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ビックリ人間ショーではなかった?! ワクチンによる身体の磁化についてのエビデンスとは?


シチュー・ピーターズ・ショー; 暴露された! ジェーン・ルビー博士が「磁気感染」技術会社とPCR検査メーカーを結びつける!

 爆発的な爆弾発言! ジェーン・ルビー博士が空港から生中継で「ザ・スチュー・ピーターズ・ショー」に参加し、ディープステート・グローバリストの陰謀におけるさらなるつながりを暴露します!


 なぜですか? 全国の著名人が警鐘を鳴らしています。インスタグラムや フェイスブックは禁止され、沈黙や検閲を受けています。大手テクノロジー企業は 大手製薬会社と癒着しているからです 何兆ドルもの金が絡んでいるのに ジャーナリストと呼ばれる人たちは、このメールガイ、ダニエル、USAトゥデイのファンキーのように 必死になって、このプラットフォームを貶めて、勇者を貶めようと努力を重ねています。


――Dr. ジェーン・ルビー
 はい。私たちが最初に見始めたのはいつでしたか? 金属がくっつくという奇妙な現象を報告してくる人たちがいて、注射を打った人と打っていない人がいたのです。私たちは、磁石が磁気を帯びるプロセスを調べ始め、医薬品開発における「磁気的影響」というプロセスを発見しました。そして、実際に作成するための材料を販売している会社がいくつもあります。
 これらの医学的問題を引き起こしていると考えています。なぜ意図的ではないのでしょうか? なぜなら、他に使い道がないからです。そこで私たちは、数え切れないほどの種類のNo.1化学物質を製造している主要企業の一つを調べました。つまり、この言葉を分解すると、何かを何かに移すということです。それが本当の意味での感染です。感染とは、体の中で何かを動かすことです。つまり、ウイルスに感染して検査を受けることです。

 そこに彼女がいます。彼女はデバイスを少し回す必要がありますが、彼女はまだ私たちと一緒にいます。少し回してくれないかな?そうすればあなたの姿が見えるし、声も聞こえるわ 彼女のDr.を見失ってしまったようです。ジェーン・ルビー、接続しています。ああ、そうか、いいよ。回してくれる? 回してみて……よし、これでいい。戻ってきました。

――Dr. ジェーン





 超常磁性酸化鉄ナノ粒子SPIONって何? となるでしょうが、こちらはアメリカ国立衛生研究所(NIH)の論文の概要。実在するのです。


Fatin Nawwab Al-Deen 1, Cordelia Selomulya, Charles Ma, Ross L Coppel
協賛:Department of Chemical Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, 3800, Australia.
PMID: 24715289 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-0410-5_12

 DNAワクチンの送達効率は、タンパク質ワクチンに比べて相対的に低いことが多い。超常磁性酸化鉄ナノ粒子(SPION)を用いた磁気感染による遺伝子導入は、in vitro【実験室のシャーレ上】およびin vivo【動物実験】での遺伝子導入効率を向上させることが期待される。
 特に、in vitroでの遺伝子導入に要する時間は、標準的なプロトコルで高い遺伝子導入を達成するために必要な時間に比べて、磁気導入によって大幅に短縮することができる。
 共沈法は、酸化鉄ナノ粒子の安定した水性分散液を調製するのに有効な手法である。我々は、安定剤としてのクエン酸三ナトリウムの存在下で共沈法を用いて、室温で15kOeの印加磁場下で高い磁化値(70 emu/g)を持ち、0.01 emu/gの残留磁化を持つFe3O4系SPIONの製造について述べる。

動画の文字起こし(English Transcribe of redvoicemedia's video)

-Stew Peters
Well, the mainstream legacy media, fake news, globalist propaganda arm for the installed, Biden regime, cable, so-called news, and major broadcast networks. They're all owned by the same six corporations, which is why it's easy to explain that. Every single one of them is reading from the same script. This is the very definition of state-controlled media. I'm not exaggerating. I challenge you to watch any of them at the same day part, just watch. Just listen, they're saying the exact same things line, for line verbatim. The same words and everything. They're, they're pushing false narratives about systemic racism. These imaginary so-called Fair elections, white supremacy, violent, insurrections, and how you can save Humanity. Doing your part. Your patriotic duty is now to subject yourself to this jab. The unknown makeup of God knows what chemicals and poisons. And the fact is, we don't know because the inserts for every single one of these vials is completely blank. The only words printed on these inserts for pharmacists, when they open a brand new package from Johnson, &, Johnson, moderna or Pfizer, the only words are those that Clearly say this page left intentionally blank,

Why? Famous is all over the country, have blown the whistle. They've shown these inserts on their live feeds, only to be banned from Instagram, banned from Facebook canceled, silenced, censored, on every big Tech platform because big Tech is literally in bed with Big Pharma. There's trillions of dollars at stake and these so-called journalists like this email Guy, Daniel, funky over at the USA Today. Tripping over himself desperately, ramping up his effort to discredit this platform to discredit the Brave, and extremely qualified. Doctors from around the world, trying desperately to warn you about the real dangers, and adverse reactions unprecedented. Amount of reported injuries documented, deaths occurring, As a direct result of these injections being falsely referred to as vaccines and funky. And all of the people around him are complicit in mass murder and they will be held accountable. These globalists and radical Progressive Communists. Have told us that they're keeping lists. That's not a conspiracy over here. They've said it. And not only have they said it, but they're now acting on these lists as the FBI has been weaponized against 80 million American Patriots 86,000. New IRS agents will be added to Target specifically those 80 million people.
That support President, Donald J Trump and have now been exposed for actually orchestrating and implementing the entire staged set up on January sixth. Where is funky on that?
Well, I am glad they liked lists because the Deep State cabal will be subject to the repercussions based on another list as Americans are taking notes. They're taking names. They're Gathering Intel and fighting back. Remember, we are the 99%. And when I walked away, from a major broadcast network contract, I made a promise to you. I promised that this would be the platform of exposure. This would be the platform of Truth. This will be the platform being used by God, to save the lives of his children as we are unafraid to act as the people's bullhorn. Knowing that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment, Thou shalt condemned. This is the heritage of the Servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

