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トランプ大統領へのディック・モリスによるインタビュー(News Max) 日本語訳








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-Dick Morris
You know, during the campaign sir, you and I talked a lot about the effort to defund the police. Now nine cities have done that and their murder rates are up 68%. 68%. Should the FED step in and say that anybody that cuts police funding, we lose federal law enforcement assistance Aid.

Okay, with me, I think if you collect. If you defund the police, you should be on your own. Because that's insane and every place that's done it. It's almost like they're a bunch of babies. They don't know what they're doing. It's so basic defund the police, crime goes up. That's what's happened, every single place they've done it. They defund the police, crime goes up. There's no way that a man who is is politicking on to fund. The police wins an election that I can tell you.

Right. Now, you know, New York and other states have abolished cash bail since they arrest. The guy delivered, they let him out and they sort of prey Say that he shows up for trial. How about cutting the law enforcement assistance for State repeals cash bail like New York City.

So you look at no cash bail. That's another thing. That's the new invoke thing. You can murder someone and you get out with no cash bail. It's absolutely insane. What's going on with Law and Order and crime in this country. It's and it's only going to get worse. It's going to get much worse, including all of the people that are coming, we had the strongest Border in the history of our country.
Very few people drugs were way down. Human human trafficking was almost stopped. We did things that were amazing, and you take a look at what's happening now. And let me tell you, they're letting people from prisons, they're opening their prisons that prisoners are coming in. They're murderers, they're drug addicts and drug dealers, by the way, and the human traffickers are coming in, they're letting him in. They want them, if they don't want them in their country. So, They're saying, send them to the USA and we're accepting them because they've opened up the Border stick.

Now. You have always been a strong supporter of women's sports and you know how much good Title Nine of the Civil Rights data in promoting equality. Now, boys are just crossing the street without surgery or even hormone therapy and announcing that they girls and winning all the scholarships and the Championships. Should this be loud?

It's insane. It's very unfair to women. It's going to destroy women's sports if it hasn't already done it. You look at some states, every single Record is now held by a person who was a man, just a little while ago, where they in Connecticut, all 30 championships. You look at what's going on with the weightlifting records and the track and field records, and all of these records and women aren't going to be able to compete though. A one young woman in Connecticut, she was to star, runner in Connecticut. a few weeks ago y'all good she was at the 18 yard line and the The person, the race was over the whole thing out of a hundred yard dash. This is insane, and it's going to destroy women's sports. It's I mean, who's gonna how do you compete? It's so ridiculous. I can't even believe. We have to have a conversation about it actually.

And Biden says it's no discriminate. That we shouldn't discriminate against transgenders. In fact, we discriminating against girls now sir in 22 States. Medicaid money is being used. Pay for gender change surgery for kids for ten or eleven year olds. You didn't allow that. Do you think we should prohibit Medicaid money from going with gender, change surgery?

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. For kids, young, young kids getting at Young Beyond young ridiculous,

Let's say thank you. This has been fabulous and I just want to tell you how fabulous, I think you've been in the president and I just worried that people don't really understand the depth of your achievements. We touched on a few of them here and I think it's very important that people understand just how much they're missing you.

Well, I appreciate it very much and say hello to your wife. She's a great woman and I will see you soon. Okay?

I hear well. Member that once, when I read you, an ad about the defunding the cops and you said that's a great ad, but you didn't write that. I know who wrote that your wife wrote, it, you have two genes but she has the brains.

HAHAHAHA, You take care of yourself, okay?

I will, you take care.

Thank you, Dick.

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Posted at 2021/06/01(Tue) 03:04:56

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