I teie nei e mea rahi no'ano'a



少し前にイーロン・マスクがビットコインは詐欺と発言しましたが、トランプ大統領もビット・コインを詐欺(Scam - 信用詐欺など)のように思えると発言しました。

 最後の質問です。あなたはビットコインが嫌いですか? ビットコインには投資しない? 今この瞬間、市場に投資しますか?


(English Transcribe)
-Stuart Varney
Last question. You don't like Bitcoin? You wouldn't invest in Bitcoin? Do you invest in the stock market at this moment?

-Donald J. Trump
So, do not at this moment, I think it's high. So I have not invested in the stock market at this moment. I have in the past but I have not at this moment. I think it's high. A Bitcoin, I just seems like a scam. I was surprised, you know with us, it was at 6,000 and much lower. I don't like, because it's another currency competing against the dollar essentially, it's a currency competing against the dollar. I want the dollar to be the currency of the world. That's what I've always said.

Posted at 2021/06/07(Mon) 23:06:31

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