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AFP通信;集合住宅が一部崩落、1人死亡 数十人不明 米フロリダ州

ロン・デサンティス(Ron DeSantis)フロリダ知事によるサーフサイドの建物の崩壊についての最新情報

Update on Surfside Building Collapse by Ron DeSantis from il Donaldo Trumpo on Vimeo.


文字起こし原文 (English Transcript)

Update on Surfside Building collapse by Ron DeSantis

I'll probably go today. I'm going to go today down to Surfside. Yeah, we're going to go. We have we have, our Kevin Tebow down there and other obviously their engineers and then we've got our DM director is down there Kevin Guthrie. So they're on site. I've spoke with the Surfside mayor this morning.
I spoke with the Bal Harbour mayor and and so we're going to go down, we're going to offer whatever support we do. You know when you see something like that happen. These First Responders are going into that building. We didn't know whether it was going to the whole building would collapse and so there really were going in there risking their lives in order to get people to safety and they were able to save a lot of people.
They were able to have pulled some people out of even Rubble already but they're so much destruction that they have not gone through everything, they're going to be going through a lot of that today. And you know, we're hoping for additional rescues but we're also bracing for some potentially terrible news because it was a real Catastrophe for that to happen at one of the morning.
I mean these are folks probably and it was mostly occupied it was over 80% was occupied. And so it's it's a really, really tragic thing. But whatever support we can provide we want to do that. We are in contact with the local officials and I will be going down later today.



Posted at 2021/06/25(Fri) 02:24:17

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