forward on the way to socialism, and it has to be fought and it has to be pointed out as a way forward through socialism. You can see it may be best if you illustrate what's goes on and States controlled by Democrat Governors, who give signs of somewhat of a dictatorial complex about man as about Gatherings, you know, in New York churches weren't allowed to open but strip clubs were sort of shows.

No, understanding of the First Amendment, doesn't it? Everybody had to wear masks, but black lives matter when they rioted and protested and was spitting at each other and everybody else with no mask on, everybody has to wear a mask, but the people who are coming in illegally at the Border in the hundreds of thousands and ending up in American cities, also, not tested and Very hard to get them to wear mask. We'll be back in a few minutes.

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And now let's get back to our analysis. So this can be Illustrated best if we look at a combination of what happens where you have an administration of washing and headed toward socialism ministration, in New York, headed toward socialism and then the difference Administration in headed that way,

But it administration of Florida, headed in the direction, and wanted to be firmly rooted in free enterprise. So in the Cuomo's, New York Cuomo, just put together a budget of 212 billion dollars for nineteen point. Five million people and it's nineteen point five million people and declining. By the way, Governor DeSantis put together a budget for the same year for the state of Florida. For 97 billion dollars. That's more than half. Lower the New York's budget. Oh, but they must have less people. No, no, let's see. They have 20 point two and point five million people. Nineteen point. Five million. Two hundred twelve billion. Twenty one point five million 97 billion. Oh Florida. Must be terrible. He must be dying on the streets in Florida.

Let's talk about that in a second. Farther at the end of 2021 is estimated to be twenty. Two point, two million people. They're looking at another 700,000 people to estimate. They're coming to Florida and they're going to pay the taxes that do exist in Florida. Whereas New York estimates and just depends on the estimate New York estimates, the decline in population, for sure. It's declining every day, a decline, either to 19.3, which is one and probably and probably the most optimistic orwellian doublespeak. Or if you look at marcotrends.net it predicts 18.8 down from 19.3 so New York is going to decline by approximately the amount of Florida is going to grow and New York's budget is more than two times Florida's. And now, let me tell you beyond the usual position of spending time and having having an abode in both places,

I don't see what I'm getting in New York for that extra money. I'm paying the quality of services in Florida is as good. And the quality of life, particularly with was de Blasio, has done to New York is significantly better. So you're asking me to pay more money for declining Services, fear, like a safety, terrible schools is not cleaning the streets and just not going to happen. That's why that's that's why that's happening. Can't you see the handwriting on the wall when you when you when you look at that?

So, Much more of much, more of Orwell's, warnings of a March toward, a Communist dictatorship, have her are happening. I mean, throughout Oceania, the fictional nation in which the main protagonist Winston, Smith, an official of the ministry of Truth was just the opposite of Truth is bombarded, bombarded with signs and and sayings and and pictures. And then this big Big Brother. Is watching you. This is all over the place. This is big brother. He is the he is the leader doesn't say anything. Kind of like I guess ours? Right say much. Nobody really knows about Big Brother. And I'll leave that for the book. And can we go further than that, you or well-worth predicting that communism would Prevail because he was knowledgeable about the steps that they take. And he saw it even back in the 50s, that that's where they were going, and he predicted it for the 80s and now it's happening in the 20s. Now it's happening in the 20s. The analysis done by it on YouTube with sick, five or six quotes of or well and how they've come true I would strongly recommend to you. The first one is from 1984, not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality with tacitly denied by their philosophy, the heresy of heresies was common sense. That's why I've named. My podcast common sense because that is what the Socialist a communist dictators to oligarchs the totalitarian want to take away from you. Because Common Sense would make you argue against that and give you a life to stop it. I'll just huxley's. Brave New World written earlier than than 94. 1931 is a dystopian novel which is which warns us of a future. Of an all-encompassing World Government. Kind of Soros's dream which doesn't rely on personing which is similar to canceling that they do in in 1984. It doesn't rely on Big Brother watching you all the time. It doesn't rely on fear. Mostly although it does have the same extensive invasion of privacy through technological surveillance, which is here. But their society is managed by actually breeding your citizens outside the womb and you create them as Twins. And they're in four or five different categories from those who are bred to be Alphas, who will run Society to those who are bred to just do menial tears and they are bred and conditions. To enjoy to be happy and being in being oppressed, and being directed and being controlled. And being told that you have to stay in when you don't have to stay in and being told that you have to wear mask, after you've been vaccinated by being told things that are totally contrary to science and logic and common sense because the power It wants to take all power wants to assert that over you and show that it can do it.

The pandemic and the need to defeat Donald Trump at any cost, because he was the Big Interruption to all of this has accelerated, this, I think much faster than it was going to happen, but it is happening and it's happening. Well, in time for the announcement, of Xi Jinping, the chairman of the Chinese party of Chinese Communist Party. In time for, Is bold prediction that he's going to be controlling the world, not the United States by 2048. And when you put this all together, and if you'd like to take a look at an article in the very excellent, Epoch times about Matt about Mao and how this very much shit into mouths plan. And these things seem to be coming together really well with an Administration that either doesn't know what it's doing or has people that are sympathetic to this Socialist Communist cause, you know, throughout the years we've had a minority in our government. Is that is sympathetic to socialism and communism as a better form of government and also one that gets rid of God and many of these people have a real antipathy to God as God can only be embraced by ignorant people. That was Mark's idea that it was part of the part of the opiate of the proletariat. Meaning it was a way in which they fooled us into being subjected to the Capitalist, there is a drug in Brave New World called soma or some, right? That is used to accomplish some of that. So I really I really believe that if I can, I don't have the time nor would it be? I don't think that much fun if I went through the whole thing with you but I really think you should read the two books, whether you've read them, you know, in high school or college, never read them or read them two weeks ago.

You should sit down with them. Now, go through them, kind of make a list for yourself of the parallels, you see? And here's what would be most interesting. Maybe let's make a list, an alert, the new ones that are going to come along that we didn't get to see. I mean, the pandemic put this on a fast track. And made it clear where we're going maybe before the pandemic. I met a still retained a few doubts but none now That's where they're going. I'll leave you with the thought that if our parents and grandparents fought the horrors of Nazism and fascism all through that period of Nazism and fascism both before. And after It's just the Communists in China alone, have killed scores of people more than the Nazis. No country has killed more of its own people. In China, they've been slaughtered and we'll never be able to count them. The young girls that were killed because they don't have girl babies. The three million, we guards that are in concentration camps. We know Stalin. Stalin was perfectly comfortable. Being Hitler's Ally with Hitler, who threw him out because he was as vicious. And as prolific killer may very well have killed more than

Then hit what most people think you did. So this is a very, very determined movement. It looks long term and for the first time in the long time it's got a lot of optimism because it's got an Administration in Washington that doesn't see it or analyzes in a way where it sees benefits United States. As happens because the Chinese have really done a better job of infiltrating Us in the Russians ever did. So, we'll be following this in much greater depth, but I just hope that maybe your own reading of fiction. Might help open your mind to what the censorship in this country is trying to keep from you because the censorship is intense, and as about as effective as in a totalitarian government, yes it comes from private Enterprise, but the end result is the same. You are deprived of the information you need and you're only given the information they want to give you Well, thank you very much and we'll be back in a few days with another provocative, episode of Rudy's common sense.

Posted at 2021/05/04(Tue) 02:18:26

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