You're being asked to ignore what your eyes are seeing the mountains of evidence, the waterfalls of proof you're supposed to ignore what your ears are hearing and these Servants of Satan would have you believe that you are crazy.
They would have you starve to death and perish from a lack of food, a lack of resources and fall to the Techno oligarchy that has been carefully. Put together plan for decades and is now being implemented to destroy you and me.

They're all connected. It's not simply the six corporations that collectively own the media, but Gates and Fauci names are clearly on the publicly discoverable patents. For the technology inside of these vaccines Fauci funded the lab and Wuhan where I was called a liar. Way back when where I told you that this engineered virus was intentionally released from on to the world to bring in the real killer to wipe out massive amounts of Global Citizens and they're connected in ways you could never imagine.

Dr. Jane Ruby is an The Economist she has over 20 years of experience, in pharmaceutical research. She's a stupider. Show contributor. She's on the go but she joins us now live from the airport. Dr. Ruby. Thank you so much for being here. You've been doing an incredible amount of research on the connection between these globalist companies and the process of magnetic affection?

-Dr. Jane Ruby
Yes. Do you know when we first started to see. All of these people reporting in with this strange phenomenon of metal sticking to them, those people who have been injected and then subsequently people have not been injected. We started to look into this process of magnets magnetizing and we discovered this process in drug development called magnetic affection. And there are a number of companies that actually sell the materials to create.
I smell a little bit of a recap and more information on this. The reason this process is used as far as we can tell, is because everyone knows that the mRNA molecule is very delicate. It's easily degraded. It's got to be protected. And we know that we learned that they were putting this nanoparticle, this lipid nanoparticle, around it to protect it. And also, that was the reason why these companies have to store it at like 70 degrees below. Zero. But what we learned from the magnetic affection process is, first of all, it is also added or used, in order to get this mRNA into what's generally called target cells.
But we think it's being used to get it to every cell in your body and that's why and what's put this together with the research that has shown that these the now we know the mRNA forces, your body to make excessive Spike proteins and those spikes teased by the billions are being found in huge concentrations in a lot of body, organs and things like the ovaries and the Heart tissue and things like that. And this is what we think here. I'm stringing together.
This is how we think this is, causing all these medical problems. And why wouldn't it be intentional? Because there's no other use for it. And so what we did was we looked at one of the primary companies that manufactures literally countless types of No section chemicals, they create this mag mag affection, which means section means it's a transfection process. Which means if you break down those words, it's moving something into something else. That's really what it is. Infection is moving something in your body. That's when, you know, you have an inspection with a virus. So this is transfection, moving it across and into your cells. And so when we look at this primary, that I found this big company chemist cell, In Berlin, It came to my attention through a major source, an investigative reporter, former detective, police detective in Berlin who think God speaks in English because we can communicate readily. And he advised me that when he was looking at these companies physically, in Berlin, he noticed that they were in the same place and so when we may even look online, we see that the ti be mobile company. That actually manufactures The PCR testing kits. Now, not inventing it. But manufacturing, those kids that business is owned by Christians R. Austin, who if you all look him up is a huge player and has been for years in using pcrs and recommending High Cycles which results in false positives by the millions. So when we look back at when people say, oh five hundred six hundred thousand people died. United States, I don't buy it any.

She's cutting out a little bit. There she's live from the airport on the go traveling. We do have technical difficulties sometimes. That's just what happens, but we will try to check back with dr. Jane Ruby here momentarily. I see her there. She's got to turn the device a little bit and she's still she's still on with us. Can you turn the can you turn it a little bit so that we can actually see and hear you. It looks like we lost her dr. Jane Ruby. Making the connection. Oh, okay. Alright. Can you turn it? Can you can you turn your your... Okay, there we go. So we have your back here. So you've connected this Christian Drosten. In, who's a major player, they manufacture these PCR tests and you're saying that you're not buying these numbers.

-Dr. Jane
Not buying the numbers across the world. This is what was that the faces of creating the fear that justified, the police states of all, these governments across the globe and including the United States, all the Democrat Governors were in on it because this is what Justified? There are police state. There are two Declarations of states of emergency, which give them unlimited police powers. And so, if you just string all of that along, it becomes very, very suspect. We have been duped to beyond all, get out. And I think when people realize that the, the vaccines are actually the bioweapon that, but that the covid was not the killer flu that said to be but it was to usher in these injections. It's just a it's infuriating and I hope people will add on to my research.
Look up, what I've told you and make these these connections. I've put out a picture of the addresses from Google of the two companies. And so you wonder what are they doing in the same building and in the same Suite, these businesses are working together and that's the whole point of its do all.

All kinds of collusion, all kinds of buttons to connect and at one point or another and one way shape or form, all of these globalists are tied together. This is the one world order. These are all of the people that sit at that Round Table, safe travels to you. Thank you so much for joining us dr. Jane Ruby.

Posted at 2021/06/19(Sat) 04:41:54

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